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NASA ignores the genius of Anthony Watts and will launch 1/2 billion dollar CO2 Satt.

Sure as soon as you answer any of the questions I've asked of you, or rebutt any of the points I made after you posted nonsense rooted in your dumbassery.


Please don't pull that card with me. That is indeed rich, when you run from education. Remember your claims that Katherine Lee Bates was both a lesbian and left the Republican party because of the Republican party was xenophobic? Indeed, the beat down I delivered there was epic.

When I choose to not reply to most of your dumb *** posts, thank me for saving you the public humiliation. Sometimes tis best to let the court jester perform without interference.
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Phone bills and foot lockers, and the ad hominem attack from confluence.....truly sad to see. NOT!

My apologies to the hammers and the sack for any unfair implications of my post.
Please don't pull that card with me. That is indeed rich, when you run from education. Remember your claims that Katherine Lee Bates was both a lesbian and left the Republican party because of the Republican party was xenophobic? Indeed, the beat down I delivered there was epic.

When I choose to not reply to most of your dumb *** posts, thank me for saving you the public humiliation. Sometimes tis best to let the court jester perform without interference.

So now we're just going to make stuff up wholesale? The true sign of someone with nowhere left to run to.
The Scam marches on!

Al Gore Denounced in Australian Press as Money Hungry 'Ferengi' for Mining Magnate Alliance

Al Gore’s a hypocrite who is out to enrich himself, says Liberal Dennis Jensen

LIBERAL MP and climate change sceptic Dennis Jensen claims Al Gore will personally profit from Clive Palmer’s new climate policy, saying the Nobel laureate “would do anything and say anything for a buck”.

Mr Gore last night commended the Palmer United Party’s policy of abolishing Labor’s world-leading carbon tax, while retaining the Renewable Energy Target and Clean Energy Finance Corporation.


AL Gore, the world’s most famous global warming guru, last week used Australia to trash what’s left of his reputation.

The Nobel prize-winning alarmist didn’t just tell his disciples here more astonishing falsehoods about the climate of the kind that’s good for his business. (See Gore’s truth for his latest whoppers.)

Gore also meddled in our climate politics to the undisclosed benefit of his business partners, and against the interests of Australians.

And in return for a favour, he falsely praised coal baron Clive Palmer as a planet-saver, when Palmer was in fact destroying our biggest schemes to tackle global warming.

This fraud started on Wednesday, when Palmer presented Gore at a press conference called to announce whether he’d help the Abbott Government axe the carbon tax.

The warmist journalists there, notably from Fairfax newspapers and the ABC, were completely fooled by the surprise appearance of their warmist god.

They just saw Gore and concluded — of course! — Palmer was actually saving the carbon tax, not scrapping it.

After all, didn’t Gore praise “this extraordinary moment in which Australia, the United States and the rest of the world is beginning to confront the crisis in a meaningful way”?

Listening with their eyes, they barely registered what Palmer actually said — that not only would his senators join the Government to scrap the carbon tax, they’d block its own “direct action” policies as well

So two tycoons had a mutual win. But Australians battling high power prices just had a big loss.

Gore is a co-founder and chairman of Generation Investment Management, which manages and advises on green investments of the kind Gore’s climate scaremongering helps whip up.


You usually are.

"How data ARE homogenized."

"Data" is the plural of the word "datum."

Yet again, FAIL on basic language use.

Oh, and "homogenizing" temperature data does not have a substantial effect on the data?? And potentially corrupt the data? Yeah, that's rich. Data homogenizing like this, you mean?

Our analysis shows that data homogenization for the stations moved from downtowns to suburbs can lead to a significant overestimate of rising trends of surface air temperature, and this necessitates a careful evaluation and adjustment for urban biases before the data are applied in analyses of local and regional climate change.


"Data homogenization" like that, you mean?

Or how about this adjustment to ground-based temperature readings in Australia?

The "normalized" data from IPCC 4 for Northern Australia:


The raw data for all 222 stations:


Finally, a graph showing the raw temperature readings compared to the "adjusted" (a.k.a., homogenized) data:


So let's review:

Polo's language use: F
Polo's critical thinking: F
Polo's credibility in discussing AGW alarmists and homogenizing data: F
Polo's use of data: F
Polo's use of the word data: F
Seeing Polo get embarrassed yet again on her favorite topic: Priceless.

