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Presidential election model that got it wrong once in 40 years predicts


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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presidential election model that incorrectly predicted just one election outcome since 1980 shows President Trump winning reelection in 2020.

Moody’s Analytics released the results of its 2020 prediction model on Tuesday showing Trump winning with 332 electoral votes, an increase over his 2016 win of 306, if voter turnout remains relatively close to the historical average.

2020 is gonna break a lot of liberal hearts. America doesn’t give a **** about this nonsense impeachment. He will win in a landslide if the economy continue to grow
This is a sample of the data that tells us what's coming in 2020 and the dims know it - ergo the impeachment insanity...


First of all, 54,000 people were identified. Who knows how many showed up from all over and waited for days to get into an arena that holds around 20,000. The good guys know exactly who all 54,000 are and everything about them. Ponder both of those points. Right there the dims' have gone incontinent.

Now consider that over 21% of those people from all over and waited for days to get into an arena that holds around 20,000 are dims. And 11% are Latinos. And 12% haven't voted in the last 4 elections. And this happens EVERYWHERE (read:EVERY freekin where) The Donald decides to hold one of his little chats. And we're more than a year out from the election. Come next fall they'll be filling NFL arenas. And they should because the NFL isn't.

I haven't crunched these numbers against 18's Texas numbers, but if I did, they'd be unbelievably devastating. You know Trump is releasing this data to troll them.

Now, we know that 'they' know the story behind every vote that has been cast. The tweet above proves that. They can match every registration with every vote cast. AND they can match a cell to each of those data points. So they know who is a legal vote and who isn't and can easily prove it. It has been said that 7.5 million illegal votes lined up behind Madam Rottweiler in 16... but at that point they couldn't EASILY prove it and such a gambit wouldn't have served any purpose but to further divide us. They have the program in place now. Nothing escapes their attention.

Regardless, the numbers tell the story. A nation that wearies of Trump does not show up in these numbers and demographics. Neither does a nation that wants him impeached. These numbers demonstrate a strong draw across party line and across demographics.

Everybody laughed at Brad when he suggested there would be a 'Trump dynasty'. Well, Brad knows the numbers. N da dims be poopin blue bricks.
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Dem controlled polling station........

"Hey look, in the back of that car! Boxes filled with ballots that have not been counted yet!"
"Hey look, in that janitor closet! Boxes filled with ballots that have not been counted yet!"
This is a sample of the data that tells us what's coming in 2020 and the dims know it - ergo the impeachment insanity...


First of all, 54,000 people were identified. Who knows how many showed up from all over and waited for days to get into an arena that holds around 20,000. The good guys know exactly who all 54,000 are and everything about them. .

And nobody threw rocks, eggs or set anything on fire. No riots. In other words, no libtardation.

BTW, this is old news. I posted it about a week ago in the Winning thread.
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It is all about the economy. If things remain the same, trump wins easily. If I am a dem I am begging for the economy to tank.
All depends on dem turn out. Clinton lost because no one liked her and she ran a terrible campaign. Whoever gets the nomination will certainly run a better campaign, but might be too far left to pull the votes.
It is all about the economy. If things remain the same, trump wins easily. If I am a dem I am begging for the economy to tank.

Also a stock market crash and Trump starting WWIII would be a nice bonus.

You better believe there are elitists hoping a stock market crash in which Americans would lose at least half their retirement investments would teach all those Trump voters a lesson...never to pull a stunt like that again.
You better believe there are elitists hoping a stock market crash in which Americans would lose at least half their retirement investments would teach all those Trump voters a lesson...never to pull a stunt like that again.

Anybody who doubts this is just not paying attention, or is so virulently anti-American as to not care. We - all of us - were stricken with a "Russia, Russia, Russia!!" fraud for 2 1/2 years. 19 lawyers, 40 assistants, $40 million for ... nothing. Not one goddamn thing.

Why? Because the vile politicians care much, much, much, much, MUCH more about their parties and next election and bloated staffs and budgets than they do about the American people. They get rich, we get ******. That is why they hate Trump so much - no other reason.

"Oh, he is so mean to women!" Horseshit. ******* lathered Clinton's very busy knob for 8 years, and knew damn well that he was a serial predator. They lined up for fundraisers with a well-known freak and serial sexual assaulter in Harvey Weinstein. They did not blink an eye about Jeffrey Epstein and his sexcapades, and were too busy flying to Juvenile Island to give a ****.

"But, but, but ... he is violating the Constitution (somehow, not explained)!!" Oh, you mean like Bammy, who conducted spying on American citizens, used the IRS as a weapon against political opponents, who ordered a drone strike on an American citizen without a trial, who actually violated our rights? Like him, you mean? Apparently not, since once again the lying liars telling lies about their lies willingly coated his radish with their saliva.

"He, he, he ... HE'S A RACIST. Yeah, that's the ticket!!" Never heard prior to 2016, but hey - I guess maybe Robert Byrd could look into that charge. Or perhaps Clinton's role model, the avowed racist William Fullbright. Oh, they are (D)umbshits? Never mind.

