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nothing at all going on in Sweden. nothing.


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Sweden: Increasing Violence by Asylum Seekers against Swedes
One Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Sweden: June 2016

by Ingrid Carlqvist
August 5, 2016 at 6:00 am

The daily Svenska Dagbladet reported that 30,000 people whose asylum application had been rejected and were scheduled for deportation, had gone missing. The police say they lack the resources to track down these illegals.

Three Somali men in their 20s, who took turns raping a 14-year-old girl, received very lenient sentences -- and all three avoided deportation.

On June 7, it was reported that British citizen Grace "Khadija" Dare had brought her 4-year-old son, Isa Dare, to live in Sweden, in order to benefit from free health care. In February, the boy was featured in an ISIS video, blowing up four prisoners in a car. The boy's father, a jihadist with Swedish citizenship, was killed fighting for ISIS.

"If you disagree with the establishment, you are immediately called a racist or fascist, which we definitely are not. At times I felt that this was what it must have been like to live in the old Soviet Union." — Karla, on why her family had left Sweden for Mallorca.

June 1: The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), released a report which showed that 11,007 people have been sentenced to deportation after being convicted of crimes. However, the report makes no mention of how many of these individuals have actually been deported. The number of convictions that include deportation has decreased, despite an increasing crime rate among foreigners in Sweden. In the 1970s, about 500 a year were sentenced to deportation; in 2004, the number had risen to 1,074, but in 2014 only 644 received this verdict.

Not only are fewer people sentenced to deportation -- but more and more, those who are to be deported refuse to leave the country. In October of last year, daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet reported that 30,000 people whose asylum application had been rejected and were scheduled for deportation, had gone missing. The police say they lack the resources to track down these illegals. Patrik Engström, head of the border police at the Department of National Operations (NOA), told the paper: "We put these people on the wanted list, but we do not engage in an active search for them. We wait for tips and things like that."

June 1: On the evening of May 31, a man was pushed in front of a speeding subway train in Stockholm. The victim was a 23-year-old Swedish student at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. He received skull fractures and lacerations, lost half his foot, broke his ribs and collarbone and punctured one of his lungs. Whether he will ever fully recover remains unclear. The day after, a 34-year-old Algerian-Swedish citizen was apprehended for the crime. The attacker, who was already suspected of another violent subway crime, was identified and caught with the aid of the general public, who recognized him from photographs published. He is now being held in custody, pending trial.

June 2: A Swedish Jewish family told the Jerusalem Post they have fled Sweden and taken up residency in Mallorca. Dan, whose parents came to Sweden when thousands of Danish Jews were rescued during World War II, said:

"All my life I'd been grateful to be part of a civilized society. And, until about 2005, I felt blessed to live in a true social democracy, where people willingly paid high taxes for a fine welfare system and liberal values.

"Sure, the sunshine and lifestyle played some part in our decision [to move], but the real reason was Sweden's changing demographics and politics. The radical, left-wing establishment became totally obsessed with multiculturalism and political correctness, which we did not need reminding had been part of Swedish ethos for centuries."

His wife Karla added: "If you disagree with the establishment, you are immediately called a racist or fascist, which we definitely are not. At times I felt that this was what it must have been like to live in the old Soviet Union."

June 2: Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg announced that from now on, it would employ security guards around the clock at Sahlgrenska's three hospitals. The head of security, Peter Alverman, told Sveriges television:

"There are constant threats against our staff. But more than anything, we are doing this because of increasing gang crime in Gothenburg; it finds its way into our hospitals and causes concern among staff as well as among other patients."

The guards will cost nine million kronor (over $1 million) a year -- money that could of course have been invested in health care.

June 3: Member of Parliament Daniel Sestrajcic was indicted for disobeying a police officer. Sestrajcic is a member of the Left Party, formerly known as the Communists. The crime was committed in connection with a tent camp of protesting Palestinians being torn down in Malmö, in October 2015. Sestrajcic, who was among the protesters, was initially accused of trying to kick a police officer in the head, but due to lack of evidence, those charges were dropped. However, as he refused to obey police orders and leave the scene, the indictment for disobeying police orders still stands. Mr. Sestrajcic denies the charges.

June 5: Three men, sentenced by Falun District Court to four years in prison for aggravated rape in the town of Ludvika, were acquitted by the Svea Court of Appeals. The prosecutor had appealed the original verdict in the hope that the men would get a longer prison sentence, but the Court of Appeals said that which of the men had done what could not be proven. The three were therefore acquitted and the deportation order revoked.

June 6: On Sweden's National Day, the Left Party decided to go out and congratulate -- not the Swedish people -- but the Muslims in Sweden who were starting the fasting month of Ramadan. Discussions ran hot on the party's Facebook page. One person wrote: "I hope you do not end up in the same situation as the Green Party. I fled from Islamists in Iran, and you are wishing them a happy Ramadan? My condolences."

June 6: The staff at an asylum house in Ludvika was forced to call the police after a group of Muslims seeking asylum had become dissatisfied with the meals served at the facility. They complained that the food was not "Ramadan compliant," and the way they expressed their complaints apparently frightened the staff. The police report is unclear about exactly what transpired after that.

June 7: It was reported that Isa Dare, a 4-year-old boy who had been brought into Islamic State territory by his parents, had now been smuggled into Sweden. The reason was apparently to gain access to the free health care the Swedish government decided to offer all illegal aliens in 2012 -- at the Swedish taxpayers' expense. The boy's 24-year-old mother, Grace "Khadija" Dare, was born in London. She was married to a Swedish citizen Abdul Ghameed Abbas, also known as "Abu Bakr", who was killed in combat for ISIS in an air raid in November 2014.

In February, the boy became well-known when he was featured in an ISIS video, where he was shown activating a detonator and blowing up a car with four prisoners inside. Posing by the burnt-out car, the 4-year-old yelled: "Allahu Akbar!"

June 7: Ardeshir Bibakabadi fled Iran for Sweden because his sexual orientation was not accepted in his home country. Last year, he held lectures at ten schools in Gothenburg, and in an interview with the daily newspaper, Göteborgs-Posten, he explained how hatred against homosexuals flourishes in Swedish schools with Muslim students.

"It was always the same pattern, I felt as if my mere presence were provoking them. When I lectured in big auditoriums, the tensions became abundantly clear. 'Damn, you are disgusting,' one student at the Porthälla school yelled at me. Then he charged at me."

June 8: Three Somali men in their 20s, who locked a 14-year-old girl in a room and took turns raping her, received very lenient sentences -- and all three avoided deportation. Two of the men got two and a half years in prison. The third, who was also convicted of drug-related crimes and drunk driving, got three years. After serving their time, they will all be allowed to stay in Sweden, even though they are not Swedish citizens.

