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Separate, but.....inclusive?

But some people don't FEEL comfortable around certain types of people. So, instead of encouraging these emotional beings to communicate, learn, and get to know different people, we'll just give you a false sense of security and isolate you from differences to stave your anxiety and depression symptoms. Oh and here is a coloring book that contains no gender bias or racial undertones...feel free to color outside of the lines as well, we certainly dont want to suppress your free spirit by dictating rules and borders.

******* nut jobs. all of them.
In conversation diversity is a buzzword. In practice diversity is division and dissolution. Diversity is not strength, it is aggregation and weakness. Leftists do you not want a strong unified American nation and culture, they want a weak society they can tear down from the inside to create a power vacuum. This is straight out of KGB doctrine on communist insurgency. Create a power vacuum and then fill that vacuum with your own ideology.
The University has 1 ceremony for everyone, the 18 schools have a separate ceremony for their students and special groups have other ceremonies. Seems like graduation overkill.
So they're promoting segregation all over again. Will we have special water fountains next? How about special sections on the bus? I suppose you can not eat certain ethnic foods either.

While we're at it. We should have separate neighborhoods, schools and no interracial relationships.

To diversify, we must separate.

People actually vote for racism and division by voting democrat. Great job!

Suckers.They lure you in every single time, then hit you over the head. And you say thank you. Can I have some more?
The University has 1 ceremony for everyone, the 18 schools have a separate ceremony for their students and special groups have other ceremonies. Seems like graduation overkill.

So you would have no problem if white students held a "whites only" graduation? And to memorialize the occasion, made sure that the drinking fountains and seating were denoted "Whites Only"?

21, it's not that you are dumb. It's that you are so dumb as to be too stupid to engage in reasoned debate. Your ilk does something indefensible and you shrug and write that it is just fine. A conservative says marriage should be between people that can procreate since the entire institution is designed to protect children, and you lose control of your bowels and bladder.
steeltime if you can read and comprehend, my earlier response that you highlighted, does not offer my opinion on the matter, it just states what happens at that University

Your idea on marriage is beyond bizarre, many people get married and don't have kids, many don't procreate but adopt. Maybe they should eliminate marriage licenses under your system and just issue procreation licenses. I always thought of marriage as a formal bond between two people that unites their lives legally, economically and emotionally.
Maybe people who procreate and aren't married should be required to marry to protect the children. lol
steeltime if you can read and comprehend, my earlier response that you highlighted, does not offer my opinion on the matter, it just states what happens at that University

About which you have no disagreement or criticism. Thus my reply.

Have a 3rd grader explain it to you next time.

Your idea on marriage is beyond bizarre, many people get married and don't have kids, many don't procreate but adopt. Maybe they should eliminate marriage licenses under your system and just issue procreation licenses. I always thought of marriage as a formal bond between two people that unites their lives legally, economically and emotionally.
Maybe people who procreate and aren't married should be required to marry to protect the children. lol

For as long as humans have existed, anybody can live with anybody else, without government sanction. The rise and fall of laws prohibiting homosexual relations did not prevent such relationships. Originally, the institution of marriage, dating back hundreds of years, was once designed to promote power by combining families. That changed during the Renaissance, when the idea of romantic marriage arose. Even then, society had little interest in the relations between adults and become involved only because the adults would produce citizens who depended on others, including the government - children.

The Catholic church gave women more say in marriage by making marriage a sacrament, obligating the male to remain faithful and banning divorce. Again, the reason for the institution was the care of children. That has always been true since the advent of marriage involving one man and one woman.

You can think of your relationships in whatever way you want. Nobody gives a ****. Why should I care? More importantly, why should the government care? Because your relationship could have a significant impact on society when you have children. At that point, we are forced to care because we now have people who are dependent on us, on society, on laws, on protection.

Maybe they should eliminate marriage licenses under your system and just issue procreation licenses.

For the love of God, what do you think the reason for marriage has been for the past 600 years?!? So that the betrothed can register and get a toaster? Stop being so shallow, so stupid, and ignorant of human history. The only reason marriage mattered was that it meant the husband was obligated, legally and spiritually, to care for his children so that the children are protected, educated, and become productive members of society, rather than a costly anchor.

Maybe people who procreate and aren't married should be required to marry to protect the children. lol

What do you think child support laws are designed to do?!? They are meant to force the male to take the responsibilities for caring for the child financially, because government thinks that laws work.

