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OrangeManBad! PeachFoFi! Trump forgives student loan debt for disabled vets


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Trump forgives $750 million in student loans for disabled vets

resident Donald Trump has signed an executive order on Wednesday afternoon to forgive disabled veterans’ student loan debt — to the tune of more than $750 million.

The order applies to approximately 25,000 “totally and permanently disabled veterans” who were previously qualified, but had not received the loan discharge, who each hold an average of $30,000 in student loans, according to a White House statement on Wednesday.

“Today I’m proud to announce that I am taking executive action to ensure that our wounded warriors are not saddled with mountains of student debt,” Trump said in a speech at the AMVETS National Convention in Kentucky, where he spoke ahead of the signing.

The announcement was met with a standing ovation.

"Nobody can complain about that, right?” he asked the crowd.

Although tens of thousands of veterans have been declared disabled and unable to work, they were still being forced to repay their student loan debts.

The federal government was pursuing student debt payments totaling $1 billion from more than 40,000 disabled veterans who were unable to work, according to a CNBC report.

“More than 25,000 of them are in default and just 8,500 of them have applied for forgiveness,” CNBC noted.

“The debt of these disabled veterans will be entirely erased. It will be gone. They can sleep well tonight,” Trump said on Wednesday.

“Altogether, this action will wipe out an average of $30,000 in debt owed by more than 25,000 eligible veterans who have made immense sacrifices – the ultimate sacrifices in many ways for our nation,” he continued.

"That’s hundreds of millions of dollars in student debt held by our severely wounded warriors. It’s gone forever,” he added.

Trump added that the veterans “who have made such enormous sacrifices for our country should not be asked to pay any more.”

In the order, Trump also directed the Departments of Education and Veterans Affairs to make it easier for disabled veterans to apply for student loan debt discharge.

“The process by which our disabled veterans apply for Federal student loan discharges is too burdensome,” the White House statement said.

The order will create “a new expedited process to help totally and permanently disabled veterans have their Federal student loan debt discharged with minimal burdens,” the statement added.
Its obviously racist for him to put disabled vets ahead of illegal aliens. If it weren't, Obama would've done it first.
He did not forgive student debt. He transferred that debt to others. If it’s wrong for average college students, it’s wrong here.
He did not forgive student debt. He transferred that debt to others. If it’s wrong for average college students, it’s wrong here.

The order applies to approximately 25,000 “totally and permanently disabled veterans” who were previously qualified, but had not received the loan discharge, who each hold an average of $30,000 in student loans, according to a White House statement on Wednesday.

With all the money we throw at bullshit concerns and illegal immigration benefits , you have a problem with spending tax money on this ?
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I'm all for forgiving student loans, as long as we turn off the spigot of foreign aid.
makes zero ******* sense to me that we GIVE billions to ******* around the planet, without expectation of repayment - yet will go to lengths to have people repay student loans backed by taxpayer money. Especially since that taxpayer money was then put back into the system to pay high tuition, books, etc that the liberally educational elite have increased exponentially.
Does the GI bill that helped with tuition not exist anymore?

Just asking because I really don't know, and it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this.
I don't know anything about the GI bill.
I'd much rather help the veterans than most of the other stuff we waste money on.
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Does the GI bill that helped with tuition not exist anymore?

Just asking because I really don't know, and it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this.

I believe the GI bill has limits on how much it pays for private schools and foreign schools. I am surmising that the amount owed by these vets constitutes the difference between what the GI bill covers and what the actual cost was.
With all the money we throw at bullshit concerns and illegal immigration benefits , you have a problem with spending tax money on this ?

Yes, I have a problem with this. Just because we waste money on a variety of stupid **** doesn’t mean we should add stupid **** to it. Disabled or not, these veterans made a choice to go to college and incur that debt, just like your average college student. If you are for loan forgiveness for one group, you shouldn’t be opposed to loan forgiveness for another group.

While I understand the President’s motivation behind this, it opens the door for more debt transfer. It gives libs a precedent to push harder for total student loan debt transfer. Besides, Soldiers that are “totally disabled” are paid for being disabled. Hell, people with a 30% disability rating get paid.

Forgive me, but I find it somewhat hypocritical to be behind this but not for regular students.
Yes, I have a problem with this. Just because we waste money on a variety of stupid **** doesn’t mean we should add stupid **** to it. Disabled or not, these veterans made a choice to go to college and incur that debt, just like your average college student. If you are for loan forgiveness for one group, you shouldn’t be opposed to loan forgiveness for another group.

While I understand the President’s motivation behind this, it opens the door for more debt transfer. It gives libs a precedent to push harder for total student loan debt transfer. Besides, Soldiers that are “totally disabled” are paid for being disabled. Hell, people with a 30% disability rating get paid.

Forgive me, but I find it somewhat hypocritical to be behind this but not for regular students.

Absolutely, he opened up a can of lib worms.
Still always get a chuckle outta

Yes, I have a problem with this. Just because we waste money on a variety of stupid **** doesn’t mean we should add stupid **** to it. Disabled or not, these veterans made a choice to go to college and incur that debt, just like your average college student. If you are for loan forgiveness for one group, you shouldn’t be opposed to loan forgiveness for another group.

While I understand the President’s motivation behind this, it opens the door for more debt transfer. It gives libs a precedent to push harder for total student loan debt transfer. Besides, Soldiers that are “totally disabled” are paid for being disabled. Hell, people with a 30% disability rating get paid.

Forgive me, but I find it somewhat hypocritical to be behind this but not for regular students.

I agreen with sarge. The proverbial slippery slope.

If we weren't borrowing money to spend, i might feel differently.
Our country would be in a massive surplus if we just cut all the bullshit liberal spending and foreign aid to countries that hate us.
Agree here. Love OrangeManBad for most things, but I'm souring a bit to his lack of focus on our economy and debt load. Remember when he signed his first $1.3 T Omnibus and said he would never sign legislation like that again?

FF to 2:20

About 3 weeks ago he raised the debt ceiling and signed off on $1.7 T


We have a spending problem and I hope he starts to really look at it.
Sounds like this is not a new benefit. Trump found out the bullshit these vets have to go through to get the benefit and he cut out the bullshit. Classic Trump. The federal government should not be in the loan business, but they are. I am happy to pay taxes for this benefit.
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