You ARE old school...lol

Andrew Garratt of the Royal Statistical Society says the debate goes back to the 1920s - and reared its head recently with some heated discussion in the Society's newsletter. "We don't have an official view," he says. "Statisticians of a certain age and status refer to them as plural but people like me use it in the singular." National Geographic magazine has debated it too.

For what it's worth, I can confidently say that this will probably be the only time I ever write the word "datum" in a Datablog post. Data as a plural term may be the proper usage but language evolves and we want to write in terms that everyone understands - and that don't seem ridiculous.

Incompetent even as a grammar Nazi.....lol......you can't write better comedy.

After you're done dancing the Charleston in the 1920's perhaps you could explain why you are still posting fraudulent graphs from Watts Up With That. I know it came from Watts as that's the only place you can find nonsense like that.

Nice job linking to a blog that twists that Chinese paper too....when will we learn anything?

Maybe now, right below......

Effect of data homogenization on estimate of temperature trend: a case of Huairou station in Beijing Municipality
The climate ostriches are having some fun with an article (Zhang et al., 2013) published spring last year in Theoretical and Applied Climatology (TAAC). According to The Hockey Schtick, the article corroborates that "leading meteorological institutions in the USA and around the world have so systematically tampered with instrumental temperature data that it cannot be safely said that there has been any significant net “global warming” in the 20th century.

And Anthony Watts writes: "From the “we told you so” department comes this paper out of China that quantifies many of the very problems with the US and global surface temperature record we have been discussing for years: the adjustments add more warming than the global warming signal itself.

Not bad!Those are huge implications for a paper about the homogenization of one station, written by a first author that can only cite one previous study written by him in Chinese and in a journal with a rather modest impact factor. I will come back to these two statements at the end.

The study
Let's have a look what the study really tells us. The nice thing is, the paper is an open access paper and the English is mostly okay (more than 95%, medium confidence), so everyone can read it.

The study investigates the influence of the urban heat island (UHI) effect on one measurement station, using two rural stations as reference. To study the influence of this gradual inhomogeneity (UHI), they need to remove the effect of the break inhomogeneities, which according to the station history are due to relocations.

They do so with a special homogenization method that hardly reacts to gradual inhomogeneities, but can still detect strong breaks. Had they used a standard homogenization method from climatology, they would also have removed the UHI effect, which they wanted to study.

In the homogenization they compare their so-called candidate station (in the city) with the average signal of two rural stations (reference). For this comparison they compute the difference of the candidate and the reference. In this difference time series, the common regional climate signal is removed. Another advantage of using a reference is that the difference time series is less noisy as the station data itself (all stations experienced about the same weather) and that you can thus see inhomogeneities better. The difference time series should be a constant value with some random noise, if you see jumps or gradual changes, this is assumed to be non-climatic (inhomogeneity) rather than climatic.

This part is standard, except that the number of time series used to compute the reference is too small. Also the reference stations will contain inhomogeneities, by averaging over many stations you can reduce the influence of these inhomogeneities. For this study the small number was likely no problem because the rural reference time series did not show clear inhomogeneities themselves.

The non-standard part is that to detect a break in the difference time series for a certain year, they apply a statistical test (a t-test) for the difference of the mean in the three years before that year and the mean of the three years after. Three years is very short, the uncertainty in the mean thus quite large and this test is consequently not very sensitive. The advantage for this method for this study is that the gradual inhomogeneity due to urbanization hardly changes in 3 years and is thus nearly undetectable. Thus their detection method can only detect strong break inhomogeneities and cannot detect gradual inhomogeneities due to urbanization.

The main result is show in the figure below. It shows the difference between the city station and the rural stations, that is it shows the influence of urbanization.

The red curves of the homogenized data provide a more accurate estimate of the influence of urbanization as the black curves showing the raw data. From the raw data one would wrongly estimate that not even a rapidly growing city such as Beijing gives any artificial warming due to urbanization. Surely, the climate ostriches would prefer climatologists to use homogenization to estimate this effect more accurately?

The authors estimate that the effect of urbanization is 0.388°C per decade for the minimum temperature and 0.096°C per decade for the maximum temperature.