They are too stupid to realize that laws will not replace a societal ethos. You get married, your wife has your offspring, and you work to care for both because you are responsible for them, society expects you to care for them, you are looked at with disdain for not taking care of your family, you are morally responsible for them, you are shunned by society if you don't.

So that philosophy is gone because idiots like you thought you knew so much. "Oh, just pass a law and the kids will be okay." So black culture has 72% out-of-wedlock child births, not a big deal at all, government is doing the job ... with exploding crime among the fatherless, drug dealing, falling school test scores, unemployment, poverty, violence.

How's that working out? LOL, I guess. LOL at two generations consigned to poverty, and borderline illiteracy, despair, anger, and depression.
So they're promoting segregation all over again. Will we have special water fountains next? How about special sections on the bus? I suppose you can not eat certain ethnic foods either.

While we're at it. We should have separate neighborhoods, schools and no interracial relationships.

To diversify, we must separate.

People actually vote for racism and division by voting democrat. Great job!

Suckers.They lure you in every single time, then hit you over the head. And you say thank you. Can I have some more?
Some colleges have black dorms, by student request (or demands). Makes me laugh.
Some colleges have black dorms, by student request (or demands). Makes me laugh.
And that is absolutely ******* ridiculous, but if that's what you want? Then so be it. Hang out with whom you want and relate to, just don't ***** when other people do it.

So white dorms, black dorms , mixed race dorms, Asian dorms, Indian dorms, Persian dorms, Russian and Slavic decent dorms, Italian Dorms. You could go on all day doing diversity by division racism on demand.
I do not care who marries who. Would you rather a child grow up with 2 caring married men or women, or grow up with some abusive crackhead heterosexual couple. Laws do not do a good job of protecting kids. Sure you have child support, but if the father / mother is a loser with no $$ they are not going to be giving squat. They could also simply not pay or just give up their rights. Also child protective services is so over loaded they simply can not keep up. People just popping out kids w/ no means to care for them effects society much more than letting some gay couple who just goes about their life get married. Other than the religious side of it I just do not see the argument against same sex marriage.
As for the separate graduations that is just wrong. Like someone said if they had all white graduation or all white dorms or whatever they would be called racist. You can not have things both ways.
And that is absolutely ******* ridiculous, but if that's what you want? Then so be it. Hang out with whom you want and relate to, just don't ***** when other people do it.

So white dorms, black dorms , mixed race dorms, Asian dorms, Indian dorms, Persian dorms, Russian and Slavic decent dorms, Italian Dorms. You could go on all day doing diversity by division racism on demand.
In the less PC early 1980's when I was in college my school once did an African History Week thing. Soul food in the caf, that sort of thing. A number of students wrote letters to the editor of the school paper saying, essentially, "F you, the black students almost all sit by themselves and don't want to engage the white students, why do we have to engage them?"
I know, I know, quit being racist.
In the less PC early 1980's when I was in college my school once did an African History Week thing. Soul food in the caf, that sort of thing. A number of students wrote letters to the editor of the school paper saying, essentially, "F you, the black students almost all sit by themselves and don't want to engage the white students, why do we have to engage them?"
I know, I know, quit being racist.
Just look at a black person's friends list on FB. It's just about all blacks. Just as a white person's list is just about all white. It's what people do, we gather with people like ourselves. Somewhere, someone got the idea that we need to all intermingle and act as though we're all the same but, when given the choice, it's not what us humans do.
I do not care who marries who. Would you rather a child grow up with 2 caring married men or women, or grow up with some abusive crackhead heterosexual couple.

I would rather people on this forum not say stupid things. Your comment, "I don't care who marries who" is is a direct offshoot of what I said - nobody cares who you live with.

But society cares a lot when you have kids. That is when rules are needed. And the stupidity of saying things like, "Yeah, would you rather have Hitler in your house as a dad or no dad?" is just ******* stupid. "Oh yeah, would you rather have two gay child molesters raping kids or a loving heterosexual couple care for kids?" See how that works? We don't take the rare, destructive extreme as an example of anything. Otherwise, we would all support literally nothing.

Laws do not do a good job of protecting kids. Sure you have child support, but if the father / mother is a loser with no $$ they are not going to be giving squat. They could also simply not pay or just give up their rights. Also child protective services is so over loaded they simply can not keep up. People just popping out kids w/ no means to care for them effects society much more than letting some gay couple who just goes about their life get married. Other than the religious side of it I just do not see the argument against same sex marriage.