June 9: A 19-year-old illegal alien from Somalia, who bit a police officer in the arm while being arrested, was acquitted by the Umeå District Court. The court believed his version of events -- that he had acted in a state of panic due to traumatic memories from his home country, and "bad experiences with the police in other countries."

June 9: For years, the Swedish media has maintained that all who claim to be unaccompanied refugee children are indeed children -- no matter how wrinkled and grizzled they are. The notion that many of them lie about their age, in order to get fast-tracked to asylum, has been dismissed as a racist myth. However, an investigative report by the public-service Sveriges Radio, showed that many are in fact adults, resulting in grown men being put in the same facilities as teenagers and children.

Irene Sandqvist, Unit Manager at the Social Services Department in Helsingborg, told the reporter that, in her estimation, at least 25% of the "refugee children" are adults:

"We have even had someone with gray hair, which makes it pretty obvious, I would say. Some are even older than the staff, and this might well put the younger children at risk."

June 9: Three young men, around 18, were indicted for a violent mugging attack against a Swedish man of about 25, outdoors in the town of Norrköping. One of the young men, Abdimalik Hassan Shido from Somalia, was also indicted for raping the victim at knifepoint in connection with the mugging. The prosecutor wrote:

"In direct connection to the physical assault described, Shido forced NN [the victim] to endure and perform anal and oral intercourse. The coercion consisted of Shido uttering death threats, pointing a knife at NN, and causing him pain by forcing him to perform the sexual acts despite the injuries NN had sustained during the beating."

The prosecutor demanded that Shido be tried for aggravated rape.

June 10: Back in January, a female employee at an asylum house for minors in Ystad told an Eritrean "unaccompanied refugee child" that he could not play any more video games. The man, who claims to be 17, then put the woman in a stranglehold until another employee intervened.

Despite the seriousness of the crime, the Eritrean received a mild sentence -- 35 hours of community service and an order to pay 9,720 kronor (about $1,000) in damages to the woman.

June 10
: Abu Muadh, the controversial imam of the Halmstad mosque, gave an interview to the local daily newspaper, Hallandsposten. When asked why he has said that Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims, Muadh replied:

"In Islam, there is a difference between friend and comrade. You can see a comrade at the gym, or you can work with them and so on. But you cannot do things that are not allowed in our religion. There are tons of things you can do, like have a barbecue together, but you cannot share religious values. You cannot celebrate Christmas or Ramadan with someone who does not believe. That is not allowed."

June 11: Danial Rahimi, an Afghan who claims to be a 17-year-old "unaccompanied refugee child", was arrested on suspicion of child rape in the small village of Bodafors. After a month on remand, he was indicted. According to the prosecution, Rahimi pressed his penis into a young girl's anus several times, touched her genitals and buttocks, squeezed her breasts and bit them. He forced the girl to the ground and held her down while he raped her, hit her in the face hard, and tried to suffocate her by holding his hand over her nose and mouth. Rahimi denies the charges, but the prosecutor has a strong case, including DNA evidence.

June 12: Riot-like unrest started in immigrant-heavy neighborhoods in Kristianstad and Uppsala. In Kristianstad, fires were started and stones thrown at emergency service vehicles. In Uppsala, the riots went on for several days, and a bus with people aboard was attacked with rocks and other objects that were thrown.

June 13: Public-service Sveriges Television reported that Tobias Lindfors, the owner of the Pite Havsbad hotel and conference center, has been making many millions from his lucrative deal with the Swedish Migration Agency. Pite Havsbad, known as one of the largest swimming and spa facilities in Europe, is sometimes referred to as "the Swedish Riviera". In May, the facility made news when a Congolese man seeking asylum started a minor fire in his room. During the winter, only 25% of the rooms were occupied, but according to Sveriges Television's report, Mr. Lindfors still gets paid for housing 1,300 asylum seekers -- regardless of how many are actually staying at the facility. The Swedish Migration Agency has rented Pite Havsbad for four years (excluding two months in midsummer). According to reports, the Agency paid its owner 240 million kronor (roughly $28 million) for the rental.

June 13: When a riot broke out at an asylum house for "unaccompanied refugee children" in Nässjö, two kitchens, worth hundreds of thousands of kronor, were smashed to pieces. The staff did not dare to intervene against the rioters. Instead, they backed away and called the police. Stoves, a refrigerator and freezer, television sets, dishwashers, kitchen furniture and dishes were demolished. The vandals also flung chairs around, damaging windows and doors. According to the police, the riot started because of "dissatisfaction with the food served."

June 13: A 46-year-old Bosnian ISIS jihadi, considered extremely dangerous, was taken into custody by the Malmö police. However, as he immediately applied for asylum, the Swedish Migration Agency stepped in, took over the case -- and prevented him from being deported. Inspector Leif Fransson of the Border Police was quite critical. He told the local daily newspaper, HD/Sydsvenskan:

"As soon as these people throw out their trump card and say 'Asylum', the gates of heaven open. Sweden has gotten a reputation as a safe haven for terrorists."

Nevertheless, after a lightning-fast determination process, it was reported four days later that the ISIS jihadi was denied asylum and would be flown out of Sweden as soon as possible.

June 14: The first indictment since the new law on traveling abroad for the purpose of committing terrorist acts came into effect, was a major setback. Attunda Municipal Court acquitted a 25-year-old man, who in the spring of 2015 bought a one-way ticket to Turkey, but was denied entry and sent back to Stockholm. In his suitcase, police found body armor, knee pads and elbow pads. According to the prosecution, the 25-year-old's destination was Syria, where he planned to join the Al-Nusra Front, fighting against the Assad regime.

Mark Klamberg, an assistant professor of international law, spoke with the daily, Svenska Dagbladet, right after the acquittal: "If the verdict stands, my conclusion is that it will be very hard to win these types of cases."

June 14: More and more Swedish police officers are leaving the police force. A feeling of physical insecurity, low wages and discontent with National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson are some of the explanations given. The Police Union recently started the blog Polisliv ("Police Life"), where police officers can tell their stories anonymously -- giving the Swedish people an opportunity to get a glimpse of what it is like to work as a police officer in Sweden.

June 14: A report from the Swedish National Audit Office (Riksrevisionen), revealed that the Swedish Migration Agency spent four billion kronor (about $470 million) on accommodation alone for the asylum-seeking migrants who came to Sweden in 2015. The National Audit Office remarked that the costs could have been lowered significantly, if the Migration Agency had worked more effectively and systematically.

