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Steelers-Titans game thread. #GiveUsAnEarlyXmasGiftShit

Play calling is atrocious as usual. You play to ******* win, not run a few seconds off the clock. A TD there ends the game. Instead, we run twice behind the worst line in the NFL and then call a pass behind the LOS on third and long. WTF!
Our DBs tackle high and get carried. Then try to strip the ball.
Play calling is atrocious as usual. You play to ******* win, not run a few seconds off the clock. A TD there ends the game. Instead, we run twice behind the worst line in the NFL and then call a pass behind the LOS on third and long. WTF!
This....10 times this. You have a chance for a kill shot and you run, run, pass.
i don't know why any teams throws vs the steelers. Just run every single play. Go for every 4th down. No way the steelers stop anybody from getting 10 yards on 4 rush attempts.
And, I'm really tired of Romo calling games at Heinz as if the visiting team were the home team.
***** Romo
Tomlins defense is built to stop the quick pass… it’s useless against the power run
Quick pass? Teams pass quick short long fast slow and what ever other pass they want against us.
And the D is letting them go right down the field. I doubt we can get another TO but we will need one.
I love how we just give that 5 yards underneath......just give it to them.
That was a dumb timeout.....IF you stop them they get a free timeout at 2minute warning.
Horrible gang tackling there. Horrible.
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