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New lows for the White House


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Interlachen, Florida
There's no way I should be shocked, but I am. This President continues to set new embarrassing standards for our international image and deportment while exceeding those incredibly low standards with his in house behavior.

While his personal friend guest list has always included an impressive list of political dregs and societal elitists like the Rev Sharpton and union boss Trumka, the list of guests at the frequent parties also includes some similar people that don't usually come to mind as being shall we say...Presidential ? Released under the threat of an impending lawsuit, visitor names include Reverend Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Malik Zulu Shabazz, as well as the usual Marxists, homosexuals, Hollywood actors and directors, atheists, communists, racists, socialists, union leaders, anti war activists, abortion leaders, and radical Muslims. That being said, I see we have now embarked on a lame duck venue that ensures that Barry will indeed make peoples heads asplode.

Just look at some recent headlines.

New White House Campaign Will Encourage Legal Immigrants to Become Citizens

White House officials announced the start of a nationwide campaign on Thursday to encourage legal immigrants to become American citizens, which could add millions of voters to the electorate in time for the presidential election next year.

You can bet they'll empty the cemeterys for this election too.


Valerie Jarrett Meets With Black Lives Matter Leaders At The White House

She also revealed that Obama sympathized with the movement, thanks to his background as a community organizer in Chicago.

“He offered us a lot of encouragement with his background as a community organizer, and told us that even incremental changes were progress,” she told reporters after the meeting. “He didn’t want us to get discouraged. He said, ‘Keep speaking truth to power.’”

Rush said today that these low life's have been meeting in the White House since before Ferguson.


White House Invites Several Opponents of Catholic Teaching to Greet Pope Francis

In a stunning show of political indecorum, Obama has invited a series of individuals who publicly flout Catholic teaching, including a pro-abortion religious sister, a transgender woman and the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, along with at least two Catholic gay activists.

At first I thought this was satire, guess not. Like one of the comments said, " .he's a man with a huge ego, no class and low morals"

Since when can I not give a post both a "Like" and Rep???

Eff that.
I honestly think that this nation has gone too far, and that the divided reality of this culture is so significant that there is only a very ugly future ahead of us.

I hope to the Christian God of the Bible that I am wrong. All other gods can be ignored.
I honestly think that this nation has gone too far, and that the divided reality of this culture is so significant that there is only a very ugly future ahead of us.

I hope to the Christian God of the Bible that I am wrong. All other gods can be ignored.

At the moment I plan to move to FL in a year or so but if I can master the language a little better and can be certified as a mortician in Italy after being licensed here, I swear to God I'm moving to Italy.
Since when can I not give a post both a "Like" and Rep???

Eff that.

See the thread on this in the general discussion. The site has been changed so that when you "Like" something you are also giving Rep at the same time. Not sure why there is still a rep button, but there you have it.
At the moment I plan to move to FL in a year or so but if I can master the language a little better and can be certified as a mortician in Italy after being licensed here, I swear to God I'm moving to Italy.

Are you a mortician by trade? If so, this...I never knew.
I honestly think that this nation has gone too far, and that the divided reality of this culture is so significant that there is only a very ugly future ahead of us..

Especially if you have a President that openly despises the very Country he is sworn to defend. It is no secret that President Obama has a visceral dislike of America as founded. He believes that America is incurably, irredeemably racist in its very DNA. In his view, because this defect is a part of our national core, it cannot be fixed. The house must be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up according to his twisted utopian, socialist, anti-American and anti-Christian vision. His open contempt for the military has never been more evident.

The Obama administration is purposely gutting the U.S. military in an effort to send a message to the world that America is not strong, retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who appeared Thursday on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum" to discuss a variety of national security topics.

"They are intentionally weakening our military so that we don't look strong in the world anymore," he said. "There's no more peace through strength and we've lost that.

