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More news on Adams


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2014
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The tribune has an article on Adams being sued for malicious prosecution by one of the guys involved in the stabbing.

This **** just frosts my ***, three guys attack another, stab him, brandish a firearm, and after acquittal file a law suit. Maybe the steelers should file one against him for medical bills they paid on behalf of Adams, that should take up all the crap the rapper will make.
Yeah, but when you lie on the stand, it opens you up to this kind of stuff. Adams stated, under oath, he only had two drinks. His blood-alcohol level at the hospital was at least .185. Then, on the stand, he stated he misunderstood the question.

When you lie, change your story, you open your *** up for this type of issue.

But, think of it this way, say those guys are telling the truth, that Mike Adams was drunk and instigated the fight. If they win their case against Adams, he has to pay them (or settle prior to a decision). He STILL gets to play in the NFL because he maintains his innocence. If he had come out and stated he was drunk and started a fight, with his prior history with the Steelers, he likely would have been released.

He may have lied to save his job.
Now that the lie is done, time to step up the ability, to SAVE his job!

Salute the nation
Adams is going to lose the counter suit. Its going to cost him a couple of hundred grand to clear this.
i'll bet he comes back INSPIRED!
wait. no?
If he wasn't a baller (kind of) with a few mill in the bank this would never be a charge.
Only in the USA could you be stabbed and then sued after the fact for malicious prosecution (When did Adams get his law degree and become the prosecutor by the way?)
Yeah, but when you lie on the stand, it opens you up to this kind of stuff. Adams stated, under oath, he only had two drinks. His blood-alcohol level at the hospital was at least .185. Then, on the stand, he stated he misunderstood the question.

When you lie, change your story, you open your *** up for this type of issue.

But, think of it this way, say those guys are telling the truth, that Mike Adams was drunk and instigated the fight. If they win their case against Adams, he has to pay them (or settle prior to a decision). He STILL gets to play in the NFL because he maintains his innocence. If he had come out and stated he was drunk and started a fight, with his prior history with the Steelers, he likely would have been released.

He may have lied to save his job.

His drinks could have been beer mugs full of whiskey for all we know. There was also a really big beer mug picture posted in another thread so we don't know how much he actually had. An interesting observation from my days as a cop nearly every DUI I ever arrested only had 2 drinks according to them. Not saying one way or the other regarding this as to his accuracy or the events regarding his driving or not. It just seems strange that he got stabbed and it sounds like an attempted robbery even though they were not convicted. There is a large burden of proof the plaintiff needs to show to win this case, it would be hard to show that a man that was stabbed was malicious in trying to prosecute the folks responsible for the stabbing.
Adams is going to lose the counter suit. Its going to cost him a couple of hundred grand to clear this.

Probably not. Torts such as malicious prosecution are covered by the "personal injury" portion of most homeowner's policies, so his insurance will pick up the defense.

Since the insurance pays for the defense, they also pay for settlement. If the clowns want too much money, the insurance carrier will simply pay a lawyer to challenge the lawsuit - anti-SLAPP, summary judgment, trial - and force plaintiffs to pay a buttload of money to prosecute the case.
His drinks could have been beer mugs full of whiskey for all we know. There was also a really big beer mug picture posted in another thread so we don't know how much he actually had. An interesting observation from my days as a cop nearly every DUI I ever arrested only had 2 drinks according to them. Not saying one way or the other regarding this as to his accuracy or the events regarding his driving or not. It just seems strange that he got stabbed and it sounds like an attempted robbery even though they were not convicted. There is a large burden of proof the plaintiff needs to show to win this case, it would be hard to show that a man that was stabbed was malicious in trying to prosecute the folks responsible for the stabbing.

I am the one that posted the giant beer mug. I searched the internet to find it. Why? Because Adams blew such a high number and stated he only had 2 drinks.

And, we do know how much he had. We know he had more than 2 drinks because he blew a .185. Most states have a standard serving size on alcohol/beer/wine. If someone is served 12 ounces of beer, it is one serving. If they get 4 ounces of wine, one serving. Alcohol is 1.5 ounces per serving. I seriously doubt someone rolled out a 5 gallon bucket of beer and he called it one drink.

Adams weighs 300+ pounds. At his size, it would have taken 13-12 oz beers or 13-4 oz glasses of wine or 13-1.5 oz. shots to get to that level.

Just because every person you ever stopped for DUI lied to you does not make it okay to do in court.

Again, not stating the events went down by either version, just stating that because he was caught in a lie in court, it means his *** is on the hook now, and he did have reason to lie.
i have zero sympathy for him. lie on the stand, you open yourself up to all sorts of problems. true. it's ****** up that they tried to rob the guy, but lying backfires everytime.
Doesn't seem to be effecting the three men that got off scott free for stabbing another human being. You think they were telling the truth about the situation? They wouldn't have any motivation to lie now would they?
Doesn't seem to be effecting the three men that got off scott free for stabbing another human being. You think they were telling the truth about the situation? They wouldn't have any motivation to lie now would they?

Absolutely they would have motivation to lie. The problem is, nobody can nail them on their lies. It is one word against another. Either Adams is lying or the three men are lying.

Here is where Adams screwed himself, he made a statement to the court that he had 2 drinks and the had a .185 BAC. They KNOW he lied. So, do you believe the three guys who you think MAY be lying or the guy that has already lied?
I'm not defending Adams here, I'm pointing out the false statement that lying backfires every time. Both parties are lying here, until there are some third party witnesses involved, the truth will never be known.
Doesn't seem to be effecting the three men that got off scott free for stabbing another human being. You think they were telling the truth about the situation? They wouldn't have any motivation to lie now would they?
I dunno, they got 9 months of free room and board, and street cred when they got out.