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NYT: Let's Scrap Debates

Biden had pretty poor performances in the dem debates. If his dementia is progressing quickly I could see him saying something off the wall like he is going to punch Trump, or physically go after him.
Biden had pretty poor performances in the dem debates. If his dementia is progressing quickly I could see him saying something off the wall like he is going to punch Trump, or physically go after him.

Covid deprived all of us of the spectacle of Joe Biden getting into a pushup contest with some middle aged guy.

**** the Chinese.
Well they certainly think that NY Times readers are dumb and that's all that matters.

They would be right. Anyone that still considers the NYT a legit news source is quite frankly, out of touch with reality.
As far as the broader campaign, I think Biden's team is playing it perfectly. Just sit back and let Trump do the talking. I doubt it'll mean much once the election rolls around, as most people have already made up their minds, one way or another. And we know Trump will likely get his 2nd term regardless, due to the electoral college votes. But I can't fault Biden for allowing Trump to continue stepping on rakes and suffering self-inflicted wounds, between now and November. The sad part is that this isn't a game, and losing upwards to 1,000 of our fellow Americans each day to Covid is unacceptable.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thousands of Americans are dying every week. The President's response?<br><br>"It is what it is." <a href="https://t.co/GT59hr14kb">pic.twitter.com/GT59hr14kb</a></p>— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1290757401243602944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
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I don't understand why there would not be multiple debates.

If the pandemic is the excuse, virtual debates could be held with Trump in the oval office and Biden safely in his basement.

So perhaps there is another reason the NYT is pushing this.
Biden will get ******* destroyed. They know,I know it and Biden may not know he's running for president. I've been telling people for months they'll try to get his *** out of it. Ain't happening libtards. Buckle up your ***** hats and saddle up in your clown cars.

I still crack up that this guy is the best they could do? Boy they're in shambles. The media can't save them. Nothing can.

Can't wait!
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“I think Joe Biden is licking his chops to debate Donald Trump. I think he has been waiting for it for months. I have been on the debate stage with Joe. Joe’s going to clean his clock. Nothing will hold him back from doing that.” --<a href="https://twitter.com/AndrewYang?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@AndrewYang</a> <a href="https://t.co/lHC26AskGT">pic.twitter.com/lHC26AskGT</a></p>— Ana Cabrera (@AnaCabrera) <a href="https://twitter.com/AnaCabrera/status/1290058732601135105?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

:pound: :rofl:
Biden should challenge Trump to a pushup contest.
You guys are walking on eggshells. I simply posted a video of what Andrew Yang had to say about Biden debating Trump. Didn't post any commentary, didn't post my views on it, one way or another. Just found it an interesting counterpoint to the notion the Dems don't want the debate.

Well they're not going to admit they don't want the debate. That would be admitting Joe will perform horribly. They're going to say things like debating's not safe right now, or we won't broadcast Trump's lies, or some such bullshit like that. Every person who's paying any attention at all knows exactly why they don;t want the debates. And it's not because Trump is a brilliant debater. It's because Joe can barely read a speech at this point let alone speak off the cuff.

Biden balked at Barnett’s question about whether Biden had even taken an (cognitive) exam.

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” responded Biden, who then posed a rhetorical analogy.

“C’mon man,” he chided Barnett. “That’s like saying, ‘You — before you got on this program you took a test where you’re taking cocaine or not, what do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?’”

Yeah, this is going to go well. for him.
Well they're not going to admit they don't want the debate. That would be admitting Joe will perform horribly. They're going to say things like debating's not safe right now, or we won't broadcast Trump's lies, or some such bullshit like that. Every person who's paying any attention at all knows exactly why they don;t want the debates. And it's not because Trump is a brilliant debater. It's because Joe can barely read a speech at this point let alone speak off the cuff.

Yeah, this is going to go well. for him.

Here's the video. Breitbart said "Watch his brain freeze over and over."

And we know Trump will likely get his 2nd term regardless, due to the electoral college votes.

Dammit. We've been over this again and again and again. The Electoral College is one of the cornerstones of our governmental system. You CANNOT have a fair election for a country of this size if you simply allow 3 states to determine collectively who should be in in charge and set policy for the rest of the country.

It doesn't matter if outrageously exaggerated CA with it's endless population of non-citizen voters decides overwhelmingly to vote for Hillary. Indeed, if they do, she gets ALL their electoral votes (which for the record is at least 10 more than they ought to have based on actual citizen population, but I digress.) The Electoral College completely works because it forces a NATIONAL candidate to acknowledge and deal with the specific interests of ALL the individual states.

Again, if there were NO Electoral College, why on Earth would a candidate care about 40 of the 50 states? Why would he or she even bother to talk to, let alone consider the interests and concerns of 80 or 90% of the country when the easiest path to election is telling the 4 or 5 largest population states, "I'll just give you whatever you want!"

CA, you want no income, sales or property tax? You bet! DONE!
TX, you want federal money to increase your citizens salary and hourly wages? DONE!
FL, you want free "early bird specials" for life? DONE!
NY, you want us to just remove every single sign on every bathroom in the country? DONE!

