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OFF topic, Favre is toast

granted i havent read enough about the subject.

Do i believe Favre invested in something that took advantage of the system? yeah.

Do i believe Brett Favre knowingly did this on purpose ? NO, not yet.
I don't know all the details, but there are text messages of Brett asking "are you sure the press won't find out about this?"

Sounds like "purpose" to me
They didn’t just steal money, he got a volley ball gym and other stuff for the college his daughter was going to attend.

The money came from I think the STATE of MISSISSIPPI welfare fund. There are several involved. I also thin k it was in the 50 million range, Just going out of memory.

Tonight I will try to research a little better and post related materials.

Salute them nation
I hate those who try to take advantage of the "system", particularly when they are rich to begin with. However, I truly loathe those who get caught and can't "man" up and tell the truth, instead continuing the lie which is only going to come back and bite them! I hope he does a nice stint in prison and I hope the prisoners don't feel awe struck because he was a football player. I hope they treat him like the lying scumbag he is! (watch dropping the soap Brett!!!)
People in prison won’t give a **** if he’s a pro athlete.

Not everyone in the population coddles these *******.