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Muslim PA state rep who was offended by Christian prayer is charged with stealing


What do I put here? **** it.
Apr 8, 2014
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A Muslim Pennsylvania state lawmaker has been charged for allegedly stealing half a million dollars from a charity she founded.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said in a statement Thursday that Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell (D) had been charged with numerous charges of theft, perjury, and tampering.

Johnson-Harrell had previously made headlines for being offended by a Christian prayer offered before a session of the Philadelphia legislature in March.
She was not "stealing" since the Quran assures us that Christians in general and white people in particular are mongrels, i.e., animals. Can you "steal" from an animal??
Human garbage. Can't trust politicians or any moslem offended by Christianity.
But whoever refuses [to pay jizya] will see nothing from us but the edge of a spear. The men will be killed and the children will be enslaved, and their wealth will be taken as booty. This is the judgment of Allah and His Messenger.
But whoever refuses [to pay jizya] will see nothing from us but the edge of a spear. The men will be killed and the children will be enslaved, and their wealth will be taken as booty. This is the judgment of Allah and His Messenger.

"So based on the above, I'll beheadin' out ..."
But whoever refuses [to pay jizya] will see nothing from us but the edge of a spear. The men will be killed and the children will be enslaved, and their wealth will be taken as booty. This is the judgment of Allah and His Messenger.

**** Islam. I'm all for freedom of religion and ****. You can worship fruit flies as gods for all i care,but if Islam ever becomes a dominant religion in this country we are ******. That's just pure truth.
The thing that makes me scratch my head is the way liberals go out of their way to defend Islam. Everything about Islam flies in the face of every thing liberals stand for, but I guess since it ain’t those dirty conservative Christians it’s ok.
"Straining a gnat, and swallowing a camel..."
Purportedly, "Muhammed" made the list of Top 10 baby names in the US for the first time recently.

What could go wrong?
The thing that makes me scratch my head is the way liberals go out of their way to defend Islam. Everything about Islam flies in the face of every thing liberals stand for, but I guess since it ain’t those dirty conservative Christians it’s ok.

I don't defend the religious tenets of Islam one iota. I do defend anyone's right to practice Islam, as I do anyone's right to practice Judaism or Christianity, or whatever religion they're into, or to be agnostic or atheist. All the same to me.

A Muslim Pennsylvania state lawmaker has been charged for allegedly stealing half a million dollars from a charity she founded.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said in a statement Thursday that Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell (D) had been charged with numerous charges of theft, perjury, and tampering.

Johnson-Harrell had previously made headlines for being offended by a Christian prayer offered before a session of the Philadelphia legislature in March.

Laws against embezzling are racist.

The thing that makes me scratch my head is the way liberals go out of their way to defend Islam. Everything about Islam flies in the face of every thing liberals stand for, but I guess since it ain’t those dirty conservative Christians it’s ok.

Exactly. Now you're catching on.

I don't defend the religious tenets of Islam one iota. I do defend anyone's right to practice Islam, as I do anyone's right to practice Judaism or Christianity, or whatever religion they're into, or to be agnostic or atheist. All the same to me.

Too bad the Muzzies don't feel the same way.
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I don't defend the religious tenets of Islam one iota. I do defend anyone's right to practice Islam

That's like saying "I don't agree with what Ted Bundy did one iota, but I do agree with his right to practice it".
And before you get all bent out of shape Tibs, I know that's not a good analogy & just busting yer balls.
Too bad the Muzzies don't feel the same way.
That's what seperates America and the rest of the Western democracies from dictatorships and autocracies. I'd prefer we keep it that way.
That's what seperates America and the rest of the Western democracies from dictatorships and autocracies. I'd prefer we keep it that way.

How about socialism/communism where the state essentially runs your life?
Forward comrades.

How about socialism/communism where the state essentially runs your life?

Both suck, nobody wants any of that. American liberals are not even vaguely considering that type of fundamental, structural change to the political system or the free market economy. Just a smarter, fairer distribution of tax dollars, with more emphasis on health care and education. That's what I support. But the Trump base > waahahahaha communism...waawawaaa socialism....run for the hills, hide your children waaaawwaawaaa. Kind of how Obama was gonna implement a soviet-style communist regime in DC all the while confiscating everyone's guns. What a joke. It would be great if conservatives would come down off the ledge and start having rational discussions about the future of the country. I know, impossible, with the frenetic, alt-right mob that's taking the GOP hostage. Maybe some day...conservatives will leave the hysterics behind and be, gulp, rational again. I won't hold my breath, in this age of Trump.
Both suck, nobody wants any of that. American liberals are not even vaguely considering that type of fundamental, structural change to the political system or the free market economy.

Both suck, nobody wants any of that. American liberals are not even vaguely considering that type of fundamental, structural change to the political system or the free market economy. Just a smarter, fairer distribution of tax dollars, with more emphasis on health care and education.

Distribution of tax dollars, huh? From whom are they coming from and who are they going to exactly? That's the first step for sure. You're deluded and brainwashed by the mob.

Not like that wasn't crystal clear already with all the **** you've regurgitated day in & day out, I just hoped you were smarter than that.
I don't defend the religious tenets of Islam one iota. I do defend anyone's right to practice Islam, as I do anyone's right to practice Judaism or Christianity, or whatever religion they're into, or to be agnostic or atheist. All the same to me.

If the tenets of a religion were to kill non-believers, would you defend anyone's right to practice that religion in America? Just a thought exercise.
The issue is that Islam will use our laws and customs against us. Islam is not a religion it is a political system bent on world domination cloaked in mysticism and disguised as a religion.
The issue is that Islam will use our laws and customs against us. Islam is not a religion it is a political system bent on world domination cloaked in mysticism and disguised as a religion.

In other words it's just an oppressive fraud. The main character is wrapped up in slavery,murder,pedophilia,polygamy,lies ,deceit and pretty much everything the devil would highly approve of.

No wonder it's so popular.
American liberals are not even vaguely considering that type of fundamental, structural change to the political system or the free market economy. Just a smarter, fairer distribution of tax dollars, with more emphasis on health care and education. That's what I support.

No thank you.

That's what seperates America and the rest of the Western democracies from dictatorships and autocracies. I'd prefer we keep it that way.

Except many of them don't change their attitude when they move to a non-Muslim country.