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Slick Dick Rick Maddow CONFIRMS the obvious - Trump is rich and paid taxes

All this proves is that in 2005, Trump was rich and paid taxes. There are 11 returns since that may say other things.

What happened in 1995 is what allowed him to NOT pay his fair share. That's where the cheating is.
And that meme PERFECTLY describes the deluded Reich Wing circle jerk you people have going here.

au contraire, Sheldon Cooper.
no one here watches Rick Maddow.
What happened in 1995 is what allowed him to NOT pay his fair share. That's where the cheating is.

"I would like to electrocute everyone who uses the word 'fair' in connection with income tax policies."

/s William F. Buckley, Jr.
"I would like to electrocute everyone who uses the word 'fair' in connection with income tax policies."

/s William F. Buckley, Jr.

I loved Buckley...he was the brightest "CONservative intellectual" of his time. Here's what it looks like when he runs into a progressive far smarter than he. Of course sensing the intellectual beating he's about to take he immediately runs to violence and the bullying strategy to open with.

What really pisses me off now is Sanders makes more money than me but pays a lesser percentage on his taxes than me AND and owns three friggin' houses on a $200K salary. The last one he just purchased is on an island. REALLY BERNIE....REALLY!?!?!?!?!

I make 12000 a year. 24000 a year if you include alimony. This year, because I had a higher alimony than what the court finally decided on, I owe 4 GRAND. Without the alimony, I would be on welfare. So Bernie....tell me again about YOUR fair share....
My first thought was that The Donald set her up.

Yes, I think the only obvious thing is that Trump leaked his own most "favorable" tax return. Maddow is an idiot for not realizing there wasn't anything controversial about it ad ignoring it. However, now people can ask Trump, why not disclose the rest of them?
Yes, I think the only obvious thing is that Trump leaked his own most "favorable" tax return. Maddow is an idiot for not realizing there wasn't anything controversial about it ad ignoring it. However, now people can ask Trump, why not disclose the rest of them?

Yeah, because Ocommies tax return in Kenya showed assets of two chickens and a coconut.
Trump now officially owns the MSM, and will continuously show them to be the propogandists that they are. It is fun watching.

BTW, have you noticed that the whole veilled notion of fairness and objectivity in the media is a thing of the past.
Trump now officially owns the MSM, and will continuously show them to be the propogandists that they are. It is fun watching.

BTW, have you noticed that the whole veilled notion of fairness and objectivity in the media is a thing of the past.

The MSM doesn't even try to hide its bias anymore. Not that they did before, but now they don't try to cover it up.
The MSM doesn't even try to hide its bias anymore. Not that they did before, but now they don't try to cover it up.

LOL! What? So they either did or they didn't, unless they didn't before, but now they don't.
LOL! What? So they either did or they didn't, unless they didn't before, but now they don't.

Ok I didn't word that well. Sue me. It was at 4:15 am when I typed it. What I meant was- they used to deny they were biased (which they were). Now they don't deny the bias and parade it around like a trophy. Caffeine does wonders for the brain.
LOL! What? So they either did or they didn't, unless they didn't before, but now they don't.


Madcow getting roasted

Ok I didn't word that well. Sue me. It was at 4:15 am when I typed it. What I meant was- they used to deny they were biased (which they were). Now they don't deny the bias and parade it around like a trophy. Caffeine does wonders for the brain.

Don't worry, that's Trog's game. He brings no substance. Instead he tries tripping people up. You'll notice this by the fact that the bulk of his replies in threads aren't statements, they are questions.
I make 12000 a year. 24000 a year if you include alimony. This year, because I had a higher alimony than what the court finally decided on, I owe 4 GRAND. Without the alimony, I would be on welfare. So Bernie....tell me again about YOUR fair share....
this is what i dont understand...you dissolved a christian marriage between man and woman so you can get in touch with your feminine side and let your lesbian flow.
shouldn't the previous administration have been fawning all over you, giving you tax credits? clam credits, if you will.
Ok I didn't word that well. Sue me. It was at 4:15 am when I typed it. What I meant was- they used to deny they were biased (which they were). Now they don't deny the bias and parade it around like a trophy. Caffeine does wonders for the brain.

Yes. Journalists now finally admitting it is their duty to demonize the right.

And that is the scary part of liberalism.

They vehemently deny and argue until blue in the face, but when evidence becomes more and more apparent their reaction is "so what"? or "who cares?"

