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Obama's return to Iraq reveals how wrong he has been about the world

I stand with the president and our armed forces. The enemy is ever-changing, first Al Quaida, now ISIS, spread out in multiple countries. Morphing, realigning, ducking, attacking. I think the strategy is the right one, hit em from the air when we can, no doubt it's gonna be wack-a-mole, no easy end in sight.
Yes, and who could really argue with how well imperial overstretch has worked out historically for great powers...
You get no argument from me at this point. We should either pull out or make them cover the cost. I wouldn't call it imperialism though since we did not take over governing their countries.
You get no argument from me at this point. We should either pull out or make them cover the cost. I wouldn't call it imperialism though since we did not take over governing their countries.

No, I gotcha. I didn't mean imperialism in the traditional sense. Sorry for the undue confusion.

I simply mean having a military presence in 100+ countries around the world, underwriting and /or bankrolling defense for countries that should be capable of doing it themselves, trying to play world policeman, and so forth.
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I stand with the president and our armed forces. The enemy is ever-changing, first Al Quaida, now ISIS, spread out in multiple countries. Morphing, realigning, ducking, attacking. I think the strategy is the right one, hit em from the air when we can, no doubt it's gonna be wack-a-mole, no easy end in sight.

You won't beat them with bombing alone. Either go all in or don't go. I know no one wants to be in another ground war, but short of dropping nukes, ISIS will not be defeated by bombing alone. This strategy looks like you are "doing something" yet you are accomplishing nothing. Good training for the pilots I guess.
More proof that Obama is a terrorist sympathizer:


From your link, and thank you:

"When Obama calls the terrorists sweeping across Iraq the "ISIL" instead of "ISIS" he is intentionally identifying to the Arab/Islamic community that he does not recognize the Jewish state of Israel. When he calls them ISIL it stands for the "Islamic State of Iraq and Levant." The Levant is the land bridge from Turkey to Egypt. So what he is doing is recognizing an Islamic State extending from Iran to Egypt -- denying that the State of Israel exists. Keep that in mind when you hear Obama and his administration call these terrorists "ISIL". He is positioning the United States of America as an enemy of Israel."
More proof that Obama is a terrorist sympathizer:


More proof(not that we needed any more, I just like the RAY RAY pile on) that you are a moron.

This just an excerpt,the whole story is at the link


Tue Sep 09, 2014 at 09:30 AM PDT

No, Chuck Todd, President Obama does not use the term ISIL to avoid saying "Syria"

As we all know, Chuck Todd hosted his first Meet the Press gig the other day.

One, of the more ignorant comments Chuck Todd made was when he false accused President Obama of using the term ISIL because President Obama does not want to mention the word Syria.

Obviously we refer to it at NBC News as ISIS. The Obama administration, President says the word ISIL. The last 'S' stands for Syria, the last L they don’t want to have stand for Syria.
~Chuck Todd on Meet the Press 9/8/2014

WTF?!?!? "the last L they don't want to have it stand for Syria?"

That mind numbingly stupid comment is further proof that Chuck Todd is paid to be a propaganda spewing rightwinged hack.

In factual-world, President Obama uses the term ISIL is because President Obama is using the most accurate translation of the title that this group, ISIL, gave itself when it was founded in 2004 as a result of the Iraq invasion.

... but that's just fact-world, not rightwinged hackery world.

So what slim infested part of rightwinged-hackery world did stupid Chuck Todd pick up the rightwinged nutcase idea that President Obama has a nefarious reason for using the term ISIL?

Answer: Chuck Todd got that rightwinged talking point from Fox.

WTF?!?!? "the last L they don't want to have it stand for Syria?"

That mind numbingly stupid comment is further proof that Chuck Todd is paid to be a propaganda spewing rightwinged hack.

In factual-world, President Obama uses the term ISIL is because President Obama is using the most accurate translation of the title that this group, ISIL, gave itself when it was founded in 2004 as a result of the Iraq invasion.

... but that's just fact-world, not rightwinged hackery world.

So what slim infested part of rightwinged-hackery world did stupid Chuck Todd pick up the rightwinged nutcase idea that President Obama has a nefarious reason for using the term ISIL

es, with the exception of two news outlets, Reuters & the AP, who decided to use factual terms instead of media made-up term, ISIS, the rest of the media are still too stupid to use the correct term, ISIL.

And now we know one place that stupid Chuck Todd goes to get his world-view is Fox.

In June, 2014, the AP explained why they, the AP, will use the term "ISIL" and not "ISIS"

In Arabic, the group is known as Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham, or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham. The term “al-Sham” refers to a region stretching from southern Turkey through Syria to Egypt (also including Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan). The group’s stated goal is to restore an Islamic state, or caliphate, in this entire area.
~Associatedweb postune 2014 web post

The AP is correct.

