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President Trump Supreme Court choice announcement coming Tuesday 8 p.m.

It's official

President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court will be Neil Gorsuch

Neil Gorsuch: A Worthy Heir to Scalia

Donald Trump will nominate a textualist and an originalist Supreme Court justice in the vein of Antonin Scalia. President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court will be Neil Gorsuch, a well-respected conservative whose legal philosophy is remarkably similar to that of Antonin Scalia, the justice he will replace if the Senate confirms him. He is, like Scalia, a textualist and an originalist: someone who interprets legal provisions as their words were originally understood.


Obviously a misogynist Nazi Klan member. Or at least he will be by 11:00 tonight.
The Dems had a whole election to get Hillary and a Dem Senate to get their person in that seat. F 'em. They lost....go nuclear if they start their BS. If the dems were smart they would allow this one to pass and fight the next when Ginsberg retires/leaves but they are not smart. Then Trump can put another Constitutional jurist on the bench 6-3 and set them back 20 years.

CNN was already floating the idea out there that they're thinking of saving their "Trump" card. Haha
Trump delivers somber SCOTUS nomination and even liberal media offer reluctant praise


It wasn’t flashy or sensational. Instead, President Donald Trump delivered a somber and solemn Supreme Court nomination is less time than it takes to drive a few blocks in D.C. during rush hour. And most of the media ate it up. Even US Weekly was paying attention.

Damon Linker, senior correspondent for The Week, summed up what for many was reluctant praise: “That was the most presidential seven minutes of Donald Trump's presidency so far, and most normal.”

Politico called the pick “Antonin Scalia 2.0,” hardly a phrasing designed to appease the left.

While i prefer moderates this guy was the best conservative option... he will vote against his party if thats how the law reads...he, like Obamas apointee, deserves better than whats coming
Conservatives Praise Trump’s ‘Home Run’ Supreme Court Pick

Conservatives were effusive in their praise on Tuesday evening for President Donald Trump’s choice for the U.S. Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch.

- Faith & Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed said:

President Trump won 81 percent of the evangelical vote in no small measure because he made an ironclad pledge that if elected he would fill the vacancy on the US Supreme Court with a strict constructionist who would respect the Constitution and the rule of law, not legislate from the bench. We never doubted then-candidate Trump’s sincerity or commitment, and by nominating Judge Gorsuch, he has now kept that promise.

- Michael A. Needham, CEO of Heritage Action for America, said:

Judge Neil Gorsuch is a nominee ‘very much in the mold’ of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. President Trump deserves credit for fulfilling his campaign pledge by nominating an individual who will, based on his record, interpret the text of the Constitution

- Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said:

Tea Party Patriots and our network of supporters and grassroots activists across the country thank President Donald Trump for nominating Neil Gorsuch to be our next Supreme Court Justice.

- Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning said:

President Trump’s wise and thoughtful selection of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court should be respected by the Senate

- Former Senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum said:

Judge Gorsuch has proven himself to be one of the great legal scholars of his generation. His rulings on the Circuit Court have shown that he understands our Founders’ intent and will rule with the strict constructionist legal mindset our nation needs.

- Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus said:

We applaud the president’s nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch

While life is unpredictable and anything can happen, this seems to sink the longterm ultra liberal strategy of using the courts to drive policy. The next few logical vacancies are all liberal judges. It will be a decade at least before the court can be reshaped now.
Ultimately it looks like the longterm republican scheme to use state legislative and executive control to gain federal power "trumped" the Dems judicial advocacy plan...
While life is unpredictable and anything can happen, this seems to sink the longterm ultra liberal strategy of using the courts to drive policy. The next few logical vacancies are all liberal judges. It will be a decade at least before the court can be reshaped now.
Ultimately it looks like the longterm republican scheme to use state legislative and executive control to gain federal power "trumped" the Dems judicial advocacy plan...

Yep, and we won a major, major battle last year preventing Obama from getting the replacement for Scalia. Think about the repercussions. Those mid term elections where Republicans destroyed Democrats was YUGE. It allowed Congress to prevent Obama appointing a replacement and swing the court. Now, the seat will be filled by a Conservative, 49 year old judge who may sit for 30-35 years. Libs are crying (as we know). The NY Times headline:

Neil Gorsuch, the Nominee for a Stolen Seat

Likely, Trump will get to put another Justice into the court. Ruth Hater Ginsberg is 83? I forget all of their ages, but the Liberal judges are old.

