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Questions for the Steeler Nation Podcast: Playoff Edition!

1) Who do you think is 1st candidate in the replaceent of Colbert ? Will it be a promotion from within or actually look outside organization.?

2) Has Loudermilk proven his worth. I think he's been very solid and will iprove durring the off-season,.... possible starter soon ?

3) What is the statis of Alualu, is he healing / re-habbing ? Has he been on the sidelines for any of the games ?

4). Everybody talks about crappy Bush #55, I see some play here and there, is he getting a little better and do you see him being a starter next year due to ability?

5) You've interviewed many football players, any particular favorite interviewee?

Thank you so uch for doing these Cope !!!

Salute the nation
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