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Scaramucci goes berserk on Steve Bannon: ‘I’m not trying to suck my own c*ck’

The irony of being a CONservative is they believe they are the torch bearers of liberty and gatekeepers to the moral promised land.....when they are EXACTLY the opposite: fascists at heart and action, and it goes without saying some of the most hateful ,uncompassionate, immoral people on the planet.

I forgot stupid:

Not sarcasm, it's a fact. Unless you choose to ignore the murders and rapes that continue to be committed by illegal aliens.

So then you agree that the majority of undocumented immigrants are rapists, drug dealers, etc. and some are good people?

Even when the data does not support that position?

See what I said about CONservatives and being immoral, hateful, uncompassionate people Tibs?

So then you agree that the majority of undocumented immigrants are rapists, drug dealers, etc. and some are good people?

Even when the data does not support that position?

See what I said about CONservatives and being immoral, hateful, uncompassionate people Tibs?


I agree that 100% of illegal aliens are breaking the law.

I've got your compassion right here, Twatie.
OK class, who can correctly identify the parts of speech in this sentence?

how about you loosen your man-bun and focus on identifying your President?

“They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Is that just sarcasm?
No, that's totally accurate.

The Best Quotes From Trump’s Embarrassing Unpublished WSJ Interview

Last week, President Trump sat down in the Oval Office with editors and reporters from The Wall Street Journal for a 45-minute interview that produced a few bits of news, including Trump saying “tax the rich people” and declaring months in advance that Iran will be noncompliant with its nuclear deal.

The WSJ published excerpts from the interview, but kept the full transcript under wraps — until now. Tuesday, Politico stepped in and published the transcript, which it says “has circulated around the Journal newsroom as well as among others in New York and Washington.”

It’s not hard to see why. The interview is full of embarrassing exchanges and the bizarre turns of phrase Trump has made part of the American political lexicon (get ready for a sequel to “no puppet”). Here are quotes that stand out most.

On Jared Kushner: “He’s a good — he’s a good boy.”

On calling the U.K. Britain: “I mean, you don’t hear the word Britain anymore. It’s very interesting. It’s like, nope.”

On the future of the British Open if Scotland leaves the U.K.: “One little thing, what would they do with the British Open if they ever got out? They’d no longer have the British Open.”

On whether his speech to the Boy Scouts received mixed reviews: “I’d be the first to admit mixed. I’m a guy that will tell you mixed. There was no mix there. That was a standing ovation from the time I walked out to the time I left, and for five minutes after I had already gone. There was no mix.”

On the reaction to the speech from the head of the Boy Scouts, who later apologized for Trump’s political attacks: “And I got a call from the head of the Boy Scouts saying it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them, and they were very thankful. So there was — there was no mix.”

On Anthony Scaramuci: “But I’m very happy with Anthony. I think Anthony is going to do amazing.”

On the Miss Universe pageant, held in Russia four years ago: “I mean, I had Ms. Universe there, like, nine years ago, eight years ago, something like that. But I have nothing to do with Russia.”

On conversations with foreign leaders about their domestic economies: “So I deal with foreign countries, and despite what you may read I have unbelievable relationships with all of the foreign leaders. They like me. I like them. You know, it’s amazing. So I’ll call, like, major — major countries, and I’ll be dealing with the prime minister or the president. And I’ll say, how are you doing? Oh, don’t know, don’t know, not well, Mr. President, not well. I said, well, what’s the problem? Oh, GDP 9 percent, not well. And I’m saying to myself, here we are at like 1 percent, dying, and they’re at 9 percent and they’re unhappy.”

On his astonishment upon learning about the large populations of other countries
: “And then you call places like Malaysia, Indonesia, and you say, you know, how many people do you have? And it’s pretty amazing how many people they have.”
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The contrast could not be starker. What a damn mess we've gotten ourselves into - just as I predicted - if Trump got elected. This man is a disgrace to the country and anyone that still supports him must hate America and everything we've stood for as a nation over two centuries. There's no other explanation.


Fake news.

President Donald Trump pushed back against reports that he called the White House a “dump.”
“I love the White House, one of the most beautiful buildings (homes) I have ever seen,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “But Fake News said I called it a dump – TOTALLY UNTRUE.”
Fake news.


Golf journalist: At least 8 people heard Trump call the White House a ‘dump’

A golf journalist is standing by his report that President Trump called the White House a "dump" despite Trump's claim that it's "totally untrue."

Alan Shipnuck told Golf Magazine that eight or nine people heard Trump call the White House a dump.

Shipnuck published a report about Trump's golfing hobby in Sports Illustrated this week, which included the revelation that Trump called the president's house a "real dump" compared to his New Jersey country club.

Shipnuck told Golf Magazine that a White House spokeswoman called him to demand a retraction for the statement, but that he would not do so because he heard it from multiple people and that he believes they are credible sources.

"It might be inconvenient for her boss and she might wish he didn't say it, but it's not a lie,"
he said.

