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Red Tsunami

Hope so but I'm not as optimistic. The dems will have their followers out in force as always and after squandering a majority in the House and Senate the first two years, it's going to take a lot of motivation to get the turnout for a red wave. We'll see but for the most part there is not much middle ground. It's pretty much Socialism/Communism vs Free Market Capitalism. If they can keep the message simple and clear they might have a chance to retake the House and pick up a few seats in the Senate but I don't see a red wave at least not yet, but what the **** do I know?
Take a walk around any big city or just about any college campus. Lots of irrational people out there. Unfortunately it seems most of them vote and their irrational candidates win because of voter apathy or the opposing candidate is not perfect. The pool of candidates is definitely not as deep on the Rep/Conservative side because there are simply not many rational people are willing to get into politics because the irrational people make their lives and the lives of their family a living hell.
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I think a middle of the road sensible candidate would win easily, but not many on the dem side....
Ax yerself why the dims are so invested in the illegals - and that is what they are - illegals. 'They', the folks that watch these things, opine that there have been around 7 million illegal votes in play over recent elections. Reasonably, every one was a vote for the dims.

'They' tell us that they 'watched' all the illegal activity in 2016 and 18 and have 'mapped' it to the point that they can identify specifically which are legal and illegal votes. How did they do that? They referenced cell phones at precincts to votes. Down to the voter. That tells us many things, not the least of which is that Trump crushed Madam Adrenochrome not just in the electoral vote, but in the popular vote. The MSM, being the utterly corrupt @#$%s they are, will not ever, ever report this.

Brad Parscale, Trump's head of cyber wizardry, tells us that 34% at Trump's recent Michigan rally were registered dims. Parscale knows that because people gave their cell numbers to get tickets. Parscale then referenced the numbers to voting records. This bit of information tells us several things, and in no particular order. dims are flocking to Trump rallies. And we know specifically who they are. Parscale tells us that while 2016 and 18 were progressively monitored for fraud, measures are in place that 2020 will be enforced. That portends a red tsunami. Y'know, a 'fair' vote n'all. And the dims know it.

Ax yerself why the dims have become so invested in felons - and that is what they are - felons. Felons comprise between 8.6% and 20M, which ever numbers you like, of the adult population. That is a much yuger pot of illegal votes than illegal's votes, which, were they able to count those votes would enable them to win bigly. In perpetuity. And the dims know it.

So the dims have jettisoned white middle America, are losing big chunks of black and Hispanic America, and significant numbers of 'lucid' dims (I realize that seems unnatural) to the dulcet tones of Trump seduction. To say they are panicked is to acutely understate their distress. In such hysteria, courting and 'fighting' for the 'felon vote' makes perfect sense.

And it tells us everything we need to know about dims and the dims. They are insane. They cling to every known philia (and to the new ones being invented). They champion the slaughter of our children. They destroy the minds of our children that survive. They carry the water of every enemy we have or have ever had. And when they aren't actively campaigning for some sort evil, they foment insurrection and sometimes even civil war. And sometimes all that at the same time. I don't think it extreme to call them the party of satan.

Back to the OP. There had better be a red tsunami. In perpetuity. Because these spitfires from hell cannot ever be given the reigns of gubmint again. Just imagine...
Ax yerself why the dims are so invested in the illegals
Ax yerself why the dims have become so invested in felons
And it tells us everything we need to know about dims and the dims. They are insane


Comeon Vin...

This is what it looked like in real life, lol


I don’t see any of those blue States changing.
This is what i heard at the beginning of the 2018 cycle. Those cheating lowlifes stole close races at will. There better be a tsunami in 2020 to crush them. The limp wristed GOP base had too much integrity in their RINO minds to turn out for Trump. Will they pull their stubborn, self righteous heads out their ***** for 2020? Unknown.
The hits keep on coming


As Trump soars higher, Dems reach their lowest point yet

Predicting what history will decide was significant is always dicey. But in the context of our fractured nation and the nonstop Washington tumult since 2016, events in the last three weeks have been nothing short of *remarkable.

Against an enormous army of antagonists, political and cultural, academic and judicial, Donald Trump is enjoying some of the best days of his presidency. His power and popularity are expanding.

Meanwhile, Democrats and the left, including the media, have suffered one crushing blow after another. Their recent confidence that Trump was not long for the Oval Office is suddenly morphing into a panic that he could win a second term.

The worm began turning on the *afternoon of Sunday, March 24, when Attorney General William Barr released his letter summarizing the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller. There was no collusion with Russia, Mueller found, and no obstruction of justice, Barr determined.

The momentous victory for Trump vindicated his claims of innocence. The fog of accusations that he was an illegitimate president was destroyed by a news flash that left no room for ambiguity.

To grasp the significance, imagine the consequences if the report found he was probably guilty of one or both charges.

The left would have erupted in *orgasmic joy. We would be discussing articles of impeachment and Republicans would have fallen in line. There would have been worldwide implications as America turned inward to face its crisis.

