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Obamacare Wins Again


21 is my IQ
Apr 14, 2014
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6-3 ruling Roberts and Kennedy go Liberal.

All Hail King Obama!
Remember when Roberts was going to bring back Jim Crow laws?
Not surprised. One more nail in the coffin of America as we know it. Not just because Obamacare has survived, but Scalia's dissent is spot on...SCOTUS has basically rewritten several parts of this law or ignored the English language in order to protect Obamacare. That is NOT their job, to decide they like the outcome of a law and then perform verbal gymnastics trying to declare it constitutional. Our system of checks and balances has been so compromised over the last several years I don't recognize it. Civics textbooks are going to have to be rewritten.

I hate Obama care but had it been gutted it would have doomed the Republicans in the next election. They need to shift now to fixing the law. What can't be done all at once can be done with the actually working to fix things rather than all the partisan bluster. In the long run this decision will be seen as good for conservatives.
Next move, abolish the dollar and join the Euro
I hate Obama care but had it been gutted it would have doomed the Republicans in the next election. They need to shift now to fixing the law. What can't be done all at once can be done with the actually working to fix things rather than all the partisan bluster. In the long run this decision will be seen as good for conservatives.

Name one major federal program that has ever been done away with. It isn't going anywhere. The Reps can't even fight for a trade bill against BHO. They have no spine and now the country is done for. It's just a matter of time before the U.S. becomes Europe II. The liberal reps. and dems control the W.H. and congress. They're all the same. Most of them are quasi socialist or full bore socialist. The GOP is a disaster. The leadership is feckless and nobody cares. **** them.
Remember when Roberts was going to bring back Jim Crow laws?

Roberts has sided with the left a bit too much. It matters not, rising costs and gotcha's in Obama Care will keep its enrollment low. If you have but say 8 million in a nation of 318 million, this plan covers what 2.5 percent of the population?

"Some 7.1 million Americans were enrolled in health plans as of mid-october, officials said Monday. That's down from the 8.1 million that had originally signed up. Some never paid their premiums to complete enrollment, some got jobs that provide healthcare and some did not provide sufficient proof of citizenship."

“The Court holds that when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act says ‘Exchange established by the State’ it means ‘Exchange established by the State or the Federal Government.’ That is of course quite absurd, and the Court’s 21 pages of explanation make it no less so,” Scalia wrote.

Scalia added, “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’ It is hard to come up with a clearer way to limit tax credits to state Exchanges than to use the words ‘established by the State.’ And it is hard to come up with a reason to include the words ‘by the State’ other than the purpose of limiting credits to state Exchanges.”

In 2015, the landscape has changed, although the partisan and ideological divisions remain for a law that passed Congress in 2010 with no Republican votes.
Name one major federal program that has ever been done away with. It isn't going anywhere. The Reps can't even fight for a trade bill against BHO. They have no spine and now the country is done for. It's just a matter of time before the U.S. becomes Europe II. The liberal reps. and dems control the W.H. and congress. They're all the same. Most of them are quasi socialist or full bore socialist. The GOP is a disaster. The leadership is feckless and nobody cares. **** them.

I never said it would go away. Hell Health reform was needed. This law sucked. What I am saying is this would have been a rallying cry for progressives and hurt conservative chances in the next election. I also think we can fix this law by changing it from the inside out through legistlative fixes. We are not repealing it unless we have a miracle election and get 60 in the senate which is not happening. The government needs to start governing and make any small changes they can to fix the **** we have. It can be done. It just takes the balls to leave behind Party line voting and do what is right not politically expedient.
What I am saying is this would have been a rallying cry for progressives and hurt conservative chances in the next election.

Look, most of the people in this country think Scalia is a kook. Logic and reason and adhering to the Constitution are now considered insane by most people. There are no such thing as "conservatives" anymore, at least not in any number that will affect a national election. It's over folks, this little experiment in liberty and self-determination. Finito.

