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Murder near Scranton


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Apr 8, 2014
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What the heck? Sometimes there is no way to understand stuff.

This is a classic example of someone snapping and going insane...
04 FEBRUARY, 2021 / 10:50CST

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I have to warn you ahead of time that this video is very graphic and very hard to watch…But it’s important to at least be aware of this, because in this day and age, with lockdowns, silencing, and division, anyone can go mad and snap…even your neighbor over a snow shoveling dispute.

I included a detailed written account of what happened after the video, in case it’s too much for you to watch.


Unlike any other time in our nation’s history, Americans are at their breaking point, and it pays to be extra aware of this and very cautious.

So many people feel hopeless and depressed – like everything is lost and they have nothing left to live for. I don’t know if this man who shot and killed his neighbors was at that breaking point, but I know a lot of people are and we need to take precautions.

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This video here – it so shocking and so sad to see…you just wonder to yourself, how on earth did we get to this place?

You can watch the video below:

ABC News reports that a fight that erupted over snow shoveling allegedly led to a Pennsylvania man shooting two of his neighbors to death, authorities said.

The fatal gun violence occurred in Plains Township, about 15 miles southwest of Scranton after 2 feet of snow blanketed the area, officials said.


Just before 9 a.m. on Monday, Plains Township police officers responded to a report of shots fired in a residential neighborhood and discovered 50-year-old James Goy and his 48-year-old wife, Lisa Goy, lying dead in the street in front of their home, according to a joint statement by Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis and Plains Township Police Chief Dale Binker.

Residents in the area directed police officers to a house across the street from the Goys’ home, but as they approached the front door, a gunshot rang out, the officials said. Inside the house, police found 47-year-old James Spaide deceased from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, officials said.

Neighbors told investigators that Spaide and the Goys had been engaged in a long-running feud that reached a boiling point on the snowiest day of the year.

“The Goys were shoveling the snow from their parking spots, shoveling the snow across the road, and throwing the snow onto Spaide’s property,” Salavantis and Binker said in their statement.


Witnesses told investigators that Spaide asked the couple to stop, sparking a heated exchange of words. James Goy apparently threw a tool at Spaide that he had been using to clear snow from his car, according to the statement. When James Goy approached Spaide with a raised fist, Spaide reportedly retreated into his house and fetched a gun, the officials said.

“The Goys proceed to yell at him, and, using expletives, the parties called each other names,” Salavantis and Binker said in their statement, adding that the episode was captured on surveillance video. “Mr. Goy then threatened Spaide and is seen making obscene gestures at him. Seconds later, Spaide returns holding a handgun.”

The officials said despite seeing Spaide with a gun, James and Lisa Goy continued shouting names at him from the middle of the street.

Spaide allegedly opened fire on the couple, shooting both of them multiple times. Officials said Spaide then went back into his house and retrieved another firearm, which he reportedly used to shoot them again.

Please, folks, stay safe out there. Disputes like this are senseless in the scheme of things… there are so many more important things to be focused on.

This piece was written by Missy Crane on February 4, 2021. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com and is used by permission.

The opinions expressed by contributors and/or content partners are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rob Maness.
OK that was hard to watch
Very. Imagine what was going through the head of that neighbor who ran over then away.

Hollywood makes gunshot deaths seem so simple. The truth is, we die hard. That video is testament to that. The couple were both alive, talking to each other, after having been shot multiple times while the guy goes to his house to get another gun. Then still kicking a bit after being shot again and again.

That video is disturbing. Very. Shocked it's out there unedited actually.
This happened in my area. 10 minutes from my house. Pretty ****** up.
That was pretty ****** up. You can also see the hatred between them. That didn't need to happen. Now 3 people are dead over shoveling snow. Nuts.
Saw this last night. All I can say is mind your business. You never know what is in a person’s heart and head, and you push them, you don’t know when they’ll break. I’m not saying they asked for it, but when a guy comes at you with a gun, it’s probably best not to stand there and pretty much say “bring it” especially if you are unarmed.

**** like this is why I mind my own business. You have millions of disturbed and paranoid people out there with guns, buying guns, to the point that if someone cuts me off in traffic or whatever, I don’t even look regardless of how bad it pisses me off. People these days will shoot you for anything. I’ll defend myself if necessary, but I find it better to disengage than end up in a gun fight over something trivial.

That whole thing was senseless and completely avoidable. Darwin awards all around if you ask me.
Saw this last night. All I can say is mind your business. You never know what is in a person’s heart and head, and you push them, you don’t know when they’ll break. I’m not saying they asked for it, but when a guy comes at you with a gun, it’s probably best not to stand there and pretty much say “bring it” especially if you are unarmed.

