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Math is racist and perpetuates white supremacy

Poetry isn't in my wheel house. However, reading the differences between Maya and real poets should open everyone's eyes.

I know I'm old (50) but when I was in school we read volumes of classic literature. We had semesters just on Shakespeare. I loved The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer. Even some of those that weren't classics when I was a boy I consider classics now. If you haven't read Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon" then you are missing out. It's just a short story but a powerful story. Bradbury isn't that old but still considered classical by novices like me.

It's a shame to watch beautiful tombs of literature be destroyed by hacks and shills.
I taught poetry to my elementary students. Maya Angelo is lame. She has cred because she is black and speaks of her soulish pain over living in the US. nice.

BTW, who now gets it that the schools are no place for loved children?
I still have "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening " By Robert Frost memorized word for word. I learned that in the 8th grade. We also read word for word out loud in class "The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain.

"The Call Of The Wild" by Jack London. I got that as a Christmas gift from my aunt when I was 9.

The funny thing about Huckleberry Finn? When I moved to the South I was amazed to find out they still talked like that..haha. I couldn't understand anyone when I first came here.

My son will have all of these books to read. Which is going to be at home.
My quote for the day.........

Jews in Nazi Germany don't get a mulligan?
Not from Democrats, hell no. Jews are part of systemic racism.

What does 2 plus 2 equal?
Whatever a person of color says it does and your a racist.
Not from Democrats, hell no. Jews are part of systemic racism.

What does 2 plus 2 equal?
Whatever a person of color says it does and your a racist.
Crap. You mean there's no Edit button to fix a typo?
A good friend of mine is an English teacher in a public high school in Los Angeles. She told me she cried about seven years ago when the revised reading list for her AP English class came out and had removed Great Expectations from the list. That edict is a symptom of the disease known as ignorance ravaging America today.

Great Expectations is the perfect book for intelligent high school students of all economic and racial backgrounds, as it tells the story of an impoverished orphan who receives an anonymous beneficence that allows him to live an entitled life. The story is funny, heart-breaking, includes characters too amazing for me to describe here, and is a novel of extraordinary writing. If you have never read it, seriously - read the damn book. It is now available on Kindle for free.

And the LA public schools removed it from their reading list, replacing it with some garbage that will then be replaced in another three years by more recent garbage since as we all know, newer garbage tends to stink less.

Me? I read Great Expectations in 8th grade, again in high school, and re-read it about once every two years. And of course high schools now teach Shakespeare only to "advanced" classes and "gifted" students. Why? Because stupidity is the new coin of the realm. After all, average students would not benefit from reading an author whose work remains unparalleled today, and since modern authors regularly craft a description of despair that exceeds Macbeth's soliloquy:

Yes, LAUSD, brilliant decision to remove that work from the majority of your students. Luckily, the same students can read the incredible work by Maya Angelou:

Wow. That poem is phenomenally phenomenal. Maybe even phenomenally, phenomenally phenomenal. Cardi-B phenomenally phenomenal.

The difference is that a great work takes thought and analysis to appreciate. It takes real talent to create. We are seeing how education is being dumbed down at an alarming rate. Those in charge want a system where they can give out grades to anybody. If you study hard subjects then only smart people will get top grades and that might not produce the perfectly "equitable" dispersal that they want.

I always heard of Maya Angelou and all i ever heard was she's a great poet. I never read anything. Then one day i saw something of hers and it made me laugh. She's like the world's best greeting card writer.

It's funny when you watch and documentaries on the Revolution or Civil War, back when History Channel showed real history. At some point they would read letters of soldiers. Theses were people who were probably barely 20 and likely only went to a few years of school yet their writing skills are better than what grad students can produce these days.
He's actually being critical. Big difference.

I do think there have been some great authors in the last 50 years...Philip Roth, Don DeLillo, Thomas Pynchon...but a dearth compared to 100 years ago.
Stop being racist.

That was sarcasm. Unless of course sarcasm is deemed to be racist now as well, in which case it was both racist and sarcastic.
Man...it's hard to tell these days. Sarcasm is often lost in translation on the net.
This should be fact checked
I still have "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening " By Robert Frost memorized word for word. I learned that in the 8th grade. We also read word for word out loud in class "The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain.

"The Call Of The Wild" by Jack London. I got that as a Christmas gift from my aunt when I was 9. The funny thing about Huckleberry Finn? When I moved to the South I was amazed to find out they still talked like that..haha. I couldn't understand anyone when I first came here.

My son will have all of these books to read. Which is going to be at home.

Good call, Steelr. What a shame that our nation now requires home schooling for children to read great literature and learn grammar and composition.

Awesome that you still know "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening." I memorized Macbeth's soliloquy and Hamlet's soliloquy in high school, still know both.

The difference is that a great work takes thought and analysis to appreciate. It takes real talent to create. We are seeing how education is being dumbed down at an alarming rate. Those in charge want a system where they can give out grades to anybody. If you study hard subjects then only smart people will get top grades and that might not produce the perfectly "equitable" dispersal that they want.

I always heard of Maya Angelou and all i ever heard was she's a great poet. I never read anything. Then one day i saw something of hers and it made me laugh. She's like the world's best greeting card writer.

Agreed 100%. That is precisely why I provided two stanzas of Angelou's "great work" and compared them to genuinely great writing. The snippets I provided from Whitman, Coleridge and Angelou prove the point. The first two use language like Beethoven used musical notes; Angelou uses language like a railroad worker driving a spike.

It's funny when you watch and documentaries on the Revolution or Civil War, back when History Channel showed real history. At some point they would read letters of soldiers. Theses were people who were probably barely 20 and likely only went to a few years of school yet their writing skills are better than what grad students can produce these days.

Exactly. That very point was the reason I compared illiterates of 100 years ago to illiterates today; our nation's education system has vastly reduced illiteracy, and greatly increased stupidity.
and here I was under the impression that Biden and Co was gonna bring this country together, but they are driving a bigger wedge between us. I don't think I've gone a day without hearing about whiteness, white supremacy, racism, systemic racism or racists. Acronyms are a form of white supremecy, Shakespeare is white supremecy, math is racist, Aunt Jemima is somehow a form of racism, damn, what is next? It is shoved in our face everyday. Everything we know, have learned, been taught is being reprogrammed to a new way of thinking. It's ******* exhausting!
That was the plan all along.
That was the plan all along.
and here I was under the impression that Biden and Co was gonna bring this country together, but they are driving a bigger wedge between us.

It's only getting worser and worser Vader. Education ( no offense to yinz that are not of this ilk ) has been using a veiled indoctrination program to push 'climate change' and socialist ideals to our children but they have now moved into the social justice realm and anti-whiteness is now mandatory in a lot of school systems, especially in the inner-city Democrat enclaves.

Check this out...Karen Ames, a 30-year Department of Education employee, says she was ousted because she is over 40, Jewish and she declined requests at superintendents meetings to take part in the comic book movie-inspired “Wakanda Forever” salute to “black power,”


It is getting harder and harder for us old folks to understand...jus sayin'

He's actually being critical. Big difference.

I do think there have been some great authors in the last 50 years...Philip Roth, Don DeLillo, Thomas Pynchon...but a dearth compared to 100 years ago.


Stop being racist.

Critical thinking is a tool of white colonial oppression.
Ogres are green therefore we are people of color. Everyone knows people of color can’t be racist. Stop trying to oppress me you evil white colonizer.
I guess I have to give you that. You MUST be a real Ogre, since nobody - and I mean NOBODY - would "identify" as a pustulent, oozing, farting, slimy, vile green Ogre.