they SAY the protests are in regards to blacks killed by cops, and use the misnomer "Black Lives Matter".
well, of course they matter. but, why are black people killed by cops held to a higher value than black lives snuffed out by other black people?
and, if you notice, the BLM riots only begin when it is misconstrued in the media that a white officer was behind the trigger. which is the point of this meme and the exact reason a lot of people do not support BLM. If BLM was representative of what they say they are about, they would be marching up and down every street in Chicago where more black lives are lost every day than anywhere else in the country. I've yet to see one BLM protest in the gun-free utopia of Chicago over black-on-black murders, yet see one nearly weekly on misinterpreted stories of white cops (even if they are NOT white cops) killing black people.
BLM is absolutely and totally not what they say they are. They're nothing more than a Trojan Horse designed to further separate the races, the classes and the entire population with the ultimate goal of a national police force. If that is incorrect, then why are the rioters allowed to riot and loot? Where are the arrests and sentences for those involved? Why does the Department of Justice only arrive well after the riots have dispersed and moved on to the next city and proclaim police forces as racist and want to implement a "new standard"?
open your eyes. all this is playing out on a stage before you and everyone is more consumed by what the actors are doing than what is being directed. we are living in our very own land of Oz.