Hi every one! Mexican fan here.
If any of you would like to know why the Steelers are so popular here in México it's because the two major networks started broadcasting NFL games back in the 70's. One of them had the AFC rights and the other one the NFC's, also that's why here there is a big rivalry between Steelers and Cowboys fans. Some other popular teams are the dolphins, raiders, niners for the same reason.
Before the Internet days though, there was little information about everything related. I bought magazines like two weeks after the draft to see who the new Steelers were. I remember a sad day for me when I found out my favorite Steeler, Greg Lloyd, wasn't on the team anymore. I found out when I didn't see him in the opening game lol.
I found this site about 2009 I guess. Rarely post something here but about 80% of my football knowledge comes from you guys. I love reading about who you think we should draft and watching their hightlights. Also the comments after the games.
There will be Steelers fans here for a while. My father had the chance to go to the sb against the Rams and brought me Steelers gear, that's when it really started for me. My father and I spent countlesss sundays watching steelers games. That was a special bond for us. So much that when I had the chance to go to Detroitto to watch the champions again, I called him from the stadium and started crying telling him how I wish he was there with me. He was already diagnosed with cáncer and passed away a few monts later. He had a terrible towel in his bed that I brought him.
I also have had the chance to attend NFL games in different cities. But the time of my life was tailgaiting at Heinz Field. Met a lot of great people and loved the great City of Pittsburgh. I hope someday can take my kid over there who by the way is already a Steeler fan.