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Rubio is a piece of ****

Go vote for Bernie or Hillary then

I'll still take him over them
He lost me when he joined the gang of eight to fight for immigration reform. I sure hope that it isn't a choice of him over Hillary or the Bern.
Is this one of them purity control tests?
I think that it's a pretty big poison that taints Rubio's convictions. No purity test necessary.
Marco Rubio Is the Solid Conservative Who Can Beat Hillary

Rubio’s humble roots and modest circumstances may be his most powerful defense against Clinton. As the son of a bartender and hotel maid, Rubio, who has lived check to check, speaks from an economic position that is much more typical than Clinton’s. She and her husband, after all, declared $140 million in income between 2007 and 2014. These funds have come mainly from selling books and giving speeches, sometimes before organizations that then scored federal favors while Hillary was secretary of state.

Unlike Trump, Rubio is vaccinated against the class-warfare virus that Democrats routinely deploy to infect and kill Republican presidential nominees. In fact, it would be hilarious for Hillary to paint Rubio as a coal-hearted plutocrat. Her $25 million household income for 2014 puts her in the top 0.1 percent of tax filers.

• Rubio co-sponsored, with Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.), the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act of 2015. This new law limits the Iranian-backed terrorist group’s access to global financial markets and punishes banks that serve this band of anti-American, anti-Israeli killers. These radical Islamist murderers denounced Rubio’s law as “a new crime by American institutions against our people and nation.”

• Rubio torpedoed Obama’s planned bailout of his health-insurance cronies who lose money on the Obamacare exchanges. So far, this has saved taxpayers some $2.5 billion and prevented insurers from socializing their Obamacare losses. Consequently, mega-insurers UnitedHealthCare and Cigna have fallen out of love with Obamacare and may flee Obama’s blessed exchanges as soon as 2017.

Rubio’s low-key amendment to the 2014 omnibus federal spending bill looks like the thumbtack that slowly will give Obamacare a flat tire. Cruz “forced a shutdown over it,” the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin recalled. “Every GOP presidential candidate vows to repeal it. But only Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) can claim to have done something tangible to hobble, maybe permanently, Obamacare.”

• In light of the Department of Veteran Affairs’ appalling and deadly neglect of those who have worn America’s uniform, Rubio sponsored, shepherded, and ultimately passed legislation to make it easier for the VA secretary to fire incompetent and corrupt bureaucrats whose sloth actually has killed sick veterans as they awaited medical care. Before Rubio’s measure was signed into law, he had to overcome Bernie Sanders’s objections on the Senate floor. The Vermont socialist tried in vain to sink Rubio’s proposal and, thus, protect the job security of VA workers.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/429092/marco-rubio-conservative-polls-beats-hillary-clinton
Rubio isn't my first or second choice. However, he's rather popular with women, and the " establishment " likes him. Did I mention he's Latino and can debate? His immigration stance is weak though.

Not a bad option if Trump and Cruz fail.
Rubio is kind of the GOP version of Obama.

A little edgy with the ethnic thing. Young. Pretty good orator (much better than some of the aging, old men/women out there).

If he wins, I think his presidency would be Obama 2.0 but just from the political right. He will owe a lot of people if he wins and he'll belly up to the people that bankrolled his campaign and he'll pander to party leadership and rhetoric just like Obama has done since he's in office.

Obviously if you are right-leaning, that is much better than any democrat, but I think any reservations and disappointments Democrats have had over the Obama presidency will be very similar to how the Right Wing will feel about Rubio is 4 or 8 years: Mostly a tool of the system and not really a dynamic leader that changed much.
The establishment picking him was the nail in the coffin for me. I'd have to vote for him over Marxism but not happily or hopefully.
He is the best choice for America currently..

All other options considered..

Its that simple.
Bernie or Hildabeast are the options on the other side. Those are not choices. Those two are detrimental to the republic and to our safety. We have already been weakened enough by our current marxist mentored douchebag in chief.
Marco Rubio is an opportunist not a conservative.

Of course that describes about 90% of the current GOP politicians. Conservatives don't vote for things like the NDAA, Pateiot Act and NSA. Conservatives show up to the Senate and vote for things like the bill to audit the federal reserve bank.
When people say "establishment" candidate what they are saying is "Do you want the same corrupt system to continue to run the country in the same way?"

Rubio = Clinton
Cruz = Sanders

Trump is the only true anti-establishment candidate out there. He's the only one that IF he gets elected will actually do thing differently than any president we've ever had, for good or bad. I personally think this country needs a kick in the pants like that. A shake up at the very top and someone that pulls the curtain back on how messed up U.S. politics is right now. Trump is the only one that once he WINS will actually continue to be a rebel.

Cruz and Sanders are so politically off the spectrum that if they win, will admonish congress non-stop because congress will never pass the too far Right and too far LEFT legislation these guys are platforming on. Cruz scares me more with the red button, but Sanders scares me because he'll do so little with his hands-off foreign policy (just like Obama). The world will be a mess after Sanders and his do-nothing policies. But we could be in 2-3 war theaters if Cruz gets to the White House.

Rubio and Clinton would be same-old, same-old. Nothing will change. Rubio will come up with some "signature legislation" that will probably be bad for the country, overly big, wordy, et. al. Could be immigration reform or something along those line. And that will be it for his presidency. Everything else will be the same.

Clinton would be the same way. Same backdoor dealings. Same cloak and dagger government. She will come up with some "signature legislation". Maybe she'll edit Obamacare and try to steal his glory. Maybe she'll just be happy to keep the Supreme Court about equal (the retiring justices are mostly left-leaning). Who knows.

I think with Rubio and Clinton, you'll have the same amount of spending. Same amount of increase deficits. Same amount of federal government. They talk a big game but both want the federal government to still be in charge of everything. Just one's a bit right-wing and one's a bit left wing.