June 14: An exceptionally lenient verdict against a rapist from Yemen caused emotions to run high in Mariestad. Maher Al Qalisi attacked a 13-year-old girl, knocked her off a bicycle, knifed her in the face and raped her in a park -- yet, he only got 18-months' probation and will not be deported. Al Qalisi claims he is 17 years old, even though his Yemenite passport says he is 20. If he had been tried as an adult, he would certainly have gotten a more severe punishment. Prosecutor Jonas Lövström was disappointed with the verdict: "It is my firm belief that he is older than 21."

June 15: The number of threats reported at Swedish Migration Agency offices has more than doubled over the last year -- from 94 to 216. Mostly, the threats are directed at agency employees, or concern asylum seekers who act generally threatening.

June 15: According to Swedish law, religious elements are not allowed in Swedish public schools. However, the Muslim students at the Bikupan School in Lessebo have their own prayer room. Teacher Veronica Wilhelmsen explained to public-service Sveriges Radio how this came to be: "They need to feel they can practice their religion here in Sweden and at the school, otherwise they might not come to school at all."

June 15: The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor) made public which organizations had received the government grants of 212 million kronor (about $25 million) handed out in 2016. The grants are supposed to go to children's and youth organizations, but aside from municipalities getting money for summer holiday activities, most of the grants go to organizations claiming to work with anti-racism, LGBT-issues and against "islamophobia".

It turned out that a very controversial group, United Muslims of Sweden (Sveriges förenade muslimer, SFM), was granted over half a million kronor ($55,000). SFM has time and again been associated with extremism and hate speech against homosexuals, but argues that the money is to be used to fight racism and intolerance. Terrorism expert and scholar Magnus Ranstorp told the daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter:

"I see plenty of question marks here. We are talking about a group that has invited hate preachers and whose Salafist orientation is in many ways the very opposite of tolerance."

June 17: Malmö is one of Sweden's most attractive places to live for migrants. There is an acute housing shortage, but the municipality has nonetheless decided to prioritize the so-called "newly arrived Swedes", and has therefore decided to purchase 56 apartments to accommodate the new arrivals. The Sweden Democrats party raged against the decision, and opined that it would be better to send most of the migrants home, since most of them live isolated from the rest of society anyway.

June 20: An Afghan family in Landskrona refused to accept that their daughter had a boyfriend. So they made her marry a relative in their home country -- and violently abducted the boyfriend. Three people have now been indicted for forced marriage, battery, robbery and kidnapping. "The motive behind all these crimes," Prosecutor Ulrika Ekvall explained, "was to restore the family honor."

June 20: The Swedish EU news website Europaportalen reported that in no other EU country has the number of asylum applications decreased so much as in Sweden. In the last quarter of 2015, close to 88,000 asylum applications were filed, but in the first quarter of 2016, only 8,000 – a 90% drop. The reduction is mainly due to Sweden implementing border controls, as well as identification checks on the Danish side. Germany, which still has no border controls with its neighboring EU countries, on the other hand, saw an increase of asylum applications during the first quarter of 2016, compared to the last quarter of 2015.

June 21: A 30-year-old woman was arrested, suspected of murdering a five-month-old baby at an asylum house in Sunne. The woman is not the baby's mother, but is said to have "ties to the child." A few days later, a 20-year-old Somali man was also arrested in the case, and the two have since been held in custody.

June 21: The Green Party laid out a new plan of action to ensure that the party is never again infiltrated by Islamists. The plan presents five focal points. The party had enlisted the help of a Swedish Defense University scholar, Lars Nicander, who claimed that the party had been infiltrated by Islamists long before anyone knew what was going on. The Greens will also initiate a broad discussion about values, including the differences between Swedish leftist liberal equality values and Islam's view of women.

June 21: Four people were indicted for attacking two police officers in the Hässleholmen neighborhood of Borås. Some 50 people surrounded the officers, while a man carrying a knife crept up beside them and stabbed one of them. It all started as a simple traffic stop for a moped, but things quickly got out of hand when more and more people showed up. A man kicked one of the officers in the chest, and stabbed another one. The female police officer who was stabbed said: "I thought he was aiming to kill me, that is what he wants."

June 22: A 38-year-old man was charged in absentia, for the murder of a 16-year-old girl who came to Sweden as an "unaccompanied refugee child" in the fall of 2015. In March, she was reported missing, and in May her body was found in a wooded area in southern Stockholm. According to the daily, Aftonbladet, the man, who was 22 years her senior, was married to the girl.

June 22: Triple-murderer Martin Saliba, who was sentenced in absentia to life in prison in January, will not be extradited to Sweden from his old home country, Lebanon. One early March morning last year, two joggers in Uddevalla found two dead men lying on the ground and a dead woman in a car -- all shot several times at point-blank range.

Martin Saliba, 22, and his brother Mark, 23, were charged with the murders. Mark was sentenced to life in prison, but the Municipal Court did not think there was sufficient evidence to convict Martin, and so acquitted him. He was therefore at liberty when the case went to the Court of Appeals. On the last day of trial, he failed to show up, and was subsequently placed on the international wanted list after the verdict of life in prison was announced. Now, it seems, he has relocated to Lebanon. As Lebanon does not extradite its citizens, he can live there as a free man.

June 23: Four men and a woman, all Syrians, were indicted at the Sundsvall Municipal Court for kidnapping, severely beating and sexually abusing a man. The man was attacked in a parking lot and for twelve hours driven around in a car. The motive behind the crimes is unclear, but according to local papers, they may be related to business deals gone wrong between the victim and his assailants. The prosecutor has asked for deportation of all the suspects, if convicted.

June 26: A 20-year-old woman was found dead at an asylum house near Jönköping. A 24-year-old man has been arrested, on suspicion of murder. The man confessed to his involvement in the crime; according to his lawyer, the motive was anger over infidelity.

June 26: The Östersund police department admitted that the many sexual attacks against women in the town in February and March of this year, were mostly committed by "asylum seeking youths." When the rapists were most active, the police put out a warning to women not to go outside alone evenings and nights. The local chief of police, Stephen Jerand, told the daily, Östersunds-Posten: "When we take in people who are fleeing, it is important to inform them early on about what the rules are in Sweden, and that said rules also apply to women."

June 26: A 25-year-old Afghan was arrested at an asylum house in Mariannelund for the murder of his 22-year-old wife According to reports, after the murder the man ran out onto the front lawn, shouting that he had strangled his wife to death. The couple had a 3-year-old child.

June 27: A Muslim man attacked the St. Pauli church in Malmö. He broke several windows, and when the police arrived, he was at the top of the church, shouting "Allahu Akbar!" He then tried to attack police officers with a wooden cudgel. The man is now suspected of inflicting gross damage, also may be charged for hate crimes.

June 27: Two 24-year-old men of foreign descent were convicted of a series of aggravated robberies against students in Malmö. Several of the victims were held at knifepoint for hours while the robbers emptied their homes and bank accounts. Mahad Munyo Mohamed, who was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison, is a Somali citizen, and Hassan Murtadha Mohammed Hassan, who was sentenced to five years in prison, is a Swedish citizen.

