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OFF topic, Favre is toast

Drink IRON City

KAYAK Champion who drives a LUXURY S10
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
between $2 short & ten buck two
How would you feel if you were in a shelter and suddenly they wake you and say "sorry, we are closed due to some ***-hole stealing all the money" ?

It's been reported, even Pat McGaffey is being sued over defamation, yet Favre holds onto the incredible lie he is telling.

It's a click bait PUFF, but i just wanted to extend the topic and see what most here think...........................

I've known it for awhile that Favre is a piece of work (remember the little "brett" pics and the stuff surrounding that?

Salute the nation
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This isn't even a single drop in the bucket compared to what our politicians do on a daily basis. With our money. 🙄
This isn't even a single drop in the bucket compared to what our politicians do on a daily basis. With our money. 🙄

I agree, but we are talking about Brett Favre and football.

Should he get let off the hook due to it not being as severe as the "Politician" ???

If he is convicted, and I think he will be, What kind of sentence should he get......?

I see a replay of that movie "the Longest Yard" starring burt renalds.

He should be deemed with paying it back. The benefactrices should have to return the money as stolen property as well or all gate fees toward reimpersement.

Salute the nation
I agree, but we are talking about Brett Favre and football.

Should he get let off the hook due to it not being as severe as the "Politician" ???

If he is convicted, and I think he will be, What kind of sentence should he get......?

I see a replay of that movie "the Longest Yard" starring burt renalds.

He should be deemed with paying it back. The benefactrices should have to return the money as stolen property as well or all gate fees toward reimpersement.

Salute the nation
Nope. Throw him in jail if a jury finds him guilty. While we do nothing to the theiving politicians that run our country. The American way I guess.
I agree, but we are talking about Brett Favre and football.

Should he get let off the hook due to it not being as severe as the "Politician" ???
Agreed. We need to demand better from everyone, and start holding people accountable rather than let their corruption guide us.
Nope. Throw him in jail if a jury finds him guilty. While we do nothing to the theiving politicians that run our country. The American way I guess.
Agree and jail yes, BUT he needs his assets frozen and to repay the money that he received.

The other people who received money need to repay as well.

In America you are innocent until proven guilty, so he is posturing now. He thinks he can beat the system, which I hope he fails at If he is guilty. More likely than More likely not, he is guilty.

Salute the nation
From what I looked up it says he's worth 100 million. If so, it's an even bigger **** move he did and he should pay just like any other criminal SHOULD.

Unless you're a politician. They're allowed to lie,cheat and steal.
Giant dick does dickish things… also in news, water is wet and the grass is green … we are fifteen years from a similar story happening with Brady…only he will be caught grinding up homeless guys for some skin cream or something….
I don't snort laugh often. That did it. Thank you and have a great day.
This isn't even a single drop in the bucket compared to what our politicians do on a daily basis. With our money. 🙄
Giant dick does dickish things… also in news, water is wet and the grass is green … we are fifteen years from a similar story happening with Brady…only he will be caught grinding up homeless guys for some skin cream or something….

To\*mmyb*y already tried to reap the homeless……… not nearly to this degree though.

I remember a story of a homeless man took some stuff out of t*mmyb*y’s garbage and t*mmyb*y caught him and said the dude was stealing it. Homeless got arrested under t*mmyb*y’s insistence.and charged.

t*mmyb*y could have just gave the homeless guy a couple hundred bucks and said I’m sorry I guess I didn’t want to throw that away.

Thayt’s all I remember, it has been awhile ago.

Salute the nation
To\*mmyb*y already tried to reap the homeless……… not nearly to this degree though.

I remember a story of a homeless man took some stuff out of t*mmyb*y’s garbage and t*mmyb*y caught him and said the dude was stealing it. Homeless got arrested under t*mmyb*y’s insistence.and charged.

t*mmyb*y could have just gave the homeless guy a couple hundred bucks and said I’m sorry I guess I didn’t want to throw that away.

Thayt’s all I remember, it has been awhile ago.

Salute the nation
It was some designer flower pots if i remember right.. I didn’t remember if he was homeless or not but he definitely sued the guy for garbage picking
How would you feel if you were in a shelter and suddenly they wake you and say "sorry, we are closed due to some ***-hole stealing all the money" ?

It's been reported, even Pat McGaffey is being sued over defamation, yet Favre holds onto the incredible lie he is telling.

It's a click bait PUFF, but i just wanted to extend the topic and see what most here think...........................

I've known it for awhile that Favre is a piece of work (remember the little "brett" pics and the stuff surrounding that?

Salute the nation
I’m sure you meant Pat McAfee, Drink. He’s only one of a dozen Favre is suing for defamation. Except McAfee is saying “bring it on”. He only reported what was released by the DA.
I agree, but we are talking about Brett Favre and football.

Should he get let off the hook due to it not being as severe as the "Politician" ???

If he is convicted, and I think he will be, What kind of sentence should he get......?

I see a replay of that movie "the Longest Yard" starring burt renalds.

He should be deemed with paying it back. The benefactrices should have to return the money as stolen property as well or all gate fees toward reimpersement.

Salute the nation
Favre should be paying back what he owes. Also make sure he actually gives that money to the intended receipients.

Such a shame what greed does and just leaves the poor out to dry like that
Favre should be paying back what he owes. Also make sure he actually gives that money to the intended receipients.

Such a shame what greed does and just leaves the poor out to dry like that

Meh the poor are just cattle and sheep to be milked and shaved for the “real important people” … we are probably lucky nobody has suggested we feed them crack and lock the homeless in hamster wheels to get cheap free energy 🤦🏻‍♂️
I’m sure you meant Pat McAfee, Drink. He’s only one of a dozen Favre is suing for defamation. Except McAfee is saying “bring it on”. He only reported what was released by the DA.

YEP, fatigue can have brain affect as well. I watch Pat’s show occasionally and have enjoyed his ”brash-ness” like approach to things.

He called Brett & little Brett out almost immediately upon hearing of the suit. Said “bring it on”, letterally.

Favre isn’t going to win this and he would be best averting his attention to righting the wrong he c omitted.

Salute the nation
Said “bring it on”, letterally.

Salute the nation

Meh the poor are just cattle and sheep to be milked and shaved for the “real important people” … we are probably lucky nobody has suggested we feed them crack and lock the homeless in hamster wheels to get cheap free energy 🤦🏻‍♂️
I’ve heard this story before

granted i havent read enough about the subject.

Do i believe Favre invested in something that took advantage of the system? yeah.

Do i believe Brett Favre knowingly did this on purpose ? NO, not yet.
I hate those who try to take advantage of the "system", particularly when they are rich to begin with. However, I truly loathe those who get caught and can't "man" up and tell the truth, instead continuing the lie which is only going to come back and bite them! I hope he does a nice stint in prison and I hope the prisoners don't feel awe struck because he was a football player. I hope they treat him like the lying scumbag he is! (watch dropping the soap Brett!!!)