Everyone else... **** you! We're going to need you to produce more grain, more beef, more taxes so we can continue to support the wishes of the popular vote. And by the way... can you stop sending your representatives to D.C. they're interrupting the important people.
Well they're not going to admit they don't want the debate. That would be admitting Joe will perform horribly. They're going to say things like debating's not safe right now, or we won't broadcast Trump's lies, or some such bullshit like that. Every person who's paying any attention at all knows exactly why they don;t want the debates. And it's not because Trump is a brilliant debater. It's because Joe can barely read a speech at this point let alone speak off the cuff. Yeah, this is going to go well. for him.

Hey lady, who likes to tell me to **** off.

You act like Biden didn't just wrap up doing what, 11-12 debates during the Dem primary.

Look, Biden's old and dodgy, mixes things up, misspeaks as much as anyone. He's not a great orator and has suffered from a stutter his entire life. Having said that, there's nothing that would keep him from debating Trump. The right loves to emphasize his gaffes, but ignores the fact he's been on stage, under the lights, with the pressure on numerous times and has done just fine, time and time again.

Again, he's not Obama, or a JFK, or an MLK, but this idea that he's so off-kilter that he wouldn't debate Trump is just a bunch of garbage.

Add to that, there hasn't been a peep from Biden's camp that he doesn't want to debate Trump. In fact, they've already signed up and agreed to all the debates. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

But believe what you will.

I hope I haven't upset you and that I won't get another '**** you' from you for this post. :wave:

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What was the #1 reason folks rebelled against England and started the Revolutionary War?

Taxation without representation. That is PRECISELY what would happen if the Electoral College was thrown away. Dozens and Dozens of states would effectively have no say whatsoever in federal governance.

Here's an idea. You like popular vote? What if a federal candidate had to win the popular vote in EACH state. Oh, wait. We call that the ******* ELECTORAL COLLEGE.
Hey lady, who likes to tell me to **** off.

You act like Biden didn't just wrap up doing what, 11-12 debates during the Dem primary.

Look, Biden's old and dodgy, mixes things up, misspeaks as much as anyone. He's not a great orator and has suffered from a stutter his entire life. Having said that, there's nothing that would keep him from debating Trump. The right loves to emphasize his gaffes, but ignores the fact he's been on stage, under the lights, with the pressure on numerous times and has done just fine, time and time again.

Again, he's not Obama, or a JFK, or an MLK, but this idea that he's so off-kilter that he wouldn't debate Trump is just a bunch of garbage.

Add to that, there hasn't been a peep from Biden's camp that he doesn't want to debate Trump. In fact, they've already signed up and agreed to all the debates. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

But believe what you will.

I hope I haven't upset you and that I won't get another '**** you' from you for this post. :wave:

Yeah, I like to tell someone who posts a video that states a totally ****** up ******* who beats up a woman is "the GOP legacy" when I have been a proud Republican all my life to **** off.

You crack me up with this "He's not a great orator" ****, you definitely gave W the benefit of that doubt, didn't you? He's well beyond not a great orator, he doesn't just stumble over words he says stuff that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. He's also said numerous racist things over the years even before he lost his marbles that make "there are good people on both sides" pale in comparison, but you ignore that too. He also gropes people and sniffs their hair right out in public so god only knows how he acts when the cameras aren't rolling.

Yeah, Dementia Joe is willing to debate because he's seemingly unaware of how bad he comes across and it's not getting better with time.

He went through a lot of debates with a very favorable press that pretty much ignored his ridiculous gaffes like telling parents to make sure they play their record players at night to educate their children, while Bush said "nucular" and the press absolutely lost their minds.

No **** you for this post just a chuckle and a head shake because the double standards of Dems and their ability to apologize away and blind themselves to the flaws of their kin never ceases to amaze me.
We call that the ******* ELECTORAL COLLEGE.

Take it easy, buddy. I didn't say we should scrap the electoral college. I said him getting reelected to a 2nd term lines up well for him in the electoral college, like it did in 2016. You know, an electoral college where a candidate can get 3M fewer votes overall but still be elected President.

t mystifying, bizarre, and confounding debate moments.

When he cut his own time off
If you remember 10,000 years ago, at the very first 2020 debates, Biden was the only candidate to cut his own response time short. He was responding to devastating criticisms from Kamala Harris about his record on race, including his comments on working with segregationists and his views on busing (“That little girl was me,” Harris said, of black children who were bused during desegregation). Well before moderators would have shut him down, after stumbling through a weak rebuttal, Biden sputtered, “Anyway, my time is up. I’m sorry.”

When he called adult woman and U.S. senator Kamala Harris “kid”
At the second debates in July, you’ll recall, Biden changed up his strategy: Instead of self-muting, he decided to employ the tried-and-true method of charming America through paternalistic condescension. Probably anticipating further sparring with Harris, he told her, “go easy on me, kid” as they shook hands on-camera. Harris’s (appropriate) response was to smile and say, “Ha ha,” before rushing away.

