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Predictions - when is the Tipping Point?

I save 16% of my gross income, but there are tens of millions who aren’t saving nearly enough if anything at all and companies don’t do it for them anymore. What happens to both social security and retirement savings when the **** hits the fan and we have tens of millions of septuagenarians and octogenarians who are largely broke unproductive workers? Tens of millions of eligible voters and their kids looking for a politicians answer. Much like the deficit, it’s a problem nobody is talking about.

Yes, $587 billion was the same issue, but half as much.

As far as the individual is concerned, it's called personal responsibility, pay yourself first. It's tough living paycheck to paycheck, but you have to do it, be committed to it.
The debt? Same as your household budget, don't spend what you don't have. Problem is the politicians are playing with other people's money........ yours and mine.
Kinda like you see in third world dictatorships. Military Parades, nepotism, threatening the press, etc.

Are you stupid enough to believe that politicians are in business to "help you"?

Jesus Christ, how many clowns lacking the ability to balance a checkbook, earning $188,000 per year, and owning multiple homes and yachts does it take to convince you of the blindingly obvious fact that they are in business to get rich off taxpayer power and bribery money? God, you are Boxer in Animal Farm. No, no Barbara Boxer, the moron former Senator who literally could not balance her ******* checkbook and yet somehow is a multi-millionaire on a mediocre salary, but instead the fictional character.
Right. Because our social security benefits are guaranteed and we’ll never have to worry about our retirement savings being taxed heavily to pay for the massive debt we’re running up.

get a good accountant and better tax advisor and you will have a lot less worries.
Right. Because our social security benefits are guaranteed and we’ll never have to worry about our retirement savings being taxed heavily to pay for the massive debt we’re running up.

Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme and there is nothing in it now. Our debt is mostly based on servicing the interest on “Bonds” sold to pay it out. Soon we won’t be able to pay that. That’s when the collapse happens.
Lebanon, your analysis of this presidency is beyond all rationale. I strongly suggest you hit the re-set button and start seeing things for what they are. The amount of projection in your post is quite frankly, embarrassing. I'm starting to - slowly - realize, Trump supporters are not seeing things clearly or rationally, they're merely projecting what they hope and want this presidency to be, even if reality is something completely different. We are living in the Twilight Zone, no dobut about it.
GroundHog Day Tibsy, at it again.

Lather, rinse, repeat

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We are living in the Twilight Zone, no dobut about it.

At last, Tibsy says something coherent.

I see this new set of laws passing in NY and wonder what planet these people are from. Then as a second thought, I wonder why the ******** are not rounded up and put in jail.

At the end of the month, almost all criminals arrested for state crimes in New York, including sex crimes, will be released without posting bail. It is a suicidal policy, but it is nonetheless the state’s prerogative to engage in such suicide. What is not its prerogative is the New York law that took effect this week granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and blocking ICE access to criminal enforcement information. We have a national union with a federal government controlling immigration for a reason, and it’s time for the Trump administration to show state officials who has the final say over this issue.

Beginning this week, the NY state government is inviting any and all illegal aliens, with or without criminal records, to apply for driver’s licenses. As documentation, they can offer consular ID cards, which are fraught with fraud, expired work permits, or foreign birth certificates. They can even offer Border Crossing Cards, which are only valid for 72 hours and for a stay in the country near the border area! The state law further prohibits state and county officials from disclosing any information to ICE and bars ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) from accessing N.Y. Department of Motor Vehicles (NYDMV) records and information

8 U.S.C. § 1324 makes a felon of anyone who “knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place.” That statute also makes a criminal of anyone who “encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law” or anyone who “engages in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts, or aids or abets the commission of any of the preceding acts.” Some form of this law has been on the books since 1891.

NY’s new law not only harbors illegal aliens but actually calls on the DMV to notify illegal aliens of any ICE interest in their files. There is only one purpose of this law: to tip off criminal alien fugitives that ICE is looking for them, the most literal violation of the law against shielding them from detection. Would we allow state officials to block information to the FBI, ATF, or DEA?

Finally, 8 U.S.C. 1373 prohibits state and local government from “in any way restrict[ing]

, any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from, the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.” The entire purpose of this bill is to restrict all New York government entities from sending information on citizenship status to ICE.

I would love to see ICE walk into this *******'s office and slap the cuffs on him....


maybe the rest of them would take notice.