In Arabic the phrase is "al-Dawlet al-Islamiyyeh fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham" literally translates to the Islamic State of (in) Iraq and the Levant. The final "S" in ISIS does not translate to Syria because the word Syria is not in the original Arabic language.

They, ISIL, use the term "al-Sham" which refers to an old swatch of territory that is known in English as "the Levant." It is not just Syria because ISIL also thinks they will control Lebanon and Palestine which are included in the ancient "al-Sham" or "the Levant."

But, to underscore the gravity of Chuck Todd's ignorance, he was talking to Andrea Mitchel and he was too stupid to hear her use the term "ISIL."

... And he [Obama] is basically saying he outlining a war against ISIL in Iraq, based on an Iraqi army that has yet to be proved effective at all.
So if you're only going to fight them in Iraq, degrade them in Iraq, and then worry about Syria with the Syrian state army that we let down for three years, we have not armed them to their needs, how does that work? So it's a strategy, it's the clearest strategy. This is an incredible interview, in that he's laying it out point by point.


Obviously we refer to it at NBC News as ISIS. The Obama administration, president says the word ISIL. The last 'S' stands for Syria, the last L they don’t want to have stand for Syria.

Ok, so Andrea Mitchell didn't get Chuck Todd's memo that "Obviously we refer to it at NBC News as 'ISIS'"

No kidding here, it's bad enough that Chuck Todd blatantly lied when he falsely accused President Obama of: "You've not said the word, "Syria," so far in our conversation..."

But, Chuck Todd underscores and highlights that his goal as host of the failed Meet the Press show is to simply spew false, gas-baggish, rightwinged talking points as is evidenced by Chuck Todd falsely accusing President Obama of using the term ISIL because he does not want to use the word "Syria."
From your link, and thank you:

"When Obama calls the terrorists sweeping across Iraq the "ISIL" instead of "ISIS" he is intentionally identifying to the Arab/Islamic community that he does not recognize the Jewish state of Israel. When he calls them ISIL it stands for the "Islamic State of Iraq and Levant." The Levant is the land bridge from Turkey to Egypt. So what he is doing is recognizing an Islamic State extending from Iran to Egypt -- denying that the State of Israel exists. Keep that in mind when you hear Obama and his administration call these terrorists "ISIL". He is positioning the United States of America as an enemy of Israel."

In Arabic, the group is known as Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham, or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham. The term “al-Sham” refers to a region stretching from southern Turkey through Syria to Egypt (also including Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan). The group’s stated goal is to restore an Islamic state, or caliphate, in this entire area.
~Associatedweb postune 2014 web post

The AP is correct.

In Arabic the phrase is "al-Dawlet al-Islamiyyeh fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham" literally translates to the Islamic State of (in) Iraq and the Levant. The final "S" in ISIS does not translate to Syria because the word Syria is not in the original Arabic language.

They, ISIL, use the term "al-Sham" which refers to an old swatch of territory that is known in English as "the Levant." It is not just Syria because ISIL also thinks they will control Lebanon and Palestine which are included in the ancient "al-Sham" or "the Levant."
I pine for the good ole days, when the Middle East was run by secular tyrants, that could be counted on to mercilessly quell any Islamist uprising.

In Shift, U.S. Calls Fight With Jihadists 'War'

The White House and Pentagon said Friday that the U.S. is "at war" with the Islamic State militant group, shifting the way the conflict was defined a day earlier by Secretary of State John Kerry, who called it a large-scale "counterterrorism" operation.

The change in the description reflected the Obama administration's continuing struggle with how to cast the international campaign it is assembling to counter...

In Arabic, the group is known as Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham, or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham. The term “al-Sham” refers to a region stretching from southern Turkey through Syria to Egypt (also including Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan). The group’s stated goal is to restore an Islamic state, or caliphate, in this entire area.
~Associatedweb postune 2014 web post

The AP is correct.

In Arabic the phrase is "al-Dawlet al-Islamiyyeh fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham" literally translates to the Islamic State of (in) Iraq and the Levant. The final "S" in ISIS does not translate to Syria because the word Syria is not in the original Arabic language.

They, ISIL, use the term "al-Sham" which refers to an old swatch of territory that is known in English as "the Levant." It is not just Syria because ISIL also thinks they will control Lebanon and Palestine which are included in the ancient "al-Sham" or "the Levant."

Yeah, one would NEVER think that Obama would say ISIL in support of Islam, ever...






#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”

#2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

#3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

#4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

#5 “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

#6 “Islam has always been part of America”

#7 “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”

#8 “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

#9 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

#10 “I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”

#11 “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

#12 “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”

#13 “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

#14 “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

#15 “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”

#16 “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”

#17 “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”

#18 “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”

#19 “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

#20 “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”