The generation born and raised in the 60's and 70's still needs to die off to take the next giant leap in racism
erasure. So around 2060 things should be looking good. Until then, only the better amongst the adult population,
will be the examples of the prejudice free
Utopians infuriate me. Their positions are unreasonable. As unreasonable as the Heavens Gate cult and Marshall Applewhite, in my view. Utopia doesn't exist, nor will it ever, just as surely as I can guarantee you that killing yourself won't transport you to a spaceship trailing a comet.
Peace will never exist. Since the beginning of mankind, man has fought and killed each other over land, women, religion, skin color, slave trade and for countless other reasons you can dream up. There will never be universal peace. It's not even feasible thinking. The USA has been in some form of war for 90% of its existence - 214 of 236 years. I crack up every time I see the COEXIST bumper stickers. It's simply not possible.
Hunger will never be eradicated.
Diseases will never all be destroyed. As we find cures for some, others emerge.
Poverty will always exist because human beings, by nature, are never ever truly satisfied (individuals, maybe), and will always strive for more. The more motivated will achieve more, generally, while the less motivated will not. And countries that have implemented Socialism and Facism and Communism have proven that an "equal society" always fails eventually.
Racism will always exist. Period. History proves this.
Income equality is but a dream.
This doesn't mean in the least that we shouldn't work towards improving every one of these things. As humans, we should work to help our fellow humans. But letting Utopian goals drive our thinking, that we can "fix" these problems completely, lead to untenable positions that harm the whole.
One to one, person to person, I will continue to help those I can touch, those I can motivate, those I can assist to make the world around me better. Beyond that, I live in the world of reality that these dreams are just that.
Flame me if you choose, it's the way it is, always has been, and always will be.