"They definitely don't waste any time trying to be charming or friendly, these people in the White House communications department," he added.

After the initial report was released, Trump took to Twitter to deny the claim, adding "I love the White House, one of the most beautiful buildings (homes) I have ever seen."
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OK class, who can correctly identify the parts of speech in this sentence?

says - verb
the - definite article
single - adjective
most - comparative adjective
goddamned - adjective
simpleton - adjective
************* - adjective
ignorant - adjective
*** - noun
on - preposition
the - definite article
******* - adjective
board - object (of the preposition)

You're welcome.
I wonder if he'll frame this?

I'm sure I'd be sick and ******* tired of fighting the establishment fucktards that are Washington DC. The will of the people be damned.
Interesting read.

Why Is Donald Trump Still So Horribly Witless About the World?


Max Boot, a lifelong conservative who advised three Republican Presidential candidates on foreign policy, keeps a folder labelled “Trump Stupidity File” on his computer. It’s next to his “Trump Lies” file. “Not sure which is larger at this point,” he told me this week. “It’s neck-and-neck.”Six months into the Trump era, foreign-policy officials from eight past Administrations told me they are aghast that the President is still so witless about the world. “He seems as clueless today as he was on January 20th,” Boot, who is now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, said. Trump’s painful public gaffes, they warn, indicate that he’s not reading, retaining, or listening to his Presidential briefings. And the newbie excuse no longer flies.

“Trump has an appalling ignorance of the current world, of history, of previous American engagement, of what former Presidents thought and did,” Geoffrey Kemp, who worked at the Pentagon during the Ford Administration and at the National Security Council during the Reagan Administration, reflected. “He has an almost studious rejection of the type of in-depth knowledge that virtually all of his predecessors eventually gained or had views on.”

Criticism of Donald Trump among Democrats who served in senior national-security positions is predictable and rife. But Republicans—who are historically ambitious on foreign policy—are particularly pained by the President’s missteps and misstatements. So are former senior intelligence officials who have avoided publicly criticizing Presidents until now.

“The President has little understanding of the context”—of what’s happening in the world—“and even less interest in hearing the people who want to deliver it,” Michael Hayden, a retired four-star general and former director of both the C.I.A. and the National Security Agency, told me. “He’s impatient, decision-oriented, and prone to action. It’s all about the present tense.

When he asks, ‘What the hell’s going on in Iraq?’ people around him have learned not to say, ‘Well, in 632 . . . ’ ” (That was the year Islam was founded.)
“He just doesn’t have an interest in the world,” Hayden said.

I asked top Republican and intelligence officials from eight Administrations what they thought was the one thing the President needs to grasp to succeed on the world stage. Their various replies: embrace the fact that the Russians are not America’s friends. Don’t further alienate the Europeans, who are our friends. Encourage human rights—a founding principle of American identity—and don’t make priority visits to governments that curtail them, such as Poland and Saudi Arabia. Understand that North Korea’s nuclear program can’t be outsourced to China, which can’t or won’t singlehandedly fix the problem anyway, and realize that military options are limited. Pulling out of innovative trade deals, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, will boost
China’s economy and secure its global influence—to America’s disadvantage. Stop bullying his counterparts. And put the Russia case behind him by coöperating with the investigation rather than trying to discredit it.

Trump’s latest blunder was made during an appearance in the Rose Garden with Lebanon’s Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, on July 25th. “Lebanon is on the front lines in the fight against ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah,” Trump pronounced. He got the basics really wrong. Hezbollah is actually part of the Lebanese government—and has been for a quarter century—with seats in parliament and Cabinet posts. Lebanon’s Christian President, Michel Aoun, has been allied with Hezbollah for a decade. As Trump spoke, Hezbollah’s militia and the Lebanese Army were fighting ISIS and an Al Qaeda affiliate occupying a chunk of eastern Lebanon along its border with Syria. They won.

The list of other Trump blunders is long. In March, he charged that Germany owed “vast sums” to the United States for NATO. It doesn’t. No NATO member pays the United States—and never has—so none is in arrears. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, in April, Trump claimed that Korea “actually used to be part of China.” Not true. After he arrived in Israel from Saudi Arabia, in May, Trump said that he had just come from the Middle East. (Did he even look at a map?) During his trip to France, in July, the President confused Napoleon Bonaparte, the diminutive emperor who invaded Russia and Egypt, with Napoleon III, who was France’s first popularly elected President, oversaw the design of modern Paris, and is still the longest-serving head of state since the French Revolution (albeit partly as an emperor, too). And that’s before delving into his demeaning tweets about other world leaders and flashpoints.

“The sheer scale of his lack of knowledge is what has astounded me—and I had low expectations to begin with,” David Gordon, the director of the State Department’s policy-planning staff under Condoleezza Rice, during the Bush Administration, told me.