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I read that militias are standing up in the Virginia 2A sanctuary counties. **** is about to get a whole lot more interesting.
I'm not saying go out and start shooting necessarily


Let’s be clear, there will be no civil war with one side vs. the other. What you are referring to is domestic terrorism. If you are really so concerned about gun confiscation, instead of commiserating with like minded people behind an alias in an on-line forum, write an op-Ed and submit it to newspaper using your real name.

Let’s be clear, there will be no civil war with one side vs. the other. What you are referring to is domestic terrorism. If you are really so concerned about gun confiscation, instead of commiserating with like minded people behind an alias in an on-line forum, write an op-Ed and submit it to newspaper using your real name.

Yeah, necessarily. There are plenty of other avenues to take first, and God love those people, they are trying. Having been to war, it’s not something I advocate. I pray it never comes to that, but the people of Virginia have to decide that. I would hope you can keep your rights without bloodshed. Personally, I would be more encouraged if conservatives would go out and protest.

However, our government masters think they can keep chipping away at and taking away rights just because. People are getting tired of it. They are standing up militias in Virginia. Seems serious enough to them.

And Let’s be clear? Lol. Whatever, dad. You gonna go tell them to knock it off?
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There was a time when each American generation wanted to pass a better future onto the next generation. This generation is passing on a country:

23 trillion plus in debt
a healthcare system twice as costly and less effective than most every other nation
a nation readily using up as much natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc...) as it can
a climate heating up and deteriorating the environment at a rapid pace
a rapid loss of freedom and safety because of overabundance of guns

There isn't a deep state to worry about, America is failing its children because of the Deep Selfishness of the current adult population that wants everything for themselves
and could care less about the Future of the country. That's why Trump is the perfect leader for this America, he is the King of Selfishness.
Militias have been around for decades, what have they ever accomplished that you’re advocating?

What am I advocating? I mean aside from stopping government tyranny?
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There was a time when each American generation wanted to pass a better future onto the next generation. This generation is passing on a country:

23 trillion plus in debt
a healthcare system twice as costly and less effective than most every other nation
a nation readily using up as much natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc...) as it can
a climate heating up and deteriorating the environment at a rapid pace
a rapid loss of freedom and safety because of overabundance of guns

There isn't a deep state to worry about, America is failing its children because of the Deep Selfishness of the current adult population that wants everything for themselves
and could care less about the Future of the country. That's why Trump is the perfect leader for this America, he is the King of Selfishness.

What a load of crap. Go finish writing your book.. oh I mean ask you mom to give you 5 more minutes on the computer. You can't be over 15. Obama doubled the national debt. The rest of it is just made up talking points from the DNC. No facts, no stats, just talking points.
There was a time when each American generation wanted to pass a better future onto the next generation. This generation is passing on a country:

23 trillion plus in debt.

When you were guzzling Bammy's baby batter, did you say one ******* peep about this? Nope. Thought so. You ACTUALLY protested that Obama was not spending enough money the government did not have.

a healthcare system twice as costly and less effective than most every other nation

You are simply lying. Know why rich ******* English and Canadians come to America for healthcare? Because it is the best quality on the planet.

Your obsession with cost, by the ******* way, ignores that the vast majority of expense is related to government insurance which naturally and inevitably drives up the cost, and the mandate that medical providers treat the uninsured, forcing the medical providers to pass the ******* cost on to us, the insured.

a nation readily using up as much natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc...) as it can

America uses as much energy as it needs. Energy that improved lives, made our life expectancy double in 100 years, powered our amazing economy to the point we could rescue Europe, pays massive wages to millions of Americans. Energy that is simply irreplaceable at this point, a fact acknowledged by all except moron first-term Congresswomen and ignorant, preachy teenagers who need to learn to shut the **** up.

a climate heating up and deteriorating the environment at a rapid pace


Stop lying about your lies.

a rapid loss of freedom and safety because of overabundance of guns

Lying liar telling lies about his lies.

Give one ******* example of a "loss of freedom and safety because of the overabundance of guns." Gun violence is non-*************-existent in rural areas with massive gun ownership. It is non-existent in upstate New York, and rural Alabama, and rural Arkansas, and central Florida, and Arizona outside of the ****** city slums in Phoenix.

The only problem with gun violence is in cities with "diverse" populations and rampant gun control. If we remove the shootings by "people of color," the United States' murder rate is barely above that of France and Greece.