The differences of annual mean Tmax (a) and Tmin (b) between Huairou station and reference data for original (dotted black lines) and adjusted (solid red lines) data series during 1960–2008. The solid straight lines denote linear trends.(Figure 5 of Zhang et al., 2013)

It could be that the authors selected the right homogenization method for this specific study, but did not realize that their method is not standard and should not be used to study global warming. They namely suggest that it should be studied whether their results have implications for homogenization in general, which is not the case. As The Hockey Schtick and Anthony Watts cite from the article:

“Our analysis shows that “data homogenization for [temperature] stations moved from downtowns to suburbs can lead to a significant overestimate of rising trends of surface air temperature.”

The sentence in the article is:

"Our analysis shows that data homogenization for the stations moved from downtowns to suburbs can lead to a significant overestimate of rising trends of surface air temperature, and this necessitates a careful evaluation and adjustment for urban biases before the data are applied in analyses of local and regional climate change."

I will leave it as exercise for the reader, whether our climate ostriches should have cited the full sentence because the second part is important for its understanding. I would at least have indicated citing only the first part by ending with three dots ..., and not adding one.

I would say that the full sentence just states that you should not only homogenize the break inhomogeneities, but also the gradual inhomogeneities. That is right. James Hansen et al. already wrote so in 2001:

"It follows that a necessary concomitant of discontinuity adjustments is an adequate correction for urban warming. Otherwise, if the discontinuities in the temperature record have a predominance of downward jumps over upward jumps, the adjustments may introduce a false warming, as in Figure 1. This might happen, for example, if it is more common for stations to move from population centers toward the suburbs, rather than vice versa."

Part 1
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Part 2

That is a sentence often quoted by climate ostriches, probably hoping that their readers are sufficiently stupid to believe the implied and erroneous statement that homogenization only removes breaks, otherwise I cannot understand their fetish with this statement. The following figure illustrates the effect.


(a) Schematic illustration of a temperature record at a site experiencing urban warming and a station move from the urban center to the urban outskirts. (b) The temperature record adjusted for the discontinuity has a stronger warming trend than that in the undisturbed environment. (Figure 1. from Hansen et al., 2001.)

So, yes, if you are interested in the global climate, you should use a homogenization method that not only removes break inhomogeneities, but also gradual ones. Thus, in that case you should not use a detection method that can only detect breaks like Zhang et al. (2013) did.

Furthermore, you should only use the station history to precise the date of the break, but not for the decision whether to remove the break or not. The latter is actually probably the biggest problem. There are climatologists that use statistical homogenization to detect breaks, but only correct these breaks if they can find evidence of this break in the station history, sometimes going at great length and reading the local newspapers around that time.

If you would do this wrong, you would notice that the urban station has a stronger trend than the surrounding stations. This is a clear sign that the station is inhomogeneous and that your homogenization efforts failed. A climatologist would thus reconsider his methodology and such a station would not be used to study changes in the regional or global climate.

Two ostrich quotes
The Hockey Schtick: the article corroborates that "leading meteorological institutions in the USA and around the world have so systematically tampered with instrumental temperature data that it cannot be safely said that there has been any significant net “global warming” in the 20th century.

Let's be generous and interpret the conspiratorial term "systematically tampered" as "homogenization". We now know that the authors did not use a standard homogenization method and that the study thus does not tell us anything about the effect of homogenization of real climatological data.

Even if there were no evidence about global warming from the station networks, there would still be so much independent confirmation of strong warming, that it is hard to believe someone would actually write that there is no evidence of "any significant net global warming".

Somehow climate ostriches are capable of making such statements. Also Eric Worrall asked recently on this blog: "How do you know the climate didn't actually cool?". After mentioning the independent evidence, he was no longer interested in the discussion. One sometimes wonders what mushrooms these people are taking.

Anthony Watts: "From the “we told you so” department comes this paper out of China that quantifies many of the very problems with the US and global surface temperature record we have been discussing for years: the adjustments add more warming than the global warming signal itself.

The paper out of China quantified the influence of urbanization on one station in China. You could state that the paper suggests that there may be problems that need to be investigated. But quantified? No idea where he got that from. And like I showed in this post, you can only make the latter statement if you are not knowledgeable. That could fit, which is kinda sad after "discussing" or rather blogging about the quality of station data for so many years.