Homosexuals have been forced into the military against the will of military leaders. Despite the fact that the heads of three of the four branches of the military testified that admitting open homosexuals into the military would compromise recruitment, readiness and retention, Obama did it anyway. He did not force gays into the military in spite of these consequences; he did it because of these consequences. This is what he wants: a military unable to recruit, unready for battle, and unable to retain its finest warriors.

President Obama, in a historic first for the Pentagon, has chosen to nominate Eric Fanning to lead the Army, a move that would make him the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services.


Are you a mortician by trade? If so, this...I never knew.

Not yet but I'm going to school part-time for it. When I was laid up three years ago I had a lot of time to think and one of the things I thought was that it was time for a career change since what I do isn't going to get me where I want to be. The economy sucks, it will continue to suck for quite some time, and my little company doesn't make me much money. In the Obamunism economy I think you are best to be in a line of work that not everyone does and where you have to be licensed or certified. In my case I have to compete with too many people who work under the table for half as much because I have to spend $7000 a month on insurance and taxes that the government requires and customers don't want to pay for. BTW, I make FAR less than $7000 a month for myself. This is 1) why my company is for sale and 2) why no one wants to buy it. Also I don't like living here because it's cold and wet half the year and the economy sucks and I'd like to be qualified for a line of work where I can be hired anywhere. I had thought of going into the funeral business before but bought a franchise of this company at the urging of my dad, who was friends with a VP (since retired) of the company. I wanted to sell a long time ago because I don't really like it but my parents (who are part-owners) kept talking me out of it, I finally figured out that it's because they're at an age where peoples' main hobby is bragging on their kids and they get to say "My son owns the local XYZ Company". It's a crying shame really, the way their faces light up and they beam with pride while I hate every minute of it. I'm just going to do what I should have done 30 years ago, which is move to Florida where the economy and job prospects are better, like a lot of other people from western PA. /rant
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Bomma has also gone out of His way to offend the Pope when he comes to visit.


Image: Vatican at Odds With White House Over Guests for Papal Visit(Photo credit Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/Getty Images)
By Loren Gutentag | Friday, 18 Sep 2015 10:12 AM

As Pope Francis’ first visit to the United States quickly approaches, a guest list for his welcome ceremony was revealed by the Obama administration and included guests that not only offend the Vatican, but also will test the pope’s tolerance, The Wall Street Journal reports.
The Obama administration has decided to invite transgender activists Mateo Williamson and Vivian Taylor, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, Bishop Gene Robinson and Sister Simone Campbell, an activist nun who leads a group criticized by the Vatican for its silence on abortion and euthanasia.

Despite the pope saying he doesn’t believe in judging persons and is ready to welcome anyone in Christ’s name, he has also said that Catholics do not accept the modern mentality of transgenderism and that gay marriage is the devil’s “attempt to destroy God’s plan,” Breitbart reports.

“This is the group Obama has personally invited to the White House to meet the pope?” said Rush Limbaugh on “The Rush Limbaugh Show.”

“Some people are saying that this is perfectly Obama. He’s got the pope coming, and he wants to insult the pope, put pressure on the pope, and challenge the pope,” Limbaugh added.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that he was unaware of the guest list and also reminded reporters that “there will be 15,000 other people there too.”

The Wall Street Journal reports that the welcoming ceremony for the pope will be held on the White House’s South Lawn on Wednesday, however, according to a senior Vatican official, the Holy See has noted their concerns that any photos of the pope with these controversial guests could be interpreted as an endorsement of their activities.
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The Pentagon's proposed fiscal 2016 budget calls for a modest pay raise but more cuts to housing allowances for troops, while consolidating Tricare health care plans for military families. The budget also includes previously proposed efforts to reduce personnel costs in part by having troops pay for a small share of their housing costs, having families rely on a more simplified Tricare program for their health care, and having retirees pay slightly higher medical fees and co-pays.

Ya ever notice that the White House budget proposals never include cuts in welfare, section 8 housing payments or even downgrades for the free phone program ?

