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NFL Players say Art Rooney is an ‘F’ as an owner

I'm all for the team expanding training facilities and staff. The staff isn't the issue, it's they want additional staff members. The rest of the stuff, well, the players just don't like that they have wooden lockers. That's not even a being cheap thing, it's an old school mentality. The Steelers draft guys from the SEC and they have facilities nicer than probably 99% of what the NFL has to offer. Of course they are going to hate what the Steelers have. Those schools probably are more about football than even the NFL.
Its just keeping up with the joneses ****.. the Steelers teamed with UPMC and Pitt to create the south side practice facility. They built the practice bubble to keep these guys out of the elements... those were state of the art moves at the time.. its just other teams have built newer facilities afterwards and have slightly more up to date stuff because its newer...

This is my younger brother trading in his new car after two years every time because he wants a newer model...

Bitching about lockers and daycare for millionaires is entitlement at its worse...

And this is cyclonic.. if they build them everything they want in the players will just move on to bitching about the team that upgraded last, regardless of how recent that was... i say give em nothing and tell them to man the **** up... they already get to play panzified football.
Its just keeping up with the joneses ****.. the Steelers teamed with UPMC and Pitt to create the south side practice facility. They built the practice bubble to keep these guys out of the elements... those were state of the art moves at the time.. its just other teams have built newer facilities afterwards and have slightly more up to date stuff because its newer...

This is my younger brother trading in his new car after two years every time because he wants a newer model...

Bitching about lockers and daycare for millionaires is entitlement at its worse...

And this is cyclonic.. if they build them everything they want in the players will just move on to bitching about the team that upgraded last, regardless of how recent that was... i say give em nothing and tell them to man the **** up... they already get to play panzified football.
I bet this is driven by younger players. College campuses have become more like resorts than schools. Top football programs have poured millions into having pimped out facilities to attract recruits. Now they walk into an NFL stadiums and facilities, many of which are old and built with taxpayer money, so they are functional and not excessive.
I think it’s funny when people say that Art doesn’t share the same passion for the game as his father and grandfather. Can you blame him??? The players today are coddled, whiny *******. Why anyone still supports professional sports I’ll never understand. The league and players HATE YOUR GUTS. This also goes for Hollywood, and all sorts of other businesses in general.
The players want more assistant coaches? I think they want someone there to stroke their ego while they workout. The soft tissue injury is in their minds.
Didn’t the Steelers recently renovate their weight room.

Blame the trainers and strength coach for injuries . When players start dropping with similar injuries then that falls on the strength and conditioning staff. When it becomes a recurring injury then that falls on the medical trainers/coaches for rushing said player back.

…but that is the business. At least that’s what I’ve grown up believing. You want your best guys out there, win at all cost, rush back from injury etc.

Now these guys have been smartening up and collecting their $$$ and coasting by. I don’t have a real strong interest in pro sports anymore. With all this money involved, players unions etc. They are given everything needed to succeed.
It’s all relative
I don’t feel bad for anyone making millions in their job they chose

But it is both human and capitalist nature to want more/want better

The injuries are likely a combination of usage in a collision sport, crappy turf situations, injury prone players, genetics and poor training techniques…some other factors too

But the more factors you can improve upon to help your chances the better imo
It all starts with the lack of family support on game day. They (players) are mad that there is very little help in that nature. That angers boils over to the rest of the questions on the survey.

Salute the nation
What cracks me up is this is just a classic player vs ownership battle and I will virtually always side with the players

The players are rich and provide the entertainment and assume the personal risk to mind and body

The owners are wealthy and facilitate the entertainment happening through bringing the product to market through generational wealth that makes played richness look like the average fan’s salary

Not too many owners end up bankrupt
Many players end up broken and bankrupt

Are the players stupid with their money? Hell yeah most are
Are the owners smart with keeping theirs?
Hell yeah they are

Classic exploitation story that happens at every level of employment in our society when you work for someone else.

Just me but I almost always root for the underdog and in this story the players (and their weak pos union) are that vs the owners and I’ve never, not once, been inside a stadium and been on the edge of my seat with my heart racing from something an owner did.

Just my 2 cents
Another consideration is that this is the players' evaluation team by team......but there is no baseline comparison to the facilities or services of the different teams. the NFLPA's stated that their goal was in allowing members to compare, but the survey is about other players feelings, not actual facilities. Maybe the Dolphins pay someone to to vibe with the players at the facility, and that makes them feel better, so they respond better to a survey about how they feel.

The NFLPA should pay someone to survey the actual physical facilities in an unbiased way, and use that as part of the evaluation alongside how guys feel.
I don’t feel bad for anyone making millions in their job they chose

But it is both human and capitalist nature to want more/want better
Exactly I don’t feel bad for millionaires. Especially ones who’ve been coddled their whole lives.

Yes it is human nature to want more. Yes our experiences are relative. I come from a below middle class background. I’ve worked hard for my stuff in life. Continue to. So stuff like this irks me to see pampered athletes wanting more. That said I’m just about done with nfl personally
Exactly I don’t feel bad for millionaires. Especially ones who’ve been coddled their whole lives.

