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POTUS 2020 will be lit. Princess Lieawatha Fauxcahontas announces her candidacy


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Apr 8, 2014
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Elizabeth Warren Announces She Is Running for President

By Astead W. Herndon and Alexander Burns

Dec. 31, 2018

Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts Democrat and a sharp critic of big banks and unregulated capitalism, entered the 2020 race for president on Monday, becoming the first major candidate in what is likely to be a long and crowded primary marked by ideological and generational divisions in a Democratic Party desperate to beat President Trump.

In an 8:30 a.m. email to supporters on New Year’s Eve — 13 months before the first votes will be cast in the Iowa caucuses — Ms. Warren said she was forming a exploratory committee, which allows her to raise money and fill key staff positions before a formal kickoff of her presidential bid. Ms. Warren also released a video that leaned on the populist, anti-Wall Street themes that are sure to be central to her campaign message.

“I’ve spent my career getting to the bottom of why America’s promise works for some families, but others, who work just as hard, slip through the cracks into disaster,” she said in the video. “And what I’ve found is terrifying: these aren’t cracks families are falling into, they’re traps. America’s middle class is under attack.”

“But this dark path doesn’t have to be our future,” she continued. “We can make our democracy work for all of us. We can make our economy work for all of us.”

The race for the 2020 Democratic nomination is poised to be the most wide open since perhaps 1992, with the party leaderless and lacking obvious front-runners. After a midterm election that saw many women, liberals, minorities and young Democrats win, the primaries and caucuses next year are likely to be fought over not only who is the most progressive candidate but also which mix of identities should be reflected in the next nominee.

Ms. Warren, 69, is among the best-known Democrats seeking to take on Mr. Trump, who has already announced his re-election campaign, but she also faces challenges: recent controversy over her claims to Native American heritage, skepticism from the party establishment and a lack of experience in a presidential race.

Two potential top-tier candidates who have run before, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Senator Bernie Sanders, are eyeing 2020 and are expected to disclose their plans this winter. Yet both men carry political baggage and would be in their late 70s on Election Day 2020, and many Democrats say they want a fresh face as their next nominee.

More than three dozen Democratic senators, governors, mayors and business leaders are also weighing bids — most of whom have not sought the White House before. The race is expected to draw several women and nonwhite contenders as well as liberal and more moderate politicians — making for the most diverse field in history. Several Senate colleagues of Ms. Warren are likely to enter the race soon: Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York.

Getting a jump on the competition, Ms. Warren plans to head to early voting states in the coming weeks, including Iowa, which holds its first-in-the-nation caucus in early February 2020. According to a person familiar with Ms. Warren’s thinking, the timing of her announcement had been decided weeks in advance.

Ms. Warren has ascended rapidly in politics. A longtime bankruptcy law professor at Harvard who never held public office before 2013, Ms. Warren became the first woman elected to the Senate from Massachusetts after defeating a self-styled moderate Republican incumbent, Scott Brown, with a populist message based on advocacy for strict Wall Street regulation. Now, just six years later, Ms. Warren is stepping into the 2020 race, particularly well regarded among liberal activists who often criticized Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee, as insufficiently tough on bankers and Wall Street firms that had been allies and donors to her.

“How did we get here?” Ms. Warren said in her announcement video. “Billionaires and big corporations decided they wanted more of the pie, and they enlisted politicians to cut them a fatter slice.”

Ms. Warren has both assets and possible drawbacks in a White House run. Strategists for several other likely Democratic candidates say private polling found Ms. Warren’s political brand — as a warrior against big banks and other powerful corporate interests — to be exceptionally strong with Democratic primary voters. Her signature initiative in recent months has been a sweeping bill to crack down on government corruption, effectively adapting her longtime focus on private-sector greed for the public-sector scandals of the Trump era.

But Ms. Warren has also become a favorite target of conservatives, who have sought to brand her as an out-of-touch liberal from academia. In 2012, the political director for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said Ms. Warren represented a “threat to free enterprise” and, this year, two Democratic senators — facing difficult re-election races in states Mr. Trump won in 2016 — took the unusual step of distancing themselves from Ms. Warren, their own colleague.

