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Tibs ... about the Kenosha shooting by the 17-year old

In each thread Tibs tries two things:
- to demonstrate he is a good guy, middle of the road, common values, etc. He is attempting to establish credibility, bona fides.
- he completely smashes sensibilities, as above, by suggesting TBL is racist because of pics from several years ago. Further, he antagonizes the many here with the distinct purpose of moving the line of acceptance further and further towards his position, regardless of topic.

This style of iterative, creeping acceptance of lesser standards should not be acceptable to good folks.
With apologies to djfan, Tibs is vile. Many here have attempted to engage in discussion, debate, rationale common ground, only to find him uncommunicative on facts, but well able to spew hatred at that which does not fit his "views".

His record here speaks for itself.

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In each thread Tibs tries two things:
- to demonstrate he is a good guy, middle of the road, common values, etc. He is attempting to establish credibility, bona fides.
- he completely smashes sensibilities, as above, by suggesting TBL is racist because of pics from several years ago. Further, he antagonizes the many here with the distinct purpose of moving the line of acceptance further and further towards his position, regardless of topic.

This style of iterative, creeping acceptance of lesser standards should not be acceptable to good folks.
With apologies to djfan, Tibs is vile. Many here have attempted to engage in discussion, debate, rationale common ground, only to find him uncommunicative on facts, but well able to spew hatred at that which does not fit his "views".

His record here speaks for itself.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk

very well said. He gets what he deserves on here. I've tried to have discussions with him and he ignores them, but rather throws up memes or bullshit biased stories in a troll like fashion. He isn't the victim he believes himself to be.
In each thread Tibs tries two things:
- to demonstrate he is a good guy, middle of the road, common values, etc. He is attempting to establish credibility, bona fides.
- he completely smashes sensibilities, as above, by suggesting TBL is racist because of pics from several years ago. Further, he antagonizes the many here with the distinct purpose of moving the line of acceptance further and further towards his position, regardless of topic.

This style of iterative, creeping acceptance of lesser standards should not be acceptable to good folks.
With apologies to djfan, Tibs is vile. Many here have attempted to engage in discussion, debate, rationale common ground, only to find him uncommunicative on facts, but well able to spew hatred at that which does not fit his "views".

His record here speaks for itself.

Pretty damn spot on and unfortunate mindset for Tibs. About his antagonizing, I'll use a more recent example where he said to someone "your sopping wet vagina" or something vile like that. Still not sure why he's even here when we're nothing but a right-wing echo chamber of deplorables.

Wow. I knew you were a delusional, self-important troll, but didn't fully realize the extent of your unabashed bigotry.

There isn't a 'Blue Lives' over 'Black Lives' or 'All Lives' in critically-thinking people's minds, there's just human beings either being inherently good or bad. And based on his online activity? (to which I haven't seen anything extreme or hateful)

How about you just watch the video proof of what happened that night and form an intellectually honest thought for once?

I have been hearing that KKK **** from the Libs a couple times this week. That's got to be the weakest stuff on the planet to compare the Antifa and the KKK, they are both Democratic operatives. The KKK doesn't have any roots at all with the 'Right', in fact the republicans shut them down after the Dems fought tooth and nail to protect them.

That's a rather perfunctory analysis. Dig a little deeper into the blue lives movement, and you'll see it's not as clear cut as it may seem on the surface.

Let me be perfectly clear. I honor and respect our police officers, firefighters, EMT's, all doing yeoman's work on the front lines to keep citizens safe and out of harm's way around the country. Unfortunately, there are also too many bad apples, who abuse their power, overstep boundaries and bring shame to their profession. Those are the bad cops I rally against, who have caused so much pain and suffering due to their actions. But the large majority of police I believe are decent, law-abiding professionals. From what I've researched, the blue lives movement is tenuous at best, with unclear origins and even murkier intentions, as far as what it really stands for. I would support a truly non-partisan, non-political group which shows appreciation for the work and bravery that our police, fire and EMT put on the line, day in and day out. Perhaps blue lives matter is such an organization, but it seems more of a reactionary movement to counter BLM on the political, cultural front. Which is not helping anyone, frankly.


What is Blue Lives Matter and why do some people consider it racist?

You're so pathetic. That's the best you can do, a trashy left wing tabloid from the UK?

I'll take Blue Lives Matter all day, every day over the criminal members of BLM and you're gonna find out in November most of America does too.

Cry more, Lib. You conveniently forget the part where you were targeting his head and he just beat you on the draw. Be thankful it was just your ******* arm he hit, you Marxist puke.
That's a rather perfunctory analysis. Dig a little deeper into the blue lives movement, and you'll see it's not as clear cut as it may seem on the surface.

Let me be perfectly clear. I honor and respect our police officers, firefighters, EMT's, all doing yeoman's work on the front lines to keep citizens safe and out of harm's way around the country. Unfortunately, there are also too many bad apples, who abuse their power, overstep boundaries and bring shame to their profession. Those are the bad cops I rally against, who have caused so much pain and suffering due to their actions. But the large majority of police I believe are decent, law-abiding professionals. From what I've researched, the blue lives movement is tenuous at best, with unclear origins and even murkier intentions, as far as what it really stands for. I would support a truly non-partisan, non-political group which shows appreciation for the work and bravery that our police, fire and EMT put on the line, day in and day out. Perhaps blue lives matter is such an organization, but it seems more of a reactionary movement to counter BLM on the political, cultural front. Which is not helping anyone, frankly.


What is Blue Lives Matter and why do some people consider it racist?

First, and I want to make this as clear as I can possibly be:

The narrative from the media that blacks are killed by police at a "disproportionate" rate is just not true. Not even CLOSE to true.