When he urged America to “go to” a phone number
Bookending his cutesy “kid” routine, Biden ended the July debates on an extremely … perplexing note. He made sure to tell viewers that we should “go to Joe 30330,” which everyone quickly realized was the candidate trying to tell us to text “Joe” to 30330 to sign up for automated messages.

When he said that thing about record players
In September, Biden gave us a real doozy: In response to a question about America’s 400 years of systemic racism, he went on a rambling tangent about what impoverished families of color can do to improve their children’s educational opportunities. This included sending in social workers, and recommending that parents should “play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night.”
When he said he would “punch” domestic violence over and over again
Last night we reached a new level of Bidenism with the candidate’s take on combatting gender violence on college campuses. The weirdness was two-pronged: First, Biden said that “no man has a right to raise a hand to a woman” — unless in self-defense, an odd caveat to feel he should make during an impassioned answer about what he would do to help women. He went on to say we have to “change the culture” — more specifically, we have to “keep punching at it and punching at it and punching at it,” you know, like we’re beating it, with violence.

When he said he “comes from the black community”
Not to be outdone by himself, Biden responded to criticisms of his statement that he would not legalize marijuana with some dunderheaded comments about his relationship to black voters. Not only did he say he comes “out of the black community” while on stage with two black candidates, he also seemed to forget that one of them was there: Most likely referring to former Senator Carol Moseley Braun, he said he had the endorsement of “the only African-American woman that has ever been elected to the United States Senate.” Moseley Braun is the first, not the only; the second black woman to become a U.S. senator, Kamala Harris, was standing a few feet down from Biden. She responded, “The other one is here.”
Doesn't matter how Biden performs in a debate, good or bad. It likely won't go well for him, he's far from an ideal candidate and he's a C+ orator and debater, at best.

Trump has the base, he's got the votes, he's got McConnell and the majority in the Senate, he's got the wind at his back. He's the incumbent, he's got everything on his side. Not enough voters with TDS - like me - to move the needle.

It is what it is. This is America in 2020. It's Trump's America, and we can all look forward to four more years of round-the-clock Trumpism.

Don't understand all the bellyaching and hand-wringing from the Trump camp, re mail-in votes, the debates, the hostile media, et al. Trump has shown none of that matters one bit, he's as popular as ever with his base. He's faced a special counsel investigation, has gotten impeached, has slipped-up and ******-up over and over. None of that has mattered for four years running, why would that be any different in November?
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<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“I think Joe Biden is licking his chops to debate Donald Trump. I think he has been waiting for it for months. I have been on the debate stage with Joe. Joe’s going to clean his clock. Nothing will hold him back from doing that.” --<a href="https://twitter.com/AndrewYang?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@AndrewYang</a> <a href="https://t.co/lHC26AskGT">pic.twitter.com/lHC26AskGT</a></p>— Ana Cabrera (@AnaCabrera) <a href="https://twitter.com/AnaCabrera/status/1290058732601135105?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>


This is how stupid they think you are.
Take it easy, buddy. I didn't say we should scrap the electoral college. I said him getting reelected to a 2nd term lines up well for him in the electoral college, like it did in 2016. You know, an electoral college where a candidate can get 3M fewer votes overall but still be elected President.

Look, Tibs. I really do like you. But that whole 3M fewer votes - it's been covered ad-nauseaum. ALL those votes were out of NY and CA. And it is PRECISELY why we need an electoral college. If you look at state by state or county by county results, Clinton was NEVER in the race. She knew it. That's why she had her epic meltdown in her green room during the election.

You simply cannot use the edge she had in the nationwide popular vote as any kind of argument. Want to do a statistics exercise? Take away the 2 largest majority states for each candidate and then see where they landed on the "popular vote'. Clinton loses CA and NY and Trump loses like... MT and WY. (I'm honestly just guessing here what states he won the greatest majority in...)

Clinton would lose millions of votes. Trump may lose a million.

Suddenly TRUMP wins the popular vote AND the Electoral College. Course that leaves CA and NY as well as MT and WY wondering why THEY aren't important enough to count.
They interviewed another Dem - one of the ones that Biden beat. What do you think he would say? "Joe has no chance in a debate with Trump" "Trump'll mop the floor with Joe in a debate." Interview Sanders or Butthead or Warren or Klo .... they'll all say the same thing
............ You know, an electoral college where a candidate can get 3M fewer votes overall but still be elected President.

Look, Tibs. I really do like you.

Think you could provide a legitimate example as to why? I'm just wondering if there's something you're seeing that I'm being blinded by.
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If I had to bet right now, I'm still picking Biden to win.

You can't look at "being the incumbent" as good right now. 2020 is a fuckup year. Stress is high. People don't know what to do with their kids.

That type of environment for voting normally means people want "boring". Anything BUT someone rocking the boat.

I think Trump has lost some of his white, suburban and rural women voting base. Remember, Trump still won like 52% of all white women in 2016. I think that goes down in 2020. Yes, the white male vote hasn't left him. We'll all vote again.

It's the white women where he is losing traction. And if Biden can generate even a LITTLE more black voter turnout than Clinton, I think that's all it will take. He'll flip PA, MICH and WIS. I think that is all it will take.

This is the map I'm predicting:

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