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Shaizer injury update

Walking is a broad term. This isnt a typical injury situation. Even regular IR situations the info only trickles out after the surgery went well. This is a medical privacy situation. Its really up to Ryan.

It would be cool if he announced he could walk again by leading the team out of the tunnel in the playoffs
I’d love to see him come out on the field for the coin toss at the Sup.....
I can't remember a injury ever to anybody, that status of the recovery was kept such a secret. I wonder why they can't just come out and tell the fans that he is doing better, that he is walking, they don't need to say anything more than that, but an official update that the man had regained the ability to walk would be music to most peoples ear. I don't think anyone is concerned about him playing again but I know every steeler fan is concerned about him walking. I don't give two ***** if he ever suits up for us again, but I do hope and pray he is able to live a normal life for him and his family's sake.

The problem is, Shazier's injury is the definition of leading with the helmet. Something the league is trying to avoid, since their sport is dangerous to play. That injury keeps reminding people that you can die or be paralized playing this sport. Something the league is trying to distance itself from. The problem is, ignoring it will not make it go away, it will make it worse. The league should have been out front of this. Instead they're sitting back and trying to hope it goes away without any significant blowback.

Another reason why Goodell is a coward when it comes to player safety, and there is no actual rules enacted to keep everyone safer.
agree 100 percent Cope. Thing is that the game is evolving and changing. Shazier is a three down linebacker. Why? Because he is light enough and fast enough to cover almost anyone on the field yet he can tackle any running back. Now how could he do that. Well he launches himself into the ball carrier. Much like Polamalu. When we teach kids to tackle we teach the opposite of what he does. Surface area of chest. Hold your ground till help arrives, gator role the legs. If he is overpowering you torgue him backwards. Unfortunately these techniques though much safer, allow the ball carrier to gain extra yards. The NFL requires the ball carriers momentum to stop at first contact. So you take a 230lb linebacker against a 220 plus back with momentum, what is he supposed to do. By liberalizing all the pass rules and doing everything to protect the offensive players head, you forced the linebackers to become oversized safeties. But he still has to tackle big dudes. He lunched himself crown first ( the exact opposite of how we teach kids) hit the guys thigh and the result was catastrophic.
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The only reason QB's and WR's get special protection is because that's where the money is.

Can't kill that goose even though those positions don't take the majority of the beating.

Don't recall Mike Webster, Justin Strzelczyk, or Terry Long ever playing quarterback.