There is also the issue of her decades-old claim of Native American ancestry. Mr. Trump regularly slurs Ms. Warren as “Pocahontas,” a reliable applause line at his rallies. In October, Ms. Warren released results of a D.N.A. test showing strong evidence that she has Native American pedigree dating “6-10 generations ago.” Not only did the test not quiet her critics, it puzzled many Democrats and angered leaders of several Native American tribes who said Ms. Warren’s actions contributed to a harmful narrative that blood, not cultural kinship, determines tribal affiliation.

The blowback over the D.N.A. test has caused some longtime supporters to question Ms. Warren’s political acumen, since any Democratic nominee seeking to oppose Mr. Trump would have to deftly navigate his constant barbs and often inflammatory rhetoric.

“The biggest risk in engaging a bully is that bullies don’t usually stop, regardless of what the truth is,” Charles Chamberlain, executive director for the progressive political group Democracy for America, said earlier in December. The group began a “Run Warren Run” campaign in 2014 to encourage her to seek the 2016 presidential nomination, but was caught off guard by the D.N.A. test decision.

“When you can’t win an argument,” he added, “then sometimes it’s not worth having that argument.”

A Quinnipiac University poll in mid-December underscored Ms. Warren’s strengths as a primary candidate, finding her better-known and better-liked by Democrats than any other candidate who had not run for president before. Three in five Democrats had a favorable opinion of her, compared with just 12 percent who viewed her unfavorably, a ratio outdone only by Mr. Biden and Mr. Sanders.

But the same poll pointed to Ms. Warren’s likely challenges. Voters at large were far more divided in their views of her: Only about 30 percent viewed her favorably, with 37 percent holding an unfavorable view and the rest undecided.

Another poll, taken recently by CNN and the Des Moines Register, found Ms. Warren in fourth place in Iowa, the leadoff caucus state, with 8 percent of the vote, far back from Mr. Biden and Mr. Sanders and slightly behind Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas.

To the extent that Democratic primary voters are inclined to cast their ballots tactically — in favor of a candidate who appears likeliest to beat Mr. Trump in the general election — Ms. Warren may have some serious convincing to do. If the clarity and intensity of her political message have made her a hero to many liberals, it may have left a less-favorable first impression elsewhere that could be difficult to change. And Ms. Warren is regarded with anxiety or worse by much of the Democratic political establishment, including some Senate colleagues who complain that she has pursued an inflexible agenda on matters like bank regulation, at the cost of party unity.

During her Senate years, Ms. Warren has demonstrated the most influence as a member of the Banking Committee, aggressively questioning leaders of the financial industry about excesses and abuses; seeking accountability for the Great Recession; and challenging the Obama and Trump administrations to take tougher lines on regulations and trade policy. In 2015, Ms. Warren sunk the nomination of Antonio Weiss, the Wall Street banker selected by the Obama administration to serve as third-ranking official at the Treasury Department, taking on her party on the grounds that Mr. Weiss, the former head of investment banking for Lazard, was too closely connected to the financial services industry to serve in public office.

Ms. Warren is not known for shepherding major legislation successfully through Congress, though Democrats were never in control of both chambers during her time there. In recent years, Ms. Warren has also tried to shore up her foreign policy credentials: securing a spot on the Senate Armed Services Committee after the 2016 presidential election, and taking high-profile trips to visit troops with Republicans such as Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Senator John McCain of Arizona.

“Whether our leaders recognize it or not, after years as the world’s lone superpower, the United States is entering a new period of competition,” Ms. Warren said in a foreign policy speech at American University in November. “Democracy is running headlong into the ideologies of nationalism, authoritarianism and corruption.”

The map of states with early nominating contests appears, at least on the surface, to be an inviting one for Ms. Warren: The race begins in Iowa, where Farm Belt populism long defined Democratic politics, before moving to her political backyard of New Hampshire. During the midterm elections, she got a rousing reception in Nevada, an early state that suffered grievously in the 2008 financial crisis, and where rhetoric lashing Wall Street and major mortgage lenders tends to resonate.

Ms. Warren’s prospects in the race may also depend, in part, on which other Democrats decide to run. Several other fiery economic populists could join the Democratic field, including Mr. Sanders and Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Jeff Merkley of Oregon, potentially splintering the voters most energized by Ms. Warren’s core themes. Should most or all of those candidates stay out, Ms. Warren might face weaker competition on the left.

And like other white liberals in a historically diverse field, Ms. Warren may have to work harder to win over black primary voters in South Carolina, another early voting state, and across the country. African-American Democrats have played a decisive role in settling the last two open contests for the Democratic presidential nomination, and Ms. Warren is expected to be competing against her party’s only two black senators, Ms. Harris and Mr. Booker.

