Football is the current-day gladiator sport. We're the spectators, they're the participants who get paid millions to play a game. Despite that, and riches and fame aside, they're dudes with families, like us.
I vaguely recall the Darryl Stingley hit that paralyzed him for life, and Joe Theisman's injury (this weekend's Texas Tech LB injury was very reminiscent of that), and you ain't human if you didn't feel horrible for those dudes, fan or not. I vehemently dislike the Cowboys, but I remember when an Eagles defender planted Michael Irvin head first into the turf, ending Irvin's career; it didn't feel right to cheer it. To this day, I have a negative view of Irvin, but hoping for injury on anyone is cruel, harsh, and rather sadistic, if you ask me.