June 28
: The much-criticized National Police Commissioner, Dan Eliasson, launched a new campaign to put a stop to the gropings and rapes at music festivals: Bracelets with the words "Do not grope" printed on them. The bracelets will be distributed at festivals, and according to Eliasson, "turn a spotlight on this issue and encourage those affected to report the crime." Considering that in May, the police's own Department of National Operations (NOA) published a report that clearly states that 80% of the perpetrators are of foreign descent, many found the notion of bracelets with text in Swedish printed on them somewhat puzzling.

June 28: An Eritrean, who raped a Swedish woman in a public restroom in Sundsvall, gets to stay in Sweden after being sentenced to one year and four months in prison. The Swedish Migration Agency apparently did not feel he could be sent back to his home country. The mild sentence was given because he claimed to be only 19 years old.

While Gatestone Institute stands by the articles written for it to date by Ingrid Carlqvist, Gatestone is no longer affiliated with her in any way.
Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

by Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard
February 14, 2015 at 5:00 am

Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.

Significantly, the report does not touch on the background of the rapists. One should, however, keep in mind that in statistics, second-generation immigrants are counted as Swedes.

In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.

The internet radio station Granskning Sverige called the mainstream newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen to ask why they had described the perpetrators as "Swedish men" when they actually were Somalis without Swedish citizenship. They were hugely offended when asked if they felt any responsibility to warn Swedish women to stay away from certain men. One journalist asked why that should be their responsibility.

In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country. Forty years later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%.

If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.

Sweden is now number two on the global list of rape countries. According to a survey from 2010, Sweden, with 53.2 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants, is surpassed only by tiny Lesotho in Southern Africa, with 91.6 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants.


According to figures published by The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet; known as Brå) -- an agency under the Ministry of Justice -- 29,000 Swedish women, during 2011, reported that they had been raped (which seems to indicate that less than 25% of the rapes are reported to the police).
Strange explanations

Rather than doing something about the problem of violence and rape, Swedish politicians, public authorities and media do their best to explain away the facts. Here are some of their explanations:

Swedes have become more prone to report crime.
The law has been changed so that more sexual offences are now classed as rape.
Swedish men cannot handle increased equality between the sexes and react with violence against women (perhaps the most fanciful excuse).

A long-held feminist myth is that the most dangerous place for a woman is her own home -- that most rapes are committed by someone she knows. This claim was refuted by Brå's report:

"In 58% of cases, the perpetrator was entirely unknown by the victim. In 29% of cases the perpetrator was an acquaintance, and in 13% of cases the perpetrator was a person close to the victim."

Brå reports that there are no major differences between women of Swedish and foreign background when it comes to the risk of being raped. Significantly, the report does not touch on the background of the rapists.
Without parallel

Back in 1975, the year when politicians decided that Sweden was to become multicultural, the Swedish population stood at 8,208,442. By 2014 it had grown to 9,743,087 -- an increase of 18.7%. This growth is entirely due to immigration, as Swedish women on average give birth to 1.92 children compared to the 2.24 average of immigrant women. One should, however, keep in mind that in the statistics, second-generation immigrants are counted as Swedes.

Sweden's recent population growth is without parallel. Never before in the country's history has the number of inhabitants increased so fast. Sweden is now the fastest growing country in Europe.

Over the past 10-15 years, immigrants have mainly come from Muslim countries such as Iraq, Syria and Somalia. Might this mass influx explain Sweden's rape explosion? It is difficult to give a precise answer, because Swedish law forbids registration based on people's ancestry or religion. One possible explanation is that, on average, people from the Middle East have a vastly different view of women and sex than Scandinavians have. And despite the attempts by the Swedish establishment to convince the population that everyone setting foot on Swedish soil becomes exactly like those who have lived here for dozens of generations, facts point in an altogether different direction.

The latest statistical survey of immigrant criminality compared to that of Swedes was done in 2005. The results are practically never mentioned. Not only that; anyone who dares refer to them, for example on social media, is viciously attacked.
Denigration of ethnic groups

Michael Hess, a local politician from Sweden Democrat Party, encouraged Swedish journalists to get acquainted with Islam's view of women, in connection with the many rapes that took place in Cairo's Tahrir Square during the "Arab Spring". Hess wrote, "When will you journalists realize that it is deeply rooted in Islam's culture to rape and brutalize women who refuse to comply with Islamic teachings. There is a strong connection between rapes in Sweden and the number of immigrants from MENA-countries [Middle East and North Africa]."

This remark led to Michael Hess being charged with "denigration of ethnic groups" [hets mot folkgrupp], a crime in Sweden. In May last year, he was handed a suspended jail sentence and a fine -- the suspension was due to the fact that he had no prior convictions. The verdict has been appealed to a higher court.

For many years, Michael Hess lived in Muslim countries, and he is well acquainted with Islam and its view of women. During his trial, he provided evidence of how sharia law deals with rape, and statistics to indicate that Muslims are vastly overrepresented among perpetrators of rape in Sweden. However, the court decided that facts were irrelevant:

"The Court [Tingsrätten] notes that the question of whether or not Michael Hess's pronouncement is true, or appeared to be true to Michael Hess, has no bearing on the case. Michael Hess's statement must be judged based on its timing and context. ... At the time of the offense, Michael Hess referred neither to established research nor to Islamic sources. It was only in connection with his indictment that Michael Hess tried to find support in research and religious writings. The Court therefore notes that Michael Hess's pronouncement was obviously not a part of any reasoned [saklig] or trustworthy [vederhäftig] discussion. Michael Hess's pronouncement must therefore be viewed as an expression of disdain for immigrants with an Islamic faith."

Statistical evidence

What may one conclude from the available statistics?

As part of the evidence Michael Hess presented in court, he made use of whatever statistics existed on immigrant criminality in Sweden before the statistical authorities stopped measuring. Michael Hess tried to find answers to two questions:

Is there a correspondence between the incidence of rape and the number of people with a foreign background in Sweden?
Is there a correspondence between the incidence of rape and some specific group of immigrants in Sweden?

The answer to both questions was an unequivocal Yes. Twenty-one research reports from the 1960s until today are unanimous in their conclusions: Whether or not they measured by the number of convicted rapists or men suspected of rape, men of foreign extraction were represented far more than Swedes. And this greater representation of persons with a foreign background keeps increasing:

1960-1970s – 1.2 to 2.6 times as often as Swedes
1980s – 2.1 to 4.7 times as often as Swedes
1990s – 2.1 to 8.1 times as often as Swedes
2000s – 2.1 to 19.5 times as often as Swedes

Even when adjusted for variables such as age, sex, class and place of residence, the huge discrepancy between immigrants and Swedes remains.

