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Russia wastes 28,000 ISIL dudes to US killing only 5,000 in 2 years

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This may be point blank the dumbest, stupidest, most ridiculous thing ever written on this board.

And that's saying something, considering the amount of completely baseless, dumbass **** that gets posted here day in and day out.

Here ya go Tibs, even a dumbass Libtard should understand this.

I know it's over your head, so I forgive you for resorting to ad hominem attacks. You can't win on substance. You don't even understand reality.

Just put on Fox news and buy every lie the sell you. You aren't equipped to do much else.

Umm yeah.
Here ya go Tibs, even a dumbass Libtard should understand this
See that's the difference between you and me. You refer to biblical end-of-times blogs and other maniacal, far-right sites as legitimate sources. You read, believe and re-post this nonsense as if it were gospel. Then, the geniuses on this site such as Tim like your posts and come flying in to support these banal, asinine views. And you expect to be taken seriously.
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Yes I do think that it is banal and asinine for people not to take this stuff seriously, that's how we got this Muslim interloper as POTUS in the first place. I haven't seen anything that tells me it isn't gospel, just like I haven't seen anything about Barry's college records. Actions speak volumes.

Yea that is the difference between you and me, I watch what he does, not what he says and I don't believe them lyin' Libtard lapdogs either. Give me a good ole biblical end-of-times blog or other maniacal, far-right site over MSNBC anyday.

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The irony is SteelChip, the tin foil hat moniker was created for folks exactly like yourself, Tim-bro and others of your ilk. You've earned it, now wear it.
Tibs..........you haven't tried ( or maybe been able) to refute ONE single post with anything other than snark and derision. Nice work.
What, that the President of the United States supports Islamic terrorism and is keen on building an ISIL state in the middle east? You're right, I won't be bothered with refuting such utter and complete bullshit, sorry. Maybe someone else will waste their time trying to talk sense into you lunatics. Have a great day!
Obama sure has a funny way showing his love for all things Islamic terrorist in the Levant.

Military Strikes Continue Against ISIL Terrorists in Syria, Iraq
May 5, 2016 — U.S. and coalition military forces continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Iraq yesterday, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

Fallujah’s Liberation From ISIL Control Progressing, Official Says
May 27, 2016 — Iraqi security forces operations backed by the U.S.-led coalition are progressing toward liberating the key Iraqi city of Fallujah from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant control and killed the city’s ISIL commander, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren told Pentagon reporters today.

Inherent Resolve Strikes Hit ISIL in Syria, Iraq
May 28, 2016 — U.S. and coalition military forces continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria and Iraq yesterday, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

U.S. Troops 18 Miles From ISIS Capital
May 27, 2016 FATISAH, Syria — Ever since U.S. President Barack Obama decided to send 250 more Special Forces to the Syrian battlefield against the so-called Islamic State, they’ve been easy to spot on the front lines in Hasakah, Tisreen Dam, and near Raqqa, the capital of the “caliphate” that’s also called ISIS, ISIL, and Daesh.

In a base close to the town of Ayn al-Issa, U.S. soldiers are not only advising, they are also assisting the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) very closely in targeting ISIS positions with mortars and laser guided air strikes.
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Easy peezy and I don't even have to use the official gubmint stuff.....Showing progress in the Middle East doesn't necessarily translate to a competent President, just some progress in spite of the foot dragging by our incompetent Kenyan.

Not only had our flag been desecrated and four of our own been murdered, but it was done on the most symbolic and somber of days. Unfortunately, the reaction from the White House was anything but firm. Though it distanced itself from the embassy's weak initial response that sympathized with the rioters and expressed sadness "senseless" acts, it failed to accomplish what a nation under attack should.

“President Obama has spent much of his presidency spreading false hope that the ‘tide of war’ was receding despite mountains of evidence to the contrary,” Both Democrats and Republicans have been clamoring for Obama to send a new request authorizing the use of military force in the Middle East. Obama said in November he is planning on sending a new request to Congress at some point.

Obama's stubborn, willful complacency on terror
Somehow, to paraphrase President Obama, it has become routine — the president dismisses the terrorist threat, only to see terrorists carry out horrific attacks that give lie to his complacency.

Growing Number Of Americans Say Barack Obama Is A Muslim

The belief that Obama is a Muslim has increased most sharply among Republicans (up 14 points since 2009), especially conservative Republicans (up 16 points). But the number of independents who say Obama is a Muslim has also increased significantly (up eight points). There has been little change in the number of Democrats who say Obama is a Muslim, but fewer Democrats today say he is a Christian (down nine points since 2009).

Gee...I wonder why ?

