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President Obama

Instead of a man, you'll be calling Hillary Madam President in 3 years. Then you'll all be demagoging her.
It's become the conservative sport of choice.

I have no doubt that that will happen.
I have no doubt that that will happen.

Already Clinton is finding it difficult to articulate a rationale for her presidency, to pronounce a record of achievement on which to base a campaign. In an appearance this month at the Women in the World Summit she had trouble naming her proudest accomplishment as secretary of state. It is a question that her strongest supporters, in her party and in the media, cannot answer. “Hillary Clinton Struggles to Define a Legacy in Progress,” read the headline in the Thursday New York Times. “Mrs. Clinton is striking a delicate balance,” the paper reports, “when discussing a job that would be a critical credential in a presidential race.” The last secretary of State to become president was James Buchanan. He gave us the Civil War.

Her platform could use an overhaul, unless you're 21steelers21, that is.

Fiscal policy and taxationn
In a 2005 fund-raising speech in San Francisco, she was highly critical of George W. Bush's tax cuts, saying that "Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good. She has co-sponsored legislation related to debt and deficit reduction. On the other hand, she has advocated for federal spending that many describe as wasteful, including the expenditure of $1 million of federal funds for a museum commemorating the Woodstock Music Festival."[4]

Energy policy
Clinton supports releasing oil reserves, increasing the number of hydrogen-powered vehicles, and ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. She opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge[8] Clinton supports cap-and-trade, which allows companies to trade carbon credits, seeks an 80% carbon cut by 2050, seeks a 10% national energy reduction by 2020, advocates a zero emission policy for federal buildings by 2030, calls for raising gas mileage standards to 35 m.p.g. within 10 years (having indicated a willingness to use administrative power if Congress fails to act on this), and opposes drilling in the Atlantic.

Free-market capitalism
"The unfettered free market has been the most radically disruptive force in American life in the last generation,"[15] Hillary replied

On March 8, 2006, she strongly criticized H.R. 4437, a bill passed by the House of Representatives in December 2005 and sent to the Senate, which would impose harsher penalties for immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally. Clinton called the measure "a rebuke to what America stands for" and said it would be "an unworkable scheme to try to deport 11 million people, which you have to have a police state to try to do." She believed the solution to the illegal immigration problem was to make "a path to earned citizenship for those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, respecting the law, and willing to meet a high bar for becoming a citizen."[56]

At a debate at Drexel University in Philadelphia on October 30, 2007, Clinton committed to support of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.Two minutes later, she recanted the position and blamed the Bush administration for not passing immigration reform

Iraq War
By February 2007, Clinton made a point of refusing to admit that her October 2002 Iraq War Resolution vote was a mistake, or to apologize for it, as anti-war Democrats demanded. In the second Democratic debate of the 2008 presidential race, Clinton said that she voted for the resolution under the impression that Bush would allow more time for UN inspectors to find proof of weapons of mass destruction before proceeding. However, reporter Carl Bernstein and others have questioned why Clinton would have voted against the Levin Amendment, which would have required President Bush to allow more time to UN weapons inspectors and also would have required a separate Congressional authorization to allow a unilateral invasion of Iraq, if her vote was simply a vote for strong diplomacy.

The United Nations
On February 13, 2005, at the Munich Conference on Security Policy, Senator Clinton outlined her support for a strong United Nations:

Gun control
Hillary Clinton favors "sensible gun control legislation" and not limiting gun control lawsuits.[126] She made gun licensing and registration a part of her 2000 Senate campaign.[127] She made gun rights a part of her 2008 Presidential campaign, despite her previous attempts to introduce strict gun-control laws at a federal level.[130][131][132]

The National Rifle Association gave Clinton an 'F' (failing) rating in 2006 for her stance on Second Amendment issues.[133]

Clinton believes the scientific consensus on global warming is increasingly clear, and that global warming is caused by the release of greenhouse gases in to the atmosphere.[159]
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None of that matters. 47% will vote for her because she will promise them other peoples' money. Just like Bomma.
Yup, ya'll act like the majority of voters give a **** about the Constitution or free markets. **** that, they just want their gubmint checks.
Yup, ya'll act like the majority of voters give a **** about the Constitution or free markets. **** that, they just want their gubmint checks.