I'm still not sold Clinton is as left wing as some here say. I think she's attached to wall street and New York enough to not go overly regulatory on everything. She's still a bit tax and spend, but not nearly what Sanders wants to do. And if Congress is still Republican the tax-and-spend isn't going to be rampant. Just keep going the way it's going.

Trump is the only hope to see something really different. I agree he's a weird cat and I have no idea why he's doing this or for what reason. I don't know what his end game is. But that's just another testament to how good a negotiator he is. No one out there KNOWS what he really has planned, which might be a good thing. He holds his cards very close to the vest and I think that is what we really need right now. No more talk and negotiation through the media, but sitting down and getting deals done the right way in a fair way both foreign and domestic. Trump is the only one that cares about the DEAL itself and not what the media will think of the DEAL.
Fox News wants John Kerry - there's your 'establishment candidate'

Murdoch floats John Kerry as last-minute Dem 2016 candidate

News Corp. boss Rupert Murdoch is floating Secretary of State John Kerry as a Democratic presidential nominee as Hillary Clinton’s candidacy “sinks.”

“Watch Hillary’s candidacy sink and sink,” Murdoch tweeted Saturday morning. “Nobody buying and more big trouble coming on emails. Dems looking for a replacement. John Kerry?”

The Fox News owner donated to Clinton’s presidential primary campaign in 2008, and said in 2014 he could see himself supporting Clinton in 2016 depending “on the Republican candidate totally.”

and your #1 "establishment candidate"

CNN: $153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented

Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks.

Fox News wants John Kerry - there's your 'establishment candidate'

Murdoch floats John Kerry as last-minute Dem 2016 candidate

News Corp. boss Rupert Murdoch is floating Secretary of State John Kerry as a Democratic presidential nominee as Hillary Clinton’s candidacy “sinks.”

“Watch Hillary’s candidacy sink and sink,” Murdoch tweeted Saturday morning. “Nobody buying and more big trouble coming on emails. Dems looking for a replacement. John Kerry?”

The Fox News owner donated to Clinton’s presidential primary campaign in 2008, and said in 2014 he could see himself supporting Clinton in 2016 depending “on the Republican candidate totally.”

****, as soon as you think they can't get any dumber, they put Kerry forward.
The Fox News owner donated to Clinton’s presidential primary campaign in 2008, and said in 2014 he could see himself supporting Clinton in 2016

What that says to me is if you watch Fox News you are a Hillary supporter
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The Fox News owner donated to Clinton’s presidential primary campaign in 2008, and said in 2014 he could see himself supporting Clinton in 2016

What that says to me is if you watch Fox News you are a Hillary supporter

Yeah, Fox is a sham and Rupert Murdock is a closet libtard.
New Hampshire GOP Debate


NH doesn't like Cruz much

You know there was a guy running that was really smart. Medical Doctor in fact, He was talking about doing things to restore the Federal System. Fix our currency and audit the Federal Reserve. Supporting personal liberty by shrinking government, repealing repressive laws and ending the drug war. This guy was a senator too, but he actually showed up for the votes in the senate.He pledged to repeal our tax code, make it easier for businesses to operate and put policies into effect that would return the USA to prosperity. He planned on ending pointless costly wars and entangling alliances like George Washington warned us against. More than that he was a genuine good person who did laser eye surgeries for free in his spare time. He was a GOP candidate that you guys didn't support because he isn't over six feet tall and he didn't have a nice baritone speaking voice. You had your chance with Rand Paul but you blew it, now the GOP Guarantees another Neo-Socialist President elected from the DNC and another step closer to the collapse of the nation.
You know there was a guy running that was really smart. Medical Doctor in fact, He was talking about doing things to restore the Federal System. Fix our currency and audit the Federal Reserve. Supporting personal liberty by shrinking government, repealing repressive laws and ending the drug war. This guy was a senator too, but he actually showed up for the votes in the senate.He pledged to repeal our tax code, make it easier for businesses to operate and put policies into effect that would return the USA to prosperity. He planned on ending pointless costly wars and entangling alliances like George Washington warned us against. More than that he was a genuine good person who did laser eye surgeries for free in his spare time. He was a GOP candidate that you guys didn't support because he isn't over six feet tall and he didn't have a nice baritone speaking voice. You had your chance with Rand Paul but you blew it, now the GOP Guarantees another Neo-Socialist President elected from the DNC and another step closer to the collapse of the nation.

Actually there's still a candidate that fits that very mold pretty nicely, right down to the pro bono surgery. And I find myself increasingly in his camp. His foreign policy may be a little weak, but that's what cabinet people are for.
You know there was a guy running that was really smart. Medical Doctor in fact, He was talking about doing things to restore the Federal System. Fix our currency and audit the Federal Reserve. Supporting personal liberty by shrinking government, repealing repressive laws and ending the drug war. This guy was a senator too, but he actually showed up for the votes in the senate.He pledged to repeal our tax code, make it easier for businesses to operate and put policies into effect that would return the USA to prosperity. He planned on ending pointless costly wars and entangling alliances like George Washington warned us against. More than that he was a genuine good person who did laser eye surgeries for free in his spare time. He was a GOP candidate that you guys didn't support because he isn't over six feet tall and he didn't have a nice baritone speaking voice. You had your chance with Rand Paul but you blew it, now the GOP Guarantees another Neo-Socialist President elected from the DNC and another step closer to the collapse of the nation.

If he had been the nominee I would've voted for him, for sure. I didn't blow it for him. I don't live in Iowa and I've never been polled, other than some on line voting. His problem is that he has zero charisma and his personality commands zero respect. Both are kind of important if you want to be the leader of the world.