Research reports on crime in Sweden have become a rarity, but among the eighteen that were done during the 1990s and the 2000s, eleven dealt with rape. Two of these reports dealt with the connection between rape and immigration, and they both confirmed that there is a link.

These figures are available to the authorities, the politicians and the press, yet they insist that these numbers do not mirror reality.
Glaring discrepancy

How is it, then, that in 2008, Sweden's neighbor Denmark only had 7.3 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants compared to 53.2 in Sweden?

Danish legislation is not very different from Sweden's, and there is no obvious reason why Danish women should be less inclined to report rape than their Swedish counterparts.

In 2011, 6,509 rapes were reported to the Swedish police -- but only 392 in Denmark. The population of Denmark is about half the size of Sweden's, so even adjusted for size, the discrepancy is significant.

In Sweden, the authorities do what they can to conceal the origin of the rapists. In Denmark, the state's official statistical office, Statistics Denmark, revealed that in 2010 more than half of convicted rapists had an immigrant background.
Foreigners overrepresented

Since 2000, there has only been one research report on immigrant crime. It was done in 2006 by Ann-Christine Hjelm from Karlstads University.

It emerged that in 2002, 85% of those sentenced to at least two years in prison for rape in Svea Hovrätt, a court of appeals, were foreign born or second-generation immigrants.

A 1996 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reached the conclusion that immigrants from North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) were 23 times as likely to commit rape as Swedish men. The figures for men from Iraq, Bulgaria and Romania were, respectively, 20, 18 and 18. Men from the rest of Africa were 16 times more prone to commit rape; and men from Iran, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, 10 times as prone as Swedish men.
Gang rapes

A new trend reached Sweden with full force over the past few decades: gang rape -- virtually unknown before in Swedish criminal history. The number of gang rapes increased spectacularly between 1995 and 2006. Since then no studies of them have been undertaken.

One of the worst cases occurred in 2012, when a 30-year old woman was raped by eight men in a housing project for asylum seekers, in the small town of Mariannelund. The woman was an acquaintance of a man from Afghanistan who had lived in Sweden for a number of years. He invited her to go out with him. She obliged. The Afghan man took her to a refugee housing project and left her defenseless. During the night, she was raped repeatedly by the asylum seekers and when her "friend" returned, he raped her too. The following morning she managed to call the police. Sweden's public prosecutor has called the incident "the worst crime of rape in Swedish criminal history."

Seven of the men were sentenced to between 4.5 and 6.5 years in prison. Prison time is usually reduced by a third, so it won't be long before the men will be ready for new assaults -- presumably on infidel women.

In cases of gang rape, culprits and victims are most often young and in almost every case, the perpetrators are of immigrant background, mostly from Muslim countries. In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists. Several times the courts have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted sex with six, seven or eight men.

One striking incident occurred in 2013, in the Stockholm suburb of Tensta. A 15-year-old girl was locked up while six men of foreign extraction had sex with her. The lower court convicted the six men but the court of appeals acquitted them because no violence had occurred, and because the court determined that the girl "had not been in a defenseless position."

This month, all major Swedish media reported on a brutal gang rape on board the Finnish Ferry Amorella, running between Stockholm and Åbo in Finland. Big headlines told the readers that the perpetrators were Swedish:

"Several Swedish Men Suspected of Rape on the Finland Ferry" (Dagens Nyheter).
"Six Swedish Men Raped Woman in Cabin" (Aftonbladet).
"Six Swedes Arrested for Rape on Ferry" (Expressen).
"Eight Swedes Suspected of Rape on Ferry" (TT – the Swedish News Agency).

On closer inspection, it turned out that seven of the eight suspects were Somalis and one was Iraqi. None of them had Swedish citizenship, so they were not even Swedish in that sense. According to witnesses, the group of men had been scouring the ferry looking for sex. The police released four of them (but they are still suspects) whereas four (all Somalis) remain in custody.

The internet radio station Granskning Sverige called the mainstream newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen to ask why they had described the perpetrators as "Swedish men" when they were actually Somalis. That is irrelevant, said the journalists. They were hugely offended when asked if they felt any responsibility to warn Swedish women to stay away from certain men. One journalist asked why that should be their responsibility.

"If the women knew, then perhaps they would have stayed away from these men and avoided being raped," said the reporter from Granskning Sverige. Whereupon the journalist slammed down the phone.

While Gatestone Institute stands by the articles written for it to date by Ingrid Carlqvist, Gatestone is no longer affiliated with her in any way.
This kind of reminds me of the Idaho case that Obummer's justice department tried to cover up. It will happen here too if we don't pull our heads out or our *****.
Supe is obviously racist and Islamophobic.
what are you trying to do?

there was no terrorist attack in Sweden.....your orangutan in chief....lied again.

this president have lied more in a mere 4 weeks than many presidents do in a life time.
Please, everyone, just settle down and calm yourselves. The Elftard has told us this must all be fake news.

Islam is a religion of PEACE. This has NOTHING to do with Islam, you brown-skin hating Islamaphobes. Clearly it is the fault of each one of these Swedish and German women that they were raped. How dare they expose an ankle in public? They brought it on themselves.

Your hysteria over these facts is just racist.

Speaking of which, Elftard has been a Jew, a Hispanic, an Aspergers sufferer, an African American, a tranny, a man, and a woman. Has he worn the Muslim costume yet? It's hard to keep track.
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave

Police investigator Peter Springare isn’t likely to be among those mocking President Trump for his remarks about refugees in Sweden. Trump’s comments during a Florida campaign rally on Saturday. dovetail with what Springare has been seeing during a typical week in Orebro, Sweden. Five rapes, three assaults, a pair of extortions, blackmail, an attempted murder, violence against police and a robbery made up Springare’s caseload for a five-day period earlier this month, according to a Feb. 3 Facebook post he wrote. The suspects were all from Muslim-majority countries – Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Turkey – save for one Swedish man nabbed in a drug-related case.

“Mohammed, Mahmod, Ali, again and again,” Springare wrote of those arrested.

“You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden,” Trump said. “Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
Last month, the police chief for the southern Swedish city of Malmo issued a desperate plea for help curtailing a plague of attempted murders, beatings and rapes. About 32 percent of Malmo’s occupants are migrants, although it is not clear what role migrants play in the crime wave.

And Sinteus is not merely dealing with typical crimes that any modern city would witness.

Malmo had 52 hand grenade attacks in 2016 alone, a jump from 48 attacks in 2015, according to figures provided by the Swedish Police Authority.

