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Per LIEberals, Illegal Immigrants are Just Misunderstood...Oops

elfie, at this point of getting your *** kicked again and again and again in the same damn thread...


Which thread are you in Supe? You sound confused, again, read what Tiny Tim was implying in his original post, read my answers then watch where Steeltime comes in babbling about immigration laws.

He is in a different conversation altogether, I never claimed undocumented people have not broken a law to get here. Just like every one of you has cheated on your taxes(the few that work anyway).

The question was about demonizing a certain group of people, that they are disproportionately violent.

That claim is absolute nonsense according to the facts.

And the Nazi analogy fits like a glove, whether any of you like it or not.
Just like every one of you has cheated on your taxes(the few that work anyway).

Hmmm, let's see. We have all cheated on our taxes? I have never. In fact, I've been accused of over-paying, if there is such a thing. And who here doesn't work? This ought to be rich.

The question was about demonizing a certain group of people, that they are disproportionately violent.

No, you are wrong...as usual....again. There was no claim that they are disproportionately violent. The claim was that they represent 23% of all Federal prisoners. Nothing more was said. In fact, if you search on the word "violent" in page 1 of this thread, the very first instance of it was YOU infusing it in post #17 when you quoted the LIEberal Politifact: "Of the "illegal" residents, 20,333 — 74 percent of them — were primarily sentenced for immigration violations, not violent crimes, according to the chart. "

YOU tried to turn the conversation away from 23% of Federal inmates being illegal to arguing the vast majority of them are not violent. You changed the subject when you asked us to look at why they are in Federal, not state prisons, injecting " you guys want to paint them as the devil incarnate."

No Elftard, no one did so. The thread is about the fact that 23% of inmates in Fed prisons are illegal aliens. Nothing more, nothing less.
It really is like taking candy from a baby.....so don't cry Tim when I snatch that high fructose from your Tiny Tim Trump hands.

And I'll do it with one question:

Why are they in federal prison? If the implication is (and coming from the usual racists we know it is) that these are "bad hombres" then why are they not in state prisons? You know where they keep murderers,rapists, drug dealers, etc.

Is it because most of them violated a federal law by crossing the border? OF COURSE IT IS!

That's the "crime" these people committed, and of course you guys want to paint them as the devil incarnate.

We know who the devil is....and the mentality he possesses.....

"From the rostrum of the Reichstag, I prophesied to Jewry that, in the event of war’s proving inevitable, the Jew would disappear from Europe. That race of criminals has on its conscience the two million dead of the First World War, and now already hundreds and thousands more. Let nobody tell me that all the same we can’t park them in the marshy parts of Russia! Who’s worrying about our troops? It’s not a bad idea, by the way, that public rumor attributes to us a plan to exterminate the Jews. Terror is a salutary thing."----Adolf Hitler

You were right in your other post about it being a sickness.....and the afflicted CONservatives are always in denial of their sickness.

Elftard, I quoted your initial post in this very thread to address the one particular caveat you're tripping over and holding as a holy grail, suggesting that people in federal prisons are merely misguided boy scouts with a thirst for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That, due to their felonious incarceration, there are grannies on corners unable to cross the street.

and, once again, you are wrong.


Some of the more common federal charges include but are not limited to:
  • 21 USC Sec. 841 – Drug Offenses/Trafficking
  • 8 USC Sec. 1324 – Illegal Alien Smuggling or Border Crossing
  • 18 USC Sec. 2113 – Bank Robbery
  • 18 USC Sec. 2251 – Child Pornography
  • 18 USC Sec. 1030 – Internet Fraud
  • 18 USC Sec. 1341 – Mail Fraud
  • 18 USC Sec. 1348/1349 – Securities Fraud
  • 18 USC Sec. 21 – Counterfeiting and Forgery
  • 18 USC Sec. 1956 – Money Laundering
  • 18 USC Sec. 1961 – Organized Crime
  • 26 USC Sec. 7201 – Tax violations

Federal Sentencing and Punishment

Penalties for federal charges typically carry much harsher sentences than state criminal charges. Why is that?
  1. Federal statutes have harsher sentencing laws than state statutes on crimes that can be filed in state or federal court.
  2. Generally, the maximum punishment for federal crimes is much higher than the punishment for state crimes.
  3. Federal prosecutors have much less discretion in negotiating plea bargains than state court prosecutors.
  4. Federal judges have much less discretion in sentencing decisions.
  5. Federal judges must follow strict sentencing guidelines under our federal laws.
  6. Federal crimes carry additional punishment enhancements for most every crime.

federal prison is not similar to orange is the new black, pumpkin.
Hmmm, let's see. We have all cheated on our taxes? I have never. In fact, I've been accused of over-paying, if there is such a thing. And who here doesn't work? This ought to be rich.