Steelchip, it's your right to hate your country, your president and your military. It's an extreme viewpoint for sure, but it's your right. The rest of us will continue to support our president and our armed forces in its fight against global terrorism. And welcome any and all advances it makes against ISIL. You can keep dreaming of the nuclear armageddon that I'm sure you'd prefer, to just carpet bomb the entire middle east. I'm sure your boy Trump would have an itchy trigger finger for that type of global war. For you 'the-end-is-near, doomsday' advocates, it's no surprise why Trump is your candidate of choice.
Steelchip, it's your right to hate your country, your president and your military. It's an extreme viewpoint for sure, but it's your right. The rest of us will continue to support our president and our armed forces in its fight against global terrorism. And welcome any and all advances it makes against ISIL. You can keep dreaming of the nuclear armageddon that I'm sure you'd prefer, to just carpet bomb the entire middle east. I'm sure your boy Trump would have an itchy trigger finger for that type of global war. For you 'the-end-is-near, doomsday' advocates, it's no surprise why Trump is your candidate of choice.

Nice try Tibs.

I don't hate my Country, In fact I was proud to serve my Country...how 'bout you ?

I don't hate the military, In fact I feel sorry for our military having to deal with the left wing hacks that have feminized that honorable establishment with their outrageous ideas of non reality, insidious rules and rules of engagement that cause unnecessary American causalities.

I don't think our President is in a fight against global terrorism so it is hard for me to support those efforts. I also don't believe he has this Country's best interests at heart and he continually proves that in his actions both domestically with his immigration and environmental abuses and Internationally with his constant public demeaning of our history and culture.

Trump was not my choice until he was the last man standing against Hillary. This Country will not be able to withstand another fiasco like Barry Soetoro, so while Trump may not be ideal..he'll have to do.

"For you 'the-end-is-near, doomsday' advocates"
...I don't even know what that means so I'll play along I guess, Yeh the middle East would look good as a sea of glass. That make you happy ?
See that's the difference between you and me. You refer to biblical end-of-times blogs and other maniacal, far-right sites as legitimate sources. You read, believe and re-post this nonsense as if it were gospel. Then, the geniuses on this site such as Tim like your posts and come flying in to support these banal, asinine views. And you expect to be taken seriously.

LOL, says the guy liking every post from a Liberal point of view in this thread, the Trump thread, the transgender/Target thread. I'm always amazed at those like you, calling others out for the exact same behaviors you yourself engage in.

Yet not a peep about you being wrong in your statements about Bammy's persistent use of ISIL. You insisted a) the words were Chip's and that they were ignorant, despite them not being his words at all and the claims being incredibly legitimate.

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What, that the President of the United States supports Islamic terrorism and is keen on building an ISIL state in the middle east? You're right, I won't be bothered with refuting such utter and complete bullshit, sorry. Maybe someone else will waste their time trying to talk sense into you lunatics. Have a great day!

Not that that is the reference. Don't confuse yourself with the facts. His use of ISIL is a blatant disregard for Israel. Period. Couple this with his disastrous foreign relations policies with Israel and his utter disregard for Netanyahu and his support for Palestine, well...if the shoe fits...he's wearing it.

You're jumping to the conclusion that he's supporting Islamic terrorists. I'm certainly not. I simply believe he supports Muslims over Jews.

Now you'll run off and say crazy Libtard things like that makes me a Muslim hater and a bigot. But the sane among us can reason and know this not to be the case.
TIbs et al,

AMERICAN foreign policy in the entire ME region, from Turkey to all the 'Stans to the Chinese border, to the southern end of Pakistan, across the pond to Arabia and then into the Saharan countries has been abysmal.

The US did not start the problems there (be they religious of any sort), but has chosen, repeatedly, to back despots, then to walk away in disgust only to find the next iteration far more problematic and radicalized.

A really good start to understanding this is the movie "Charlie Wilson's War", because it provides a very believable context for differential US involvement.

It is clear to most observers that the long term effect of the US choosing one side, then working against it (or abandoning it) after a period (Iran, Iraq, India, Egypt, Libya, Israel) has been clearly negative. If this were not true, then the US should be able to point to one area in the ME as a "good job". This doesn't exist, because successive US regimes have changed the game plan repeatedly, leading to the deaths and suffering of so many people that they had "supported".

The US can either be the global "Police" or not.

If the US chooses to sideline itself, and let the Russians act as the Police, fine. This seems to be what is happening now.

The Russians and/or the Chinese are quite capable of implementing order in some parts of the ME.

Lets move on to the real discussion of what that means over the long term.

Or not, with the clear implication being that the US then must regain its position as the toughest cop on the beat.

Carter ****** up Iran, and look what happened. Bush I ****** up Iraq and look what happened. Clinton ****** up Bosnia and look what happened. Bush II ****** up Afghanistan and Iraq, and Obama has made things worse (clear because ISIS exists). Adding in the clear devolution in Egypt, Libya, Syria and terrible relations with Israel, it is hard to understand which of the SUCCESSIVE FUCKTARDED US ADMINISTRATIONS has been worse.