Nationwide, the terror threat level is at “elevated” and police believe at least 300 Swedish nationals have travelled to Syria and Iraq for jihadi training. On Feb. 11, a Swedish man and a Danish man were arrested in Turkey, suspected of plotting to carry out attacks in Europe.

Sweden has taken in 650,000 asylum-seekers during the past 15 years – including 163,000 in 2015 alone, The Spectator reported.


From that first article, this sounds familiar. ..

If you disagree with the establishment, you are immediately called a racist or fascist, which we definitely are not. At times I felt that this was what it must have been like to live in the old Soviet Union." — Karla, on why her family had left Sweden for Mallorca.
Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave

Police investigator Peter Springare isn’t likely to be among those mocking President Trump for his remarks about refugees in Sweden. Trump’s comments during a Florida campaign rally on Saturday. dovetail with what Springare has been seeing during a typical week in Orebro, Sweden. Five rapes, three assaults, a pair of extortions, blackmail, an attempted murder, violence against police and a robbery made up Springare’s caseload for a five-day period earlier this month, according to a Feb. 3 Facebook post he wrote. The suspects were all from Muslim-majority countries – Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Turkey – save for one Swedish man nabbed in a drug-related case.

“Mohammed, Mahmod, Ali, again and again,” Springare wrote of those arrested.

“You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden,” Trump said. “Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
Last month, the police chief for the southern Swedish city of Malmo issued a desperate plea for help curtailing a plague of attempted murders, beatings and rapes. About 32 percent of Malmo’s occupants are migrants, although it is not clear what role migrants play in the crime wave.

You can't fix stupid

And Sinteus is not merely dealing with typical crimes that any modern city would witness.

Malmo had 52 hand grenade attacks in 2016 alone, a jump from 48 attacks in 2015, according to figures provided by the Swedish Police Authority.

Nationwide, the terror threat level is at “elevated” and police believe at least 300 Swedish nationals have travelled to Syria and Iraq for jihadi training. On Feb. 11, a Swedish man and a Danish man were arrested in Turkey, suspected of plotting to carry out attacks in Europe.

Sweden has taken in 650,000 asylum-seekers during the past 15 years – including 163,000 in 2015 alone, The Spectator reported.



NONSENSE. OLD, OLD NONSENSE. Continously peddled by the Reich Wing.


Sweden is often misunderstood. But Trump’s views subvert the truth

Donald Trump’s outburst about “that thing that happened in Sweden last night” – which turned out to be a Fox News report he had seen on the difficulties of integrating refugees – is only the latest illustration of the role that Sweden plays in the fantasies of the outside world.

The wonderful thing about Sweden is that you can believe what you like about it. For much of the 20th century it was a place where foreign progressives could only believe that everything ran perfectly smoothly and everyone got laid, thanks in part to the exploits of Ingrid Bergman and the Swedish arthouse film I am Curious (Yellow). In the 21st century it has become the country where foreign rightwingers can believe that nothing works and that rape is widespread.

Trump is not the first American president to use Sweden to prove a domestic point. In 1960, the president, Dwight Eisenhower, gave a speech to a Republican breakfast meeting at which he said that Sweden “has a tremendous record for socialistic philosophy, and the record shows that their rate of suicide has gone up almost unbelievably and I think they were almost the lowest nation in the world for that. Now, they have more than twice our rate. Drunkenness has gone up. Lack of ambition is discernible on all sides”.

This was complete nonsense, except, perhaps, for the point about drunkenness: Sweden had only abandoned prohibition-era alcohol rationing in 1955, five years before he spoke. But even though Eisenhower’s comments drew on no known Swedish sources, they were entirely harmless nonsense compared to the current president’s.
Trump, on the other hand, was drawing on a persistent set of myths among Sweden’s nationalist right, which claims that Muslim immigration has turned some urban areas into ghettoes where sharia law is practised, gang rape is commonplace, and the police and fire engines hardly dare to go. This is a grotesque distortion of a worrying reality. There has been a huge rise in recorded violent crime in Sweden in the last 40 years, but it is still a very much safer place than the US, UK and indeed most of Europe. There has been a huge increase in humanitarian immigration. But it’s not clear how the two are related.

Trump’s Sweden tweets expose the essential problem with social media | Suzanne Moore

I used to live in one of these supposed ghettoes in the early 1980s, when it was still largely white and the nearest we got to criminality was when my friend the bootlegger made vodka in his kitchen. When I went back 20 years later, there was a Somali family living in my old flat, and almost all the children playing in the open spaces around it were supervised by women in headscarves. I was with a radio producer who talked at length in Arabic to an Iraqi refugee who had been resettled there after a hellish journey.

But there was absolutely no feeling of danger or hostility. Similarly, Rosengård, the suburb of Malmö which is portrayed in the rightwing press as Sweden’s answer to Mogadishu, is far more open and peaceful than, say, the rougher parts of north London.

That said, there are pockets of serious criminality in the most segregated parts of Sweden. These are fuelled most by the easy availability of guns after the Balkan wars, and by disputes in the drug trade. Kossovar, Bosniak and Turkish gangs, along with Scandinavian bikers, have engaged in bloody street wars. Three young people were shot dead in their car about 500m from where I used to live in Uddevalla two years ago: the killers were a couple of Lebanese brothers. There is one suburb of Gothenburg divided between two rival Somali groups.

Almost all of this criminality arises from second generation immigrants, when they are immigrants at all. When I was last in the country, I spoke at length to a very senior policeman in Gothenburg, and his view was that this was a problem caused by adolescent males, unemployment, exclusion from the communities around them, and easy access to guns. Religion had nothing to do with it.

We were talking in the shadow of a hideous murder in one of the most segregated communities in Sweden, where two schoolchildren and a teacher had been killed with a sword by a young man dressed up as a stormtrooper. He was white, and his victims were not – and were chosen for exactly that reason. To the extent that there is serious ethnically motivated crime in Sweden, it appears that the immigrants are the victims as much as the perpetrators, whatever Trump may think.
NONSENSE. OLD, OLD NONSENSE. Continously peddled by the Reich Wing.


Sweden is often misunderstood. But Trump’s views subvert the truth

Donald Trump’s outburst about “that thing that happened in Sweden last night” – which turned out to be a Fox News report he had seen on the difficulties of integrating refugees – is only the latest illustration of the role that Sweden plays in the fantasies of the outside world.

The wonderful thing about Sweden is that you can believe what you like about it. For much of the 20th century it was a place where foreign progressives could only believe that everything ran perfectly smoothly and everyone got laid, thanks in part to the exploits of Ingrid Bergman and the Swedish arthouse film I am Curious (Yellow). In the 21st century it has become the country where foreign rightwingers can believe that nothing works and that rape is widespread.