No, you are wrong...as usual....again. There was no claim that they are disproportionately violent. The claim was that they represent 23% of all Federal prisoners. Nothing more was said. In fact, if you search on the word "violent" in page 1 of this thread, the very first instance of it was YOU infusing it in post #17 when you quoted the LIEberal Politifact: "Of the "illegal" residents, 20,333 — 74 percent of them — were primarily sentenced for immigration violations, not violent crimes, according to the chart. "

YOU tried to turn the conversation away from 23% of Federal inmates being illegal to arguing the vast majority of them are not violent. You changed the subject when you asked us to look at why they are in Federal, not state prisons, injecting " you guys want to paint them as the devil incarnate."

No Elftard, no one did so. The thread is about the fact that 23% of inmates in Fed prisons are illegal aliens. Nothing more, nothing less.

If the thread is ONLY about 23% being illegal then why would you say this:

Can't wait for Elftard's thoughts on this one. It will be "some nut job in South Dakota robbed a store, so see, all white Christian Americans are bad."

What a coincidence that this thread comes on the heels of threads like " Illegal rapes 80 year old granny" and others of that ilk.........

YOU are implying that I will seek equivalency i.e. "bad white people"....because of course every undocumented person is a "bad hombre".

Please, this racist alt-right shtick is tired.
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YOU are implying that I will seek equivalency i.e. "bad white people"....because of course every undocumented person is a "bad hombre".

Please, this racist alt-right shtick is tired.

We acknowledge that yes, there are some bad gringos. But the majority of illegal alien crime is committed by bad hombres.
If the thread is ONLY about 23% being illegal then why would you say this:

Can't wait for Elftard's thoughts on this one. It will be "some nut job in South Dakota robbed a store, so see, all white Christian Americans are bad."

Because you are as predictable as clock work. A terrorist kills, you come spreading Muslim love. An illegal alien kills Kate Steinle, you come pointing to a Dylan Roof. Ever trying to draw equivalency.

YOU are implying that I will seek equivalency i.e. "bad white people"....because of course every undocumented person is a "bad hombre".

Wrong again Ze. I'm implying you will try to mitigate the documented problem of undocumented illegal aliens polluting our prison systems. And you did...attempt...weakly.

Not one person said every illegal alien is a bad person, save for you. I will stand by the fact that illegal immigration is a massive problem for many reasons, one being a large % of them are criminals. Those are indisputable facts.
My head hurts.

I prefer groupthink.
Is there some debate in this country that the rule of law is not respected? We're debating the rights of illegal aliens! Big clue. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE HERE.

It's the underpinning of any society, and we have groups of idiots who are the biggest victims of this lawlessness arguing for less strict enforcement. The only answer is more strict enforcement, and along with that will come some overreaching and abuse. Pick your poison. See Chicago.
Is there some debate in this country that the rule of law is not respected? We're debating the rights of illegal aliens! Big clue. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE HERE.

It's the underpinning of any society, and we have groups of idiots who are the biggest victims of this lawlessness arguing for less strict enforcement. The only answer is more strict enforcement, and along with that will come some overreaching and abuse. Pick your poison. See Chicago.

It's because you have groups of idiots like Elf and a host of Liberals who don't respect the rule of law. They believe we have an endless bank account in the USA and should allow any person who wants to to simply waltz into the USA, drop roots, get on welfare and we should be sympathetic and pay their way.

Our local high school just got hit with an ICE deportation. On Facebook, I saw several parents posting about this boy (that was going to HS with my kid) who just got deported. They were all lamenting "how cruel, this is wrong, Trump's an assole" etc. The same people that will ***** about not being able to find a job, or the state of the economy or the deficit. SMH. Until one sensible poster wrote simply "I can't help but feel bad for that kid, really. But the blame lies on his parents. GET DOCUMENTED. Until you do, sadly this is the pain we have to go through because our laws must be respected."

Ding Ding Ding. Winner Winner.

I want an ICE T-Shirt.

And before the violent Alt Left on this board goes off on me, just stop. I've got a network of co-workers and friends (true friends) that are hispanic that is a mile long. Got no issue with any American, any descent...that is an American. Illegal alien of any background? Get documented.
Stop right there ! It is obvious that you hate immigrants and you believe all immigrants are criminals. Just because some barkeep or drunken Amish guy thinks that the US borders are meant to keep out potential tax payers, does not mean you can call everybody on this planet ,..ILLEGAL.

Everybody has a right to our sovereign soil, whether they adhere to our laws or not. We have not right to dictate morality to those who seek shelter from oppression. We open our arms to all those who need compassion and a helping hand in life....regardless of the consequences.


You sound like that creepy pope. Sarcastically I'm sure.
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