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psst... Conspiracy Theory Wig, please check in.


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL
Reading this article can make one question things on a global scale. With China moving to secure a bigger, and expanding, digital footprint in the Middle East, would it be irrational to consider that the KungFlu was a calculated tactical biological strike on the world, particularly the United States? There would be many cards at play here.

  • We're be focused on the health of our population.
  • Our political arena would also be so introverted that we'd be focused on OUR environment, instead of the global environment. In that, we'd secure our country while taking steps to return to turning a blind eye to how the world/planet is affected by oil spills in other countries, oil tankers pushing oil to the country, lack of oversight in those oil-producing countries, etc.
  • China's digital expansion would encumber the GCC to become more reliant on their tech. We've seen over the past year how much big tech can and does influence politics, and society.
  • With the GCC becoming more and more dependent on China and the Chinese tech, China would de facto run the area and control oil shipping, cost, etc
  • All while we battle a virus China has released on the country and have become more dependent on oil from the Mid-East since January.

And just like that, we're blind to what is going on

China’s Digital Silk Road Grows With 5G in the Middle East​

Huawei and other Chinese firms continue to make rapid inroads among Gulf countries – despite the United States’ efforts.
By Sophie Zinser
December 16, 2020

“New Value Together” was the slogan for the 40th annual GITEX Technology Week, the only in-person global technology show of 2020 held December 6 to 10 at the Dubai World Trade Center. Its organizer is known across the Middle East – particularly the GCC countries – as the region’s leader in 5G and cloud computing: Huawei.

The global telecoms supplier and mobile phone manufacturer made headlines throughout 2020 – most recently in Southeast Asia with a blitz of deals monopolizing Indonesia’s 5G network – for its role in a growing global 5G movement. Eleven telecom firms including those in the Gulf Cooperation countries (GCC) of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman have signed massive 5G contracts with Huawei over the last year.

By 2025, GCC countries will house much of the world’s growing 5G subscribers. Huawei has jumped on the bandwagon to capitalize on what they perceive as a promising future for 5G in the Middle East. The company’s leadership has been bullish on the Middle East since September 2019. And the region’s $164 billion annual market for information and communication technology (ICT) products is a good reason for Huawei’s enthusiasm. Over the last year, there has been a surge in publicly administered cloud services in the Gulf worth nearly $3 billion. This Gulf government-led push is confirming for Huawei that 5G-enabled cloud computing in the GCC is an increasingly lucrative market.

But what impact has this recent growth in 5G had on the everyday lives of the 54 million people living in the GCC? Not much. Locally, 5G is mostly being implemented widely only insofar as to enable a more rapid pace of downloads to smartphones and quicker analog communications. As of December 1, Huawei’s new P40 PRO 5G phone is available for consumer purchase in the UAE. But analysts remain optimistic on the potential of 5G to positively impact multiple industries in the GCC, specifically energy usage optimization, cloud computing, ultrafast broadband, and internet of things (IoT) innovation, including self-driving cars, transportation, and factory equipment.

In response, Huawei has been relentlessly extending its digital footprint across the Middle East despite Western efforts to curtail its global expansion. The United States has repeatedly expressed security concerns over Huawei’s presence in international markets. Since 2018, U.S. policymakers have been actively attempting to hinder the company and its China-side competitor ZTE’s expansion abroad, especially within the European Union. The Trump administration’s pressure on Huawei – specifically its recent ploy to curb critical semiconductor technology sales to the Chinese company – has sparked global discussions about data privacy and security-related drawbacks to international reliance on Huawei’s toolkit.

While the U.S. government’s efforts to halt Huawei’s expansion have succeeded domestically and in parts of Europe, the Gulf market has come out unscathed. This is perhaps due to the region’s highly sensitive position in geopolitics. Given a heavy reliance on China’s oil market as well as the significant U.S. military and diplomatic presence, there is no incentive for Gulf economies to become a proxy war zone for the world’s two largest superpowers.