Trump’s White House has also flubbed basics. It misspelled the name of Britain’s Prime Minister three times in its official schedule of her January visit. After it dropped the “H” in Theresa May, several British papers noted that Teresa May is a soft-porn actress best known for her films “Leather Lust” and “Whitehouse: The Sex Video.” In a statement last month, the White House called Xi Jinping the President of the “Republic of China”—which is the island of Taiwan—rather than the leader of the People’s Republic, the Communist mainland. The two nations have been epic rivals in Asia for more than half a century. The White House also misidentified Shinzo Abe as the President of Japan—he’s the Prime Minister—and called the Prime Minister of Canada “Joe” instead of Justin Trudeau.

Trump’s policy mistakes, large and small, are taking a toll. “American leadership in the world—how do I phrase this, it’s so obvious, but apparently not to him—is critical to our success, and it depends eighty per cent on the credibility of the President’s word,” John McLaughlin, who worked at the C.I.A. under seven Presidents, from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush, and ended up as the intelligence agency’s acting director, told me. “Trump thinks having a piece of chocolate cake at Mar-a-Lago bought him a relationship with Xi Jinping.” He came in as the least prepared President we’ve had on foreign policy, McLaughlin added. “Our leadership in the world is slipping away. It’s slipping through our hands.”

And a world in dramatic flux compounds the stakes. Hayden cited the meltdown in the world order that has prevailed since the Second World War; the changing nature of the state and its power; China’s growing military and economic power; and rogue nations seeking nuclear weapons, among others. “Yet the most disruptive force in the world today in the United States of America,” the former C.I.A. director said.

The closest similarity to the Trump era was the brief Warren G. Harding Administration, in the nineteen-twenties, Philip Zelikow, who worked for the Reagan and two Bush Administrations, and who was the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, told me. Harding, who died, of a heart attack, after twenty-eight months in office, was praised because he stood aside and let his Secretary of State, Charles Evans Hughes, lead the way. Hughes had already been governor of New York, a Supreme Court Justice, and the Republican Presidential nominee in 1916, losing narrowly to Woodrow Wilson, who preceded Harding.

Under Trump, the White House has seized control of key foreign-policy issues. The President’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a real-estate developer, has been charged with brokering Middle East peace, navigating U.S.-China relations, and the Mexico portfolio. In April, Kushner travelled to Iraq to help chart policy against ISIS. Washington scuttlebutt is consumed with tales of how Trump has stymied his own Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, the former C.E.O. of ExxonMobil.

“The national-security system of the United States has been tested over a period of seventy years,” John Negroponte, the first director of national security and a former U.N. Ambassador, told me. “President Trump disregards the system at his peril.”

Trump’s contempt for the U.S. intelligence community has also sparked alarm. “I wish the President would rely more on, and trust more, the intelligence agencies and the work that is produced, sometimes at great risk to individuals around the world, to inform the Commander-in-Chief,” Mitchell Reiss, who was chief of the State Department’s policy-planning team under Secretary of State Colin Powell, told me.

Republican critics are divided on whether Trump can grow into the job. “Trump is completely irredeemable,” Eliot A. Cohen, who was counselor to Condoleezza Rice at the State Department, told me. “He has a feral instinct for self-survival, but he’s unteachable. The ban on Muslims coming into the country and building a wall, and having the Mexicans pay for it, that was all you needed to know about this guy on foreign affairs. This is a man who is idiotic and bigoted and ignorant of the law.” Cohen was a ringleader of an open letter warning, during the campaign, that Trump’s foreign policy was “wildly inconsistent and unmoored.”

But other Republicans from earlier Administrations still hold out hope. “Whenever Trump begins to learn about an issue—the Middle East conflict or North Korea—he expresses such surprise that it could be so complicated, after saying it wasn’t that difficult,” Gordon, from the Bush Administration, said. “The good news, when he says that, is it means he has a little bit of knowledge.” So far, however, the learning curve has been pitifully—and dangerously—slow.
says - verb
the - definite article
single - adjective
most - comparative adjective
goddamned - adjective
simpleton - adjective
************* - adjective
ignorant - adjective
*** - noun
on - preposition
the - definite article
******* - adjective
board - object (of the preposition)

You're welcome.

Every hoop! Good boy!
Ya know there was a lot of bigotry against the Italians for bringing crime to the US a century ago?

True, but the vast majority of us came here legally. That's what the issue is. Your straw man argument fails.
True, but the vast majority of us came here legally. That's what the issue is. Your straw man argument fails.

The argument is that to the extent that the bigots got their way, Italians weren't able immigrate legally. It was an issue and the Immigration Act of 1924 restricted Italians (one others).
The argument is that to the extent that the bigots got their way, Italians weren't able immigrate legally. It was an issue and the Immigration Act of 1924 restricted Italians (one others).

It wasn't just Italians, the immigration act shut off pretty much all (legal) immigration until the new immigration act of 1965 which was designed by Ted Kennedy to let in lots of unskilled third world immigrants and just happened to coincide with the Great Society programs and more welfare for everybody (and therefore more Democrat voters).
The Weak Wing.... lol.

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