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Religion of Peace, Ramadan Rage 2017 Final Death Count: 1,639 in 30 Countries

So you don't think that back assward country could have developed nuclear capabilities without help?

I'm sure China kept their hands just clean enough to say "it wasn't us" if the wall ever comes down. Same with Russia.

Very difficult to see what the end game is going to be. Logic would say the only way avoid a major war would be a coup inside the palace from someone more western leaning or believes in reuniting with the South (and democracy). But that could arguably be the most dangerous time of all and when a nuke mistakenly gets launched.

In the short term, I think Trump is doing well. I think missile defense systems are the best answer (since we are likely only talking about 1-2 missiles) both in South Korea and Japan. We have to continue to expose China for supporting this regime to their growing, awakening population and hope change in China on this issue comes from within. And we have to be ready to intercede quickly if a coup ever happens and strongly support a potential unification of Korea with a new regime.
But is it your belief that your life and those of 300+ Million Americans as well as the world in general is more threatened by ISIS than by North Korea and that explains your preoccupation with the former and not the latter?

But, but, but......what's the title of this thread again?
Besides dropping the MOAB on the Afghan cave back in April, what exactly has Trump been doing? Seems to me things have gotten worse, a la Spike's post.

There was that travel restriction that you little liberal ******* whined about.
Which is why you're never posting about it and always posting about radical Islam.

he clearly, unequivocally, said "numerous" fronts. not that particular front.

dense, much?
Which is why you're never posting about it and always posting about radical Islam.

"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."​

Clearly you've equated China, North Korea and Global Jihad against America as one in the same. Your simple mind boils them down to simple comparable items.

China and North Korea are countries, correct? What country is Global Jihad?
China and North Korea are bounded by national borders, correct? Where are Global Jihad's borders?
What is the Capitol of Global Jihad? Who are it's ambassadors? Where is its Ministry of Defense?

That's just a start.

Global Jihad has organized defense in this country that mobilizes each time that enemy strikes. When the Orlando massacre happened, you, Tibs, Elftard, CAIR, countless other organizations and Liberals around the country rose to the defense of Islam - instantaneously. It happens every time. Same in Nice France, Paris countless times, London countless times, Fort Hood, Boston, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Where is the organized defense for North Korea that mobilizes each time they launch an ICBM or new potential nuclear warhead?


Where is the organized defense for China each time they assassinate their civilians for say simple free speech violations?


Now add all of this up Flog. Why do people like me, Ron, Supe, Chip and reality-grounded Americans all across this great nation argue and rationalize about acts of terror? Because we are in a war against them and you. We don't battle the Left when the US determines a course of action against China or Korea, economically or militarily. Typically, the majority of us agree and those in dissent engage in polite political discourse.

Not only does the US have to battle Global Jihad, but we have to battle the Left that serves as an accomplice to Global Jihad. We have to battle the Left's acceptance of this enemy before they turn us into Europe. Your side refuses to recognize the real threat, ignoring real examples like Europe. Your side argues incessantly to allow this violence into our country, unchecked. When Global Jihad attacks, the battle is against Global Jihad and their accomplices, the Left.

I'll point to Britain and the IRA - again. When Britain buckled down and decided to go after the IRA, they effectively snuffed them out. They weren't hindered by an internal opposition political force. Now Britain has a terrorist problem and the Left won't let them go after Jihad like she was allowed to go after the IRA.

The problem isn't the external enemy. It could be dealt with. The real enemy is the enemy within - you, the Left - that keep countries like America, Britain, France from fighting with and defeating this enemy.

No one stands in the way of our economic and military confrontations with China and North Korea.

I know that was a lot. Read it a couple times if you need to.

"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."​

Clearly you've equated China, North Korea and Global Jihad against America as one in the same. Your simple mind boils them down to simple comparable items.

China and North Korea are countries, correct? What country is Global Jihad?
China and North Korea are bounded by national borders, correct? Where are Global Jihad's borders?
What is the Capitol of Global Jihad? Who are it's ambassadors? Where is its Ministry of Defense?

That's just a start.

Global Jihad has organized defense in this country that mobilizes each time that enemy strikes. When the Orlando massacre happened, you, Tibs, Elftard, CAIR, countless other organizations and Liberals around the country rose to the defense of Islam - instantaneously. It happens every time. Same in Nice France, Paris countless times, London countless times, Fort Hood, Boston, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Where is the organized defense for North Korea that mobilizes each time they launch an ICBM or new potential nuclear warhead?


Where is the organized defense for China each time they assassinate their civilians for say simple free speech violations?


Now add all of this up Flog. Why do people like me, Ron, Supe, Chip and reality-grounded Americans all across this great nation argue and rationalize about acts of terror? Because we are in a war against them and you. We don't battle the Left when the US determines a course of action against China or Korea, economically or militarily. Typically, the majority of us agree and those in dissent engage in polite political discourse.