But COVID-19 has made Gulf economies increasingly reliant on China as the nation’s economy recovers faster than the United States’ from the global recession. Since COVID-19 restrictions lifted in China, Chinese policymakers have undertaken major steps to develop what they are calling “industrial internet” of global telecommunications providers at far cheaper prices than their Western competitors in the sector.
Saudi Telecom Company (STC) reported a jump of over 1,000 percent in bandwidth due to the surge in remote education. They are currently scrambling to secure necessary network infrastructure to keep pace with the demands of Saudi’s ambitious Vision 2030 strategy. Similarly, Qatar is preparing to host in 2022 what it hopes will be the first 5G World Cup. The event’s reliance on a critical partnership between British telecom giant Vodafone and Huawei may be jilted from the U.K.’s recent ban on Huawei products, making the battle for 5G in the region over the next few years ever more relevant.

Sophie Zinser is a researcher focusing on China’s role in the Middle East, South and Central Asia.

*** more at the link***
There are bountiful conspiracy theories about the nature of the virus and it's actual purpose. From a "common sense" point of view one can either accept that some chinese lady bought a bad bat wing and it ****** up the entire world.

Or, one can believe that some chinese lab worker, through no malfeasance or purposeful action accidentally failed in some protocol in his/her lab and accidentally released a strain of virus that they were studying and trying to kill.

Or, one can believe that the chinese government or some other nefarious powerful agency CREATED a virus for some reason, altruistic or not, and then upon seeing what they had determined that releasing it across the globe might have some short and long term benefits. But for THAT to be the case, said government or agency would have to do crazy things like... shut down domestic travel while allowing international travel from the epicenter. They'd have to promulgate a bunch of misleading stories about what the virus is, how it got out and what its effects might be that ultimately confused and distracted people while the virus inevitably made its way around the world.

IF (and I truly do mean IF) you were to wonder if the chinese released the 'Rona on purpose, you'd have to wonder what their motivations were/are.
- 'Rona while not nearly as dangerous as J'Biden would have you believe DOES very effectively kill old folks. I believe a person could make an argument that some cold ******** in China aren't averse to the idea of hundreds of thousands if not millions of really old folks just... expiring.
- The release of 'Rona and its subsequent effects on world economies literally toppled the U.S. Presidency. Both the downturn of the american economy AND the implementation of unsubstantiated mail-in ballots stole a shoe-in election.
- Ironically, as the U.S. election was completely fubar'd by the 'Rona, the guy who walks away from it is somebody that China KNOWS will not interfere in any way whatsoever with any globalist expansion China wishes to undertake.
- Economies around the world are weak and struggling to recover from the massive amount of money needed to shore up displaced workers and benefit programs. This leaves a huge opportunity for any country in a strong financial position to expand massively in commercial markets.
- Consider the fact that china actually MADE money on the 'Rona as they are the leading manufacturer of medical and pharmaceutical items used by the rest of the world to combat the Kung Flu.

If a person were of a conspiracy mind, he or she could clearly see motive and opportunity. If a person is more optimistic and altruistic, he or she likely doesn't want to purchase bat wings anytime soon.
Or, one can believe that the chinese government or some other nefarious powerful agency CREATED a virus for some reason, altruistic or not, and then upon seeing what they had determined that releasing it across the globe might have some short and long term benefits. But for THAT to be the case, said government or agency would have to do crazy things like... shut down domestic travel while allowing international travel from the epicenter. They'd have to promulgate a bunch of misleading stories about what the virus is, how it got out and what its effects might be that ultimately confused and distracted people while the virus inevitably made its way around the world.

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The Wuhan flu is lab made and released with intent. I'm trying to figure if people in our government conspired with them. That's my only genuine question.
The Wuhan flu is lab made and released with intent. I'm trying to figure if people in our government conspired with them. That's my only genuine question.
They very well could. China’s government is corrupt enough to kill it’s own citizens, making the nefarious surface image of China seem bad.