You need to improve your reading skills. You DO understand, I hope, that for gay couples, any child they rear is not one they conceived. I mean, you get that, right? That is why I wrote this (which you apparently did not read):

The only reason marriage mattered was that it meant the husband was obligated, legally and spiritually, to care for his children so that the children are protected, educated, and become productive members of society, rather than a costly anchor.

So the issue is not, "Who can or should get married?" Who cares? Why the hell should government be involved? The question is, has been, will continue to be and always has been, "Who is going to be responsible for caring for the children of this union and how do we make sure that society is not forced to pick up the tab?" Because if we have learned anything, it is that people paid to look after something do a worse job than people who "own" what is looked after.

Finally, I am amazed that people disagree with my concept. Seriously, we have millions of living, breathing examples in our nation today. Which scenario is better for the children - a two-parent household or one-parent with assistance from the government?

Economic Differences​

Pew Research Center, an American think tank organization specializing in social and demographic trends, revealed that in 2011 all households with children reported an average yearly income of $57,100. Single mothers who were divorced, separated or widowed earned an average yearly income of $29,000. The median family income for single mothers who had never been married in 2011 was $17,400, just slightly above poverty level. These statistics show that single parents are more susceptible to financial hardship than families with two parents contributing an income. Other statistics from the Witherspoon Institute, a conservative think tank in Princeton, New Jersey, demonstrate that 66 percent of children from single-parent households live below the poverty level and nearly 50 percent of adults who receive welfare began the program after becoming a single parent. Only about 10 percent of children raised in a two-parent family live below the poverty level.

Social, Cognitive and Psychological Implications​

Studies conducted by Dr. Paul Amato, Professor of Family Sociology and Demography at Pennsylvania State University show that children who grow up with both biological parents in the same household are less likely to experience a variety of cognitive, emotional and social problems. Dual-parent households often maintain higher standards of living, therefore providing more effective parenting skills with less stressful life circumstances. Examining potential advantages of a single-parent household is also beneficial. Leaving a relationship that exposes your child to marital conflict is a positive change because your child will no longer be entangled in parental discord at home. The focus of homelife shifts to the parent-child relationship and daily activities can be more structured around the child. Children of single parents are likely to develop skills of independence, responsibility and self-sufficiency at an early age.

Long-Term Effects​

Research conducted by Sara McLanahan, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison posits specific long-term outcomes for children of single-parent households. Her studies reflect that a high percentage of single mothers never graduate from high school and that this increases the chances of their children not graduating from high school by 10 percent. Exposure to single parenthood as a child also raises the probability of next generation single parenthood by approximately 120 percent. McLanahan's research testifies that daughters of single parents are 30 to 53 percent more likely to marry as teenagers, 75 to 111 percent more likely to give birth while teenagers and are more likely to experience marital severance and have babies out of wedlock. These statistics may reflect the result of single-parenting disadvantages such as less supervisory methods utilized during adolescent years and reduced ability for effective disciplining.

That is one of dozens of research papers saying basically the same thing. By treating marriage as an institution meant mainly for adults, making children a secondary consideration, and by minimizing the importance of two parents in a home (since the institution is meant for adults so if they unhappy they should go their own ways), we have set the stage for a lot of our current social shortcomings in education, health, care for each other, basic community, observance of traditions, and loyalty.
Just look at a black person's friends list on FB. It's just about all blacks. Just as a white person's list is just about all white. It's what people do, we gather with people like ourselves. Somewhere, someone got the idea that we need to all intermingle and act as though we're all the same but, when given the choice, it's not what us humans do.
Last year in a Steelers FB group I pointed out that the only people screaming for Dobbs to play were black. Naturally I was called a racist which didn't bother me because I expected it.
Last year in a Steelers FB group I pointed out that the only people screaming for Dobbs to play were black. Naturally I was called a racist which didn't bother me because I expected it.

Black fan roots for black player because of race: Proud anti-racist.

White player roots for white player because of race: RACIST!!
Black fan roots for black player because of race: Proud anti-racist.

White player roots for white player because of race: RACIST!!
White fan says black head coach only got to Super Bowls with previous white head coach's players and assistants: Racist!
Yeah, that happened today.
Yeah white people are born racists but people of all ethnic backgrounds sure as **** want to live in the developed western world white people built.
Yeah white people are born racists but people of all ethnic backgrounds sure as **** want to live in the developed western world white people built.
Credit where credit is due, some black people helped with the railroads.

Blazing Saddles.jpe
So... would it be appropriate to write to Columbia and ask what time and date is set for the white men only graduation ceremonies?