Heard something interesting last night. Democrats are apparently pissed at Ginsberg, the old bat. It's expected that if a justice is going to retire, out of respect for the party that nominated them, they attempt to retire during that party having a President in the White House so the White House can replace say one Liberal judge with another. Democrats are pissed that Ginsberg didn't retire under Obama. I guess they all really believed Hillary was a lock - LOL.

I wonder, had Ginsberg retired, would Obama have been able to replace her? He was prevented from replacing Scalia.

Fascinating stuff.
Gorsuch is eminently qualified, experienced as a Federal Court appellate justice, and was previously approved for that position by a voice vote in the Senate, i.e., basically unanimously.

No chance his approval is blocked. None.
What a pick! I'd give Trump an A+ on this selection. Young, sharp, well regarded and conservative.
Dems and the media outright lying by omission. It was Joe Biden who pushed through a rule that a lame duck President should not be allowed to nominate any justices.

You see, liberals are stupid and short sighted. They don't look at the future. It's all about what they need at the moment and at that moment, they did not want Bush making any nominations, so they made it a rule.

Kind of like how Harry Reid changed senate rules to make it easy to ram through all of Obama's nominees without Republican support.
Yep, and we won a major, major battle last year preventing Obama from getting the replacement for Scalia. Think about the repercussions. Those mid term elections where Republicans destroyed Democrats was YUGE. It allowed Congress to prevent Obama appointing a replacement and swing the court. Now, the seat will be filled by a Conservative, 49 year old judge who may sit for 30-35 years. Libs are crying (as we know). The NY Times headline:

Neil Gorsuch, the Nominee for a Stolen Seat

Likely, Trump will get to put another Justice into the court. Ruth Hater Ginsberg is 83? I forget all of their ages, but the Liberal judges are old.

Heard something interesting last night. Democrats are apparently pissed at Ginsberg, the old bat. It's expected that if a justice is going to retire, out of respect for the party that nominated them, they attempt to retire during that party having a President in the White House so the White House can replace say one Liberal judge with another. Democrats are pissed that Ginsberg didn't retire under Obama. I guess they all really believed Hillary was a lock - LOL.

I wonder, had Ginsberg retired, would Obama have been able to replace her? He was prevented from replacing Scalia.

Fascinating stuff.

Ginsberg is the oldest by far, though she aint leaving till she dies... but the swing Vote Kennedy is probably gone in the next 4 years, especially since he has a slight affinity to the conservatives...

So here is the court as currently made up:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Born 1933 Age 84
Extreme Liberal

Anthony Kennedy
Born 1936 Age 81
Swing Vote

Stephen Breyer
Born 1938 Age 79
Extreme Liberal

Clarence Thomas
Born 1948 Age 69

Samuel Alito
Born 1950 Age 67

Sonia Sotomayor
Born 1954 Age 63

John Roberts
Born 1955 Age 62

Elena Kagan
Born 1960 Age 57

Here is the issue for Dems, #1 the average age for retirement from the court is 78 years old… of those in that range the two longtime extreme liberals are both there, and the one swing vote is too.

Secondly and less fixated on, is that both Sotomayor and Kagan have moved far left of their historical stances since being named to the court. This is likely following leads from the liberal block leaders, who both have extreme viewpoints on judicial activism and use of foreign law to interpret US law… with both of them gone there is absolutely no assurances that if they become the focal point of the liberal bloc they wont drift to their natural centrist philosophies in many areas. If Both Breyers and RBG are replaced by trump the court is literally lost to the Dems for a generation
Just be careful of your "religious liberty advocates". The same laws that will protect Christians from possible prosecution against discrimination will be used by Muslims to further Sharia law in our country.

We will see who he picks. They are both super young (50) and that's a hell of a long time on the court. What a major victory for conservative constitutionalism.

I seriously hope major new networks will explain to the USA what Shira Law is, and how its impacting European nations like the UK who has 60+ courts of this law, and France who has several areas essentially under Sharia law.

Then these vag hat wearing marchers listing to Madonna serious thoughts about blowing up buildings will have their jaws hit the street they are standing on.
Ginsberg is the oldest by far, though she aint leaving till she dies... but the swing Vote Kennedy is probably gone in the next 4 years, especially since he has a slight affinity to the conservatives...