"Okay, what about ... EMOLUMENTS!?!?" **** off. "Obama is ultimately no stranger to getting gifts. He received countless items during his two terms, which were reportedly worth more than $1.5 million." No, that's not emoluments, gifts to the President for being the President during state visits funded by the taxpayers where the leaders are talking about issues that could greatly benefit the gift-giver. Noooo problem ... a gold chess set? No emoluments there. Bacarat crystal, a $7,500 golf bag, a $53,00 sculpture? Nope, no problem, no emoluments, business as usual, nothing to see here, folks. But ************, HAVE PEOPLE STAY IN A HOTEL OWNED BY A CORPORATION WHERE THE PRESIDENT OWNS SHARES?!? It's on, ******.

"Well, I mean, what about ... FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN OUR ELECTIONS!! Yeah, that's it, this time we have him!!" Not so much. The only candidate who actually benefited from foreign interference was - wait for it - Hillary Rodham Rodham. "Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire. Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton." So, yeah, foreign interference happened in 2016, Clinton paid for dirt on Trump from a foreigner, and nobody gives a ****. So **** off.

The panting pantywaists have no genuine claim against Trump. They hate him because he is clearly not one of the political class, engorging himself on the taxpayer dime while taking bribes, err, "contributions" that will make him wealthy.

And THAT is the real reason why these dirty, dishonest ************* hate Trump.

And frankly why I hate them more than I ever have. Ever.
Don't listen to the fake news

2020: Trump expands base, beating Biden, Sanders, Buttigieg, tied with Warren

President Trump has expanded his base to include union workers, Hispanics, suburban and urban voters, and is ahead or tied with all the leading Democratic presidential candidates, according to a new national survey.

In the latest Zogby Analytics poll, Trump is beating Sens. Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris, former Vice President Joe Biden, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and is in a dead heat with Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

The survey said that the president has expanded his base and it found that despite a wave of negative media about the direction of the country, most Americans feel that the United States is an “exceptional country.”

In the survey shared with Secrets, the 2020 race shows Trump still in the driver’s seat:

Trump 47%-Biden 45% Trump 46%-Sanders 44% Trump 45%-Warren 45% Trump 47%-Harris 41% Trump 49%-Buttigieg 38% While Trump’s advantages in next year’s election are slightly different in the head-to-heads with each candidate, they closely follow his lead with Biden, as explained by pollster Jonathan Zogby.


Can't believe that poll has Warren even with Trump. Who in their right mind would vote for that?

The legion of blue-eyed, blonde Native Americans and their cadre of blue-eyed Hispanics with an Irish name.

That's who.
Can't believe that poll has Warren even with Trump. Who in their right mind would vote for that?

Never mind, answered my own question.

Remember Hildebeast was ahead of him like 70/30. If Fauxchahontas is polling even that means President Trump wins 45 states.
Remember Hildebeast was ahead of him like 70/30. If Fauxchahontas is polling even that means President Trump wins 45 states.

45 for 45. I like it. (D)ims should roll out 91-year old Walter Mondale as their candidate. First, he is clearly not too old, since he is younger than half the (D)im field right now. Second, he knows how to get gang-raped by Republicans and "take one for the team." Third, he will likely lose Minnesota this time around, raising the distinct possibility of a "50 for 45" outcome.

We love unity.*

* It is pretty much known and acknowledged that Reagan could have easily won Minnesota, since he basically did not campaign there and lost by a mere 4,000 votes, but refused to push for the state and humiliate Mondale by winning all 50 states, including Mondale's home state.
I'm expecting the democrats to beat the impeachment horse utterly to death just to smear the current administration campaign and then at the midnight hour roll out Hillary Clinton who shockingly enough is MORE electable than ANY of the crap candidates the dems have put forward so far.

She's a horrible human being who kills you if you speak ill of her or her family, but she "seems" more centrist than Warren or Sanders who are currently beginning to pull away from the crowd and regardless of how much people seem to be enamored of Buttigieg right now, there's no way America is far enough along socially to vote for a guy who's come out. Not yet.

But Hillary - She'll get the folks who voted for her last time AND she'll get some sympathy votes from people who just sorta feel bad for her.

I would not be at ALL surprised. Anyone been paying attention to whether or not she's been building a war chest?
I'm expecting the democrats to beat the impeachment horse utterly to death just to smear the current administration campaign and then at the midnight hour roll out Hillary Clinton who shockingly enough is MORE electable than ANY of the crap candidates the dems have put forward so far.

Do physical appearance and energy matter in an election? Absolutely. Anybody who doubts that fact with the advent of televised pictures, commonly known as "T.V.," did not pay attention from 1960 to present.

And Hillary is far too gone to run again. She could not stagger her drunken *** to a van in 2016, but at least she could remain on her feet for a couple of hours during the debate.


Now? No way. She cannot even find clothes that fit her obese, bloated, drunken *** any more and is not bothering to try. She simply grabs the nearest shower curtain and off she goes.