Not only does the US have to battle Global Jihad, but we have to battle the Left that serves as an accomplice to Global Jihad. We have to battle the Left's acceptance of this enemy before they turn us into Europe. Your side refuses to recognize the real threat, ignoring real examples like Europe. Your side argues incessantly to allow this violence into our country, unchecked. When Global Jihad attacks, the battle is against Global Jihad and their accomplices, the Left.

I'll point to Britain and the IRA - again. When Britain buckled down and decided to go after the IRA, they effectively snuffed them out. They weren't hindered by an internal opposition political force. Now Britain has a terrorist problem and the Left won't let them go after Jihad like she was allowed to go after the IRA.

The problem isn't the external enemy. It could be dealt with. The real enemy is the enemy within - you, the Left - that keep countries like America, Britain, France from fighting with and defeating this enemy.

No one stands in the way of our economic and military confrontations with China and North Korea.

I know that was a lot. Read it a couple times if you need to.

What a bunch of nonsense. The left no more supports global jihad than the right supports gun violence. Go back and change "left" to "right", "terror/global jihad" to "gun violence/NRA" and consider who you sound like.
What a bunch of nonsense. The left no more supports global jihad than the right supports gun violence. Go back and change "left" to "right", "terror/global jihad" to "gun violence/NRA" and consider who you sound like.

Oh, it's true and that truth hurts. You and the others do, as predictably as a sunrise, jump immediately into the fray and defend Islam.

And I appreciate your concession of defeat....again.

I'm going to have to make a Trump WWE-like meme to post after each of these surgical dissections.
And Floggy, there's only thousands of references and articles to this problem I wrote about. It's not my idea. It's the way it is.

Why liberals keep giving radical Islam a pass — and what it will take to change their minds

As a Muslim, I am Shocked by Liberals and Leftists

Liberals' Misguided Love Affair With Islam

The left has an Islam problem: If liberals won’t come to terms with religious extremism, the xenophobic right will carry the day <----uber liberal Salon even
ISIS doesn't represent true Islam. But denying there's a problem within Islam only makes the left look feckless

Why the Left Casts a Blind Eye on Radical Islam

Dear Liberals: Being Critical of Islam Is Not Racism <---uber Liberal HuffPo even

Legitimate criticism of Islamists has been acute but sparse, and the pushback against debate has come in many flavors — almost all widely missing the point. In Europe and the United States, the left are a great deal of the problem. One of the characteristics of the liberal left is a political preoccupation with defending those who are disenfranchised; those that are viewed as victims. Often, I count myself as one of these liberals.

In the last 50 years, the liberal left has accomplished much by flouting a negligent Establishment, strengthening civil liberties that would have otherwise been lost in stagnant conservatism. But any chronic preoccupation eventually leads to myopia, and in the case of Islamism, the left seems to have lost its way. Perhaps this is a result of some deep-seated fear of offending, but I submit that dishonesty is at the heart.

Harris’ analysis has been met with knee-jerk cries of racism, bigotry and the weak label “Islamophobia.” I hold the left mostly responsible for the term Islamophobia, which cleverly equates racism and xenophobia with criticism of the ideas of a specific religion — an unfair lumping together. It is a favorite tool used to silence those who link a religious ideology with negative concepts. When an interpretation of any religious teaching equates to blatant human rights abuses or harm to society, it is simply irresponsible to let it slide. Many liberals on the left seem to confuse criticism of other cultures (religion, in this case) with an endorsement of racism.

Cohen distinguishes two groups of liberals: one group decries human rights abuses that result from religion in any culture (objectification of women, criminalizing gays, punishment for diverse beliefs...etc.), while the other is selective in its human rights pet projects. This latter group of liberals is a serious problem.

There have been books written about it:

Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam And The American Left - David Horowitz


In this tour de force on the most important issue of our time, David Horowitz, confronts the paradox of how so many Americans, including the leadership of the Democratic Party, could turn against the War on Terror. He finds an answer in a political Left that shares a view of America as the "Great Satan" with America’s radical Islamic enemies. This Left, which once made common cause with Communists, has now joined forces with radical Islam in attacking America’s defenses at home and its policies abroad. From their positions of influence in the university and media culture, leftists have defined America as the "root cause" of the attacks against it. In a remarkable exploration of the "Mind of the Left," Horowitz traces the evolution of American radicalism from its Communist past to its "anti-war" present. He then shows how this Left was able to turn the Democratic Party presidential campaign around and reshape its views on the War on Terror.