The Zero Liability Voter. They don't give a crap what the government does because it doesn't cost them anything and they get free stuff.
why should they care? When your employer who had revenue of $8 billion (just an example) gives you a credit card and says go buy some toilet paper for the restroom. Do you go to Walmart and buy the most economical brand? Hellz no, you go and buy the nicest stuff on earth...I mean if you are going to wipe your *** at work it should be with the good stuff, right? And who cares, I mean your employer isn't going to miss a couple of bucks by using the Great Value brand. And is your manager going to come back during your annual review and say, golly Hines you saved $2.88 on TP last April. You are really going to like the raise I put into your next paycheck. No he will not, because he knows that the employees have virtually no skin in the game. If that company goes under the low level workers will go find another ****** job at another ****** company. Well welfare voters know that if we got a true conservative in office that they might have to get off their ***** and go get a job. Or maybe they don't know that, but they know that their daddy's voted D, and their best friend votes D, so dammit they are gonna vote D because the D is the thing that takes care of them. It makes sure they get that free abortion, that WIC card, that free gubmint healthcare, that free apartment, they know that they don't have to get up on Monday morning and go to work and that is what its all about. And they know the name Clinton, she is one of them. The only reason she couldn't beat O is because she wasn't that kind of one of them.
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The Zero Liability Voter. They don't give a crap what the government does because it doesn't cost them anything and they get free stuff.

I have been doing some due diligence on this subject JonBoy and all it did was reaffirm some of my deep gut feelings. The term "The Zero Liability Voter" can be translated into "The Stupid". They vote themselves a pay hike each election cycle. They cannot negotiate life on their own… they need help. They are also termed “In-Need, At Risk, Working Americans” (problem is they work as little as possible.) Expecting the Stupid to rationally consider political issues is also STUPID. The Stupid’s mental abilities are barely above the hunter-gatherer. They concern themselves with immediacy – shiny, new trinkets and assorted material objects associated with wealth. They make no long term plans. They live in the here and now. Tomorrow (and any fiscal troubles therein) can be damned. They want IT now!

But we know all that, so what's my point ?

Fortunately, there are millions of Americans who are not Stupid – but they do not vote. 50% of eligible voters refuse to participate in elections. They see no difference in the political parties. Hell's fire...we hear that on this web site all the time and they are right in their assessment. Who are these voters who refuse to vote? They are typically white, blue-collar men and their families. Why do they not vote? No politician dares represent their wants – ending Affirmative Action (AA) programs and laws based upon Affirmative Action/civil rights laws is a primary sore spot. Blue collar workers are the ones most impacted by affirmative action laws. Jobs that require an advanced degree are immune to AA laws. The degree and other requisite aspects of the job preclude racial considerations – typically. AA laws impact the middle and lower rungs of the employment ladder. Those jobs are filled with anyone with a pulse who can be trained – enter the AA hires. The non-voters and their parents, and their grand-parents have faced a tilted playing field. They are never considered for government jobs, or jobs related to government work due to their skin color or ethnic heritage, or sexual preference, or their sex. White women can negotiate the majority of AA barriers due to their sex. Blue-collar, white men, however, face daunting barriers in employment, college admissions, government programs – anything that receives government dollars must adhere to AA laws. These people have given up hope they will ever live in an America that treats them equally.

There may seem to be no answer but in reality, there is an answer...maybe not a slam dunk answer but a light, dim light maybe, but a light nun the less.

These white men are attacked and ridiculed by Progressives. Progressive know, if ever these people became politically active – they are finished as a political entity. Consider… now most elections turn on 5-7% of the electorate. Add to this mix half of those eligible – and we would see landslide victories for conservative issues. Why are the first words out a Progressive’s mouth when facing conflict – racist, bigot, hater, homophobe? They are speaking to these white men – trying to intimidate them. We have all seen the zero tolerance afforded those suspected of race crimes.

Think about it... We all know white people who refuse to vote. Ask them if they would change their views if someone acted to overturn AA laws. Segregation laws only lasted 60 years. AA laws are nearing the same anniversary. Who knows, maybe one of these newcomers to "Mordor on the Potomac" will see that dim light and take unfair advantage over those who would love the status quo.