And this is where all the BLM "support" and "cause", including YOUR support Tibs, should start to be questioned. You have said here a number of times that you think blacks are treated differently, but there is NO basis of fact in that statement.

Criminals are treated differently by police. Blacks are more likely to be criminals. Period. Every statistical analysis of police interaction with suspects BY RACE almost matches, EXACTLY, the crime rates of that particular race. Every statistical analysis of police shootings BY ZIP CODE and BY RACE, match the population demographics of that zip code by race. Every statistical analysis of White vs. Black police officers and how they interact with suspects is ALMOST IDENTICAL, which debunks any "systemic" bias that is part of being white in this country.

These are FACTS Tibs, and you clearly ignore them with some general ignorance that "you just think" there is bias in policing. And that is entirely being fed to you by propaganda that is changing your opinion of the subject. You should really take a close look at how the media is influencing what you think these days Tibs, because you continue to come here, spew media nonsense as "fact" and then run away from any logical discussion on a topic.

This all goes back to that point I made months ago that you took so emotionally. You (and the left) really don't know how to debate anymore. The BLM movement is a CLEAR example of this. Crystal clear. Facts do not support any type of "systemic problem". Fact don't support any type of crisis. It is a fictitious and nonsensical argument based on visceral videos that don't represent (statistically) or mean anything other than emotional responses.

You can't debate with emotion, which is why the left can't be debated with. Every one of your beliefs right now is based on emotion. Every, *******, one. You can't separate fact from emotion is any case, on any issue. Immigration, BLM, police, Trump, economy, climate change, Russia, China, middle east, Israel.... every issue, the left has made about emotions.

It is a losing proposition when the basis of your argument is emotional response. And BLM is the epitome of this failure. And it is why nothing will get "fixed" because you have created a problem that doesn't exist. All their "fixing" will do is cause damage. Damage to lives, damage to businesses, damage to law and order, damage to any semblance of unity. They will tear down the country looking for a "cure" to a disease that doesn't exist. They will be zealots in the religion. Fighting a crusade that will do nothing but cause heartache.
Any person who actually believes Bloviating Lying Marxists is a legitimate organization seeking to improve black lives is either shockingly ignorant or a flat-out liar. To wit:

  • BLM has raised more than 1.5 BILLION dollars over the past five years.
  • https://www.blackenterprise.com/bla...ate-america-has-pledged-1-678-billion-so-far/
  • How much has BLM spent on educating blacks?
  • How much has Burn, Loot, Murder spent on re-building the cities they very much helped destroy?
  • How much has BLM spent on financing small business start-ups for black businesses?
  • How many times has BLM held rallied in Chicago and Philadelphia, demanding black citizens start reporting the identity of the murderers currently killing thousands upon thousands of black lives every year?
  • How much time and money has BLM spent going after the drugs and drug dealers killing the inner cities?
  • What exactly has BLM done with their billion+ dollars?

Burn, Loot, Murder: Collecting a lot of money and not doing a damn thing to make life better.
Any person who actually believes Bloviating Lying Marxists is a legitimate organization seeking to improve black lives is either shockingly ignorant or a flat-out liar. To wit:

  • BLM has raised more than 1.5 BILLION dollars over the past five years.
  • https://www.blackenterprise.com/bla...ate-america-has-pledged-1-678-billion-so-far/
  • How much has BLM spent on educating blacks?
  • How much has Burn, Loot, Murder spent on re-building the cities they very much helped destroy?
  • How much has BLM spent on financing small business start-ups for black businesses?
  • How many times has BLM held rallied in Chicago and Philadelphia, demanding black citizens start reporting the identity of the murderers currently killing thousands upon thousands of black lives every year?
  • How much time and money has BLM spent going after the drugs and drug dealers killing the inner cities?
  • What exactly has BLM done with their billion+ dollars?

Burn, Loot, Murder: Collecting a lot of money and not doing a damn thing to make life better.
So BLM is like the Clinton Foundation?

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Good video. Prepare for more violence when Kyle doesn't get the death penalty.

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Good video. Prepare for more violence when Kyle doesn't get the death penalty.

People won't stand for this kind of nonsense long.
Good video. Prepare for more violence when Kyle doesn't get the death penalty.

Incredible video. We all know Kyle Rittenhouse was there to help keep businesses' roofs above them and offer assistance to people in need. The guy in video, earlier in the day, was scrubbing graffiti off of a courthouse and specifically said he was there to offer help to the local businesses, while he was (smartly) armed to keep himself protected.

Richie McGinniss was there that night, and at that moment and that place, bravely tells his story of Kyle Rittenhouse.
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Liberals are too important to be bothered with facts.

Economic disparity due to single-parent households and a lack of emphasis on education? Pffft, racism.

Shootings of unarmed black suspects happens about 1/10th as often as a black kid drowning? Pffft, racism.

Shootings of unarmed suspects occurs twice as often with white suspects? Pffft, white privilege.

The "amazing" Jacob Blake a rape suspect, fought with police, did not stop when tasered, going to car to get knife? Pffft, racism.

The inspiring Ricardo Munoz broke into mother's house, sister called cops, guy stabbed four people year earlier, comes out of house with a knife and charges officer? Pffft, racism.

Take your racist facts and get the hell out, Steelworth.
Oh, and it's been a month now ... still waiting for one ******* piece of evidence - ONE - that Kyle Rittenhouse is a "white supremacist."

Yeah, thought so.
Oh, and it's been a month now ... still waiting for one ******* piece of evidence - ONE - that Kyle Rittenhouse is a "white supremacist."

Yeah, thought so.

I found one piece of evidence. He's white.