In Ms. Warren’s video announcing her candidacy, she pointed to the unique discrimination that nonwhite families face — another sign of how seriously she is taking outreach to minority voters, and particularly black Democrats.

Whatever obstacles her candidacy faces, Ms. Warren may be well positioned to serve as an ideological pole star in a diffuse field of Democratic candidates. And she has a history of surprising skeptics who might have been inclined to view her as a wild-eyed caricature. One of her potential foes for the Democratic nomination, Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire former New York City mayor, confided to associates after a chance meeting with Ms. Warren that he found her impressive and smart despite their drastically different views of the economy.
Let the fun commence.

The next presidential election will definitely be...lit.
That would be awesome if she got the nomination. You know Trump would call her Pocahontas in the debates. I can’t wait.
Trump will beat the brakes off of her.
I wonder who the GOP candidate will be? High time to start compiling that list as well, given Trump, ugh, 'won't be available' to run for a second term.
I wonder who the GOP candidate will be? High time to start compiling that list as well, given Trump, ugh, 'won't be available' to run for a second term.

This is a good time to introduce this film I just received. I honestly don't know what to think about it to tell the truth. While it makes sense and it covers some well known facts but toward the very end it smelled a whole lot like a precursor to a 2020 campaign ad. Maybe it's just me.

I will be very intrigued to hear the Nation's take on it.

I think there may be some truth in that Chip, but that's a pretty big conspiracy theory there.

Still not sold completely on Mr.Trump, but if it's him or that cartoon character Warren, it's an easy decision.
If there is a worse candidate than Hillary it would be Warren. If the dems nominate her they are beyond stupid. Someone sensible with more moderate views would destroy Trump I believe.
If there is a worse candidate than Hillary it would be Warren. If the dems nominate her they are beyond stupid. Someone sensible with more moderate views would destroy Trump I believe.

As mentioned, the Dems are leaderless and have a new generation of politicians in Congress and and old generation that doesn't want to give up power. There will be a lot of candidates and the party will self-destruct.

As mentioned, the Dems are leaderless and have a new generation of politicians in Congress and and old generation that doesn't want to give up power. There will be a lot of candidates and the party will self-destruct.

Sounds like an attempt to reprogram the bernie bots too.
Dems try too hard to indentify with people with "chips on their shoulder"
The guy I fear is Mike Bloomberg. Either as Democrat or a 3rd party candidate.
I wonder who the GOP candidate will be? High time to start compiling that list as well, given Trump, ugh, 'won't be available' to run for a second term.

I don't think you understand yet, It is not happening. At worst he will get a censure vote if anything just like Billy boy. At best nothing happens whatsoever.
If there is a worse candidate than Hillary it would be Warren. If the dems nominate her they are beyond stupid. Someone sensible with more moderate views would destroy Trump I believe.

They're over run with far left commie pinkos. They'll be promoting free everything pretty soon. The whole platform is free stuff,killing babies,class warfare and of course you're a racist.

I'm not sure how any moderate could fit in here.
I don't think you understand yet, It is not happening. At worst he will get a censure vote if anything just like Billy boy. At best nothing happens whatsoever.


That is the straw that broke the back....
That is the tipping point......
The noose is tightening....
The walls are closing in.......
His presidency is in deep trouble....
He may not survive this.....

Did I miss any media hysterias?

This is what keeps Tibs still believing.
They're over run with far left commie pinkos. They'll be promoting free everything pretty soon. The whole platform is free stuff,killing babies,class warfare and of course you're a racist.

I'm not sure how any moderate could fit in here.

There are no moderates in either major party. These days, moderates are called "Independent Voters."
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Saw yesterday that Julian Castro, that extreme leftist scumbag from Texas is considering throwing his name in.....
In a few short hours, Nancy Pelosi will be the most powerful woman in America.

Are you ready?
Sounds like an attempt to reprogram the bernie bots too.
Dems try too hard to indentify with people with "chips on their shoulder"

Partly what cost Hildebeast the election was that in the summer of 2016 the Libs created a new grievance group of transgenders who wanted to use the wrong bathrooms and she couldn't denounce it. Right-thinking people didn't want men in dresses going into the ladies' room while their 8 year old daughters were in there.