Horowitz’s Unholy Alliance, writes John Haynes, the noted historian of American Communism, "is an insightful, brilliant examination of the mental world of the radical left. Horowitz shows how today’s radicals, unwilling to reflect on the internal flaws that destroyed Marxism-Leninism from within, have embraced an all-consuming nihilism in its place. This has led them to a hatred of American institutions and a solidarity with Islamic terrorists that makes the radical left more properly regarded as dangerous than loony."

Unholy Alliance is an eye-opening book that should unsettle conventional assumptions and reveals why intellectuals and political leaders who applaud Michael Moore are no laughing matter. As Harvey Klehr, author of Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, writes, "The world Communist movement may be moribund, but its habits of mind and ideological fantasies have not disappeared. This is a fascinating and depressing account."

Not nonsense Floggy. It's a reality. And you're a part of this group they speak of. Enablers and defenders of Terrorism from Jihad. You aren't even aware.
Speaking of terrorism, one of the root enablers of its rise in the EU is immigration and the migration of immigrants into the EU from peaceful countries like Syria. Guess who just did an about face on migration??

How long before the Left excoriates him?


Bill Gates in HUGE borders U-turn: 'Brussels must make it HARDER for migrants to reach EU'

BILL GATES has made a massive open-borders U-turn and urged Brussels to make it more “difficult” for migrants to reach Europe.

He had previously called on countries to take in more migrants but now appears to have completely reversed his view.

The Microsoft chief said instead of opening the European Union borders, Brussels should fix the push-factors at the source by sending more foreign aid.

He said: “On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees, but the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this – which in turn motivates more people to leave Africa.

“[Germany cannot] take in the huge, massive number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe.”

He said instead the EU must make it “more difficult for Africans to reach the continent via the current transit routes” while also relieving “enormous pressure” by sending foreign aid.

The 61-year-old said it was “phenomenal” German Chancellor Angela Merkel is currently spending 0.7 per cent of the country’s GDP on foreign aid and urged others to follow its example.

Last year Mr Gates, who is worth an estimated 60 billion pounds, called on America to open its doors to Syrian migrants.

And he said Germany and Sweden were “to be congratulated” for opening its doors during the migrant crisis.

He said the USA “had the capacity” to follow suit, claiming: “The total number of refugees is not a world record.”

Mr Gates’ warnings came days after Italian interior minister Marco Minniti held emergency talks with his French and German counterparts regarding the migrant crisis.

More than 80,000 migrants have already arrived in Italy this year, a rise of nearly one-fifth on the same period last year.
Last year Mr Gates, who is worth an estimated 60 billion pounds, called on America to open its doors to Syrian migrants.

************ lives in a 66,000 square foot house. How about you give a place to live to about 1,000 homeless, ******?

Oh, right. The rules don't apply to the super-rich liberals. Make ME pay for ******* immigrants? Game on!!

Have him house those immigrants? **** NO.
************ lives in a 66,000 square foot house. How about you give a place to live to about 1,000 homeless, ******?

Oh, right. The rules don't apply to the super-rich liberals. Make ME pay for ******* immigrants? Game on!!

Have him house those immigrants? **** NO.

I worked for 3 years for Microsoft. That ************ once read a paper I wrote with a co-worker. He had this "suggestion box" thing where you could write suggestions on improvements for the company - not better coffee or bullshit like that, but innovative ideas on improving the company and pleasing its customers. We were acquired by Microsoft and our technology was cutting edge and we wrote this paper on leveraging that technology to improve Microsoft. Son of a ***** read it and commented on it - at least it appeared he did and not one of his underlings.

Closest I ever got to a 66,000 squared foot home.

To this day, despite his amazing capitalistic sense and acumen, I have little respect for him outside his business acumen.
************ lives in a 66,000 square foot house. How about you give a place to live to about 1,000 homeless, ******?

Oh, right. The rules don't apply to the super-rich liberals. Make ME pay for ******* immigrants? Game on!!

Have him house those immigrants? **** NO.

Well, because they live behind walls and have armed security.
And he said Germany and Sweden were “to be congratulated” for opening its doors during the migrant crisis.
People on the ground in Germany and Sweden are not giving high fives about their handling of migrants.
People on the ground in Germany and Sweden are not giving high fives about their handling of migrants.

The migrants, however, are most definitely handling those pretty, blonde European girls. Infidels with pretty hair and blue eyes, all of them!!
The migrants, however, are most definitely handling those pretty, blonde European girls. Infidels with pretty hair and blue eyes, all of them!!

Swedish music festival to be female-only 'until all men learn how to behave themselves'
"Sweden's first man-free rock festival will see the light next summer," its organiser has confirmed, following a string of sexual assault reports at other festivals in the country.


It was announced on Saturday that Bråvalla, Sweden's largest one, would not be taking place in 2018 after police received reports of four rapes and 23 sexual assaults at this year's event.

Gee, I wonder when all this started?
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Meanwhile, Go Jews!



