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Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office


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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office
William Cummings, USA TODAY Published 9:11 a.m. ET Nov. 8, 2018 | Updated 9:27 a.m. ET Nov. 8, 2018


WASHINGTON – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in the hospital after falling in her office Wednesday night, the Court announced in a statement on Thursday.

Ginsburg, 85, went home after the fall but continued to experience "discomfort overnight" and went to George Washington Hospital early Thursday. Tests revealed she fractured three ribs and she "was admitted for observation and treatment," according to the statement.

Ginsburg, the court's senior justice, has served on the court for more than 25 years after being appointed by former President Bill Clinton in 1993. She is considered one of the court's more liberal justices.

She wrote the first opinion of the Supreme Court’s term this year on age discrimination. The action marked the third consecutive year in which Ginsburg has authored the first opinion of the term. Chief Justice John Roberts has remarked in the past about Ginsburg’s speedy delivery of opinions.

Earlier this year, Ginsburg said she intended to stay on the bench for at least five more years.

"I'm now 85," Ginsburg said in July, according to CNN. "My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so I think I have about at least five more years."

In recent years, she has gained celebrity status among progressives – who lovingly refer to her as the "Notorious RBG" – and was the subject a recent documentary, "RBG."

Contributing: Richard Wolf, USA TODAY
she should retire
anyone have the fill-in the name form letter to file a sexual harassment claim against Trump's next nominee so I can have that ready?
She will be fine... assuming this isn’t stemming from some other issues... her broken ribs are apparently minor...
Wonder how they would attack Amy Coney Barrett? A Catholic breeder who is against public funding for birth control and abortions, against the ACA decision, and not convinced that legal precedent overrules constitutionality. They would go nuts. Gang rape might be tough to pin on her, but I don't put anything past them.
Wonder how they would attack Amy Coney Barrett? A Catholic breeder who is against public funding for birth control and abortions, against the ACA decision, and not convinced that legal precedent overrules constitutionality. They would go nuts. Gang rape might be tough to pin on her, but I don't put anything past them.

Clearly she was a prostitute in college. With a cocaine problem.
Wonder how they would attack Amy Coney Barrett? A Catholic breeder who is against public funding for birth control and abortions, against the ACA decision, and not convinced that legal precedent overrules constitutionality. They would go nuts. Gang rape might be tough to pin on her, but I don't put anything past them.

If Ginsburg creates a vacancy are there enough open beds in the mental health clinics to accommodate them?

Wow, a 3rd pick for the Supreme court would lock it 6-3 for decades....

Personally I can't wait for a supreme court case on liberal professors in college bullying, giving unfair grades, or harsh word to a student based on their political affiliations.
Maybe Trump can appoint Barret to "pinch hit" for Ginsberg until she heals up. That would throw the libs into a tizzy!
Alissa Milano is just a little bit nuts...

Ruth Bader Ginsberg can have my ribs. And my kidneys and a lung. And anything else she needs. She can even have my husband on Thursdays.

— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) November 8, 2018
Ruth Bader Ginsberg can have my ribs. And my kidneys and a lung. And anything else she needs. She can even have my husband on Thursdays.

— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) November 8, 2018

She really is pretty nuts. I actually met her at a party in Southern California and granted, it was like 20 years ago, but she was going on about how she was having a migraine headache and was just acting neurotic as hell and we were all like "wha?"

But she looked fine as hell and we were all wondering if anybody could help relieve that migraine -- but she didn't (and doesn't) deal with the peasants.
She really is pretty nuts. I actually met her at a party in Southern California and granted, it was like 20 years ago, but she was going on about how she was having a migraine headache and was just acting neurotic as hell and we were all like "wha?"

But she looked fine as hell and we were all wondering if anybody could help relieve that migraine -- but she didn't (and doesn't) deal with the peasants.

Liberals generally don't they just want their vote.
I would have to think there is a highly qualified conservative female out there of black and Hispanic descent.
Judge Jeanine Pirro. Be good times in the Senate hearings.
Time to retire. She should really think about her health. It's just not worth the stress of the supreme court to push on.