The influence of homogenization is rather modest, also in the raw data the global mean surface temperature trend between 1880 and now is 0.6°C per century, homogenization only increases it to 0.8°C (GHCNv3 dataset). Thus even if you reject homogenization, preferably with good arguments, claiming that the adjustments (0.2°C) add more warming that the signal itself (0.6 or 0.8°C depending on your preference) does not add up. As the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog has shown, anyone who would like to convince himself and with a little programming skills can confirm this fact her or himself.

Who wrote this?


Victor Venema a climate scientist at the University of Bonn in Germany. Not a weatherman, and not a lawyer.

Here is your ride, you can bring that sack of hammers so maybe you can break the windows out and jump before the crash.....because you're a smart guy like that...lol

Sad that that's all you're left with.....a bag of hammers, a foot locker, and a phone bill.
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Please don't pull that card with me. That is indeed rich, when you run from education. Remember your claims that Katherine Lee Bates was both a lesbian and left the Republican party because of the Republican party was xenophobic? Indeed, the beat down I delivered there was epic.

When I choose to not reply to most of your dumb *** posts, thank me for saving you the public humiliation. Sometimes tis best to let the court jester perform without interference.

See the grammar Nazi for proper correction and rehabilitation comrade.
See the grammar Nazi for proper correction and rehabilitation comrade.

Ah yes, a failed oversight when I edited.

And a nice evasion and deflection by you, once again.
Ah yes, a failed oversight when I edited.

And a nice evasion and deflection by you, once again.

What am I deflecting? I never had that conversation with you.
****...a $500 million satellite? that's like 5 vacays for Bomma.

it's drop in the bucket compared to the $4.7 Billion in taxpayer grant money they spend every year to "prove" something that doesn't exist

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong

Leaked report reveals the world has warmed at quarter the rate claimed by IPCC in 2007

Scientists accept their computers may have exaggerated

They admit large parts of the world were as warm as they are now for decades at a time between 950 and 1250 AD – centuries before the Industrial Revolution, and when the population and CO2 levels were both much lower.

The IPCC admits that while computer models forecast a decline in Antarctic sea ice, it has actually grown to a new record high. Again, the IPCC cannot say why.



Dammit! Look, as I've said I like having you here. Your presence provides us all with a great deal of entertainment......but you're just gonna go 'head on with your bad self and post that **** again? After Coolie's warned you? You're not making this easy. Or you're making it too easy....not sure.
Eminent Swedish climate scientist latest victim of Climate McCarthyism

Anybody who imagines that the theory of projected catastrophic man-made global warming is a matter of reason – or “settled” science — is woefully naïve. It is religion. Perceived infidelity leads to harsh moral condemnation. Heresy must be silenced.

Professor Bengtsson has had a long and distinguished international career in meteorology and climate research. He was head of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg from 1991 to 2000.Since 2008, he has been Director of the International Space Science Institute in Bern, Switzerland.

Perhaps the degree of vituperation is related to the fact that alarmist reports, such as the recent voluminous U.S. National Climate Assessment Report, NCAR, now tend to be ignored.

Professor Bengtsson said that most protests about his decision to join the GWPF came from the U.S., where the administration of Barack Obama has become almost deranged on climate, which the president has picked as a “legacy issue.”

What am I deflecting? I never had that conversation with you.

You are intentionally and conveniently stupid when you want to be.

Originally Posted by PoloMalo43 Sure as soon as you answer any of the questions I've asked of you, or rebutt any of the points I made after you posted nonsense rooted in your dumbassery.


Please don't pull that card with me. That is indeed rich, when you run from education. Remember your claims that Katherine Lee Bates was both a lesbian and left the Republican party because of the Republican party was xenophobic? Indeed, the beat down I delivered there was epic.

When I choose to not reply to most of your dumb *** posts, thank me for saving you the public humiliation. Sometimes tis best to let the court jester perform without interference.
You know what's going to happen - the satellite data will show CO2 causes COOLING!

Then.........“The models were not interpreted correctly! CO2 causes Climate Disruption Cooling!"

This would be a more effective argument. Cooling is far more dangerous to humanity than warming
Eminent Swedish climate scientist latest victim of Climate McCarthyism

Anybody who imagines that the theory of projected catastrophic man-made global warming is a matter of reason – or “settled” science — is woefully naïve. It is religion. Perceived infidelity leads to harsh moral condemnation. Heresy must be silenced.

