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Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia from Lawsuits

It depends. Bammy is a lame duck but Congress wants to keep their phoney baloney jobs. Harrumph, harrumph. Hey, I didn't get a harrumph outta that guy.

After 7 years Congress finally overrides a Bammy veto. Although He hasn't vetoed much since they usually give Him what He wants.
This is twice now that I may agree with Bammy on something.
We already know why he is an Islamic terrorist appeaser, Tibs



Counting down his days! I did get a good chuckle that after almost 8 years they said no to dear leader. It's too bad they didn't do that with his smash the middle class unaffordable health care act.
We already know why he is an Islamic terrorist appeaser, Tibs

Because you live in a paranoid, fictitious world devoid of sanity and reason.
For the 10,000th time, and for the love of God, maybe just maybe you guys will finally understand. No, who am I kidding, of course you won't.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcnn%2Fvideos%2F10155377498941509%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Okay maybe once, but it's clear he avoids it. Just like the gun violence in Chicago, one time he mentioned it. It's pure window dressing, we know where his heart is on issues like this, and he'll never bash black on black violence, or Islam like he does to say Christianity.
You. Stupid. Diiiiiiiiiiiiiick!

What's the problem, junior? Spike and I go at each other hard, he'd be disappointed if it was any other way. So stop your sniveling and crawl back under the bed.
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113 days till Obama is gone. Can't we all just get along?
For the 10,000th time, and for the love of God, maybe just maybe you guys will finally understand. No, who am I kidding, of course you won't.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcnn%2Fvideos%2F10155377498941509%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Lemme get this straight. The only time Obama will say radical islamic terrorism is when he is explaining why he won't say radical islamic terrorism - and that's your counterpoint?
Lemme get this straight. The only time Obama will say radical islamic terrorism is when he is explaining why he won't say radical islamic terrorism - and that's your counterpoint?

In the mind of the Tibtard, he just proved that Obama destroyed ISIS and saved the world.
Because you live in a paranoid, fictitious world devoid of sanity and reason.

While true, I don't think it affects is assessment in this instance...
Oh how I love poking the bear...

From a yahoo chat regarding the veto overturn...

What? Allow the citizenry to question the action (or inaction) of a government, any government? Unpossible!

Do you not realize "you're not qualified!" Nobody wants anyone poking around into 9/11 and attempting any further "investigation". Just remember this. If you ever happen to be in a building taller than 20 stories and the fire alarm goes off - get the hell out as soon as possible. Don't remain calm, don't proceed in an orderly fashion. Empirical evidence demonstrates with 100% certainty that that building WILL collapse, likely withing an hour to 90 minutes but definitely within 5 to 6 hours.

It doesn't matter if it's a steel frame or re-bar reinforced concrete - That building is coming down. 4 in one day. It's WILL happen.

So do yourself and any co-workers you care about a favor. Get OUT as fast as you can. Trample people in the stairways. Shove old ladies down, whatever you have to do. That building WILL collapse. 100% failure rate as demonstrated empirically on 9/11.
Lemme get this straight. The only time Obama will say radical islamic terrorism is when he is explaining why he won't say radical islamic terrorism - and that's your counterpoint?

Well, that and He says that Islamic State is not Islamic. Even though the guys in it think it is Islamic, enough so that they call it "Islamic State".
Well, that and He says that Islamic State is not Islamic. Even though the guys in it think it is Islamic, enough so that they call it "Islamic State".

You're inching closer to the truth, Ron. They think and claim they represent Muslims and Islam. Why legitimize them? ISIS murders more Muslims then any other folks, many more. There are a host of Muslim nations around the world that are our allies. They are fighting, and dying in this fight against ISIS just like our soldiers are. Why antagonize them? Obama's example was spot on. If a group went around murdering and blowing up people in the name of Christ, would you call them Christian terrorists? Of course not. You would call them madmen, murderers, terrorists. Think about it. There are 1.6 billion Muslims, you want to go to war with all of them? Or how bout isolating and focusing on a fringe group of terrorists? If Muslims all agreed with ISIS and wanted an Islamic State, believe me, there would be an Islamic State many times over.
They think and claim they represent Muslims and Islam.

