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POTUS 2020 will be lit. Princess Lieawatha Fauxcahontas announces her candidacy

In a few short hours, Nancy Pelosi will be the most powerful woman in America.

Are you ready?

Yep, lottsa popcorn in stock


This may be even more entertaining


But what the heck, lets roll with it and see where it takes us huh Tibsy ?


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In a few short hours, Nancy Pelosi will be the most powerful woman in America.

Are you ready?

To watch and laugh? Yes I am ready.
She will be herding cats for the next two years.
Jeb Little Bush?

Is Elizabeth Warren The Democrats’ 2020 Version of Jeb Bush?

Warren has had a rough recent few months after an attempt to put the controversy over her claims to Native American ancestry via a DNA test turned into a fiasco in October.

The test hurt her among tribal groups that believe ancestry tests are a challenge to their right to determine who may claim membership in a tribe, while also causing many on the left to question her judgment. And it didn’t do a thing to silence Republican critics — like President Donald Trump — who continued to mercilessly mock her pretensions to minority status.

But despite advice from liberal outlets like the Boston Globe to sit out 2020 and let the crop of Democratic newcomers have a shot at challenging Trump, the DNA fiasco has not deterred Warren. Warren foolishly passed on entering the 2016 race when she might have had a better chance to beat Hillary Clinton than did Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose insurgent movement benefitted from the fact that most serious Democratic politicians wanted no part of fighting the former first family’s formidable political machine. Warren knows this is her last chance at the big prize.

But while she can appeal to women and her party’s left-wing base with her tough rhetoric about Trump and Wall Street, the notion that Warren should be considered an early favorite for 2020 is not only far-fetched, it’s a snare she should avoid if at all possible. Far from being the sort of candidate who uniquely matches the spirit currently animating Democratic voters, Warren is instead a paradigm of entitlement and bad timing. In other words, she is the moral equivalent of Jeb Bush.

Like Warren, Bush had heard from many Republicans asking him to step aside and let younger Republicans compete for the presidential nomination. Indeed, at one point even his mother, the late Barbara Bush, told him it would be better for the country if a third Bush didn’t seek the presidency.

But Bush knew this would be his only chance, and stayed in the contest even as the competition with Rubio and others cannibalized the donations and ultimately the votes of mainstream Republicans as an outlier candidate in the form of Donald Trump wound up benefiting from their squabbling.

That's awful.... who has those old racist statues around anymore except closet confederates in the south?

you do realize that slaves were had in the North, too, right?
but wait, it gets better

Joe Biden Flees After Reporter Asks if He ‘Still Gropes Children’

He was spotted running away from a reporter who questioned the former vice president on whether he still gropes children.

Hey Joe, if you’re going to run for President, you might want to address this type of question. Instead of running away...



Are all Dems sexual predators?

First Hillary Clinton staffers accused of sexual harassment.Then Kamala Harris staffers accused of sexual harassment and now Bernie's campaign.

Top Bernie Sanders 2016 adviser accused of forcibly kissing subordinate

On the final night of the Democratic National Convention in July of 2016, Bernie Sanders’ staffers went out to a Mediterranean restaurant and hookah bar in Center City Philadelphia to celebrate and mourn the end of the campaign.

Sitting at the bar sometime after midnight, convention floor leader Robert Becker—who oversaw Sanders’ Iowa campaign, then helped lead his efforts in Michigan, California, and New York as deputy national field director—began talking with a female staffer who had worked under him along with her boyfriend.

Becker, now 50 years old, told the 20-something woman that he had always wanted to have sex with her and made a reference to riding his “pole,” according to the woman and three other people who witnessed what happened or were told about it shortly afterward by people who did. Later in the night, Becker approached the woman and abruptly grabbed her wrists. Then he moved his hands to her head and forcibly kissed her, putting his tongue in her mouth as he held her, the woman and other sources said.
