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Stop me if you've heard this before...Illegal Immigrant Assaults and Rapes Granny

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Another benefit of sanctuary cities...


ICE not alerted when sex assault suspect released from jail in 2016, official says

PORTLAND, Ore. -- A man accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman's home, sexually assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police.

Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood.

According to court documents filed in March 2017, Martinez has a history of illegal entry into the United States. He has been a transient in the Portland area for more than a year and has been deported 20 times.

Martinez has at least five probation violations for re-entering the United States. His most recent removal was in November 2016, according to the March court documents.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lodged an immigration detainer against Martinez, asking authorities to notify them before releasing Martinez to allow ICE to take him into custody. The Department of Homeland Security said a detainer was requested for Martinez in December 2016, but he was released into the community and authorities did not notify ICE.

Earlier this year, Multnomah County leaders and Sheriff Mike Reese wrote a letter to the community saying, "The Sheriff's Office does not hold people in county jails on ICE detainers or conduct any immigration enforcement actions."
Earlier this year, Multnomah County leaders and Sheriff Mike Reese wrote a letter to the community saying, "The Sheriff's Office does not hold people in county jails on ICE detainers or conduct any immigration enforcement actions."

I hope an illegal rapes his daughter.
I hope an illegal rapes his daughter.

He would change his tune then. The guy has been deported 20 times. Anyone bitching about a wall can **** off. I'd beat that guy to within an inch of his life and deport him again. Come back and we put you in the ground. Enough of this bullshit.
He would change his tune then. The guy has been deported 20 times. Anyone bitching about a wall can **** off. I'd beat that guy to within an inch of his life and deport him again. Come back and we put you in the ground. Enough of this bullshit.

This is why we should be able to shoot illegal border crossers. Otherwise they either come back or we have to jail them at our expense.
I hope an illegal rapes his daughter.

It wouldn't change his stance. The party is more important than the individual. FORWARD COMRADES!
This is why we should be able to shoot illegal border crossers. Otherwise they either come back or we have to jail them at our expense.

Oh yeah. You start shooting them and it will drop to all time record lows. You may see the drug cartels and gangs step up for a little border war.which would be win win for us.
I'm so tired of hearing about this ****. I wish you alt-right fascist cucks would understand that 110% of all illegal immigrants come here seeking to better themselves and send money back to their families. if the guy had crossed the border 20 times previously, he's now an American citizen. He's assimiliated into our culture and is acting accordingly. We need to adjust our laws to accommodate his culture.

< slams laptop on the floor >
I'm so tired of hearing about this ****. I wish you alt-right fascist cucks would understand that 110% of all illegal immigrants come here seeking to better themselves and send money back to their families. if the guy had crossed the border 20 times previously, he's now an American citizen. He's assimiliated into our culture and is acting accordingly. We need to adjust our laws to accommodate his culture.

< slams laptop on the floor >

I think I saw that shtick on CNN last night...or was it MSNBC ?
I'm so tired of hearing about this ****. I wish you alt-right fascist cucks would understand that 110% of all illegal immigrants come here seeking to better themselves and send money back to their families. if the guy had crossed the border 20 times previously, he's now an American citizen. He's assimiliated into our culture and is acting accordingly. We need to adjust our laws to accommodate his culture.

< slams laptop on the floor >

Exactly Supe. Except the only problem I have with this guy is he's taking a raping gig from an American who would be more than willing to do it.

And we all know which racial group in this country specializes in granny raping and things like killing women and later eating their body parts? Right Supe?
Exactly Supe. Except the only problem I have with this guy is he's taking a raping gig from an American who would be more than willing to do it.

And we all know which racial group in this country specializes in granny raping and things like killing women and later eating their body parts? Right Supe?

I see what you are trying to do Elfie. But you make one mistake: This was one that could have been prevented if this border jumper had been put in prison like the law demands for repeat border jumping offenders. Because some one else may break the law is no reason to stop enforcing it.
Exactly Supe. Except the only problem I have with this guy is he's taking a raping gig from an American who would be more than willing to do it.

And we all know which racial group in this country specializes in granny raping and things like killing women and later eating their body parts? Right Supe?

so now instead of having ONE rapist (in your hypothetical), we have two.
thus, the problem is doubled.
surely you underst.... nah. you don't.
Exactly Supe. Except the only problem I have with this guy is he's taking a raping gig from an American who would be more than willing to do it.

And we all know which racial group in this country specializes in granny raping and things like killing women and later eating their body parts? Right Supe?

You are damn near too ******* stupid to merit wasting bandwidth. The following is in fact your "argument":

Oh, [x] ethnic group commits rapes and murders? Well, I guess we need to let in [y] ethnic group as illegal immigrants group to commit rapes and murders then.

Yes, your argument is in fact that stupid.
**** all y'all racists who don't see the benefits of the diversity that he brings to our great nation.
You are damn near too ******* stupid to merit wasting bandwidth. The following is in fact your "argument":

Oh, [x] ethnic group commits rapes and murders? Well, I guess we need to let in [y] ethnic group as illegal immigrants group to commit rapes and murders then.

Yes, your argument is in fact that stupid.

No idiot; Group y does not merely engage in rape or any other crime as it's sole activity.

Nor does group y commit crimes at a higher rate than any other group, in fact the opposite is true.

The whole point of this thread is to reinforce your twisted CONservative racist worldview, and that makes you , the thread starter , and everyone here supporting it a racist POS.
so now instead of having ONE rapist (in your hypothetical), we have two.
thus, the problem is doubled.
surely you underst.... nah. you don't.

So when will you mention the 8 billion dollars undocumented workers put into S.S. yearly (and never collect) to keep your grandmas check coming every month....surely you...nah I forgot you're a racist POS that's not interested in facts.
This is why we should be able to shoot illegal border crossers. Otherwise they either come back or we have to jail them at our expense.