They do. They are the ones following the Quoran. The Muslims who aren't bloodthirsty psychopaths are the slackers. Problem is that you never know when one of the "normal" Muslims goes instant jihadi. I don't trust a one of them any farther than I can throw them.
They do. They are the ones following the Quoran. The Muslims who aren't bloodthirsty psychopaths are the slackers. Problem is that you never know when one of the "normal" Muslims goes instant jihadi. I don't trust a one of them any farther than I can throw them.

If I grabbed one by the wrist and ankle and spun around like the hammer throw, I could probably chuck it about 10 to 12 feet. Preferably while 5 feet away from a cliff.
If I grabbed one by the wrist and ankle and spun around like the hammer throw, I could probably chuck it about 10 to 12 feet. Preferably while 5 feet away from a cliff.

See Indy, there is something we can agree on. I have no problem with you throwing terrorists off a cliff. I'd do the same.
See Indy, there is something we can agree on. I have no problem with you throwing terrorists off a cliff. I'd do the same.

I was talking about the ones who don't cut off heads. You are far too sensitive to hear about what I would like to do to the ones who actually act on what they all believe.
In the mind of the Tibtard, he just proved that Obama destroyed ISIS and saved the world.

Here are the facts, on the ground. We are making much more progress than what you blowhards give Obama credit for. Does this mean there won't be any more terror attacks? Of course not. But it does mean the American-led international effort to defeat ISIS has made significant gains.

Isis will be defeated 'by the end of 2017

Isis is close to military defeat and will probably have been vanquished by the end of 2017, a security analyst has said.

Firas Abi Ali, a senior analyst of terrorism in the Middle East, said the jihadist group - also known as Islamic State - was being weakened by American air power and was unlikely to survive as a military force beyond the next 12 months.

He told the BBC World Service: "The Islamic State is close to a military defeat. It’s probably not going to happen in 2016 but they will probably have been defeated by late 2017.

"The US support is playing a very important role. Air cover is playing a very important role. If you’re looking at it from a military perspective, the Islamic State don’t stand a chance against a ground assault that is backed by air power."

Mr Ali referred to Isis's defeat against Kurdish forces in the battle for the the city of Kobani last year as an example of the role played by US air support.

"The Kurds had been trying to win it back for months," he said.

"The tides of that battle turned, so the Kurds have played an extremely important role, but modern technology has played an even more important role."
And back to the original topic, predictably Congress is now having buyer's remorse after having rushed into a stupid, uninformed decision. You can't make this **** up.

A day after veto override, Congress has second thoughts and may fix Sept. 11 bill

Congress suddenly has buyer's remorse for overriding Obama's veto

Less than a day after Congress overrode President Obama’s veto of a bill that would let 9/11 victims’ families sue Saudi Arabia, top GOP leaders said they might need to fix the new law to protect U.S. national security interests.

Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) both acknowledged Thursday that the bill, which narrows a foreign nation’s immunity from legal challenge, could backfire by exposing the United States to retaliatory lawsuits by foreign victims of terrorism.

“There may be some work to be done,” Ryan told reporters.
The upside of this, my understanding is that it would also let other countries sue us too.
I heard this argument too, but I read it and there is nothing in there about that. It also allows the AG to stay any civil action under this law, so good luck.
American-led international effort to defeat ISIS has made significant gains.
I'm really ******* weary of the US leading NATO. Why can't somebody else lead NATO. Can we just lead our own ******* military and let, say Spain lead ******* NATO? Spain seems like some pretty solid dudes. They got our backs, right?

What about Denmark? Denmark's cool? Why the **** do WE have to do all the ******* work, send all the bodies and the money?

Hillary was thrilled as **** to point out how all of NATO jumped together after 9/11 to help out and cleanse the scourge of terrorism. Anybody care to look up the "participation percentages" of all the NATO countries in the subsequent invasion and occupations? Anybody care to see how LONG all those NATO buddies stayed involved?

Guess what, it turns out about 2 ******* countries did 90% of the work, one really. Care to guess who? ******* NATO.
And back to the original topic, predictably Congress is now having buyer's remorse after having rushed into a stupid, uninformed decision. You can't make this **** up.

A day after veto override, Congress has second thoughts and may fix Sept. 11 bill

Congress suddenly has buyer's remorse for overriding Obama's veto

it may be crazy of me to think so, but you would THINK they would fix this **** BEFORE they actually approve it.