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Steelers vs Ravens

Now, it's over. I know the team looks great when Ben, Bell and Brown are playing at their best. But, they do it in spite of Haley. I still think he needs to go. The preparation and play calling today is all on him and Tomlin. They came into this game trying not to lose. You can not do that in the playoffs even if you are missing a starter. This is absolutely pitiful coaching and D.

Get the pitch forks out....the problem is Ben always has been always will be. He is able to get rid of the ball quickly when guys are uncovered the Ravens DB's are jamming our guys and Ben is no Brady. HAley's O makes him look better than the sandlot player he is.
Wow hard to believe we are going to lay an egg like this.....this game is getting hard to watch without wanting to break something!!!!! Omg
Yes but we need 2 TD's to win while stopping them from scoring again. I don't see that happening. They will probably run it down our throats on this drive.
BAL are playing with house money and they are not afraid of us at HF. They knew taking Bell away was their trump card.
You can point to 10 things that cost the Steelers. The list is long. They are getting housed at home by a ****** team. Sad.
It sucks for the season to end this way to THAT team.

Yep I would hurt but I could tolerate a loss to someone else, hate losing to these purple douchebags.
Look at his screen name
What ??!!! We have our best scoring output in decades and you have a problem with Haley ? We were top five or six in scoring, top three in total offense and you say you have a problem with Haley in a game thats not over yet ?

You folks are some real winners/whiners
I knew we may not win, I at least thought we'd put up a good fight.
yah you are right shows that Bell was the deserving MVP after all.....Ben hasn't even given our receivers chances...nor has the OLINE....getting dominant at both lines of scrimmages
why are we not trying some 12-18 yard slants? looks like the middle is open

Look, you just don't understand setting the d up, if it's 3rd and 8 , you can't throw a 12 yd slant. You either throw a 3 yd pass to archer, or chuck it into double coverage 50 yds down field.

Haley is paid how much money? He's got to be smarter than you
They are doing everything on offense n defense
This is EXACTLY why Ben get's no consideration for MVP, he doesn't deserve it, PERIOD. Just goes to to show Bell was and is the MVP on this team
The game is won in the trenches. The Ravens front seven is waaay better than our front seven. They are hiding the deficiencies of their scondary. Our front seven and back end are equally inept. That is the difference.

100 percent true
And, they're already nearing FG territory. Game ends even with a FG.
Look, you just don't understand setting the d up, if it's 3rd and 8 , you can't throw a 12 yd slant. You either throw a 3 yd pass to archer, or chuck it into double coverage 50 yds down field.

Haley is paid how much money? He's got to be smarter than you

that is what concerns me.....I have never played one down of real football and I can see stuff that our coaches cannot....sigh
Raven's MVP... Mr. reggie nelson.
Yeah cause tomlinlets ben make his own calls inspite of that idiot. Do you watch every game? You'd easily see the change in tempo when ben goes on his own
So close!!!!! Oh that would have been a game changer!!!!