We have a president who thinks he can write laws. We have a SCOTUS which thinks it can rewrite laws in order to make them adhere to the Constitution. We have an IRS using its power to silence people. We had a secretary of state conducting business from her personal home and destroying years of records, who is now likely to become our next president.. NO. ONE. CARES.
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Obamacare is merely a means for individuals to buy private medical insurance. Not getting healthcare is the easiest way for a citizen to end up
dependent on the government. So why don't conservatives support a program that helps prevent individuals becoming dependent on the government,

Without insurance these folks were ending up in emergency rooms and the taxpayer was paying the unpaid bills to the hospitals.
Obamacare is merely a means for individuals to buy private medical insurance. Not getting healthcare is the easiest way for a citizen to end up
dependent on the government. So why don't conservatives support a program that helps prevent individuals becoming dependent on the government,

Without insurance these folks were ending up in emergency rooms and the taxpayer was paying the unpaid bills to the hospitals.

We still ARE paying the unpaid bills.
Without insurance these folks were ending up in emergency rooms and the taxpayer was paying the unpaid bills to the hospitals.

The taxpayers sources it both ways....either with the insurance or an emergency room visit, but now we get stuck with the higher premium. No reason for Scalia to not retire. The days of the true Federalist justices are over.....he and Rehnquist are the last.
The taxpayers sources it both ways....either with the insurance or an emergency room visit, but now we get stuck with the higher premium.

Not to mention, it's the most basic of economic theories that when something is "free" people will use more of it. People who might be afraid to go to an emergency room for a cold or a sprain because of the potential bill, will now do it because they are insured. Throw in the fact that meds (read: pain meds) are now covered you might as well invite people to the ER with an engraved invitation. Why anyone thought "free insurance" would inspire people to cut costs is beyond me.
Our Supreme court is ******* worthless. Nothing short of a revolt will save this constitutional republic.
The problem you are overlooking, is that when you don't have insurance and don't seek care, little problems
become big problems and much more costly. It is much better for everyone if Americans can seek preventive
care and prevent illnesses and stay healthy to work, rather than ending up with a chronic disease and on social
security disability.
The problem you are overlooking, is that when you don't have insurance and don't seek care, little problems
become big problems and much more costly. It is much better for everyone if Americans can seek preventive
care and prevent illnesses and stay healthy to work, rather than ending up with a chronic disease and on social
security disability.

My friend is a single mom. She has 2 kids. The insurance the school district offers is horrifically expensive. She has the 1500 deductible, but pays 50 bucks each time she sees a doctor. That doesn't include the monthly premium. Keep in mind that as paras, we only work 35 hours a week, don't get paid for school breaks, and don't get paid over the summer. We make just over the limit to qualify for the subsidies, but not enough to afford the healthcare that we are MANDATED to have. My friend has some health issues that she has to put on the back burner because she simply can't afford the out of pocket costs. Preventative care, my ***.
The problem you are overlooking, is that when you don't have insurance and don't seek care, little problems
become big problems and much more costly. It is much better for everyone if Americans can seek preventive
care and prevent illnesses and stay healthy to work, rather than ending up with a chronic disease and on social
security disability.

No, I think the problem is Government wrestling control of our economy.

Friedrick Hayek "The Road to Serfdom" 1944 talked about this

"It will come the will of a minority be imposed upon the people. The power of these minorities to act by taking money or property in pursuit of centralized goals that destroys the Rule of Law and individual freedoms. Where there is centralized planning, the individual would more than ever become a mere means, to be used by the authority in the service of such abstractions as the 'social welfare' or the 'good of the community'. While the last resort of a competitive economy is the bailiff , the ultimate sanction of a planned economy is the hangman. Socialism is a hypocritical system, because its professed humanitarian goals can only be put into practice by the tyranny of a dictator and the brutal methods of which most socialists disapprove."
The problem you are overlooking, is that when you don't have insurance and don't seek care, little problems
become big problems and much more costly. It is much better for everyone if Americans can seek preventive
care and prevent illnesses and stay healthy to work, rather than ending up with a chronic disease and on social
security disability.