Trump is not the first American president to use Sweden to prove a domestic point. In 1960, the president, Dwight Eisenhower, gave a speech to a Republican breakfast meeting at which he said that Sweden “has a tremendous record for socialistic philosophy, and the record shows that their rate of suicide has gone up almost unbelievably and I think they were almost the lowest nation in the world for that. Now, they have more than twice our rate. Drunkenness has gone up. Lack of ambition is discernible on all sides”.

This was complete nonsense, except, perhaps, for the point about drunkenness: Sweden had only abandoned prohibition-era alcohol rationing in 1955, five years before he spoke. But even though Eisenhower’s comments drew on no known Swedish sources, they were entirely harmless nonsense compared to the current president’s.
Trump, on the other hand, was drawing on a persistent set of myths among Sweden’s nationalist right, which claims that Muslim immigration has turned some urban areas into ghettoes where sharia law is practised, gang rape is commonplace, and the police and fire engines hardly dare to go. This is a grotesque distortion of a worrying reality. There has been a huge rise in recorded violent crime in Sweden in the last 40 years, but it is still a very much safer place than the US, UK and indeed most of Europe. There has been a huge increase in humanitarian immigration. But it’s not clear how the two are related.

Trump’s Sweden tweets expose the essential problem with social media | Suzanne Moore

I used to live in one of these supposed ghettoes in the early 1980s, when it was still largely white and the nearest we got to criminality was when my friend the bootlegger made vodka in his kitchen. When I went back 20 years later, there was a Somali family living in my old flat, and almost all the children playing in the open spaces around it were supervised by women in headscarves. I was with a radio producer who talked at length in Arabic to an Iraqi refugee who had been resettled there after a hellish journey.

But there was absolutely no feeling of danger or hostility. Similarly, Rosengård, the suburb of Malmö which is portrayed in the rightwing press as Sweden’s answer to Mogadishu, is far more open and peaceful than, say, the rougher parts of north London.

That said, there are pockets of serious criminality in the most segregated parts of Sweden. These are fuelled most by the easy availability of guns after the Balkan wars, and by disputes in the drug trade. Kossovar, Bosniak and Turkish gangs, along with Scandinavian bikers, have engaged in bloody street wars. Three young people were shot dead in their car about 500m from where I used to live in Uddevalla two years ago: the killers were a couple of Lebanese brothers. There is one suburb of Gothenburg divided between two rival Somali groups.

Almost all of this criminality arises from second generation immigrants, when they are immigrants at all. When I was last in the country, I spoke at length to a very senior policeman in Gothenburg, and his view was that this was a problem caused by adolescent males, unemployment, exclusion from the communities around them, and easy access to guns. Religion had nothing to do with it.

We were talking in the shadow of a hideous murder in one of the most segregated communities in Sweden, where two schoolchildren and a teacher had been killed with a sword by a young man dressed up as a stormtrooper. He was white, and his victims were not – and were chosen for exactly that reason. To the extent that there is serious ethnically motivated crime in Sweden, it appears that the immigrants are the victims as much as the perpetrators, whatever Trump may think.


what are you trying to do?

there was no terrorist attack in Sweden.....your orangutan in chief....lied again.

Here is what he said, per the NYT:

"You look at what’s happening,” he told his supporters. “We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”

Where did he mention the word "terrorism" or "terrorist attack"??

So get the basic facts right. It helps your argument.
Meanwhile, Rioting Breaks Out In Sweden

It would appear the mainstream media (along with several celebrities and Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to President Trump once again.

Having spent the entire new cycle trying to ignore the immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, Expressen reports riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated town of Rinkeby, Sweden with police firing warning shots as 100s of young people throw stones and burn cars.

The problems Sweden faces integrating large numbers of Muslim immigrants is a subject on which Nordstjernan columnist Ulf Nilson has written many times. His warnings of increasing radicalization among Sweden’s Muslims – warnings he started to broadcast a decade ago – now seem eerily prophetic in light of an Associated Press investigation that found Stockholm to be a breeding ground for jihadists among Swedish Somalis.

According to the AP report, which first ran Jan. 24, an al-Qaida-linked group is busy recruiting anti-government fighters among Somali youths living in Rinkeby. A suburb of Stockholm, Rinkeby has earned the nickname of “Little Mogadishu” because of the number of Somalis living there. Rinkeby is also the center of the recruiting efforts of al-Shabab, a group with ties to al-Qaida.



elfiePoloLiar said nothing was happening in Sweden. So if you are correct, Spike, then that would make elfiePoloLiar a li ... oh, I get it.
The denials of the Swedish government/media goons has become insufferable. I wonder when this tinderbox is going to explode
No matter how hard it tries, the multiculturalist media cannot hide the truth. The mass immigration into Europe is a cultural disaster. There's no way Germany and Sweden will be able to assimilate the newcomers into their culture. It will always be a clash of civilizations, competing for control. There is also no way they can sustain their welfare states. We are already seeing the results, and it will only get worse. ...a lot worse. Thank you President Trump recognizing the potential disaster.
You can't take the rapist out of the Muslim man, it's what they are taught, they’re basically brought up since birth to think that women have no rights, to be used any way the man sees fit...because Allah said so

Islamic State Jihadist Says He Raped over 200 Iraqi Women: ‘This Is Normal’

A jihadist from the Sunni Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group captured by Kurdish forces has shown little remorse after admitting to raping more than 200 women, reveals Reuters.

“Young men need this,” the alleged serial rapist, identified as 21-year-old Ammar Hussein, told Reuters. “This is normal.”

Reuters gained access to the jihadist through Kurdish intelligence authorities.

Trump Is Right: Sweden’s Embrace of Refugees Isn’t Working

When President Trump last week raised Sweden’s problematic experience with open-door immigration, skeptics were quick to dismiss his claims. Two days later an immigrant suburb of Stockholm was racked by another riot. No one was seriously injured, though the crowd burned cars and hurled stones at police officers.

Mr. Trump did not exaggerate Sweden’s current problems. If anything, he understated them. Sweden took in about 275,000 asylum-seekers from 2014-16—more per capita than any other European country. Eighty percent of those who came in 2015 lacked passports and identification, but a majority come from Muslim nations.

Islam has become Sweden’s second-largest religion. In Malmö, our third-largest city, Mohamed is the most common name for baby boys.

The effects are palpable, starting with national security. An estimated 300 Swedish citizens with immigrant backgrounds have traveled to the Middle East to fight for Islamic State. Many are now returning to Sweden and are being welcomed back with open arms by our socialist government. In December 2010 we had our first suicide attack on Swedish soil, when an Islamic terrorist tried to blow up hundreds of civilians in central Stockholm while they were shopping for Christmas presents. Thankfully the bomber killed only himself.