Yes it is human nature to want more. Yes our experiences are relative. I come from a below middle class background. I’ve worked hard for my stuff in life. Continue to. So stuff like this irks me to see pampered athletes wanting more. That said I’m just about done with nfl personally
A buddy at work told me last week - I have not verified this - that the new "lower middle class" standard for two-income homes is $190k per year. Mrs. Fan and I should be homeless.
The players said the Steelers are horrible at treating families, giving them an ‘F- grade’. Steelers are one of only 12 teams that don’t provide a family room during games. They are one of seven teams that do not provide daycare to support players’ children on game day. They are one of four teams that not have a family room or daycare of any kind.

so millionaires - and let's face it, even those on the lower end of the pay scale in the NFL are making bank - are bitching about not having daycare facilities? sounds like their women filled out these questionaires for them.

i'm sure it would be a huge matter to have a 10,000 sq ft facility to support all the players chil'renz when you have guys like Travis Henry and Antonio Cromartie and Philip Rivers fielding enough kids to man their own teams. Let alone the liability involved.

coddled ******

the average person has to pay daycare to take care of their kids (if they're not in school) in order to work. and thus pay taxes that are then recycled into the very ******* buildings these prima donas play in and turn their noses up at.
Art II is not a good owner. Living too much in the past. Continues to hold on to a slug HC forcing him on the fans when most know Tomlin is a fraud.
Bob Hillbilly Nutting is the worst owner not only in Pittsburgh but in all of sports.
Art really doesn’t share the passion that his father once did. He’s strictly a businessman and in it for the financial benefits of the game of which there are many.
Art is far too political and is afraid of how he’ll be perceived if he parts ways with Tomlin.
Nutting is just a hick boob that fell into a money pit and will never give up the golden goose.
I’ve always said if Nutting had a choice between losing 100 games and making $40 million or winning the World Series and losing 99 cents, it wouldn’t even be a hard decision.
A buddy at work told me last week - I have not verified this - that the new "lower middle class" standard for two-income homes is $190k per year. Mrs. Fan and I should be homeless.

Me too !!!

NOT the movement, but the broke $$$

Salute the nation
so millionaires - and let's face it, even those on the lower end of the pay scale in the NFL are making bank - are bitching about not having daycare facilities? sounds like their women filled out these questionaires for them.

i'm sure it would be a huge matter to have a 10,000 sq ft facility to support all the players chil'renz when you have guys like Travis Henry and Antonio Cromartie and Philip Rivers fielding enough kids to man their own teams. Let alone the liability involved.

coddled ******

the average person has to pay daycare to take care of their kids (if they're not in school) in order to work. and thus pay taxes that are then recycled into the very ******* buildings these prima donas play in and turn their noses up at.

AMEN !!!

Salute the nation
so millionaires - and let's face it, even those on the lower end of the pay scale in the NFL are making bank - are bitching about not having daycare facilities? sounds like their women filled out these questionaires for them.

i'm sure it would be a huge matter to have a 10,000 sq ft facility to support all the players chil'renz when you have guys like Travis Henry and Antonio Cromartie and Philip Rivers fielding enough kids to man their own teams. Let alone the liability involved.

coddled ******

the average person has to pay daycare to take care of their kids (if they're not in school) in order to work. and thus pay taxes that are then recycled into the very ******* buildings these prima donas play in and turn their noses up at.
And that daycare is what 10-15% of an average persons monthly income(i don't know just guessing), but they want free day care making millions?
A buddy at work told me last week - I have not verified this - that the new "lower middle class" standard for two-income homes is $190k per year. Mrs. Fan and I should be homeless.
My wife makes around $160k. I make about $41k but with two kids, necessities etc. We’re not struggling but we’re definitely not living luxurious either. We built our stuff up.

Having a strong family support helps. If I made an nfl salary life would be so damn easy.

**** these athletes
The complaints about lack of daycare seems odd to me..
Are their wives working Sunday afternoons and can't watch the kids? Monday and Thursday nights too?
The injuries are likely a combination of usage in a collision sport, crappy turf situations, injury prone players, genetics and poor training techniques…some other factors too
I do wonder if the transition to new S&C had something to do with injuries, the old guy "retired" (use the term loosely around here).
And this is cyclonic.. if they build them everything they want in the players will just move on to bitching about the team that upgraded last, regardless of how recent that was... i say give em nothing and tell them to man the **** up... they already get to play panzified football.
Here, here, but still surprising that Deuce scored so low on caring about the family; that was supposedly Rooneys' specialty.
It all starts with the lack of family support on game day. They (players) are mad that there is very little help in that nature. That angers boils over to the rest of the questions on the survey.

Salute the nation
The odd thing is that the Rooneys used to "hang their hat" on being the franchise that "treated you as family" and cared about "your family." Now - mostly because they don't provide a family room or children watching on game day - they received the lowest marks for "caring about your family. Kind of ironic.
I dont feel bad for players or owners. If most of these players didnt play football, what kind of life / jobs would they have? My daughter was in daycare for many years and it was like $50 / day. We were spending $600 / month just for daycare. We made too much to qualify for anything but were pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. NFL players could easily afford daycare or a personal nanny.
I do wonder if the transition to new S&C had something to do with injuries, the old guy "retired" (use the term loosely around here).

Here, here, but still surprising that Deuce scored so low on caring about the family; that was supposedly Rooneys' specialty.

The odd thing is that the Rooneys used to "hang their hat" on being the franchise that "treated you as family" and cared about "your family." Now - mostly because they don't provide a family room or children watching on game day - they received the lowest marks for "caring about your family. Kind of ironic.
Giving a team an F- for treatment of family because they don't have a daycare center for the players. No one seems upset when the wives and girlfriends are part of the fashion show, on the field after every game, or on the practice field at SVC during training camp.
Giving a team an F- for treatment of family because they don't have a daycare center for the players. No one seems upset when the wives and girlfriends are part of the fashion show, on the field after every game, or on the practice field at SVC during training camp.
Don't even get me started on the GF/wife crap of those ghey fashion shows (always, always included in Steelers' Digest magazine, which is 1 reason I let my subscription run out).