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Shaun King pushing the racial divide again (and fails)


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL
A 7 year-old girl in Houston was shot in a drive-by. Jazmine Barnes was killed, and subsequently used by Martin Luther Cream to push his continued racial divide. While he did help lead police to the actual shooter, he was also pushing the narrative that it was a racist killing carried out by a white guy.


The authorities have charged a suspect with capital murder in the fatal shooting of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes, as an emotional case that moved the Houston community and evoked racial tensions nationwide took an unexpected turn on Sunday.

The authorities identified the suspect, Eric Black Jr., 20, and said he admitted to taking part in the Dec. 30 shooting.

Contrary to initial reports that the suspect was white, Mr. Black is black. It was a revelation that swiftly changed the narrative of a case that had drawn the attention of national civil rights activists amid speculation that the shooting was racially motivated.

The authorities believe that Mr. Black, along with an accomplice, thought they were shooting at someone else when they opened fire on Jazmine and her family, who were in a car on an early morning coffee run.

“This is most likely a case of mistaken identity,” Sheriff Ed Gonzalez of Harris County said at a news conference on Sunday.

But to civil rights activists, including Shaun King, who received the tip that led to the arrest, the race of the suspect did not upend the meaning of the case — for Jazmine’s family or for the country.

“We live in a time where somebody could do something like this based purely on hate or race,” he said on Sunday. “And that it turned out to not be the case I don’t think changes the devastating conclusion that people had thought something like that was possible.”

The tip named Mr. Black and another man, identified by prosecutors by the initials L.W. A lawyer for Jazmine’s family, Lee Merritt, named the second suspect as Larry Woodruffe, 24, who is also black. A man with that name was booked into the Harris County jail on Sunday on a drug possession charge.

At a hearing to set the bond amount in that case, prosecutors said that Mr. Woodruffe was also a suspect in a capital murder investigation, and a judge noted that Mr. Woodruffe could possibly face additional charges.

Sheriff Gonzalez acknowledged a second person was involved but would not comment on their identity. He said the second person had not been charged in Jazmine’s death as of Sunday afternoon, but said that charges could be filed. Lawyers for the men could not be immediately reached for comment on Sunday.

but, Shaun King is not satisfied that the killer. wonder why?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When Jazmine Barnes was killed I pledged to find who killed her. We did that. The men who were arrested shot her. That I know. <br><br>But I’ve studied this case for nearly 60 hours. <br><br>And something’s not right. Key details are missing in the story. <br><br>I no longer trust the timeline.</p>— Shaun King (@shaunking) <a href="https://twitter.com/shaunking/status/1082105686782369793?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 7, 2019</a></blockquote>
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probably because the initial sketch for the suspect was ...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the man witnesses say murdered 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes on 12/30 as her family drove on the E. Sam Houston Pkwy frontage road at Wallisville Road. Thin white man, 30's-40's, in a red pickup. Call 713-221-6000 or <a href="https://twitter.com/CrimeStopHOU?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@CrimeStopHOU</a> at 713-222-TIPS <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/JusticeForJazmine?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#JusticeForJazmine</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/hounews?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#hounews</a> <a href="https://t.co/URR3w2Wxbm">pic.twitter.com/URR3w2Wxbm</a></p>— HCSOTexas (@HCSOTexas) <a href="https://twitter.com/HCSOTexas/status/1080959833392713728?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Yet the article in The New York Times states:

Research has shown that stress levels and conditions at the time of a crime can undercut the accuracy of eyewitness identification. The sheriff and the family said the sun had not yet risen when the shooting happened.

“Eyewitness testimony is the least reliable evidence you can have,” said Lori Brown, a criminologist at Meredith College in North Carolina, who said that people generally try to understand how a traumatic event could have happened by using what they know about the world. “Unfortunately,” she said, “we fill in the gaps.”
Not sure who this guy is so I looked him up. This from his website...

Leaders like Shaun King help us see how racism is not dead and forgotten, but merely a mutating virus, and one that manifests in different forms in every age. Racism, mass incarceration, policies that criminalize blackness in the twenty-first century—these problems won’t solve themselves. And that’s why King’s voice, perspective, and work are so important.