For the sake of the American people, with whom we share so many strong historical and cultural ties, we can only hope that the leaders in Washington won’t make the same mistakes that our socialist and liberal politicians did.

949. Trump and Sweden terror attack (2/25/2017)

On 2/15 and 2/18, I wrote two articles, predicted the Feds(FBI and DEA)would frame a drug case on 2/19 and they would distract public's attention by natural disaster- flooding caused by storm and dam collapsing.

(947) Why Trump kneels to China (2/15/2017)
(948) Frame a case on 2/19 (2/18/2017)

Now I would say my view is very accurate. The Feds not only planed to distract with natural disaster, but also planed a terror attack in Europe - a "Sweden terror attack" that caused controversy.

Sweden to Trump: What happened last night?
19 February 2017

"You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers.


The Sweden terror attack(likely designated to take place on 2/17 night) was cancelled after I revealed(on 2/15) a secret deal of drug case was done by Trump and Chinese secret police. Trump didn't know the terror case in Sweden was cancelled. On 2/18 morning, He declared a "terror attack last night in Sweden" to their original plan.(Obviously the foreign plot and domestic plot are controlled by different groups)Thus made such a big mistake.

It's funny how the Feds followers tried to cover up that mistake Trump had made. No matter how bad your English are, it's hard to explain "what's happening last night in Sweden". The similar story I remembered is that BBC had reported the WTC 7 collapsing news before it actually happening.

The tactic they used are familiar for us. In 2005, there was a terror case in Europe - 7/7 London under railway bombing, then followed by 8/29 hurricane Katrina and drown of New Orleans. Compare with recent one: 2/17, a terror case in Sweden, Europe.(cancelled, but Trump's speech proved the plan.) 2/19, flooding in California, possible dam collapsing.(didn't happen after plan cancelled)


... California as dangerous storm moves in; Residents south of Oroville Dam should stay alert as storm passes ... expect heavier rain late Sunday(2/19) and ...

950. Big slaughter to distract elimination case (3/4/2017)

The contradictory flaw Trump made on "Sweden terrorist attacks" is similar to that BBC"s report on the collapse of WTC7(in 9/11) before it happens.


Be noticed that there would be a large casualties if the plan had gone through. Trump said, "They took in large numbers".

I was once wondered how many people could they kill in 2/19 California flooding. It seemed not too many if it was only a collapse of a dam. Later I knew it was a much big slaughter in their plan.

Possible norovirus outbreak reported at Oroville evacuation shelter
By Alyssa Pereira, San Francisco Chronicle Monday, February 20, 2017

Between 20-30 Oroville Dam evacuees at the Silver Dollar Shelter in Chico, California are reportedly exhibiting symptoms of norovirus, reports The Sacramento Bee.

Norovirus symptoms typically include vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea. It is highly contagious, and is spread by touching or ingesting items contaminated with the virus. The effects of the virus can be more extreme in children and senior adults.


Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People

FEB 19, 2017 Bruce Y. Lee ,


If the Feds had been successful in their framed drug case plot, there would have been a dam collapse and break out of epidemic thereafter. The death toll would have been up-graded each day to panic public over that small elimination case. Watch the date of the news of Bill Gate's warning. It's not a coincidence.
The Sweden terror attack(likely designated to take place on 2/17 night) was cancelled after I revealed(on 2/15) a secret deal of drug case was done by Trump and Chinese secret police



Where ya been Poop..we missed you...NOT

Last edited:
949. Trump and Sweden terror attack (2/25/2017)

On 2/15 and 2/18, I wrote two articles, predicted the Feds(FBI and DEA)would frame a drug case on 2/19 and they would distract public's attention by natural disaster- flooding caused by storm and dam collapsing.

(947) Why Trump kneels to China (2/15/2017)
(948) Frame a case on 2/19 (2/18/2017)

Now I would say my view is very accurate. The Feds not only planed to distract with natural disaster, but also planed a terror attack in Europe - a "Sweden terror attack" that caused controversy.

Sweden to Trump: What happened last night?
19 February 2017

"You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers.


The Sweden terror attack(likely designated to take place on 2/17 night) was cancelled after I revealed(on 2/15) a secret deal of drug case was done by Trump and Chinese secret police. Trump didn't know the terror case in Sweden was cancelled. On 2/18 morning, He declared a "terror attack last night in Sweden" to their original plan.(Obviously the foreign plot and domestic plot are controlled by different groups)Thus made such a big mistake.

It's funny how the Feds followers tried to cover up that mistake Trump had made. No matter how bad your English are, it's hard to explain "what's happening last night in Sweden". The similar story I remembered is that BBC had reported the WTC 7 collapsing news before it actually happening.

The tactic they used are familiar for us. In 2005, there was a terror case in Europe - 7/7 London under railway bombing, then followed by 8/29 hurricane Katrina and drown of New Orleans. Compare with recent one: 2/17, a terror case in Sweden, Europe.(cancelled, but Trump's speech proved the plan.) 2/19, flooding in California, possible dam collapsing.(didn't happen after plan cancelled)


... California as dangerous storm moves in; Residents south of Oroville Dam should stay alert as storm passes ... expect heavier rain late Sunday(2/19) and ...

950. Big slaughter to distract elimination case (3/4/2017)

The contradictory flaw Trump made on "Sweden terrorist attacks" is similar to that BBC"s report on the collapse of WTC7(in 9/11) before it happens.


Be noticed that there would be a large casualties if the plan had gone through. Trump said, "They took in large numbers".

I was once wondered how many people could they kill in 2/19 California flooding. It seemed not too many if it was only a collapse of a dam. Later I knew it was a much big slaughter in their plan.

Possible norovirus outbreak reported at Oroville evacuation shelter
By Alyssa Pereira, San Francisco Chronicle Monday, February 20, 2017

Between 20-30 Oroville Dam evacuees at the Silver Dollar Shelter in Chico, California are reportedly exhibiting symptoms of norovirus, reports The Sacramento Bee.

Norovirus symptoms typically include vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea. It is highly contagious, and is spread by touching or ingesting items contaminated with the virus. The effects of the virus can be more extreme in children and senior adults.


Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People

FEB 19, 2017 Bruce Y. Lee ,


If the Feds had been successful in their framed drug case plot, there would have been a dam collapse and break out of epidemic thereafter. The death toll would have been up-graded each day to panic public over that small elimination case. Watch the date of the news of Bill Gate's warning. It's not a coincidence.

Holy Hell! Who wrote this a third grader? This is really just sad.
You lost me at
The Feds not only planed to distract with natural disaster,..
. Misspelling aside, that's just too funny. You are really ascribing some awesome powers to the feds.
Misspelling aside, that's just too funny. You are really ascribing some awesome powers to the feds.

Bomma said He was going to make the oceans rise. Or not rise. Or something.