Definately, not the sterio-typical people that society projects. Seriously poor but VERY hard working people who believe in GOD. I was walking along in the village and this parrot was sitting in this door window. I stopped and started talking to the bird and it was pretty kewl inter-action. The very old woman came to the door & neither of us spoke either's language. We hand signaled and talked with smiles etc.
You are right about don't drink the water because in all homes they buy bulk bottled water ( not little bottled plastic, 25gal jars) and it cost them money. She saw I was out of water and insisted to fill my bottle,..... how much more kind could one be. (yes I forcefully made her take 100 peso) but her act was done with no payment in mind.
When I became a STEELERS fan it was 1968. I grew up with the "TRUE" steelers way. Hard working lunch bucket team. It meant something more than the game itself. Up until about 10years ago this started to change.
MANY here know exactly what I am talking about and for those to young to have lived it can only read / learn from those who have. When Art Sr. had the team and they were perinial losers even then the Team posed that workman like TOUGH grit lunch-pail representation.
I plumbed (1996)a detroit lions LB's house who was on the chanmpionship teams of the 50's, he told me the one thing about the PITTSBURGH STEELERS was he always dreaded playing them. He said it wasn't the win / loss part of the game but it was the beating they took physically everytime they played. Other teams as well felt the same way. He said it was the general concensus around the league.
That physicality of the STEELERS is no longer a factor, the team is SOFT like it or not.
I will always be loyal and fanatic for my STEELERS but also see a changing of the gaurd to lower expectations and weak-***.
Salute the nation