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Stages of Grief: Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost


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Apr 20, 2014
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A select group of top Democratic Party strategists have used new data about last year’s presidential election to reach a startling conclusion about why Hillary Clinton lost. Now they just need to persuade the rest of the party they’re right.

Many Democrats have a shorthand explanation for Clinton’s defeat: Her base didn’t turn out, Donald Trump’s did and the difference was too much to overcome.

But new information shows that Clinton had a much bigger problem with voters who had supported President Barack Obama in 2012 but backed Trump four years later.

Those Obama-Trump voters, in fact, effectively accounted for more than two-thirds of the reason Clinton lost, according to Matt Canter, a senior vice president of the Democratic political firm Global Strategy Group. In his group’s analysis, about 70 percent of Clinton’s failure to reach Obama’s vote total in 2012 was because she lost these voters



B b but

The Russians!

The Russians!!!

The Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahahahaha - libs heads aploding!
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Pollster: Democrats Behaving Badly Will Hurt The Party’s Chances in 2018
“It doesn’t matter how much we scream and holler about jobs and the economy at the local level. Our national leaders still don’t get it,” said David Betras, the county’s party chair. “While Trump is talking about trade and jobs, they’re still obsessing about which bathrooms people should be allowed to go into.”

The poll noted that the new findings show the Democratic Party is getting worse in the minds of most Americans.

A March 2014 poll found that 48 percent of Americans said the Democratic Party was out of touch.

The poll found that since that time, the “out of touch” assessment rose 33 points among liberals, 30 points among both Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents and 26 points among moderates and non-whites.

A recent analysis about the Democratic Party from Bryan English of the Conservative Action Network noted that Democrats are “running scared from an angry base that is too small to win national general elections, but plenty large enough to dictate the outcome of Democrat primaries. The result is a downward spiral into a radical abyss that could have long lasting negative ramifications.”

“As the Democrat party lurched left over the last several decades, their active base has simultaneously become smaller and more radical,” he noted, later adding that, “Democrat leaders in Congress are hopelessly afraid of their own base.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who lost the party’s nomination to Hillary Clinton, has been making that case for some time.

“Look, you can’t simply go around to wealthy people’s homes raising money and expect to win elections,” Sanders said earlier this year. “You’ve got to go out and mix it up and be with ordinary people.”

“I happen to believe that the Democratic Party has been not doing a good job in terms of communicating with people in cities, in towns and in rural America, all over this country,” he said.

The ABC/Washington Post poll found that 58 percent of those surveyed said President Donald Trump was out of touch, while 62 percent said the same thing about the Republican Party.
The poll noted that the new findings show the Democratic Party is getting worse in the minds of most Americans.

Those dam reptilians....er...I mean democrats. It's all Russia's fault, it the mailmans fault, the neighbors fault. Lol. Libs
Those dam reptilians....er...I mean democrats. It's all Russia's fault, it the mailmans fault, the neighbors fault. Lol. Libs

May as well throw Bush in there, it was Bush's fault too.

Truthfully, if blame is to go to someone other than Hillary herself, then it must go to B. Hussein Obama. This election was the repudiation of Obama and his policies, that which leftists will never admit to
Maybe it's because she is gutter trash scum of the earth unworthy of any public office whatsoever. She should be in prison.

....and I don't vote for democrats ...EVER.
The article nails it.

The Democratic party is SUPPOSED to be the party of the working middle class (color has NOTHING to do with the working middle class). But the Democratic party has precisely as they say "lurched left" to become a minority party in the extreme and I would not be surprised to find that the leaders ARE afraid of their base and their own constituents as they cannot even begin to understand the minuscule minority base they've sold their soul to in order to seem like zealots for the "under represented".

Ironically, they've abandoned their own core base to the Republican party who gladly scooped them up and has now built a power base that will be difficult to overcome for years.
The article nails it.

The Democratic party is SUPPOSED to be the party of the working middle class (color has NOTHING to do with the working middle class). But the Democratic party has precisely as they say "lurched left" to become a minority party in the extreme and I would not be surprised to find that the leaders ARE afraid of their base and their own constituents as they cannot even begin to understand the minuscule minority base they've sold their soul to in order to seem like zealots for the "under represented".

Ironically, they've abandoned their own core base to the Republican party who gladly scooped them up and has now built a power base that will be difficult to overcome for years.

The Dem's new base is loud and active but not that large.
The Dem's new base is loud and active but not that large.

They are all fractured..and it's their "leaders" doing it!

Bernie attacking Hillary, Liz attacking Obama - it's a circular firing squad! hahahahahah

Elizabeth Warren calls out Obama and Democrats for losing way on economy



Elizabeth Warren says economic gains of Obama era have ‘giant blind spots’



Bernie Sanders says Trump voters aren’t 'deplorable' in jab aimed at Clinton camp

They are all fractured..and it's their "leaders" doing it!