So here is the court as currently made up:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Born 1933 Age 84
Extreme Liberal

Anthony Kennedy
Born 1936 Age 81
Swing Vote

Stephen Breyer
Born 1938 Age 79
Extreme Liberal

Clarence Thomas
Born 1948 Age 69

Samuel Alito
Born 1950 Age 67

Sonia Sotomayor
Born 1954 Age 63

John Roberts
Born 1955 Age 62

Elena Kagan
Born 1960 Age 57

Here is the issue for Dems, #1 the average age for retirement from the court is 78 years old… of those in that range, the two longtime extreme liberals are both there, and the one swing vote is too.

Secondly and less fixated on, is that both Sotomayor and Kagan have moved far left of their historical stances since being named to the court. This is likely following leads from the liberal block leaders, who both have extreme viewpoints on judicial activism and use of foreign law to interpret US law… with both of them gone there is absolutely no assurances that if they become the focal point of the liberal bloc they wont drift to their natural centrist philosophies in many areas. If Both Breyers and RBG are replaced by trump the court is literally lost to the Dems for a generation

I would argue that Kagan who was never a judge and said she's for judicial activism is an extreme liberal, and Sotomayor is a feminists type who has used anti-male gender language that would have had most applicants in hit water out upon announcement.

Ginsburg has serious health issues and should have retired under Obama.
we won a major, major battle last year preventing Obama from getting the replacement for Scalia. Think about the repercussions. Those mid term elections where Republicans destroyed Democrats was YUGE. It allowed Congress to prevent Obama appointing a replacement and swing the court

Obama and the Dems held off pressuring congress for their replacement guy only because they were so sure Hillary was going to win!


They ****** up and now are seething in rage, probably because they realize how stupid they were last year not to try harder
Obama and the Dems held off pressuring congress for their replacement guy only because they were so sure Hillary was going to win!


They ****** up and now are seething in rage, probably because they realize how stupid they were last year not to try harder

That plus I read that some Dems are pissed at Ginsberg (age 83) for not retiring while Bomma was President and she could be replaced by another Liberal.

Hey Democrats: Confirm This!

Oh, the Democrats’ agony is soothing and sublime, like a warm lemon-scented bath whilst sipping Pappy Van Winkle's Family Reserve 20 Year Straight Bourbon Whiskey and puffing away on a fine Arturo Fuente Opus X “A” cigar lit by a bikini-clad Sofia Vergara or the conservachick or conservagay equivalent.

The president – that’s President Trump, suckers – has nominated Neil Gorsuch to replace the irreplaceable Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, and as a result, every heartbroken conservative has learned to love again.

Can you imagine if it was Jeb making the appointment?

“Here’s Myron Putney, who I know from the country club. Myron will be a justice in the tradition of David Souter, my father’s greatest triumph. He’ll build bridges and cross the aisle as he assumes the Ned Beatty seat on the Court.”

Ugh. And can you imagine if Hillary hadn’t been so thoroughly and completely rejected by normal Americans via the most humiliating electoral diss track in the history of ever?

“My nominee was born Fred but rejects that name as racist and sexist and instead uses the pronoun ‘xe’ to refer to xeself. A leader in the employment-challenged community, xe studied the Constitution in xis gender studies seminars at Oberlin where xe learned that the First and Second Amendments don’t exist, but a bunch of policy preferences we happen to share do appear in the penumbras and emanations of that dead evil white male Christian document, such as the right for no Republican to ever speak or be elected again.”

Yeah, we kinda dodged a bullet. A big, fat commie pinko bullet that would have ensured that normal people would have been relegated to second class citizenship. Remember, Hillary wanted to overturn the Supreme Court decision that held that the government could not toss people who wanted to make a movie criticizing her into jail. She wanted to neuter the right to keep and bear arms in a way she could never manage to do with Bill. And religious freedom? Sure, she’d protect your right to live your faith as you pleased as long as you got her permission and it didn’t interfere with the creepy psychodrama that was her quest for power.

Yeah, but none of that happened.

None of the liberals’ dreams of permanent power over the normal and hard-working came to pass. And darned if they don’t seem a bit steamed about it.

Conservatives, we need to stoke that stupid fire. This nomination is just going to be another in the seemingly endless missed kicks of Lucy’s footballs by the Charlie Brown left.
Here's the rest of that Awesome article:

Hillary was totally going to win because all of that terrible, awful stuff the slobbering media said about her opponent. Nope. Dissed and dismissed, Frau Harpyheimer. Liberals’ dreams of electoral domination died like Bill’s libido when Hillary came home early that time the Real Housewives of Chappaqua were over visiting him in the hot tub and she tried to wade in.