However behind closed doors, underneath that surface is the world’s major powers implementing a digital age, wiping out any of the western ideologies we grew on as a once powerful nation.

People are losing faith in the government and are easily distracted by welfare handouts. Well that free money isn’t exactly free. We’re living in some interesting times
what if the wuhan flu was just meant to get rid of the old, sick folks that were too reliant on the health system? China getting rid of health care costs for elders may have been mis-interpreted in the west as a pandemic, rather than a flu variant.

Shouldn't we have stories from around the globe, in multiple poor nations, of the huge death tolls from this terrible pandemic? In these dirt poor countries without obese 80 year olds, where are the huge death numbers?
The Wuhan flu is lab made and released with intent. I'm trying to figure if people in our government conspired with them. That's my only genuine question.
Although Dr. Fauci was providing funding to the Wuhan lab for research (funny, you'd think the Chinese have enough of their own money), I think it was something they were working on that got out accidentally. The first cases outside of China were in Milan, Italy and the highest infection rate the last I looked was in Spain. I don't think they'd infect Europe to take down a U.S. President. I could buy the idea that they did it just to see if they could.
Although Dr. Fauci was providing funding to the Wuhan lab for research (funny, you'd think the Chinese have enough of their own money), I think it was something they were working on that got out accidentally. The first cases outside of China were in Milan, Italy and the highest infection rate the last I looked was in Spain. I don't think they'd infect Europe to take down a U.S. President. I could buy the idea that they did it just to see if they could.
The first reported cases. They left people out of Wuhan to travel the world. As you saw our first reported cases on the west coast. Then all of them in NYC after incubation time and that little festive Chinese New Year celebration. It was here,we just didn't know it yet.

If you really wanted to track it. Just check the airplane flight destinations out of China. Wuhan which I've heard had hundreds of thousands roll out. Of course the commies didn't let them travel to other parts of China.
The first reported cases. They left people out of Wuhan to travel the world. As you saw our first reported cases on the west coast. Then all of them in NYC after incubation time and that little festive Chinese New Year celebration. It was here,we just didn't know it yet.

If you really wanted to track it. Just check the airplane flight destinations out of China. Wuhan which I've heard had hundreds of thousands roll out. Of course the commies didn't let them travel to other parts of China.
That's why northern Italy got hit hard. Apparently most of the textile manufacturing there was sold to China over the last 20 years so there are a lot of Chinese nationals working there and traveling back and forth. Patient Zero in Italy was in the same suburb of Milan where one of my cousins lives.
That's why northern Italy got hit hard. Apparently most of the textile manufacturing there was sold to China over the last 20 years so there are a lot of Chinese nationals working there and traveling back and forth. Patient Zero in Italy was in the same suburb of Milan where one of my cousins lives.
Collateral damage when you're looking to be the only superpower in the world. I hope the rest of the planet can see what they're doing and start countering them before it's too late.
Collateral damage when you're looking to be the only superpower in the world. I hope the rest of the planet can see what they're doing and start countering them before it's too late.
Doubtful. Their market size and power is so large that Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Europe won't be critical. We had a President who wasn't afraid of them but the above mentioned entities had to break the law to take him out.
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That's why northern Italy got hit hard. Apparently most of the textile manufacturing there was sold to China over the last 20 years so there are a lot of Chinese nationals working there and traveling back and forth. Patient Zero in Italy was in the same suburb of Milan where one of my cousins lives.
Yeah the silk road connections got hit first. Seems like a minor setback strategy wise to a big leap forward industry wise when you think about it.

I think China would be corrupt enough to lose some millions of it’s own citizens and use a virus to make all seem hapless to only come in at the right time to implement some fancy tech to move forward
Yeah the silk road connections got hit first. Seems like a minor setback strategy wise to a big leap forward industry wise when you think about it.

I think China would be corrupt enough to lose some millions of it’s own citizens and use a virus to make all seem hapless to only come in at the right time to implement some fancy tech to move forward
There are tens of millions more to replace the dead folks.