**** like this is why I mind my own business. You have millions of disturbed and paranoid people out there with guns, buying guns, to the point that if someone cuts me off in traffic or whatever, I don’t even look regardless of how bad it pisses me off. People these days will shoot you for anything. I’ll defend myself if necessary, but I find it better to disengage than end up in a gun fight over something trivial.

That whole thing was senseless and completely avoidable. Darwin awards all around if you ask me.

They still cussed him out as he was shooting them. How stupid can you be. Seriously.
They still cussed him out as he was shooting them. How stupid can you be. Seriously.

Talk around here is, the gunman and the couple had a long history of arguments . Some say the couple were usually the agitators in many of their disputes. Whatever the case may be, they leave behind a 15 year old autistic son. Sad all around.
They still cussed him out as he was shooting them. How stupid can you be. Seriously.

Yep. She keeps yapping “go ahead, go ahead” like she thought he wouldn’t do it. The creepiest part is when he double taps her in the head. Her leg keeps moving for a bit. Gross.
Talk around here is, the gunman and the couple had a long history of arguments . Some say the couple were usually the agitators in many of their disputes. Whatever the case may be, they leave behind a 15 year old autistic son. Sad all around.

You could tell this was long ongoing. The guy who got killed mentioned about making his life a living hell. Dude goes oh yeah, goes in the house and comes out. Just like Sarge said mind your own buisness, you never know how close someone is to the edge in life. This last year probably has produced a lot of ticking time bombs.

Honey catches more flies than vinegar.
Yep. She keeps yapping “go ahead, go ahead” like she thought he wouldn’t do it. The creepiest part is when he double taps her in the head. Her leg keeps moving for a bit. Gross.

She was probably gone and her central nervous system was still shooting off to the muscles which will have atp still stored in them for a good period of time even after death.
So they were shoveling the snow from their parking spots onto his sidewalk...I’m guessing the couple were ******* neighbors that ****** with the guy a lot and he had enough of it finally. Beware the fury of a patient man the old proverb goes, looks like that guy reached the limit of his patience.
Don’t start none, won’t be none.

Chick can take a bullet though.
Saw this last night. All I can say is mind your business. You never know what is in a person’s heart and head, and you push them, you don’t know when they’ll break. I’m not saying they asked for it, but when a guy comes at you with a gun, it’s probably best not to stand there and pretty much say “bring it” especially if you are unarmed.

**** like this is why I mind my own business. You have millions of disturbed and paranoid people out there with guns, buying guns, to the point that if someone cuts me off in traffic or whatever, I don’t even look regardless of how bad it pisses me off. People these days will shoot you for anything. I’ll defend myself if necessary, but I find it better to disengage than end up in a gun fight over something trivial.

That whole thing was senseless and completely avoidable. Darwin awards all around if you ask me.

Like we say at my house...and in our cars...don't ******* engage.

The gunman's last words, before he put a slug through the dude's head..."shoulda kept your mouth shut". Words to LIVE by.
So they were shoveling the snow from their parking spots onto his sidewalk...I’m guessing the couple were ******* neighbors that ****** with the guy a lot and he had enough of it finally. Beware the fury of a patient man the old proverb goes, looks like that guy reached the limit of his patience.

Yep. It looks like he was ready AND prepared for it. Notice how quickly the shooter returned with a loaded long gun after unloading the hand gun on them. That long gun was not in the house unloaded. It was in his garage loaded and ready to go. He was prepared to kill them that day, OR he's the type that kept loaded weapons at the ready in his garage while he worked outside. Given how the neighbors tormented him for years, maybe a little of both.
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It almost appears this couple pushed this guy buttons often....even throwing their snow onto his property/sidewalk. When he is yelling for them to stop they both verbally attack him...calling him a *****. They didn’t deserve that level of retaliation but boy did they ever ask for it. Crazy times.
Like we say at my house...and in our cars...don't ******* engage.

The gunman's last words, before he put a slug through the dude's head..."shoulda kept your mouth shut". Words to LIVE by.

I think he said that to the woman, before he walked over to the man and said ***** huh? Then he dropped two more in him.
It almost appears this couple pushed this guy buttons often....even throwing their snow onto his property/sidewalk. When he is yelling for them to stop they both verbally attack him...calling him a *****. They didn’t deserve that level of retaliation but boy did they ever ask for it. Crazy times.

Not knowing the full story and knowing how long this was going on I will reserve judgment on whether they deserved it or not. Down south we have a saying, “some people just need killing“. These people may have been the kind of righteous trash that needed chilling. It sure does a beer that they were going out of their way to **** with the guy.
Not knowing the full story and knowing how long this was going on I will reserve judgment on whether they deserved it or not. Down south we have a saying, “some people just need killing“. These people may have been the kind of righteous trash that needed chilling. It sure does a beer that they were going out of their way to **** with the guy.

My thoughts exactly.
Read the title and honest to God, my first thought was "I hope it was a politician."