Well, Trump’s Russian “hacking the election” stuff was going to finish him, aided by Hollywood hacks chanting in YouTube videos. Yeah, no. Turns out more electors deserted your candidate than Trump. Liberals, failure is your Axe Body Spray.

Then the inauguration was going to be a bust. The stenographers got out there and kept on message about how “dark” and “scary” President Trump’s speech was. Except the normal Americans you loathe and who your perfumed prince ignored for eight years kind of liked it when their president promised to put their interests ahead of greedy foreigners and domestic elitist snobs. Here’s the thing: when you find the idea of putting America first terrible, you necessarily put yourself at odds with actual Americans. They would kind of like to be the first priority of their president. And sadly, at least for you, only Americans can vote (or at least only Americans will vote after the president gets through cleaning out the illegal aliens and dead people infesting the voter rolls).

Then you liberals decided to do big marches where you live and nowhere else wearing genital costumes and to give Ashley Judd a mic before you confirmed whether she’d gobbled her meds. Dressing like woman junk and slam gynopoetry from washed up ex-Hollywood bimbettes might thrill in New York, D.C., or California, but it creeps out the normals. And since you get the same number of electors in New York, D.C., and the formerly Golden State whether you get 60 percent or 70 percent of the vote, your big, dumb march was just a big, dumb exercise in political onanism.

Oh, but banning people from countries like Sudan, Somalia and Syria – now that was going to finally be what did Trump in. Yeah, normal Americans hate it when we don’t invite over people from cesspools of savagery to live on the dole at our expense while actual Americans suffer. We love being targeted by freakish weirdos who try and kill us to get the nookie in eternity they were too lame to score on Earth. And we just love when semi-employable hipster dorks descend on our airports to make flying even more miserable.

Here’s a pro tip: when you start talking about how few people have been killed in America by radical Muslim freaks “since 9/11,” you remind us of the 3,000 people killed by radical Muslim freaks on 9/11. And no, you can’t gaslight us into writing off those murdered since as mere “workplace violence.”

Hey, let me word-meme you. Think about Kermit sipping some Lipton as you consider how “49 percent of American adults said they either ‘strongly’ or ‘somewhat’ agreed with Mr. Trump's order, while 41 percent ‘strongly’ or ‘somewhat’ disagreed.” Damn, that has got to hurt, but I’m beginning to think you’re into that scene.

So this leads us to the next Democrat lemmingfest as your dwindling contingent in the Senate prepares to go full Thelma and Louise over Judge Gorsuch. Or should I say, Soon-to-be-Justice Gorsuch, because thanks to Harry Reid, your filibuster has been filibusted. He’s getting confirmed no matter what you do. Plus, he’s a great guy who presents well and who normal people will look at and say, “Hmmm. He seems nice.” But please, don’t let something like the fact you have no chance of success and a huge chance that you will make yourself look like complete idiots deter you from your kamikaze crusade to cater to Team Soros.

I want you to oppose Soon-to-be-Justice Gorsuch. Loudly. Proudly. Tone deafly. Tell yourself that, “Well, the GOP won the Senate after doing nothing but obstructing Obama, so it’s gotta work for us, too!” Just skip over how the GOP was obstructing stuff that normal people hate, while you geniuses will be obstructing stuff loved by everyone who doesn’t live within walking distance of a feminist bookstore that serves cruelty-free intersectional chai lattes. And pay no attention to the looming 2018 elections where you have 25 seats at stake. It’s all gonna work out fine!

Please. Keep doing what you are doing. And we’ll keep luxuriating in that warm bath tub, which we will top off with Chuck Schumer’s tears.
Democrat lemmingfest

I am so going to steal that
I would argue that Kagan who was never a judge and said she's for judicial activism is an extreme liberal, and Sotomayor is a feminists type who has used anti-male gender language that would have had most applicants in hit water out upon announcement.

Ginsburg has serious health issues and should have retired under Obama.

Yet both Sotomayor and Kagan were considered moderate democrats, and some of Kagans work as solicitor general leaned conservative enough to scare the piss out of the liberals when she was announced... How a new justice acts when part of a slim minority doesnt reflect how they will act down the road. many times the court decisions are manufactured close votes. it wouldnt be the first time justices voted with a losing side because there was nothing but animosity to gain from joining the other side... like i said... when RBG and Breyer are out of the picture Kagan and Sotomayor become the voice of the liberal block, not the low women on the totem pole followers. I dont think either will fly as far left as RBG did