Vehemently denied Obama is a socialist, but when the evidence became more and more evident their attitude became "so what?...socialism could be a good thing it was just never applied correctly".

I clearly remember back in the 90's, and even after 911 liberals vehemently arguing that Muslim extremism was in no way a threat, that it was over sensationalized....but after all the terrorist acts, executions, suicide bombings, beheadings, kidnappings, the rapes, that have taken place since....the libucks attitude now is "so what"?...Christians do bad stuff too...the KKK,..and lest we forget "THE CRUSADES"...oh and white people rape too ya know!

A liberal will never admit to be wrong about anything, plain and simple.
Don't worry, that's Trog's game. He brings no substance. Instead he tries tripping people up. You'll notice this by the fact that the bulk of his replies in threads aren't statements, they are questions.

And the typical Libtard move of taking everything literally.
"Ah-HA! You forgot a comma. Therefore your entire point is invalid."

this is what i dont understand...you dissolved a christian marriage between man and woman so you can get in touch with your feminine side and let your lesbian flow.
shouldn't the previous administration have been fawning all over you, giving you tax credits? clam credits, if you will.
Actually we're still operating under Bammy's tax rules and loopholes. I'm thinking put some pink flamingos in your yard and ask for a green energy subsidy.
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Can''t stop laughing

Rachel Maddow’s Trump ‘bombshell’ completely backfired

Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you. Then there’s Rachel Maddow, who stuck her head in the bear’s mouth while talking trash. Chomp!

It wouldn’t be fair to call her Tuesday night show the TV flop seen ’round the world. It was worse than that. Much worse.

It was a gut-punch embarrassment to Maddow, to MSNBC, to NBC and to all the lefties who bought her afternoon tweet that “We’ve got Trump tax returns.” Were she selling stocks, she’d be busted for running a pump-and-dump scam.

Yet for hours, between her boast and the actual show, Maddow launched a million fantasies. The anti-Trumpers had to be salivating, imagining that the big scoop would finally reveal the president as a tax cheat and liar, a filthy parasite on hardworking taxpayers.

It wouldn’t be fair to call her Tuesday night show the TV flop seen ’round the world. It was worse than that. Much worse. It was a gut-punch embarrassment to Maddow, to MSNBC, to NBC and to all the lefties who bought her afternoon tweet that “We’ve got Trump tax returns.”

Were she selling stocks, she’d be busted for running a pump-and-dump scam. Her scoop, courtesy of journalist David Cay Johnston, was two pages from Trump’s 2005 federal return. It showed income of $153 million, and a tax payment of $38 million.

Can''t stop laughing

Rachel Maddow’s Trump ‘bombshell’ completely backfired

Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you. Then there’s Rachel Maddow, who stuck her head in the bear’s mouth while talking trash. Chomp!

It wouldn’t be fair to call her Tuesday night show the TV flop seen ’round the world. It was worse than that. Much worse.

It was a gut-punch embarrassment to Maddow, to MSNBC, to NBC and to all the lefties who bought her afternoon tweet that “We’ve got Trump tax returns.” Were she selling stocks, she’d be busted for running a pump-and-dump scam.

Yet for hours, between her boast and the actual show, Maddow launched a million fantasies. The anti-Trumpers had to be salivating, imagining that the big scoop would finally reveal the president as a tax cheat and liar, a filthy parasite on hardworking taxpayers.

It wouldn’t be fair to call her Tuesday night show the TV flop seen ’round the world. It was worse than that. Much worse. It was a gut-punch embarrassment to Maddow, to MSNBC, to NBC and to all the lefties who bought her afternoon tweet that “We’ve got Trump tax returns.”

Were she selling stocks, she’d be busted for running a pump-and-dump scam. Her scoop, courtesy of journalist David Cay Johnston, was two pages from Trump’s 2005 federal return. It showed income of $153 million, and a tax payment of $38 million.


This might be a bigger flop than Geraldo opening Capone's Vault.
Don't worry, that's Trog's game. He brings no substance. Instead he tries tripping people up. You'll notice this by the fact that the bulk of his replies in threads aren't statements, they are questions.

If your statements have substance, you should welcome questions. If they don't, questions will cause you much anxiety. Just ask Sean Spicer!

(especially in prehistoric times) a person who lived in a cave.
a hermit.
a person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned.

deliberately igorant
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