This myopic attitude might actually be understandable, even lauded, if the homeland was benefitting. But the Veterans have been royally screwed by the same governments, and the poor and racially identified minorities seem far less tolerant than 10-20 years ago. It seems very clear that US citizens are far less "American" than just a few years ago. Multiculturalism might work over the long term, but the US's clear departure from the "melting pot" has had nothing but intolerance, frustration and division as dividends, and mimics the clear prior example of Canada/Europe. Where is the progress? When? How?

Charlie Wilson said it best.
This started off well enough.

AMERICAN foreign policy in the entire ME region, from Turkey to all the 'Stans to the Chinese border, to the southern end of Pakistan, across the pond to Arabia and then into the Saharan countries has been abysmal.
Agreed. Neither Republican nor Democrat has been able to solve the puzzle. Never even came close.

The Russians and/or the Chinese are quite capable of implementing order in some parts of the ME.
Could you site some specific examples of this? Are you refering to the Russians miserable and failed excursion in Afghanistan? I can't think of an example of the Chinese 'implementing order' in any part of the ME. Just wondering what gives you the idea either Russia or China are capable of this.

Carter ****** up Iran, and look what happened. Bush I ****** up Iraq and look what happened. Clinton ****** up Bosnia and look what happened. Bush II ****** up Afghanistan and Iraq, and Obama has made things worse (clear because ISIS exists). Adding in the clear devolution in Egypt, Libya, Syria and terrible relations with Israel, it is hard to understand which of the SUCCESSIVE FUCKTARDED US ADMINISTRATIONS has been worse.
Agreed, it's been a consistant **** show for decades on end.

It seems very clear that US citizens are far less "American" than just a few years ago. Multiculturalism might work over the long term, but the US's clear departure from the "melting pot" has had nothing but intolerance, frustration and division as dividends, and mimics the clear prior example of Canada/Europe. Where is the progress? When? How?
Not sure what any of this has to do with the Middle East or the discussion at hand.
Not sure what any of this has to do with the Middle East or the discussion at hand.

Flu can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought he was saying the following:
This myopic attitude might actually be understandable, even lauded, if the homeland was benefitting. But the Veterans have been royally screwed by the same governments, and the poor and racially identified minorities seem far less tolerant than 10-20 years ago.

He's saying this narrow view of foreign relations (4 or 8 year terms of changing paths engaging in or disengaging in foreign affairs) might be ok if America and Americans were benefiting. The Vets are suffering. And today's minorities aren't yesterday's minorities. Think of the minorities in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. From the Irish to African Americans. By and large, they loved America and benefited from being Vets, sang God Bless America. Today's minorities are less integrated. They live off of the Government. They are 'entitled' vs. previous generations of minorities who felt an obligation to work for their country. "Country" isn't a part of the language of today's minorities. They have less American pride. More American dependence. And thus, today's minorities are much less tolerant and much less 'on board' with America and her policies.

It seems very clear that US citizens are far less "American" than just a few years ago.

We are far less American. You'll claim I'm pointing fingers to one side, but when you look at former generations of immigrants, they ran from war torn or impoverished countries to come to America, to work and build the American dream.

To work and build their own American dream.

Today's immigrants are often illegal. Often here to get "supported" by America and her great programs. Often supported and/or imported by a Government looking for future voters - giving away support for future dependence and votes.

It's a vastly different set of immigrants we are bringing in. Formerly our immigrants adopted our culture, had American pride. No longer.

Multiculturalism might work over the long term, but the US's clear departure from the "melting pot" has had nothing but intolerance, frustration and division as dividends, and mimics the clear prior example of Canada/Europe. Where is the progress? When? How?

He is dead on. Our current approach to multiculturalism is destroying America. Just like it has been tearing away at the fabric of so many European countries.
Today's minorities are less integrated.

Today's immigrants are often illegal. Often here to get "supported" by America and her great programs. Often supported and/or imported by a Government looking for future voters - giving away support for future dependence and votes.

It's a vastly different set of immigrants we are bringing in. Formerly our immigrants adopted our culture, had American pride. No longer.

He is dead on. Our current approach to multiculturalism is destroying America. Just like it has been tearing away at the fabric of so many European countries.

Nay, yur jus bein' racist........



It's a vastly different set of immigrants we are bringing in. Formerly our immigrants adopted our culture, had American pride. No longer.

We are encouraging an entire class of immigrants who are breaking the law the minute they step foot on our soil. That promotes all kinds of positive behavior and is just awesome for a society.
We are encouraging an entire class of immigrants who are breaking the law the minute they step foot on our soil. That promotes all kinds of positive behavior and is just awesome for a society.

But, if you ask our Gov't to enforce our laws, you are branded a racist, or Islamophobe, or a hater of brown people, or some other left wing, political agenda driven horseshit. The Founding Fathers would not recognize this country.