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President Trump Supreme Court choice announcement coming Tuesday 8 p.m.


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Apr 20, 2014
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I predict more frothing at the mouth outrage!
Yep Neo-Socialist heads gonna asplode.
Maybe they will protest. That seems to be working so well. Hey Tibs you outta meet some of your fellow libs down at the local Starbucks and have a coffee and then break the windows out.
Simple majority. Dems can't stop the nominee.

I said for years they were setting a bad precedent. They always act like they'll be in charge forever.

As Trump readies to announce Supreme Court pick, one judge emerges as top candidate

President Donald Trump announced Monday morning that he had settled on a nominee for the vacant seat on the Supreme Court — and one formerly dark-horse candidate has emerged as the judge with quite possibly the inside track to score the nod.

Thomas Hardiman, a 51-year-old judge who sits on the 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals, has caught the attention of observers to fill the void left by the late Justice Antonin Scalia for several reasons.

With Democrats threatening to block Trump's Supreme Court pick, it's noteworthy that Hardiman was voted onto the appeals court in 2007 by a 95-0 tally. Both Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, voted to approve him.

Hardiman, at 37, was nominated by President George W. Bush to serve on the US District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. He was nominated to the appeals court four years later.

A Notre Dame graduate who received his law degree from Georgetown, Hardiman would find himself in sparse company on the Supreme Court bench — each justice currently seated holds an Ivy League law degree.

"For sure he's a conservative. In his philosophies, he is a Republican, There's no question about his conservative bona fides. He was active in the Republican Party when he came to Pittsburgh — very successful at that, by the way — so you would have to say he'd be of the conservative mold."



Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Set for Tuesday: Here Are the 3 Leading Names

The rumored short list included Judge Neil Gorsuch from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. Gorsuch, 49, is known for siding with religious liberty advocates in cases involving birth control and clerked for current Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Another name is William Pryor Jr., a 54-year-old who sits on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. While Pryor Jr. is considered the most polarizing choice for Democrats because of remarks calling the abortion decision Roe v. Wade the "worst abomination of constitutional law," he has also been criticized as insufficiently conservative by some on the right.

The final name on Trump's short list is Thomas Hardiman of the 3rd Circuit, who sits in Pittsburgh. While Hardiman, 51, was not initially considered a leading candidate, some see he has an inside track in part because he sits on the same court as Trump's sister. He is also seen as having an edge because he does not have an Ivy League background (a complaint among many conservative is all of the current Justices went to Harvard or Yale), and drove a taxi during law school.

While the legal community widely expects him to choose among these three names, Trump's habit of being unpredictable means a surprise is also possible.



President Trump: “I think evangelicals, Christians will love my pick.

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Simple majority. Dems can't stop the nominee.

Not for the Supremes - this is war

Senate Dems will filibuster Trump's Supreme Court nominee

Senate Democrats are going to try to bring down President Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick no matter who the president chooses to the fill the current vacancy.

With Trump prepared to announce his nominee on Tuesday evening, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said in an interview on Monday morning that he will filibuster any pick that is not Merrick Garland and that the vast majority of his caucus will oppose Trumps nomination.

That means Trump's nominee will need 60 votes to be confirmed by the Senate.

"This is a stolen seat. This is the first time a Senate majority has stolen a seat," Merkley said in an interview. "We will use every lever in our power to stop this."

Not for the Supremes - this is war

Senate Dems will filibuster Trump's Supreme Court nominee

Senate Democrats are going to try to bring down President Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick no matter who the president chooses to the fill the current vacancy.

With Trump prepared to announce his nominee on Tuesday evening, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said in an interview on Monday morning that he will filibuster any pick that is not Merrick Garland and that the vast majority of his caucus will oppose Trumps nomination.

That means Trump's nominee will need 60 votes to be confirmed by the Senate.

"This is a stolen seat. This is the first time a Senate majority has stolen a seat," Merkley said in an interview. "We will use every lever in our power to stop this."


So does McConnell go the nuclear option like Harry Reid?
So does McConnell go the nuclear option like Harry Reid?

I perdict, It will be WAR!

Cruz Threatens "Nuclear Option" To Bypass Dems

Republicans will need at least eight Democrats to support Trump's nominee to overcome the 60-vote filibuster hurdle.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said that Republicans should fight to get Trump's coming Supreme Court nominee confirmed by any means necessary. He suggested the GOP shouldn't rule out the so-called nuclear option to reduce the threshold for confirmation.

“I think we should do whatever it takes to get him confirmed"

When pressed about whether Republicans would employ the nuclear option this week, McConnell simply said: "The nominee will be confirmed."

The Dems heads will asplode if that that happens. Sit back with the popcorn and watch the fireworks....it will be the best political theater ever.
The final name on Trump's short list is Thomas Hardiman of the 3rd Circuit, who sits in Pittsburgh. While Hardiman, 51, was not initially considered a leading candidate, some see he has an inside track in part because he sits on the same court as Trump's sister. He is also seen as having an edge because he does not have an Ivy League background (a complaint among many conservative is all of the current Justices went to Harvard or Yale), and drove a taxi during law school.

The Supreme Court could use a Yinzer.
or the Dems could cave early without a fight

Democrats consider backing off big battle over Trump's Supreme Court pick

Washington (CNN)Senate Democrats are weighing whether to avoid an all-out war to block President Donald Trump's upcoming Supreme Court pick, instead considering delaying that battle for a future nomination that could shift the ideological balance of the court, sources say.