Your solution? More of the same failed gun control policies that have accompanied the disgusting and disastrous murder rates in cities with the most restrictive gun controls in America (Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans, etc.)

For the love of all that is holy, stop spewing bullshit developed by leftist liars telling their lies.

There isn't a deep state to worry about, America is failing its children because of the Deep Selfishness of the current adult population that wants everything for themselves and could care less about the Future of the country. That's why Trump is the perfect leader for this America, he is the King of Selfishness.

You idiot, Republicans are more family-oriented, giving, give more to charity, spend more time helping others than the diseased scum known as (D)ims.


Lieberals are generous ... only with other people's money:


So to sum up: Liberals are lying, vile, violent, murdering self-centered ****s who elect vermin like Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar and her towel, and Rashida Tlaib.

Conservatives are generous with their time and money, don't kill each other, and make America great again.

Game, set, match.
I think its absurd irony how the Dems that bitched non stop about Bush and Reagan holdovers in the various agencies were lawless beurocrats destroying the country from within... that right they basically created the idea there was a deep state issue, but now embrace it because of their antitrump bias.... i have been on this earth over 4 decades, and until 2016 the Democratic party has been about as opposed to the FBI, CIA, and NSA as they could be... they were horrible people who abused their powers regularly to them...its well documented over and over in a myriad of writings and opinions...

Now these guys are super swell and can do no wrong...

Hypocrisy at its finest... too many people in this country only care about the talking points their political team puts out... lemmings on both sides... but its disappointing that when the Republicans woke up to the abuses the government agencies were perpetrating, the dems decided to embrace them
Militias have been around for decades, what have they ever accomplished…

Well, once upon a time militias freed a fledgling country from their oppressive tyrannical rulers.

There was a time when each American generation wanted to pass a better future onto the next generation. This generation is passing on a country:

23 trillion plus in debt.
Clearly the best way to solve this is to give every unemployed person a free phone!

a rapid loss of freedom and safety because of overabundance of guns
The smallest (and most abhorrent) percentage of abortions each year are performed at or after 20 weeks of pregnancy. These make up between 1% and 1.3% of all abortions performed in the U.S. each year. That comes to about 12,000 abortions performed at or after 20 weeks of pregnancy, by the way.

There are not 12,000 gun deaths in the United States each year, regardless of how they occur. (The vast majority of gun deaths in the U.S. happen to be due to suicide. It is reasonable to assume a very high number of those people would find another way to kill themselves if they didn't have access to a firearm.

In short, very little freedom or safety is impacted by an overabundance of guns. Now, irresponsible parents... THAT's a ******* killer!
There was a time when each American generation wanted to pass a better future onto the next generation. This generation is passing on a country:

23 trillion plus in debt
a healthcare system twice as costly and less effective than most every other nation
a nation readily using up as much natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc...) as it can
a climate heating up and deteriorating the environment at a rapid pace
a rapid loss of freedom and safety because of overabundance of guns

There isn't a deep state to worry about, America is failing its children because of the Deep Selfishness of the current adult population that wants everything for themselves
and could care less about the Future of the country. That's why Trump is the perfect leader for this America, he is the King of Selfishness.

23 trillion plus in debt - Spending way too much. Agreed.
a healthcare system twice as costly and less effective than most every other nation - See above
a nation readily using up as much natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc...) as it can - Finally energy independent. All good here.
a climate heating up and deteriorating the environment at a rapid pace - Man is not heating up the climate.
a rapid loss of freedom and safety because of overabundance of guns - a rapid loss of freedom and safety because of a deteriorating Second Amendment
Militias have been around for decades, what have they ever accomplished that you’re advocating?

Got the (armed) Bureau of Land Management to back down from Cliven Bundy.
The Continental Army was little more than a rag-tag militia at the beginning. Same with the "army" at the Alamo. It's how the USA works.
The Continental Army was little more than a rag-tag militia at the beginning. Same with the "army" at the Alamo. It's how the USA works.

100% accurate, DJ. I recommend along those lines the book Sam Houston and the Alamo Avengers: The Texas Victory That Changed American History. Great book, detailing why Sam Houston kept retreating from Santa Ana's army, for months.

He did so while TRAINING HIS RAG-TAG ARMY. Once they were ready, he took on Santa Ana's vastly superior force (in numbers) and slaughtered them in 18 minutes. The book spends a good deal of time discussing how the very disorganized, irregular force became an army.