Supersteeler gets it.
btw, I'm only pointing out how the words are different and how they're used/viewed, not how I think things should be. I am a proponent of everyone using all words and only policing intent. If I want to tell a hilarious racist joke, why not? Who am I hurting? I say "****", "****", "*****" profusely, but I harbor no ill will toward women or their vaginas. But when I go call a woman a ****, yeah, that's offensive because I'm intending it to be. "******" is a hilarious word, but I am a proponent of gay marriage and one of my uncles was gay. My grandmother is full Mexican and all growing up I've heard my dad and others in the family make racist jokes regarding "spics" and "beaners" because they're funny. I've never outright called a black person a nigger or a Hispanic person a "spic" and would be offended for them if I saw someone do so, but I'm not about to shelve the words regardless of intent. They're just words...
As to the "Ebonics" point, Ebonics is "black speech"...idgaf what happened 20 years ago with the debate on it being a legitimate language. Come the **** on. "Ebonics" is colloquially used as a term for the black vernacular, this is not new and you're arguing a point that nobody here was alluding to or making. If you want the technical name: "African American Vernacular English".
Also, the fact that blacks also use "nigger" is moot. "They use both words, so that means...THEY'RE THE SAME WORD!" Does that not sounds ridiculous to you? "Nigger" is a supremely derogatory word for a black person, so that precludes them from using it as a joke?
(I was on my way out, so I responded to the points in the post without quoting everyone individually, sorry)
Ask a person of color and the gist of what they'll say is that "nigger" is a slur while "nigga" is akin to "dude"/"bro"/"brother". They're the only ones it should matter to in the same way that "******" being offensive only really matters to gays.