Yet it is now apparent that Mueller’s report, as great as it was for Trump, was just the start of a dramatic turnaround in the fortunes of both the president and his tormentors. The bookend, at least so far, came last week with Barr’s stunning comment that “spying did occur” on Trump’s 2016 campaign and that Barr was obligated to review “the conduct of the investigation.”

“Spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” Barr said matter-of-factly.

Heart be still. Barr’s promise touches on the holy grail for those of us who believe there was an outrageous abuse of government power to try to tip the election to Hillary Clinton and then to topple Trump.

If Barr keeps his word, the sunlight of transparency soon will shine on the rancid corruption of the Justice Department, the FBI and the intelligence agencies under Barack Obama.

Turning the tables on the conspirators is absolutely necessary to hold accountable those who tried to rig the election. That accountability, if it is seen as honest and evenhanded, will prevent a repeat and begin to restore public trust.

Among the obvious questions that must be addressed are these: How did the unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential candidate get started if the allegations were instigated and paid for by the opposition? Who leaked scores of misleading investigative tidbits to the media in ways that suggested Trump’s guilt was all but certain?

It’s no exaggeration to say that Barr’s promise to investigate the investigators sets the stage for fundamentally changing the narrative from the one the media fed the nation for two years.

Even at this early stage, Trump looks stronger than ever and Dems are mad with frustration.

Many are furious with Barr, with some hysterics saying they want to remove him from office, as if somebody must be impeached. CNN, NBC and others are accusing Barr of doing Trump’s “dirty work” by daring to use the “spy” word, as if straight talk is too much for their tender sensibilities.

They are so in the tank against Trump that they denounce the search for truth because the truth might *favor the president.

Those with the most skin in the game are the most at risk, starting with Jim “The Snake” Comey. The former FBI director, whose conduct makes J. Edgar Hoover look like a choirboy, claims he is confused, saying “I have no idea” what Barr is talking about.

James Clapper and John Brennan, the intelligence chiefs under Obama who came out of the closet as naked partisans, added their two cents of shock. “Stunning and scary,” Clapper said of Barr’s plans, and Brennan accused Barr of sounding like a “personal lawyer” for Trump.

Translation: we better lawyer up.

Meanwhile, Mueller, the would-be savior, is now a nobody, an afterthought in the Dems’ river of rage.

Other recent developments also favored Trump. The economy continues to roar and the crisis on the border that Dems said didn’t exist clearly does, with illegal crossers numbering more than 100,000 a month — and those are just the ones apprehended.

Trump is at least searching for solutions while Dems have closed their eyes and ears to a security and humanitarian nightmare, as if it is just an inconvenient distraction.

Trump was also a winner in the Israeli election, with his support of Bibi Netanyahu helping to lift the prime minister to victory.

While there is personal satisfaction for both men, the greater truth is that stability in Israeli politics removes any Palestinian fantasy that a dovish new prime minister would return to the lifeless land-for-peace formula. Arabs — and Iran — can either deal with Trump and Netanyahu, or waste more time and lives weaving their dream palaces.

Democrats, in reaction to the Trump-Netanyahu alliance, continued to move away from Israel. All the 2020 candidates skipped the AIPAC conference and Beto O’Rourke called Netanyahu a “racist.”

Finally, Rep. Ilhan Omar is proving to be a one-woman wrecking crew for the party as well as for the image of all American Muslims. On top of her anti-Semitism, Omar’s dismissive description of 9/11 as “some people did something” marks her as a heartless ingrate to the nation that rescued her family from civil war and possibly death at the hands of other Muslims.

The only question is whether party leaders will have the courage to stand up against her. Sen. Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi are usually camera hogs, but ducked questions about Omar’s 9/11 reference and her claim that criticisms of her are anti-Muslim.

They did, however, find time to criticize Barr’s plan to investigate the investigators, thus proving again that Democrats have the leaders they deserve.
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WV a red state and VA a blue state...Welcome to The Twilight Zone

I think the Federal government is the largest employer in VA.

I don’t see any of those blue States changing.

Disagree. Minnesota, New Hampshire, ME2, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada were squeaker wins by the cheaters in 2016.

I think this economy and the disgusting ****-for-brains (D)umbass candidate can turn those 35 electoral votes red. I also believe Trump wins the popular vote in 2020.

So **** you, states that adopt the "oooh, the popular vote matters" mantra. I would particularly relish Trump losing Colorado by 4,000 votes (from dead Mexicans), but getting the state because he wins the popular vote.

This is the quiet issue that will turn big in 2020. Deficits will exceed a trillion dollars this year at full employment. Running your economy on government debt is real socialism.
And republicans have zero plans to fix it. They only want to fix it when a Dem is President.

Yes. The one thing that is always ignored when assessing the economy. Send every tax payer a $6,000 bill for their share of the 2018 deficit and watch what happens to the great economy.
Yes. The one thing that is always ignored when assessing the economy. Send every tax payer a $6,000 bill for their share of the 2018 deficit and watch what happens to the great economy.

Glad that we all agree that raising taxpayer burden hurts the economy.
Yes. The one thing that is always ignored when assessing the economy. Send every tax payer a $6,000 bill for their share of the 2018 deficit and watch what happens to the great economy.

you mean just the 50% of people who actually pay taxes?