Bernie attacking Hillary, Liz attacking Obama - it's a circular firing squad! hahahahahah

Elizabeth Warren calls out Obama and Democrats for losing way on economy



Elizabeth Warren says economic gains of Obama era have ‘giant blind spots’



Bernie Sanders says Trump voters aren’t 'deplorable' in jab aimed at Clinton camp


Yet all you're hearing from the media is that the Trump administration is in turmoil.
When they attached themselves so much to the minority and "harmed" classes of society and promised them reparations (in many shapes and forms), they sold out the working class. The two ideologies are not compatible anymore because there is just too big a group of moochers off the government tit. The democrats only hope is to continue to grow the government dependent group, make government bigger and continue the cycle of "creating" voters through immigration policy and social services.

The problem with this group however is they don't often vote and their turnout is haphazard at best and very hard to predict at worst.

Bernie tapped into a new demographic of college educated Euro-socialists but I'm not sure how big that group really is or how strong they will support traditional social service and minority-ruled policies. Just like the Republicans sort of have the new Trumpian Nationalist party that has to blend with the social-conservative religious right and the libertarian/Tea Party crowd, the Democrats have to find a way to merge (in spoken policy and platform) the new Euro-Socialists with the minority left.

Personally, I just think the minority left is a ******* selfish bunch that doesn't even want to share with Euro-socialist ideals and voters. They hate not being the loudest voice in the room and pout every time any issue or platform isn't about them.
The Dem's new base is loud and active but not that large.

That's a key point. They have taken over mainstream and social media so it seems like they have huge numbers but this election proved they don't.

Just think of the non stop barrage of of insults hurled at Trump for over a year. Non stop positive coverage of HIllary and still she lost. That shows you what a landslide it would have been if media was even semi fair.

This is why censorship is now a feature of the left. The elites know that they are a small minority and their only chance is to convince people that they are the majority.

Take the trans bathroom issue. I guarantee you that the vast majority of people do not want men using a women's shower. But through media, they have made it seem like anybody who dares go against that agenda will be tared and feathered by an angry public. That's how they convince weak CEOs and Leader's like the NBA commissioner and various advertisers to shun North Carolina lest nobody buy their products.

Look what happened when Chick-Fil-A refused to cave to pressure...Nothing! Because it's all WIzard of Oz man behind a curtain.
Bernie tapped into a new demographic of college educated Euro-socialists but I'm not sure how big that group really is or how strong they will support traditional social service and minority-ruled policies. .

Personally, I just think the minority left is a ******* selfish bunch that doesn't even want to share with Euro-socialist ideals and voters. They hate not being the loudest voice in the room and pout every time any issue or platform isn't about them.

It's hard to fathom how some of our yout could have lost touch of reality so easily.


What she really wanted to say that it was a "vast right wing conspiracy"

Its in the DNA of leftists. From those at the top down to those the bottom. Whatever situation or problem arises...take no responsibility. Its always the fault of someone else.
Last edited:
What she really wanted to say that it was a "vast right wing conspiracy"

Its in the DNA of leftists. From those at the top down to those the bottom. Whatever situation or problem arises...take no responsibility. Its always the fault of someone else.

To this point....
1. There is no evidence that the Russians hacked anything. The new book coming out about the Hildebeast campaign says that it's a narrative they made up to excuse her loss.
2. If anything did get hacked, it was Hildebeast and John Podesta's emails...which so far NO ONE has denied that the content was untrue. If Hildebeast was using a government email like the law says the Sec of State is supposed to, then this problem doesn't occur. If Podesta had used a better password than "password1" and doesn't fall for a phishing scam, then this problem doesn't occur.
Throw another log on the fire

Biden: "I Never Thought Hillary Was The Correct Candidate"

Former Vice President Joe Biden had harsh words for former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Thursday night.

“I never thought she was the correct candidate,” Biden said at the SALT conference in Las Vegas, according to Fusion reporter Hamilton Nolan. “I thought I was the correct candidate.”



Dems keep going down in flames
Throw another log on the fire

Biden: "I Never Thought Hillary Was The Correct Candidate"

Former Vice President Joe Biden had harsh words for former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Thursday night.

“I never thought she was the correct candidate,” Biden said at the SALT conference in Las Vegas, according to Fusion reporter Hamilton Nolan. “I thought I was the correct candidate.”



Dems keep going down in flames

Uncle Joe was smart enough to know he didn't want to get assassinated.
Uncle Joe was smart enough to know he didn't want to get assassinated.

It would have been an accident. Creeper Joe would have accidentally strangled on his bathrobe sash while attempting to swim nude in his swimming pool in front of a female secret service agent.