Yet we have larger numbers of people on disability than at any time in history. Gee, it's almost like if people can get everything they need without having to work, they won't...
Our system of checks and balances has been so compromised over the last several years I don't recognize it. Civics textbooks are going to have to be ELIMINATED.

There, I fixed it for you.
The Supreme Court’s Obamacare Decision Is Already Worth $3 Billion For Insurers

The five largest publicly traded health insurance companies (UnitedHealth, Anthem,1 Aetna, Humana and Cigna) — all of which were party to an amicus brief in support of the subsidies filed by America’s Health Insurance Plans, a trade group for insurance companies — rose an average of 1 percent over their opening prices by 11 a.m. Thursday. The bounce started at approximately 10:10 a.m., right when SCOTUSblog first announced the Supreme Court’s decision. All five companies.

That rise amounted to a $3 billion increase in the combined market capitalization of the five companies.


Corporations win!
Cruz: Any candidate not willing to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare should step aside

HOUSTON, Texas — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision on King v. Burwell:

“Today’s decision in King v. Burwell is judicial activism, plain and simple. For the second time in just a few years, a handful of unelected judges has rewritten the text of Obamacare in order to impose this failed law on millions of Americans. The first time, the Court ignored federal law and magically transformed a statutory ‘penalty’ into a ‘tax.’ Today, these robed Houdinis transmogrified a ‘federal exchange’ into an exchange ‘established by the State.’

“As Justice Scalia rightfully put it, ‘Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.” He also said, ‘We should start calling this law SCOTUSCare’ – I agree.

“If this were a bankruptcy case, or any other case of ordinary statutory interpretation, the result would have been 9-0, with the Court unanimously reversing the Obama administration’s illegal actions. But instead, politics intervened.

“For nakedly political reasons, the Supreme Court willfully ignored the words that Congress wrote, and instead read into the law their preferred policy outcome. These judges have joined with President Obama in harming millions of Americans. Unelected judges have once again become legislators, and bad ones at that. They are lawless, and they hide their prevarication in legalese. Our government was designed to be one of laws, not of men, and this transparent distortion is disgraceful.

“At the same time, crocodile tears are flooding our nation’s capital today over the Supreme Court’s decision to illegally rewrite Obamacare, which has been a disaster since its inception. But one day of faux outrage from the Washington Cartel won’t fool the millions of courageous conservatives across our country. They know the Republican leadership in Washington is quietly celebrating the Court’s decision. If they believe this issue is now settled so they don’t have to address it, they are sorely mistaken.

“Every GOP candidate for the Republican nomination should know that this decision makes the 2016 election a referendum on the full repeal of Obamacare.

“I have made repeal of this disastrous law a top priority since the first day I arrived in the Senate and have made its repeal central to my campaign. Any candidate not willing to do the same—and campaign on it every day—should step aside.

“The Court adopted the IRS’s blatantly unlawful reading of the statute to make subsidies available to individuals on federal exchanges, when Congress expressly provided the opposite.

“After today’s ruling, Obamacare will now be responsible for imposing illegal taxes on more than 11 million individuals and for burdening hundreds of thousands of businesses with illegal penalties on their workers, killing jobs, and further slowing economic growth. President Obama’s health care law remains deeply unpopular and is harming countless Americans by increasing costs and worsening the quality of care.

“I remain fully committed to the repeal of Obamacare—every single word of it. And, in 2017, we will do exactly that.”



Obamacare is merely a means for individuals to buy private medical insurance. Not getting healthcare is the easiest way for a citizen to end up
dependent on the government. So why don't conservatives support a program that helps prevent individuals becoming dependent on the government,

Without insurance these folks were ending up in emergency rooms and the taxpayer was paying the unpaid bills to the hospitals.

BIGGEST lie of all. The uninsured using the ER account for a whopping 6 % of a hospitals billings and that is covered by INSURANCE the hospitals had. This whole issue was a non starter except for a dumb president that went to bed with the insurance companies.