Professor Bengtsson has had a long and distinguished international career in meteorology and climate research. He was head of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg from 1991 to 2000.Since 2008, he has been Director of the International Space Science Institute in Bern, Switzerland.

Perhaps the degree of vituperation is related to the fact that alarmist reports, such as the recent voluminous U.S. National Climate Assessment Report, NCAR, now tend to be ignored.

Professor Bengtsson said that most protests about his decision to join the GWPF came from the U.S., where the administration of Barack Obama has become almost deranged on climate, which the president has picked as a “legacy issue.”


from further down in this nice write up:

This is not analogous to the boy who cried wolf. The wolf turned up. This is more like the boy who cried unicorn.
You are intentionally and conveniently stupid when you want to be.

Okaaaay.. let's try it a little slower and a little simpler.

When had I ever discussed Katherine Lee Bates with you? Are you on dope?
Polo says that this evidence shows that adjustments do NOT create an artificial increase in temperature readings:


Yes, Polo really is that stupid.

Critical analysis: F
Critical reasoning: F
Language use: F
Evaluation of data: F

Final grade: F

Once again, Polo's point of view in this discussion:

Eminent Swedish climate scientist latest victim of Climate McCarthyism

Anybody who imagines that the theory of projected catastrophic man-made global warming is a matter of reason – or “settled” science — is woefully naïve. It is religion. Perceived infidelity leads to harsh moral condemnation. Heresy must be silenced.

Professor Bengtsson has had a long and distinguished international career in meteorology and climate research. He was head of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg from 1991 to 2000.Since 2008, he has been Director of the International Space Science Institute in Bern, Switzerland.

Perhaps the degree of vituperation is related to the fact that alarmist reports, such as the recent voluminous U.S. National Climate Assessment Report, NCAR, now tend to be ignored.

Professor Bengtsson said that most protests about his decision to join the GWPF came from the U.S., where the administration of Barack Obama has become almost deranged on climate, which the president has picked as a “legacy issue.”


Mcarthy... really? Sounds like the deniosphere is turning up the B.S. to 11. They must know the end is coming soon for their profitable little racket.

Sounds like Bengstsson can't make up his mind what he believes or of he is just butthurt because his paper was rejected on the fact that it's deriviative ,uninteresting, and full of errors.

https://twitter.com/ECFTim/status/467354596558786560/photo/1 click on the text so it can expand


McCarthyism my foot! Stoat has the story about Lennart Bengtsson and the GWPF...

An elderly and decorated meteorologist from Sweden decided to cosy up to Nigel Lawson of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. (h/t Ernest Hurley). No-one is telling exactly why Lennart Bengtsson decided to join in the first place, or if they are I can't be bothered looking it up. Who in their right mind would be associated with the GWPF? Anyway, as Stoat wrote, he only lasted a week or two.

Dr Bengtsson is getting on in years (he's 79) but he is still working and publishing a lot. He has had an impressive enough career and is now a Professorial Research Fellow at the University of Reading.

As to why climate scientists might not want to be associated with the GWPF, this is a sample of the sort of nonsense that Nigel Lawson and his organisation are known for. On the IPCC:

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which published on Friday the first instalment of its latest report, is a deeply discredited organisation.

Nigel just made that up. The IPCC won a Nobel Peace Prize for heaven's sake! How about this GWPF article - about the man deniers love to hate. (Archived here):

Date: 05/12/11
In my Weekly Standard Climategate 2.0 article I refer to Michael “hockey stick” Mann as the Fredo of the climate mafia, because of his endless bluster and the obvious embarrassment he brings to his fellow scientists.

Lennart couldn't take the heat and got out of the GWPF kitchen

Thing is, Lennart Bengtsson, or whoever wrote his letter of resignation, is blaming it on scientists behaving well instead of accepting it's he who behaved badly - or had very poor judgement. He reckons he was pressured to leave and complained the pressure was affecting his health, poor chap. He should try walking a mile in the shoes of Phil Jones or Michael Mann or James Hansen or Ben Santer. That'd toughen him up. Here's the letter, courtesy Anthony Watts:

I have been put under such an enormous group pressure in recent days from all over the world that has become virtually unbearable to me. If this is going to continue I will be unable to conduct my normal work and will even start to worry about my health and safety. I see therefore no other way out therefore than resigning from GWPF. I had not expecting such an enormous world-wide pressure put at me from a community that I have been close to all my active life. Colleagues are withdrawing their support, other colleagues are withdrawing from joint authorship etc. I see no limit and end to what will happen. It is a situation that reminds me about the time of McCarthy. I would never have expecting anything similar in such an original peaceful community as meteorology. Apparently it has been transformed in recent years.
Under these situation I will be unable to contribute positively to the work of GWPF and consequently therefore I believe it is the best for me to reverse my decision to join its Board at the earliest possible time.”

