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Math is racist and perpetuates white supremacy

I lost brain cells trying to read that garbage. Maybe that's why when I gave the Taco Bell cashier $20.36 when the total was $10.36, she looked at me as if I have two heads. I asked her if she needed a calculator. We are doomed.
The establishment powers in our government will keep the herd stupid and docile by any means necessary. Social media has been a godsend for them be able to scare and shame people into not asking questions or seeking information. It's just served up for you to consume without question. Ask too many questions or question the wrong thing and they will publicly ruin you.

And I'm quickly getting to the point of thinking the herd deserves it. They are willingly complicit in their own ignorance. Just go and be good little sheeple.
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All I can say is wow.....

"The guide claims that asking students to show their work is “a crutch” for teachers to understand what students are thinking. This is considered white supremacy because it allegedly reinforces “paternalism” and “worship of the written word.” Worship of the written word is an alleged foundation of white supremacy culture, which reinforces documentation and writing skills."

"Math classes that focus on helping students get the right answer are also a form of perpetuating white supremacy. The guide claims that calling answers “right and wrong” perpetuates objectivity, which is considered a tenet of white culture."

If you have 2 marbles and then put 2 more marbles down you have 4 marbles. There is no way around it.....
Let me sum up the article for you - and no, I am not making any of this up:

  • Having students "show their work," i.e., not simply putting down a number, is a form of white male patriarchy.
  • Grading students, i.e., differentiating between those who know the subject and those who don't, is a form of white male patriarchy.
  • Focusing on students "getting the right answer" in math is, you guessed it, a form of white male patriarchy.
  • Calling an answer in MATH CLASS right and wrong is ... yep. White male patriarchy.
  • If a word problem told students to use wood or an object that does not have "cultural relevance," it would be considered "upholding white supremacy."

The Babylon Bee did not write those claims. So have no fear ... "diversity" and "equity" will insure that the underrepresented non-binary, non-het, diverse LBQURSTLMNOP Muslim community will build that bridge without any evidence of "white male patriarchy."


So a few people die and the ******* thing has to be rebuilt? Who cares?? Remember ... diversity trumps all.

As Rufo noted, the William Kelley School is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania, with just 3% proficient in math by sixth grade and 9% proficient in reading. “By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy,” Rufo reported.

But, but, but ... they will be able to tell us all about the great and glorious George Floyd and the evils of white supremacy.
We’ve been dopes for a while, but proving it has always been optional.
We're going to throw down with these morons. I would never let my son be subjected to that rotting garbage . If that crap makes its way down here, he will be home schooled.

Please do that now anyway. I ask because of personal experience.
Please do that now anyway. I ask because of personal experience.

All of my cousins have home schooled their children 1-12. They even coached their home schooled football team against others in the same bracket. Won a few national championships.

I will say the schools here in Saint Johns County are some of the best in the state. This is a fairly conservative area. I have seen a good amount of them dropping in ratings the last few years. This last year I'm sure test scores went to ****.

I'm planning on my 4 year old to probably home school.
All of my cousins have home schooled their children 1-12. They even coached their home schooled football team against others in the same bracket. Won a few national championships.

I will say the schools here in Saint Johns County are some of the best in the state. This is a fairly conservative area. I have seen a good amount of them dropping in ratings the last few years. This last year I'm sure test scores went to ****.

I'm planning on my 4 year old to probably home school.

Good. The old adage "Garbage in, garbage out" is found in the public schools
this is just so they can justify giving out "equal" grades. It's easy to do that in most liberal arts type classes, where there can be multiple answers. But in math there really is just 1 correct answer. Not anymore. Now they can just give out grades in their perfect array.

what will make things worse is that when engineering companies are forced to hire candidates they know are incompetent, the solution will be to promote them quickly. Make them management where they can be in charge. Kind of describes Kamala's career path.
5 + 5 be 10
Philly is very close. It's coming to schools in your area. If no parents speak up or push back, it will spread faster than a disease.
and here I was under the impression that Biden and Co was gonna bring this country together, but they are driving a bigger wedge between us. I don't think I've gone a day without hearing about whiteness, white supremacy, racism, systemic racism or racists. Acronyms are a form of white supremecy, Shakespeare is white supremecy, math is racist, Aunt Jemima is somehow a form of racism, damn, what is next? It is shoved in our face everyday. Everything we know, have learned, been taught is being reprogrammed to a new way of thinking. It's ******* exhausting!