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Shots fired on Parliament Hill, soldier shot at National War Memorial (Canada)

Yep, ignore the facts, ignore the information, ignore the topic, just attack the messenger.

Here is a fascinating article talking about the global warming tactic of attacking the messenger, and how Ted Koppel refused to adopt that tactic. (This is why I miss Koppel and Tim Russert so much. The intellectual midgets who replaced them are an embarrassment to journalism.)

Koppel evidently felt used by Gore, saying, “In fairness, though, you should know that Fred Singer taught environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, that he was the deputy administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency during the Nixon Administration, and from 1987 to 1989 was chief scientist at the U.S. Department of Transportation. You can see where this is going. If you agree with Fred Singer’s views on the environment, you point to his more impressive credentials. If you don’t, it’s Fred Singer and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.”

At the end of the Nightline feature, Koppel pointedly rebuked Gore’s recruitment to a hatchet job, concluding, “The measure of good science is neither the politics of the scientist nor the people with whom the scientist associates. It is the immersion of hypotheses into the acid of truth. That’s the hard way to do it, but it’s the only way that works.”


The vile tactic of accusing one's ideological adversary of following some extremist religious zealot, or receiving funding from some nefarious group, is a tactic that has been around for a long time, but may have been perfected by Hitler. Hitler implemented the following propaganda tactics to advance his ideology:

• Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.
• Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
• Give only one side of the argument.
• Continuously criticize your opponents.
• Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification.

Ask yourself ... how many apply to global warming? Islamoterrorism?

Does it make you uncomfortable, at all, that your tactics are a model of the propaganda techniques used by Hitler?
Holy **** 21!

Did you actually read that stuff? Some interweb poster (you?), strung together a bunch of her comments, related her without proof to some horror in the past and then effectively slandered her.
How can you even put forth this crap? You refuse to refute her argument, yet feel compelled to defeat her with a (poor) character assassination?

Brigitte 1
21Steelers 0

and she didn't even know there was a contest.
Meanwhile, 21 is a Muslim apologist and sympathizer...he hates America and feels a sense of pity for Muslims, understanding their rage and hatred. His 3 daughters attempted to slip out of HS and join ISIS....

This is how this **** starts.
Fallen Canadian Soldier's Dogs Spotted Waiting for His Return

Indy, don't worry about travelling to Montreal: just sped most of your time on Crescent St. Are you going to Montebello or Tremblant? No worries, you're safe in either place.

I am staying just a block or so off of Crescent. I have to see a customer in Alexandria ONT Wednesday. No time for Tremblant but I want to go there and also Quebec City. My plan for Tuesday is to have dinner in Old Montreal and then barhop Crescent. And smoke a tasty Cuban. I can't believe this is 2014 and we still can't get real a freaking Montecristo here.
I am staying just a block or so off of Crescent. I have to see a customer in Alexandria ONT Wednesday. No time for Tremblant but I want to go there and also Quebec City. My plan for Tuesday is to have dinner in Old Montreal and then barhop Crescent. And smoke a tasty Cuban. I can't believe this is 2014 and we still can't get real a freaking Montecristo here.

Don't forget to top it off at Club SuperSex. I always get the soup.
Fallen Canadian Soldier's Dogs Spotted Waiting for His Return


That is heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking.
That's one of the saddest things I've seen in a while. Maybe I'm getting maudlin in my later years but that picture actually chokes me up.

yep - me too

Lone Wolf Terrorism


Militant Islamists don't just hate George Bush, baseball, and apple pie, they hate Canadians too. Islamists hate as a fundamental characteristic, and that hate is driven by the orthodox doctrines of their bestial death-cult. They even hate Barack Obama. Despite his world-wide apology tour and his dutiful obeisance to all things Islam, the violent jihadists continue to wage war against the Great Satan. It matters not if his face is white or black, the American Devil refuses to bow the knee to sharia law and the prophet of Islam—this is all the reason they need for hate.

Even if you bought the load of bovine excrement that Obama shoveled during the 2008 election campaign, felt the pangs of white guilt or imperialist remorse, and cast your atoning vote for the transformative icon, beaming with messianic glory—slimy cave trolls like Nidal Hasan, Alton Nolan, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, and Zale Thompson hate you too.

The Canadians have reacted to this act of barbarity in a manner that is ennobling in the face of such tragedy. The Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, has acknowledged, unequivocally, the true nature of the menace and has, therefore, provided a rational and moral basis for meeting out justice in form and proportion equal to the real threat. He is a stark contrast to the mealy-mouthed Obama who natters while enthralled in befuddlement. Obama can’t quite get his head around the fact that jihadists won’t be charmed into submission or talked into surrender.

Harper isn’t cowering impotently behind the Obama administration's term of art, "workplace violence." A purely political artifice made ghastly because it defames the victims and the heroes who acted in the face of Nidal Hasan's terroristic rampage.

The "workplace violence" pseudonym is a loin cloth that Obama clutches before his naked impotence.

Clearly, Obama and his party don’t have any answers. Despite Obama’s promises of transparency in 2008, his administration is riddled with corruption and scandal. Despite Obama’s globe trotting junket of apology and appeasement, the threat of Islamist terror is greater now than ever. The Canadians are getting this one right because their government is not at cross purposes with their national interest.

Terrorists continue to evolve their tactics to suit an ever changing operational environment. Obama is either too stupid or too doctrinaire to recognize the threat and as long as his party remains in power, America will continue to suffer the humiliation of retreat.

Hell of an article Spike. And right on point. How can we fight terrorism in the courts? The scum know that as long as we try to they will win. The ultimate appeasement.