We have very few who picked the Bungles but we do have winners and losers and some of the inbetween
1st place ultimate winner and Grand prize winner
Speedicut::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::34---27= 6
Your grand prize is an all expense paid trip for 2 + owner, all inclusive and comfortable back seat sleeping and dinning, a special negotiation of crusine /
length of stay / endless use of street light reading (bring your own book) / in-depth conversations of YouTube football highlights / no key needed as
side window glass isn't there thus giving you pleasurable photo opps without glass shin in the pic /
ADDED BONUS: Should you come out of the Bar and wonder where you'll be staying you'll only have to look for the ONLY luxury car in the parking lot.........
(not responsible for accident or murder charges stemming from stuffing socks into someones mouth to get them to shut up about YouTube highlights)
2nd place
You'll receive one free of charge, certified quality, made in A'merica, KAZOO. All you need to do is send the $67.00 for shipping and handling.
Once payment is made, the package will be shipped in 3-8 business weeks.
3rd place
you'll receive a fake, but feather lite, replica of the original STEELERS imaginalithic football helment. Imagine that !!!!!!!
Honorable or not MENTION
Ron Burgundy::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::23
Well that is it for all who picked the Bungles, may they rot in.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::______________________(fill in blank)
Thank you to all who participated and those who just pated.
I'll post new prediction thread tomorrow night. (thanks for your patience)
Salute the nation