Seems to me that if all you're ever looking for is racism, it's all you'll ever find.
It's a shame that this little girl had to lose her life and all people can think about is political rightness.
Talcum X strikes again. One of the country's most divisive racists.
Sounds like a white guy fleeing the situation got profiled.

Exacerbating racist *******.
The mothers attorney i believe it was, also played the race card immediately.
The mothers attorney i believe it was, also played the race card immediately.

Yeah, but isn't that based on her original account of the incident? I'd say that the attorney and King were just opportunists banking on her account -- and she's the racist one.
I wonder if Shaq wants his money back?
Anyone that leads with race is the problem. Don't blame the mother, grandmother (?), it was dark and she was mistaken in her description.

They suffered the loss of a child, and I can't imagine their pain.

******** like King are just that, ********.
Did he do a fu tweet stating to stand down. Just more black on black violence?
Not sure who this guy is so I looked him up. This from his website...


Seems to me that if all you're ever looking for is racism, it's all you'll ever find.

Does his website tell you that he is a white guy, raised by white parents who one day started pretending he was black and became a black activist?
So this is about a white guy trying to be a black guy talking about a white guy suspect who ended up being a black guy. We need more race injected into this society. I wonder if Shaun would have offered that reward if the suspect was originally identified as black? BTW, where does this loser get $35K to offer as a reward?
Reports now claim those that offered rewards cannot be reached. No reward has been paid.
I'm confused. So the perp who got arrested and actually DID the shooting was black. But Shaun is still saying he's white?

Maybe Shaun is the real killer.....
So this is about a white guy trying to be a black guy talking about a white guy suspect who ended up being a black guy. We need more race injected into this society. I wonder if Shaun would have offered that reward if the suspect was originally identified as black? BTW, where does this loser get $35K to offer as a reward?

Actually, Wikipedia says he's bi-racial..

King grew up in Versailles, Kentucky.[3] He was raised by his white mother and white presumptive father, Jeffrey King. King grew up believing what his mother later confirmed to him: that his biological father was a light-skinned black man.[4][5] According to a local police detective, those who knew him were aware of his biracial heritage: "Anyone from around here who knew him knew he was mixed.

and fo sho a race baitin' loud mouth sleaze bucket.

King has written extensively about incidents in the Black Lives Matter movement, gaining prominence during the events following the shooting of Michael Brown

On May 20, 2018 King accused a white Texas state trooper of raping Sherita Dixon-Cole, an African-American human resources professional The Texas Department of Public Safety released nearly two hours of body cam footage on May 22 that exonerated the trooper

King has raised money for multiple causes including the Tamir Rice shooting, King raised $60,000 for Rice's family. After learning the child had not been buried as of five months after the shooting, and the child's mother had moved into a homeless shelter,[59] he started the fund to assist the Rice family; however, family attorney Timothy Kucharski stated in May 2015 that neither he nor the Rice family had heard of King or the fundraiser, nor had they received any money.[60][61] The money raised was then seized by the court and placed into Tamir Rice's estate

One of his experiences in high school was what he considered a hate crime assault.[18] King stated a "dozen rednecks" had beaten him and the injuries caused him to miss a portion of two years of high school due to multiple spinal surgeries ,,,,,,,The detective who investigated the case in 1995 described King's injuries as "minor". The associated police report noted that the incident revolved around a fight involving only one other student who defended his girlfriend after being allegedly threatened by King. The report did not indicate the incident was racially motivated. There is no mention of a "hate crime" either with local police or with the FBI.[68][71] Keith Broughton, the investigating detective, said he interviewed six witnesses put forth by the school's principal, including a teacher who broke up the fight. All of them described it as a one-on-one altercation.


Shaun King decided he was black because his mom once had sex with a black man.
nothing more to it than that.
To be fair Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are getting up there in years. TalcumX probably wants to take over the race hustle when they retire or finally snuff it,
Clay Travis should be going off about Martin Luther Cream today.
This is an awesome statement

“We live in a time where somebody could do something like this based purely on hate or race,” he said on Sunday. “And that it turned out to not be the case I don’t think changes the devastating conclusion that people had thought something like that was possible.”