Democrats privately discussed their tactics during a closed-door retreat in West Virginia last week. And a number of Democrats are trying to persuade liberal firebrands to essentially let Republicans confirm Trump's pick after a vigorous confirmation process -- since Trump is likely to name a conservative to replace the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

The reason for the tactic: Republicans are considering gutting the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees if Democrats stay largely united and block Trump's first pick. By employing the so-called "nuclear option," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could move to reduce the threshold for clearing a filibuster from 60 votes to 51 votes.

That would mean Democrats could lose leverage in the next Supreme Court fight if Trump were to replace a more liberal justice, since the GOP now has 52 seats in the Senate.

Preserving the filibuster now could give Democrats more leverage in the future, proponents of this strategy say. But it would enrage the Democratic base that wants a furious Democratic response to Trump's court pick.

I perdict, It will be WAR!

Cruz Threatens "Nuclear Option" To Bypass Dems

Republicans will need at least eight Democrats to support Trump's nominee to overcome the 60-vote filibuster hurdle.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said that Republicans should fight to get Trump's coming Supreme Court nominee confirmed by any means necessary. He suggested the GOP shouldn't rule out the so-called nuclear option to reduce the threshold for confirmation.

“I think we should do whatever it takes to get him confirmed"

When pressed about whether Republicans would employ the nuclear option this week, McConnell simply said: "The nominee will be confirmed."


Meh, they'd do it to us. Oh wait, they already did.
Gorsuch and Hardiman both headed to D.C. as Trump prepares to announce SCOTUS choice

The two judges who have been considered the top finalists to be President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court — Neil Gorsuch and Thomas Hardiman — are being brought to Washington ahead of tonight’s White House announcement, sources tell CNN.

The move comes as there were increasing indications that Gorsuch will be Trump’s choice, sources briefed on the White House deliberations tell CNN.

One source said that Gorsuch was told it was likely him.

1 ) I hope Trump picks a conservative judge under the age of 60/

2 ) It would be nice is some current democrats had nice things to say about the new nominee before he was nominated for the supreme court.

3 ) Let the Dem's tire themselves out with a filibuster if they must. It won;t last more than a few months
It would be nice is some current democrats had nice things to say about the new nominee before he was nominated for the supreme court.

ha ha - forget it - the Dems will never get over losing the Presidency, they will squeal their bitter little hearts out over whoever is nominated
Just be careful of your "religious liberty advocates". The same laws that will protect Christians from possible prosecution against discrimination will be used by Muslims to further Sharia law in our country.

We will see who he picks. They are both super young (50) and that's a hell of a long time on the court. What a major victory for conservative constitutionalism.
Let's see if this sticks

President Trump's Supreme Court Pick, Confirmed by Two High-Ranking Officials


Two high-ranking administration sources have confirmed to Independent Journal Review that President Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick is Colorado Judge Neil Gorsuch.

At the age of 49, Neil Gorsuch will become one of the youngest SCOTUS appointments in history. Gorsuch reportedly cried when he found out about Justice Scalia's death. The Colorado native attended Harvard Law School with former President Barack Obama and is a firm Constitutionalist.

According to Politico:

Gorsuch has the typical pedigree of a high court justice. He graduated from Columbia, Harvard and Oxford, clerked for two Supreme Court justices and did a stint at the Department of Justice.

Gorsuch served in the Justice Department under former President George W. Bush before he was appointed to serve on Denver’s 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, where he still works today.

Gorsuch has made some past statements that seem to indicate how he would make major Supreme Court decisions. Most notably, he has praised the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s dedication to “textualism,” or the interpretation of laws based on the actual text rather than trying to decipher the “intent” of lawmakers or other potential consequences.

“Judges should instead strive, if humanly and so imperfectly, to apply the law as it is, focusing backward, not forward, and looking to text, structure, and history to decide what a reasonable reader at the time of the events in question would have understood the law to be,” Gorsuch said in a speech to Case Western Reserve University's law school shortly after Scalia passed away.


A photo of the late Justice Scalia and Judge Gorsuch in Colorado

It's official

President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court will be Neil Gorsuch

Neil Gorsuch: A Worthy Heir to Scalia

Donald Trump will nominate a textualist and an originalist Supreme Court justice in the vein of Antonin Scalia. President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court will be Neil Gorsuch, a well-respected conservative whose legal philosophy is remarkably similar to that of Antonin Scalia, the justice he will replace if the Senate confirms him. He is, like Scalia, a textualist and an originalist: someone who interprets legal provisions as their words were originally understood.

It took CNN less than 3 minutes to devolve into misogynist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, racist drivel. By the book Libs, by the book. Keep on driving Americans who understand the core values of this country to the polls. I love it.
It took CNN less than 3 minutes to devolve into misogynist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, racist drivel. By the book Libs, by the book. Keep on driving Americans who understand the core values of this country to the polls. I love it.

The Dems had a whole election to get Hillary and a Dem Senate to get their person in that seat. F 'em. They lost....go nuclear if they start their BS. If the dems were smart they would allow this one to pass and fight the next when Ginsberg retires/leaves but they are not smart. Then Trump can put another Constitutional jurist on the bench 6-3 and set them back 20 years.