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New Obama Plan on Amnesty: Bring Kids to U.S. Directly From Central America

Or Washington DC. I firmly believe that this is a great time for true liberals to step up. They want to show compassion for these kids? Put up some ******* tents in your backyard and feed them. Teach them English, let them go to school with your kids. I am guessing the white liberal enclaves of the northeast would ***** and moan louder than anyone the second they set up one of these camps amongst their $800k homes.
They will only send them to red states, partly out of punishment and partly to eventually tip the balance toward the Dems after they are registered to vote. They don't need more Dems in NY, DC, and MA.
Why don’t we just send them their checks down there?

Hillary Clinton: Let Hondurans, Guatemalans, El Salvadorans Apply for Asylum from Home

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she wanted more Central American citizens to apply for asylum to live in the United States from their home countries.

The Obama administration is reportedly considering setting up a satellite facility in Honduras to allow people to apply for asylum without coming to the United States, but Clinton said Guatemalans and El Salvadorans should have asylum facilities in their nations as well.


Probably the only way to get Bill to hit it.
This stuff is criminal. Every serving member of the federal government, the president, representatives and senators should be in jail or at least removed from office.
illegals demand representation in white house meetings

illegal immigrants plan to picket the white house monday afternoon, calling on fellow immigrant-rights advocacy groups to refuse to meet with the obama administration until president obama specifically includes illegal immigrants in any future meetings.




you're ******* illegal! What part of this is so ******* difficult to understand?
the part where it is no longer illegal to be illegal. Actually it is now frowned upon to not open your arms to illegals.

Or refer to them as illegals. They are undocumented immigrants, racist.
Now it all makes sense

Environmental Regulations Leave 800 Miles of Border Unpatrolled

The U.S. Border Patrol is being stymied in its efforts to protect the southern border by federal environmental regulations that leave an 800-mile opening.

The Hill reports that about 40 percent of the U.S. border with Mexico falls under Department of the Interior and Forest Service rules that prohibit the Border Patrol from driving there, creating roads, patrolling, installing surveillance devices, or building infrastructure.

The rules, designed to protect wildlife, also protect illegal immigrants and smugglers



The EPA will next declare illegal immigrants a “protected species”.
Limbaugh quoted some House Dem today as saying what I've said all along, that the goal with immigration is to make more Democrat voters.
Can someone please tell what this idiot is saying ?

Sheila Jackson Lee - Border Is Under Control

WASHINGTON (WNB) - Texas Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee denied charges the Obama administration is drawing thousands of illiterate, unskilled, and criminal immigrants into the country by suddenly refusing to enforce the southern border.

On MSNBC Jackson Lee recently said, "I strenuously do not agree that the border is not under control. The fact of the matter is, it is under tremendous control, by whomever is not as important as the fact that it is - and it is."

How these people get elected completely baffles the **** outta me..Pelosi, Boxer, Lee, Waters, Shultz, Wilson and my own representative ...
Ms Corrine Brown, amazing that a complete illiterate can end up in Washington, winning multiple elections..and can't spell CAT without having been spotted the first three letters.

Don't tell me these elections aren't orchestrated, I ain't buyin' it.
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Sheila Jackson Lee, newest MENSA member.
Sounds like a presidential candidate, attempting to distance herself from the current failure of an Adminisration.

It's easy to put everything aside and self preserve when your only guiding force is a lust for power. I would say just ask any Politician in American, but then I thought, "Yeah like they would tell the truth about anything".
the part where it is no longer illegal to be illegal. Actually it is now frowned upon to not open your arms to illegals.

Correct. Witness the illegals "living in the shadows." The shadows of Pennsylvania Avenue. Wouldn't the protests by them at the WH be the perfect opportunity for an ICE intervention?

Now it all makes sense

Environmental Regulations Leave 800 Miles of Border Unpatrolled

The U.S. Border Patrol is being stymied in its efforts to protect the southern border by federal environmental regulations that leave an 800-mile opening.

The Hill reports that about 40 percent of the U.S. border with Mexico falls under Department of the Interior and Forest Service rules that prohibit the Border Patrol from driving there, creating roads, patrolling, installing surveillance devices, or building infrastructure.

The rules, designed to protect wildlife, also protect illegal immigrants and smugglers



The EPA will next declare illegal immigrants a “protected species”.

Because thousands of plague riddled brownies ********, throwing garbage and trampling flora there is much better for the environment.

Can someone please tell what this idiot is saying ?

Sheila Jackson Lee - Border Is Under Control

WASHINGTON (WNB) - Texas Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee denied charges the Obama administration is drawing thousands of illiterate, unskilled, and criminal immigrants into the country by suddenly refusing to enforce the southern border.

On MSNBC Jackson Lee recently said, "I strenuously do not agree that the border is not under control. The fact of the matter is, it is under tremendous control, by whomever is not as important as the fact that it is - and it is."

She's saying it's under control of the illegals I believe.
She's saying it's under control of the illegals I believe.

damn. even the Rats fan is with the program. it's "undocumented migrant".
Gov. Pence made a strong to point to that ************ at the end of his letter...


“What we are currently experiencing in Indiana and states across the nation as this crisis deepens, however, is neither sensible nor humane,” Pence wrote. “States should not be asked by the federal government to deal with the consequences of a failed national immigration policy.”
This lady nails it.


It is the Rule of Law that has made our country exceptional. The same Rule of Law will protect you if you want to become an American or a legal resident.
The law doesn’t apply evenly in your country of origin; the consequence of lawlessness is what made you run away. But now you are asking us to ignore our own laws and make exceptions that are favorable to you. Be careful what you ask for, you have personally lived the consequences of “exceptions” to the Rule of Law.
We are trying to make our corrupt government accountable. We feel the obligation to teach you how to make your own governments accountable! We welcome all of those that are yearning to be free, we ask you to respect our laws. Come here legally and in an orderly manner.
Our politicians are using you; you’ve been used and abused by yours already! Wake up! Our protest is against our own government, it is not directed at you as a human being. Our politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are taking advantage of you to serve their own interests. I hope you recognize that you are being lied to by both your government and ours. We don’t have jobs available here, and our National Debt is 17 Trillion dollars!
It is time to stop being fooled, you must demand your governments follow the law and faithfully apply it, we as Americans are trying to do the same. In the end, if we both do our civic duty, we will all achieve victory against tyranny.