What needs to be added when it comes to describing the evil that the Reich Wing possesses?......nothing, nothing at all.
So when will you mention the 8 billion dollars undocumented workers put into S.S. yearly (and never collect) to keep your grandmas check coming every month....surely you...nah I forgot you're a racist POS that's not interested in facts.

All my grandparents are dead. Worked all their lives and collected SS that they paid into the system - despite the incessant " borrowing" from the program.

Those 8 billion paid in do not eclipse the money spent housing, feeding, clothing, educating, their ebt cards, etc
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What needs to be added when it comes to describing the evil that the Reich Wing possesses?......nothing, nothing at all.

Stay in your own country and it's not a problem. We don't owe anybody anything and have no reason to let other people in, especially third-world landscapers and dishwashers.
Elfie wants to steal from immigrants? Now who is the ******* racist?
This is a clear indictment of our public education system. Somehow.
No idiot; Group y does not merely engage in rape or any other crime as it's sole activity.

Nor does group y commit crimes at a higher rate than any other group, in fact the opposite is true.

The whole point of this thread is to reinforce your twisted CONservative racist worldview, and that makes you , the thread starter , and everyone here supporting it a racist POS.

Jane, you ignorant slut.

The guy had been deported 20 times. Idiot.

He was here again illegally, and immune from ICE handling under the Bammy regime and "sanctuary cities," including Portland, you moronic buttwipe.

He rapes a US citizen due to those factors, *****-lick.

One more rape due to illegal immigration, buttnozzle.

Want me to link the dozens and dozens of reports of illegals committing horrible crimes against Americans, like I did last year and humiliate your shriveled, dried-up uterus yet again?
Those 8 billion paid in do not eclipse the money spent housing, feeding, clothing, educating, their ebt cards, etc

elftard is too stupid to acknowledge that illegals cost VASTLY more than they contribute:

With an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., that $11.6 billion comes to about $1,050 per person, which The Latin Post hails as "lots of taxes." In fact, it's less than the average paid by citizens in even the lowest-tax states, such as Tennessee, where the average per capita state and local tax burden is $2,805, not to mention high tax areas, like Washington, D.C., where the figure is $7,540, according to data from the Tax Foundation. Media reports point out that illegals pay about 8% of their incomes in state and local taxes, compared with 5.4% for "the 1%," but ignore that average taxpayers, based on the Tax Foundation data, pay an average of 9.48%.

Well, sure, you might say, but once illegals get amnesty, they will contribute similar amounts as the rest of us, right? Actually, no.

Illegals have far less education than average Americans and correspondingly lower base incomes. Based on another study reported this week from two other center-left think tanks, if the U.S. handed out work permits, through a program such as Deferred Action For Parents Of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), it would add only 10% to illegals' incomes -- meaning, an additional $3,000 per capita, which would then see a small slice taken as state and local taxes, for a grand total of just $805 million to the government. It still wouldn't approach the average Tennessee local tax rates, cited above.

Illegal immigrants in fact absorb far more in benefits than they contribute. The Heritage Foundation in 2013 found that illegals contribute an average of $10,000 in total taxes (federal and payroll as well as local taxes) but use almost $24,000 in welfare and services, creating a net $14,000 per capita gain per illegal worker.

With benefits like that -- and a president determined to shower even more on them -- it's little wonder the world's impoverished feel the red carpet is out for them to come here illegally.

Steven A. Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, said Heritage understates actual welfare use by illegals by its use of the federal government's Current Population Survey. "In a more recent study where I looked at welfare use only (not taxes or other expense) using the much more accurate Survey of Income and Program Participation, I found that 62% of households headed by illegal immigrants used at least one major welfare program," Camarota told IBD via email.

"Bottom line, illegal immigrants have a 10th grade education on average," he said. "In the modern American economy people with that level of education tend to make modest wages and as result pay relatively little in taxes, at the same time they tend to use a lot in public services, regardless of legal status. In the case of illegals, they often receive benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children. If you had to put it in a bumper sticker it would be: 'there is a high cost to cheap labor.' "


And what about exercising the intellect God gave a caterpillar ... if these illegals are a financial boon, and profitable to the governments where they live and work, WHY THE **** WOULD MEXICO HAND OUT PAMPHLETS TELLING THESE ILLEGALS HOW TO CROSS THE BORDER ILLEGALLY?!?!?

And why the **** would the United States need to build a wall? If the illegals are such an economic benefit, MEXICO WOULD BUILD THE ******* WALL, RIGHT???

Arguing with elftard ... it's like reliving the Rodney King beating, only with Rodney popping up every few weeks to say, "Thank you sir, may I have another?"
As a kid growing up in southern AZ illegals were reported and deported. Their desperate, criminal entrance into the US was NOT celebrated, encouraged or promoted in any way. Our sovereignty is our strength. The dums dont want us strong. It's so maddening.
Liberals defend rapists!

News at 11!

Dem Senator Refuses To Discuss Constituent Raped By Illegal Immigrant

WASHINGTON — Democratic Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden on Tuesday blew off wanting to talk about an elderly constituent in his state who was raped by an illegal immigrant that was previously deported 20 times.

Wyden refused to answer The Daily Caller’s questions about the illegal immigrant accused of raping a 65-year-old woman at her Portland home and assaulting another female in the area. Portland is a sanctuary city.

“We’ll have more to say about that another time. Today is about taxes,” Wyden said, before he veered off to discuss issues pertaining to the Russia investigation.

The man charged with attacking the women on July 24, 31-year-old Sergio Martinez, was released by the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office one week before the attacks, according to a letter from Sheriff Mike Reese.