I think it's great if true. Climate scientists are alert to organizations like the GWPF and their shadowy benefactors.

It also looks like Lennart didn't have the courage of his convictions, whatever they were. Or maybe he was joining the Board for reasons not at all associated with global warming. Maybe he had visions of cigar and port with various privileged aristocracy after a meal in the peers' dining room in the Palace of Westminster. (For that he'd tolerate occasionally crossing paths with a physical trainer and a slightly unhinged economist.)

Most scientists are rather reserved

A scientist wrote to me recently saying (and I agree, with all of it): "most scientists are rather reserved when it comes to making resounding claims about results. Probably a cause for alarm when a group that is otherwise reticent decides to speak up." And speaking up they are.

Now I don't know if Dr Bengtsson was "pressured" or not. If any of his colleagues did have a quiet word to Lennart, they were doing him a favour.

Deniers fail US modern political history!

Anthony Watts, among others, is up in arms that anyone would "pressure" a scientist! ha ha de ha ha. (If you're new to climate blogs, WUWT exists wholly and solely to pressure and lampoon scientists and reject science and try to delay climate change mitigation and adaption initiatives. Pretty much like the GWPF, but without its clout.)

Anthony has posted one of his longer articles (archived here). As usual it's almost all copy and pastes, since Anthony (wisely) doesn't do "original" very often. The bits and pieces are from all over the deniosphere. Everyone in denier-ville is up in arms. If scientists voice concerns that a colleague is joining forces with a science denier organisation it's McCarthy-ism (in denier land). If a US Senator says he has a list of scientists that he wants criminally prosecuted it's not McCarthy-ism. (It's Inhofism.)
"Climate Scientists"

So they try and create a boogeyman only they can defeat....sounds like...

Polo ... I knew you were only partially literate, not open to reasonable discussion, refused to debate facts and instead veered inevitably into your ad hominem attacks to cover your lack of reasoned opposition, struggled with basic grammar and spelling, but until now, I was unaware that you steal other people's written work and claim it as your own.

Specifically, you re-posted, verbatim, this blog publication and failed to cite your source, or give any indication that the written work was stolen from somebody else:


As a matter of copyright law, when you quote another's work, you should (1) provide some indication of the fact that certain material is quoted from a source and is not of your own creation, and (2) provide a citation to the source to provide proper accreditation to the actual author. I denote quoted materials by putting such text in italics.

You have done neither of the above. Word to the wise - if you steal somebody else's work again, I will notify the author of your theft.

Critical thinking: F
First-hand reasoning: F
Proper accreditation: F
Adherence to copyright laws: F
Honesty: F
Complex reasoning: F
Being a low-life thief and rat-faced weasel: A

Hey, I finally found your strong suit.
Okaaaay.. let's try it a little slower and a little simpler.

When had I ever discussed Katherine Lee Bates with you? Are you on dope?

Convenient amnesia. Prior board crash.
I'm at the bar now, *******. Broken Bell Double IPA. 9%. Mwahahahaa.....
"I can't be remembering the different convos I be having in different personas, cuz"- el Polohontas

Dayummm, Black Elfie....where yo been girl??? Been missin' yo around here.
BBC to Censor Scientists that Question Global Warming

The corporation’s governing body is set to change the way the BBC covers the issue by urging it to focus less on those who disagree with the majority ‘consensus’

To combat what it calls a “false balance” on the issue, the trust’s report called for more BBC staffers to attend courses and seminars to help them learn how to bring their programming in line with what the BBC Trust accepts as the consensus view.



In other news the BBC plans to ban Galileo since the consensus is that the sun revolves around the earth and anyone who disagrees with the consensus is just a crank who hates science.

How Orwellian.